We have promised to be best friends and stay together for the rest of our lives! ?

Did we agree to be a lifelong academic scumbag together?

Why did you rebel so quickly? Hermione!!!

Looking at the magic lines emerging from Hermione’s hand, Shirley looked like she was about to go crazy.

She was the first one among everyone present to receive guidance from Noah.

She has never given up on research and exploration of this new magic system”created” by Noah.

Although the time she spends on this every day may be a little bit fishy. but!


Hermione obviously spent almost all the time with herself every day.

Even if it’s taking a bath, well, naturally you don’t take a bath together.

Although Shirley liked it, Hermione obviously couldn’t accept the idea of beautiful girls bathing together.

Phew, I got off topic.

The most important thing now is for beautiful girls to take a bath together! ?

The most important thing now is that everyone is studying together and resting together. Why did Hermione learn to rub welding, but she didn’t even get a hair out of it?

Noah must have secretly turned on the stove while Hermione was taking a shower!

That must be the case!

Thinking of this, Shirley puffed up her cheeks with anger and blurted out the curse words without thinking.

“Dear classmate Hermione, how did you do it? Can you teach me?”

She hugged the little beaver’s arm tightly and swayed, her long dark red hair jumping as she swayed.

Listening to the girl’s coquettish voice, Draco suddenly became He had goosebumps all over his body.

He had never seen Blood Red Pepper act so coquettishly towards someone.

He wisely chose to look away, for fear that he would burst out laughing later and receive a beating from Shirley. Do n’t look at Shirley’s coquettish and cute look now. When Snape took her to a banquet held by a pure-blood family, when facing peers like them, she was like a devil..To this day, he can still clearly remember the fear of being dominated by the blood red pepper devil in the past.

Looking at Shirley’s appearance, Noah shook his head

“Shirley, you are not suitable for learning this type of spell.”

This sentence naturally aroused Shirley’s glare.

What does it mean to be unsuitable?

To put it bluntly, I am stupid, stupider than Neville!

Sensing the murderous aura floating in the air, Noah immediately changed to someone with high emotional intelligence. Said,”This kind of magic is not compatible with you, it is because it is not worthy of you.”

Noah really didn’t mean to disparage Shirley.

The magic mastered by Hermione and Neville looked like the orthodoxy of Kama Taj, but in fact had been changed beyond recognition by Noah. It was indeed not suitable for Shirley to learn.


Kama Taj’s magic is based on the mystic’s knowledge of the world.

Compared with the extremely idealistic magic in today’s world, Kama Taj’s magic is more like using the language of magic, that is, the spells spoken by wizards to interfere with the phenomena of the real world.

A wizard is like a programmer. If he wants to write a program that can run, that is, to successfully release a magic, he must at least learn a programming language first.

You can’t just say that I’m thinking, and then enter your thoughts in simple and straightforward words, and the quantum intelligent computer will automatically generate the underlying operating system for you.

That’s the set of The Wandering Earth next door.

Of course, when Noah integrated the idealistic magic system of this world into it, faith could also create miracles to a certain extent.

For example, Neville.

To be able to learn this new set of magic created by Noah after merging the two world systems, one can either rely entirely on the power of faith like the sword master classmate.

To be more precise, it relies on the power that belongs to the wizard’s bloodline hidden in Neville’s body.

No one knows how high the idealistic magic in this world can reach, but according to the devastating power of ancient mages recorded in the history of magic.

Noah feels that Xiaopangdun has great potential in the future.

Had Neville Longbottom been born, the art of swordsmanship would be as long as the night!

The sword of Gryffindor is coming!

Among the things Noah taught Neville, the one that had a little bit to do with the orthodox Kama Taj secret technique was probably the use of magic to conjure weapons and armor.

Those fancy magics are not suitable for a dull wizard like Neville to learn. He is more suitable for simple and crude things, such as using magic to strengthen the body.

Just do it and that’s it.

There is no need for any fancy welder show operations, as long as Neville insists on infusing his whole body with magic power every day to temper his body.

Given time, in the future decisive battle at Hogwarts, Neville can…

Now is the time to protect the most important thing to him even to the death! open! Eight Gates Dunjia Formation!

A peacock in the morning and a tiger in the day, and an elephant dancing in the evening!

Beibei, Beibei……


As for Hermione, her ability to master the art of rub welding was not beyond Noah’s expectations.

Known as a know-it-all, Little Beaver has a rational understanding of the world and is very compatible with the orthodox Kama Taj secret technique.

She possesses the necessary qualities to master this type of magic, that is, before mastering a magic, she must first master all the causes and elements required for the magic to be successfully released, as well as all its prerequisite theoretical knowledge.

For example, wandless casting of the Light Spell.

Where does light come from?

Taking the most common sunlight as an example, it is released by the energy released after the nuclear reaction that occurs in the sun directly and indirectly causing the surrounding atoms or nuclei to change from a low energy level to a high energy level, and then from the high energy level back to the low energy level.

Okay, now that you have mastered the principles of casting the Light Spell, let’s try something more difficult.

Please use magic to simulate the nuclear fusion reaction of a star…

In short, after Noah’s localization and improvement, it has been changed to the point that even his biological mother, Ancient One, has come…

Well, such a thing can’t trouble Ancient One.

After the transformation, this new magic system has actually been divided into two different things, and only two types of people can learn them.

One is a high-IQ academic master like Hermione who has a clear understanding of the world, and the other is a reckless man like Neville who relies purely on the power of faith and blood.

There is no buffer zone between the two.

Therefore, Shirley and Draco basically have no hope of learning the secret technique of Karma Taj. Maybe they can try chaos magic, which is also a quite contrary existence.

But Noah doesn’t know Chaos Magic.

Maybe I can communicate with those dimensional demon gods in the future. I can talk to the God of the Underworld, Sithorn, and negotiate terms with him.

But for now… it would be better for them to just follow the professors at Hogwarts and learn the knowledge in the textbooks.

It wouldn’t be too late to teach them one day when Noah’s imagination creates some magic that is astonishing and that matches their compatibility.

The special training in the Room of Requirement lasted until late at night.

Standing in the corridor on the eighth floor of the castle, Noah watched the two girls disappear into the dark corridor.

“Noah, aren’t you leaving?”

Standing next to Noah, after waiting for a long time and seeing no intention of taking a step forward from him, Draco couldn’t help but ask.

“No, you and Neville go back first, I still have some things to do.”


While walking in the dark corridors of Hogwarts, Shirley’s mind drifted far away without her realizing it.

The magic that Noah said before was incompatible and not worthy of him.

With her intelligence, how could she not think of those things that Noah just said to comfort himself.

Well, actually, Shirley doesn’t know that those are not nonsense, they are just weak excuses in the face of preconceived impressions.

“Hermione……”Shirley looked at her best friend, looking like she was hesitant to speak.

At this moment, a sense of terror, as if her heart had been strangled by some unknown entity, suddenly emerged from Shirley’s heart, and she suddenly stopped in her tracks.

“What’s wrong, Shirley?”

Looking at the dark corridor in front of her, Shirley felt an extremely ominous feeling all over her body for no apparent reason, as if every cell in her body was warning her.

Before she could carefully judge the origin of this inexplicable warning, Why did that mysterious feeling burst out from her mind make her body take corresponding actions?

“Run! Hermione!”

She couldn’t help but grabbed the confused Miss Beaver, took her arm and led her to run in the opposite direction to the Ravenclaw common room.

Hermione, who was confused about the situation, was worried about Shirley. I can only let my best friend drag me away because of my trust.

“What happened?”

Shirley no longer cared about answering Hermione’s questions.

In the corridor in front of the two of them, a figure wrapped in a black robe walked out from around the corner.

“Did you notice it? What a keen insight.”

Like a hunting lion, the black shadow floated silently across the corridor, like a life-threatening evil spirit in the night, hanging tightly behind the two girls.

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