The ripples caused by the howling letter within Hogwarts only lasted for one breakfast.

Although it was rare to hear a shouting letter with such a volume that could be clearly heard across a floor, it was not so rare because the person who was scolded was Ron.

Coupled with his criminal record, the students only had this reaction when they heard about this incident – oh, that naturally reckless Gryffindor brat got into trouble again.

Not surprising, not surprising at all.

Only a few people related to this matter, such as Professor McGonagall, or the twin brothers who were knocked unconscious by a sap last night, could not treat this matter as calmly as others..

However, Professor McGonagall, who originally looked extremely gloomy, had calmed down after two minutes of self-adjustment and did not show much emotion.

On the contrary, her expression was extremely calm.

Anyway, Gryffindor has become”Gryffindor”, deduct it, deduct it, no matter how many points are deducted, it cannot be deducted to negative points.

She’s already ruined.

As for the twin brothers, after being knocked unconscious last night, they were lucky enough not to be caught by the professors because Ron drew the firepower for them and slept in the corridor all night.

But they didn’t plan to let it go just because they had escaped.

The person who knocked on their sap last night, even if they didn’t even see the other person’s face clearly at the time, they could guess that person was definitely Noah without even thinking about it.

If you are not as skilled as others, you are not as skilled as others. There is no shame in losing once.

Even though they had no moral integrity, they secretly laid out dung bombs and mines, preparing to ambush Noah and the others.

But this kind of action is no different from declaring war. If the twin brothers don’t respond in some way, they will be a bit sorry for their name of prank twins.

The two of them looked in the direction of the Slytherin table with fighting intent in their eyes.

Great, man, you got our brothers’ attention.

The hostile glances from the direction of the Gryffindor table did not escape Noah’s attention. This hostility from the twins had been expected by him since he took action last night.

What could the twin brothers do to him?

They were separated by two grades, and apart from dining in the auditorium every day, the chances of them meeting each other in the castle were extremely rare.

There was nothing more the twin brothers could do except cause trouble for themselves during night excursions.

And… they will soon run out of time for trouble.

A mysterious smile appeared on the corner of Noah’s mouth. It seemed that he would have to find time to have a casual encounter with Principal Dumbledore.

Little did he know that Dumbledore, who was staring at him with a complicated look in the faculty seat, was actually thinking the same thing.


To create an opportunity to meet the principal by chance, it is natural to take the initiative. It is not advisable to wait for the old bees.

So Noah took another night out together.

Well, after saying all that, he was actually just trying to find a reasonable excuse for his night outing.

Marching in the darkness where he could barely see his fingers if he stretched out his hand, Noah always felt that something was wrong.

Even a road addict will be able to keep the intricate terrain of Hogwarts Castle in mind after repeatedly exploring the game map.

Just like Island Erangel, after skydiving a lot, Noah can travel from Port N to City Z to deliver express delivery to people without any hindrance, even with his eyes closed.

But things seem a little different today.

On the fifth floor of Hogwarts Castle, Noah stood in an empty and narrow corridor, looking at a tall and large armor in front of him, with an inexplicable look on his face. interesting.

When I just passed by here, I didn’t pay much attention to this armor that can be seen everywhere in Hogwarts Castle.

But now Noah is sure that he has passed through this corridor at least three times.

He was very sure that he did not go the wrong way. He was walking in the direction of the Room of Requirement on the eighth floor. As a veteran of night wandering, he could not make such a mistake.

So, is it a ghost attacking the wall?

When something goes wrong, there will be a ghost, and when something goes wrong, there will be a demon.

Noah immediately figured out that someone was trying to cause trouble.

In the huge Hogwarts Castle, if anyone had a motive for committing this crime, it was none other than the Weasley brothers.

But the idea only popped up for a moment before Noah dismissed it.

The thing in front of them, hey, they don’t have that ability.

Noah stretched out his hand to hold the non-existent Force glasses on his face – there is only one truth!

Looking at this familiar corridor, Noah soon realized that someone was guiding him in a specific direction to let him discover something”unintentionally”.

A wooden door on the left side of the corridor was ajar, revealing a dark gap.

Noah walked straight over and pushed open the wooden door.

The room behind the door looked like an abandoned classroom.

Many useless abandoned tables and chairs were piled haphazardly against the wall. The dusty tables and chairs cast a large group of dark shadows on the ground under the moonlight outside the castle.

Next to the wall facing Noah, there was something that didn’t seem to belong here, as if someone had put it here temporarily because there was no place to put it.

This is a very majestic mirror, reaching to the ceiling, with a gorgeous golden frame, supported by two claw-shaped feet.

Mirror of Erised.

Noah smiled when he saw this mirror.

Oh, Dumbledore.

He stood in front of the mirror, and the smooth mirror reflected his appearance – a black-haired boy with cold and indifferent eyes.

Slowly, as he watched, the picture in the mirror rippled.

Noah’s image quietly transformed in the ripples into a young man with yellow skin and black hair. Two figures stood on his left and right sides. They looked somewhat similar to the young man in the mirror.

They just smiled and looked at Noah in the mirror.

No, to be precise, they should be looking at the Shafulin before he traveled through time.

Noah looked at the two figures holding his arms in the mirror. Although he knew they were illusory, he still couldn’t help but took a few steps forward and stretched out his hand to the illusion in the mirror.

It turns out that this is what he longs for most in his heart, family…

Maybe it’s because he has never had one in his three lifetimes, so he longs for it all the more.

Noah just shook his head to expel this unrealistic fantasy, while the Occlumency was operating.

The next second, the image in the mirror rippled again and changed back to his own appearance, as if what he saw in front of him was just an ordinary mirror.

Only then did he have time to look at the magic mirror in front of him with a critical eye.

Everyone who stands in front of the Mirror of Erised will see what they desire most.

As people’s desires vary, the picture shown in the mirror will also change.

The principle of its imaging should be based on Legilimency, a magic that can spy on people’s hearts.

What if you use Occlumency to disguise your inner self?

Noah narrowed his eyes slightly, and the image displayed in the Mirror of Erised became blurry with his thoughts, like a piece of water that was thrown into the water with a stone.

When the scene returned to calm again, the picture in the mirror had changed.

I saw Noah in the mirror holding Scarlett in his left hand and Olsen in his right hand, sitting on a huge void throne with a freshly cut purple potato head under his feet.

It turns out that the color batch is actually me!

It is said that the greater the mass, the greater the gravity.

When the quality reaches a certain level, even light can be captured.

Noah struggled to retract his gaze from the four supermassive celestial bodies on the left and right, and couldn’t help but breathed a sigh of relief.

What a risk, thanks to his willpower being strong enough to make his eyes reach escape speed.

As Noah’s thoughts changed, the picture changed again.

This time, it was replaced by a simple but warm room. Noah was slumped on the soft sofa in a lying posture, holding a game controller in his hand and a huge display screen in front of him.

Who doesn’t long for this simple and beautiful life?

Various pictures changed one after another with Noah’s thoughts.

There is a scene where he cuts off Thanos’ head with a sword in the end game.

Also accompanied by the rhythm of the March of Youth, he kicked off the finale on the battlefield of the Fourth Ninja War.

Or maybe he stood on the battlefield of the battle at the top and said to everyone in a very pretentious manner,”Give me some face, and this war will end.”……”

Just when Noah was having fun, an old voice came from behind him

“Noah, I didn’t expect to meet you here.”

Looking around following the source of the sound, Noah was not surprised that he met Dumbledore here, but he still pretended to be surprised.

“Professor Dumbledore, are you here too? I didn’t pay attention just now……”

Dumbledore, who was sitting on a small round stool in the corner, stood up and walked to Noah,”It seems that like hundreds of naughty seniors before you, you have discovered the fun of the Mirror of Erised.”

“Mirror of Erised? The name of this mirror?”

Dumbledore put his hands behind his back and asked the thing he wanted to know most in a casual tone,”What did you see in the mirror?”

Noah gave an answer without hesitation,”Family.”

He didn’t lie. The first thing he saw in the mirror was indeed his family.

“So,” his tone became a little hesitant,”this mirror can let us see what we want most in our hearts?”


An unknown and strange light flashed in Dumbledore’s blue eyes.

For so long, he had forgotten that the child in front of him was an orphan.

“That’s right,” he nodded,”The Mirror of Erised allows us to see only the deepest and strongest desires in our hearts.”

“So, what did you see, Professor Dumbledore?”

Noah, who knew what he was asking, had a well-disguised look of curiosity on his face.

“I?”Dumbledore smiled and said,”Me.……”

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