“What do you want a troll’s spine for?”

In the old Bat’s Batcave, Snape stared at Noah strangely.

Facing his adoptive father, Noah showed off his Fangtian Painted Halberd.

“Make a magic wand.”

He handed the handle of the halberd forward, and Snape took it without thinking, and then casually threw a disarming spell towards the wall. The casting was as smooth as constipation. Snape instantly understood that the wand used by Noah was on the verge of being scrapped.

His face darkened,”You use a troll’s spine as a wand?””

Noah sighed helplessly,”Can you find a tougher material to make a wand for me?”

Who would be willing to use this thing if they were not forced by life.

The status of trolls in the magic world is similar to that of pests. Their huge tonnage determines that they are particularly edible, but their organs and body tissues are useless with any hammer. No.

Fire dragons can also be eaten, but the whole body of a fire dragon is a treasure.

Dragon blood, dragon meat, dragon tendons, dragon bones, heart, spinal cord, nerves, etc. are all important magic materials.

Even the feces pulled out are not edible. Extra top-quality fertilizer. If a magic plant wants to thrive, it must be watered with dragon dung.

But this thing about trolls…

In addition to the tendons that can be used to make bow strings, and the bones that can be used to make sticks, Noah really can’t think of any other uses for this thing.

The organs and tissues of the body have no value as potion materials. If this thing is used as medicine, it will only lower the IQ of the person taking the medicine.

Neither blood nor flesh can do it. Eat, because the trolls are so stinky that even Lu Wei dislikes their smell.

Maybe the curled-winged demons who like to eat brains and are not afraid of cold food will be interested in their brains…

No, where did the trolls come from? The brain?

Only Snape, who likes to make abnormal specimens, would cut off part of the troll’s body organs, soak them in antiseptic potion and put them in a glass jar for exhibition.

Snape turned and walked into his office From the workshop at the back, which was used to process potion materials, a man came out soon carrying a spine that was more than two meters long and had streaks of blood on it. In addition to the spine, Noah also asked for a small bottle of dragon blood. , ready to be used for drawing magic patterns.

After getting the spine, Noah rushed to Hagrid’s hut non-stop.

He successfully got a handful of unicorn tail hair and a roll of Acromantula’s hair from Hagrid. Spider silk, and Lu Wei’s teeth that had fallen off before.

After collecting all the magic materials he could get, Noah immediately returned to the dormitory and started drastic transformation.

Making a wand is undoubtedly a very delicate job.

But when it came to Noah, he had no idea what precision was.

What is the role of the wand?

Help the wizard better control the magic.

Therefore, the most important feature it needs to have is to conduct the wizard’s magic and pass it through the wand. The control of the core makes the uncontrollable magic docile and easy to tame.

But what does Noah need those fancy functions?

His control over the magic is enough for him to forcibly suppress the disobedience of the magic, even if the wand, no matter how difficult to control, reaches him It can exert its power well in any hand.

Therefore, Noah, who does not need to consider the accuracy of the wand’s casting, is quite reckless when making the wand.

He only needs the wand in his hand to be able to conduct his magic power.

There is no precision at all. According to the measurement, Noah raised his hand and saw an eight-point light wheel, cutting the two-meter-long monster spine into three sections of different lengths. The longest section was one meter and two meters long, and the other two sections were They are more than thirty centimeters and more than eighty centimeters.

Under the premise of preserving the integrity of the troll’s spinal nerves, Noah, who transformed into a welder, carefully cut open the spine.

After removing the spinal nerves, Noah removed him from Hagrid. The unicorn hair was braided into a thick rope.

He poured magic power into the core of the wand made of unicorn hair to test the magic conductivity. Noah immediately threw the thing aside in disgust.

Sure enough, unicorn hair can only be used as a single piece.

Although the two are very similar, magic and electricity are two different things after all, which means that the unicorn hair cannot be connected like the copper wires in the cable.

The conduction of magic power will be extremely severely hindered at the connection.

Looking at the bones in front of him, Noah showed a look of thinking on his face.

To this day, permanent transfiguration is still a difficult problem for those transfiguration masters who study transfiguration in the magical world.

The transfiguration spells performed by ordinary wizards are simply a false reshaping of matter, just like what Noah did in the first section of Transfiguration – turning a wooden match into a Silver needle.

The transformations performed by wizards still cannot change the true nature of the match, that is, it is still composed of a pile of wood fibers.

The match just takes on a false metallic property under the influence of magic power.

Therefore, after the wizard removes the magic power that maintains the transformation, it will return to its original appearance.

If you want to achieve the eternal transformation effect, you need to let this match complete the transformation on the material level.

That is, the main material that makes up it is wood fiber, which is transformed into silver element under the influence of magic.

But in fact, this is an impossible operation. This kind of transformation involving the atomic level is completely impossible to achieve with Noah’s magic power alone.

He didn’t think his magic power could compare to the energy produced by a nuclear reaction.

Even Dumbledore couldn’t do it.

Therefore, this is the biggest difficulty of permanent transformation.

But if you don’t change the constituent materials of the thing itself, you just break the interaction between its molecules and shape it into another form… It

’s like kneading plasticine, molding the thing into another shape..

After such an operation, after the caster removes the magic power, can it maintain its reshaped form without returning to its original appearance?

There was a thoughtful look on Noah’s face, and the magic power wrapped around the bones in front of him under his control.

He only felt that the scene in front of him was rapidly magnifying, and the bones in his hands instantly expanded to the point where they filled the entire field of vision.

After reaching a certain limit, the visual field in Noah’s eyes suddenly stopped, and every cell that made up the bones was displayed in his visual field in detail.

He could clearly feel the structure of this bone being broken down and displayed in his mind.

As the magic power surged out, Noah’s face gradually turned pale.

Even with his magic power, it was somewhat difficult to withstand such magic output. Noah, realizing that the situation was not good, moved his mind slightly, and carefully manipulated his magic power to start reshaping the bone in front of him.

He just had the idea of transforming. The originally extremely hard giant monster’s spine was like a piece of plasticine, and began to twist and deform under the influence of magic.

Noah’s whole body and mind was devoted to shaping the shape of the troll’s spine.

Slowly, the prototype of a bone sword appeared in front of Noah.

When the bone sword emerged in its prototype, Noah immediately stopped the output of magic power. As expected, the troll’s spine did not return to its original appearance as he thought.

This shows that his permanent transformation technique was successful!

Now that the spine deformation is successful, there is no rush to build the wand.

Noah stopped working and allowed his vaguely tingling brain to get enough rest before taking out the three-headed canine tooth he got from Hagrid.

Referring to the treatment method of the troll’s spine, Noah shaped it into a long spike. After feeling the magic conductivity of the three-headed canine teeth, he nodded with satisfaction.

Noah then pierced the three-headed dog spike from the hilt into the bone blade made from the troll’s spine to serve as the core of the new wand.

The combination of the giant monster’s spine and the teeth of the three-headed dog is quite explosive, and it is absolutely powerful when used to perform the Divine Blade Shadowlessness.

After that, he worked non-stop to take out the remaining metal from the last time he made the space anchor.

These are no ordinary metals.

Ordinary metal will only hinder the transmission of magic power. It is impossible to engrave magic patterns on it and make it into a space anchor.

This is a piece of metal that can conduct magic.

Although such metal is extremely rare, it does exist. Mithril and fine gold will always be an indispensable rare magical material in the magical world.

Just like the chakra metal in the world of Naruto, when Noah discovered that this world did not have Tony Stark or Steve Rogers, but it was actually one of the infinite multiverses of Marvel, he Immediately I thought of a big African country——


He made a prompt decision and sent Hydra agents to the location of Wakanda that he remembered in his previous life.

Fortunately, not only does Iron Man and Captain America not exist in this world, but even the technological power disguised as an agricultural country does not exist.

But that vibranium meteorite weighing tens of thousands of tons does indeed exist.

These strange-shaped metal ores in Noah’s hands are the legendary vibranium that can absorb energy.

After using magic to simulate ultrasonic waves of a specific frequency to passivate the vibranium, Noah raised his hand and released magical flames to melt the ore into liquid, and then poured it on the successfully transformed bone blade.

Under the deliberate shaping of magic power, the liquid vibranium perfectly covered the bone blade shaped from the troll’s spine, forming an ice-colored long sword.

He used the remaining metal to create a skull-shaped gauntlet and a crescent-shaped sword hoe, and assembled them together on the ice-colored sword body.

Finally, the dragon’s blood is used to engrave the magic pattern on the sword that can assist the staff in transmitting magic power.

You’re done!

After putting away the remaining messy materials such as the troll’s spine and the three-headed dog’s fangs on the table, Noah held up the famous Lordaeron Dutiful Son’s Sword with satisfaction.

An evil smile appeared on his face.

Although he lost Fang Tian’s Painted Halberd, he got a better weapon –


The closer his hand was to the hilt of the sword, the further away his adoptive father was.

Snape, danger!

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