When the first ray of sunlight in the morning shone on the top of the astronomy tower, Noah woke up leisurely from his sleep.

After struggling hard with sleepiness, he broke the seal of the quilt, sat up from the bed, and cast his blurred vision on the clock on the wall.

It’s still early, go ahead and get some sleep.

When Noah opened his eyes again, the hands on the clock were already pointing to the number”8″. 3

This scared Noah so much that he woke up instantly. 2

Fortunately, the first class starts at nine in the morning. 3

No, they, Slytherins, have no class at all this morning.

Noah let out a long sigh of relief after reacting.

It doesn’t matter even if there are classes, their Slytherin hall is on the basement floor, just one floor away from the restaurant.

There’s still an hour left, don’t panic at all.

Draco was still asleep in the next bed, and it was hard to believe that he was still alive and not dead.

Noah threw a pillow over casually

“Get up, you’re going to be late.”

No response.

He used the levitating spell to get the pillow back and threw it out again, but Malfoy still didn’t respond. Only then did Noah remember that when he and the Winter Soldier were fighting last night, he seemed to have knocked Malfoy unconscious.

So instead of using a pillow, he changed his clothes and walked over and shouted in his ear:”Harry Potter!”1Draco woke up instantly, lifted the quilt before opening his eyes, fumbled and sat up from the bed, with a hint of surprise in his tone.

“Harry is here! ?”

When he saw the unfamiliar ceiling and reacted, he realized that he had been fooled.

Harry had gone to Gryffindor, how could he come to the Slytherin common room at this time?

“Could you please stop making such boring jokes!”

A faint blush appeared on Draco’s pale face.

However, Noah had already started washing up in the bathroom and didn’t pay any attention to what he said.

After sitting on the bed in a daze for a long time, Draco touched himself The back of my neck said,”Hey, why does it hurt so much?……”

Noah spit out the foam in his mouth, walked out and stood at the door of the bathroom, pointing with the toothbrush in his hand at the torn curtain that he took off and threw on the sofa.

“You still have the nerve to say that you woke up last night and tore down the curtains on my bed while sleepwalking.”

“I wandered around the dormitory for a while, and finally banged my neck on a pillar. You’re lucky if you didn’t break your neck.”

Draco looked at the metal pillars used to hang the curtains next to the bed. The originally straight pillars had become bent due to force majeure, and his eyes widened in shock.

“Are you saying this was caused by me?”

How come he doesn’t know how powerful he is?

“Then who else could have done it?”Noah didn’t blush when he told lies, even though the pillar was bent by Bucky’s fist last night. He grinned and covered the back of his neck. Draco’s brain, which was full of mush, was barely running at idle speed. He kept thinking about how he could shake an iron pillar with his mortal body.

Noah wiped his face with a wet towel,”Okay, don’t think so much, get up and wash up quickly.”

Men are always very fast at washing up, whether before or after. 2

From being woken up to walking out of the dormitory door, Draco only spent five minutes.

It was only after Draco realized that He reacted,”Don’t we have classes in the morning? So what are we doing up so early?”

“Don’t you feel hungry? If we get up any later, we will miss breakfast.”

“But we can eat directly in the kitchen……”

Damn, that makes sense.

Standing at the entrance of the auditorium, Noah was stunned for a moment. Why didn’t he think of it?

They had all come this far. If they had known better, they would have gone back to catch up on their sleep.

He stayed with Bucky last night, and the two of them stayed up late watching a short movie for more than ten hours.

Although time was accelerated in the false illusion space he created, it actually took up two hours of Noah’s sleep.

Not to mention that before that, he went to Snape’s office and talked to the old bat about some unspeakable things.

In the end, he only slept for less than three hours last night.

Now that he can stand at the door of the auditorium, he is considered strong-willed.

Fortunately, Slytherin House’s classes on Monday were quite tricky. There were no classes in the morning or evening, except for a drowsy History of Magic class in the afternoon.

This allowed Noah to be lazy all day long.

The professor of History of Magic is Binns Cuthbert, the only ghost professor among the many professors at Hogwarts.

It is said that Teacher Binns is an old monster from thousands of years ago. He existed in the same era as the four giants who founded Hogwarts. He was already very old when the school was founded.

But he was well-read, knowledgeable, quick-thinking, and clear-minded, so he was hired as a professor of the history of magic.

Until one day he fell asleep in front of the fireplace in the faculty lounge, and when he went to class the next morning, he actually left his body in the armchair in front of the fireplace. 3.

The little wizards sitting in the History of Magic classroom are not divided according to their college affiliation. They sit clearly on the left and right sides of the classroom.

Rather, it is like a staggered chessboard, with sky blue and silver green intertwined.

Most of the courses at Hogwarts are arranged by the two houses, and the professors responsible for formulating the course schedule have fully taken into account the love and hatred between the various houses.

Therefore, in order to prevent students from always thinking about fighting instead of attending class well, two colleges with good friendships are usually arranged together.

Such as Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, Slytherin and Ravenclaw.

If, as shown in the movie, all classes of Gryffindor and Slytherin were arranged together, then every class would be particularly lively.

At this moment, both the students from the Eagle Academy and the Snake Academy were uniformly posing as if they were intoxicated in the ocean of knowledge.

The precious knowledge was so intoxicating that all of them were drunk and staggering in the ocean of knowledge. 1

Everyone looked shaky, as if they would lose their balance and fall from their chairs in the next second.

Only Noah and Hermione were still conscious.

Even Shirley fell under Professor Binns’ hypnotic voice.

Seeing the classmates around him fall down one after another, Noah shook his head helplessly.

These guys can’t drink enough. They only drank a few cans and got drunk. 2The first half of Professor Binns’ course was very torturous.

But according to the records of the history of magic class in”Hogwarts: A School History”, Professor Binns’s teachings thousands of years ago were not the”ghostly” look he has now. 1

This is recorded in the book – when lunch was approaching, the students reluctantly left Professor Binns’ classroom. Everyone seemed very excited. The species transformation shown in the Transfiguration class allowed them to experience the magic of magic for the first time, and Professor Binns’ History of Magic fills children with endless reveries about magic.

It can be seen that Professor Binns is not a hypnotist who only follows the instructions and the class is boring.

Noah guessed that this might be because when Professor Binns was transformed into a ghost, as a spirit body, he only retained the memories and personality of his life.

As for the human part of his soul, it gradually passed away over the long years.

Ghosts are unable to accept and learn new knowledge.

In other words, during the more than a thousand years of teaching that followed, Professor Binns could only read the textbooks according to the text when faced with the history of the magical world after his death.

But only the first half of the course is boring, and the content of the second half of the course is not that boring.

After all the students except Noah fell asleep, Professor Binns, whose voice sounded like an old-fashioned vacuum cleaner, finished telling the story of the villain Merrick, and then started talking about the relationship between wizards and Muggles thousands of years ago. war

“We call the century when Hogwarts was founded more than a thousand years ago the Golden Age of Magic. In that era when magic was in full bloom, wizards could use their talents as they pleased.……”

“But because of this, Muggles’ fear of magic is growing day by day, and many wizards have been secretly persecuted.”

“Four of the greatest wizards of the time – Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, Salazar Slytherin – became aware of the non-magical world The war with the wizarding world will inevitably happen in the near future, so they joined forces to establish this school, hoping to protect wizards from the persecution of Muggles, and also hope to educate young people who show magical talents. People can learn how to control their own power to a certain extent……”

Professor Binns paused slightly, looked around the classroom with blurred vision, and then slowly started teaching again.

The hidden content in the second half of the lesson should be���, Noah heard a lot of interesting content, especially Professor Binns’ speculation about the future trends of the non-magical and magical worlds.

Judging from the speed of development in the non-magical world, the exposure of the wizarding world is inevitable.

Now those Muggles outside have enough capabilities to launch satellites into outer space.

The Muggle expulsion spells that wizards rely on to hide themselves cannot avoid satellite photography from hundreds of kilometers above. 1

At that time, the collision of the two worlds was inevitable.

Noah suddenly understood Grindelwald’s approach of conquering and ruling the non-magical world before Muggle technology developed enough to threaten the survival of wizards.

But that doesn’t mean he agrees with Grindelwald’s approach.

Relying on force to oppress and conquer is undoubtedly the worst of all methods.

The sound of Professor Binns’s lecture echoed in the classroom where snores arose one after another, and the rustling sound of the quill pen scratching on the parchment was completely covered up in it.

It wasn’t until the end of get out of class bell at Hogwarts rang in the castle that Noah put away the parchment full of records with satisfaction.

“Got up and had breakfast.”

He pushed Malfoy, who was still sleeping soundly next to him.

Rubbing his sleepy eyes, Draco looked like he hadn’t slept enough,”What, is it dawn yet?”3

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