There was a trace of coldness on his skinny face with deep-set eyes, but he quickly suppressed it.

"Stop talking nonsense and leave quickly!"

"Oh, where are we going?"

"Of course it is the deepest well of mercury..."

The skinny figure suddenly froze.

Because although this sudden voice is also worthy of beating, it seems to be a little different from the scarred man?

He turned his head, only to find that the scarred man had his mouth tightly closed and shook his head crazily at him.

Could it be...

The skinny figure's pupils shrank suddenly, and he didn't care to hide his figure, and shouted to the people around him:

"Who? Hiding his head and showing his tail, come out quickly!"

"Hide your head and show your tail? That's really interesting to say. It's obviously you who sneak into other people's houses, right?"

Accompanied by lazy sneers, in the shadow of the passage, suddenly... a pink bear walked out.

Pink bear?

The skinny figure was stunned for a moment.

What the hell, are you here to be funny?

"Who are you?"

"Hoho, looking at you, it seems that the intelligence is lagging behind a bit."

The pink bear walked closer step by step, stepping on the ground and making a strange chirping sound.

"Don't you know? I, Pink Bear, am currently the acting dean of this college."


The skinny figure was shocked. He kept looking up and down at the pink bear, but no matter how he looked at it, he always felt that the guy in front of him was just a funny character who was just showing off his cuteness.

But the skinny figure quickly calmed down.

Even if there is no part about this pink bear in the information, it only mentions Dean Hathaway's sudden outing, but since he can appear in such a core position of the academy, it means that he is not simple.

"It's a pity now. Obviously I still want to use some peaceful means."

The skinny figure sneered: "Isn't it better to pretend you can't see?"

"It's nice to pretend you can't see it."

Pink Bear sighed: "I don't want to get into this kind of trouble. Being able to hide in the office and smoke a cigar while looking at pornographic albums is really the second best day in the world. By the way, the first best thing is Look at the young lady’s big white legs on the beach.

But, since you have spent the college's money, you have to do something for the college. If Professor Plann makes another Hedong Lion's Roar, or simply goes to the top to impeach me and cut off my financial resources, it will be more than worth the gain. "

"It sounds like I've disturbed your good deeds?"

"Of course, you evil believers of Qian Sha, can't you wait until my acting dean's work is completed before you start trouble? You will make me very angry."

"And when I get angry..."

The pink bear suddenly opened his big black hole-like mouth, then reached out and pulled out a huge mace from inside.

His tone was no longer lazy, but filled with a bone-chilling chill.

"——Just want to kill someone."

In an instant.

The rich and tangy smell of blood filled the air.

The disgusting stench makes people feel like they are on a tragic battlefield where corpses are piled up and blood flows freely.

But there was obviously no blood around, so where did this smell come from?


There was the sound of water flowing.

Only then did the skinny figure realize that blood was constantly flowing from the pink bear's funny eyes, ears, and nostrils that were obviously decorations.

The blood was warm, revealing an unspeakable horror.

"You...what the hell are you?"

The tone of the skinny figure already had a hint of trembling.

At this moment, even though he had completely abandoned his living body and embraced death, looking at the pink bear who suddenly changed from a funny character to a scary character, he actually felt a trace of emotion in his heart that had not been beating for a long time. ……fear?

"Go to hell and ask about this matter. There may be many people who know about it."

The pink bear slowly raised the mace in his hand. At that moment, the skinny figure felt his vision turn red and his breathing suddenly stagnated, as if he was drowning in a raging river of blood.

No, that's not right.

This is just an illusion.

The skinny figure suddenly woke up and raised the lantern in his hand again.

The pale blue light in the lantern swayed, and even his shadow swayed, like a beast ready to move in the darkness.

The shadow spread, and the pink bear seemed to feel something, and suddenly stopped, hesitating and no longer moving forward.

"Ha-ha, have you seen it? I am a citizen of the moon. How can I be compared to a lowly mortal like you?"

Seeing the pink bear stop, the skinny figure laughed crazily, completely unaware that as the light blue light in his hand became stronger, his already skinny body became even more dry.

It's like being sucked away bit by bit by an invisible presence.

"Is he really a fool who was deceived by the evil god and didn't even know his mother?"

There was a hint of teasing in Pink Bear's tone.

He scratched his head and felt that it would not be a good thing to continue like this, so he decided to resist the power of the evil god and beat the guy in front of him to death first.

Although there will be some price to pay, the price is not unacceptable.

However, the moment he was about to take action——


The sound of a sharp weapon passing through flesh and blood sounded suddenly.

The gaunt figure's wild laughter stopped abruptly.

Even the pink bear showed a hint of shock on his funny bear face.

Damn it, what happened?


The skinny figure slowly lowered his head and looked at the big knife that penetrated his chest.

Those sunken eyes were full of confusion.

"Aren't we... partners? Aren't we all... believers of the great god?"

Why are you backstabbing me?

"How dare you say that!"

Behind the skinny figure, the scarred face looked sad and angry.

"What labor and management hate most in this life is that you have no plan, no way out, and third, you can't beat the opponent!"

As he spoke, he kicked the skinny figure away, then threw away the bloody sword in his hand, and smiled flatteringly at the pink bear:

"Um...this big brother, oh no, this big brother, I'm going to abandon the dark side and turn to the bright side now, I wonder if it's still too late?"

22. Arrival


Silence, silence again.

Even the pink bear, who prided himself on having seen many bad things in the world, couldn't help but feel a little at a loss at this moment.

Those fanatical evil believers have killed many people. This is the first time I see such people rebelling and surrendering. What should I do?

"Don't tell me, boss, that you don't believe me?"

Seeing the pink bear's silence, the scarred man thought that he didn't trust him, so he picked up the big knife again, walked to the skinny figure who was kicked far away by him, raised the big knife, and struck a few more times.

The way he raised and lowered the knife with such fierceness and no mercy made people wonder if the scarred man had his whole family killed by a skinny figure or something.

But in fact, these two people met for the first time today, and not long ago, they were partners in the alliance.

“Stop, stop, stop, that’s it.”

Seeing that the skinny figure was about to be chopped into pieces, Pink Bear finally couldn't help but shout: Stop:

"I believe you for the time being. Stop chopping it. Chop it so finely and it will be very troublesome to wash the floor in a while."


The scarred man suddenly became happy.

Then he immediately ran up to the pink bear, grabbed the pink bear’s hand and shook it hard:

"Thank you, boss. Thank you, boss. Your kindness to me is no different than being a parent again. It's no different than..."

"Stop, stop, stop..."

The pink bear retracted its claws in disgust and glanced at the scarred man:

"Let me explain in advance that I do not completely trust you, I am just sparing your life temporarily. If you do anything strange, I will be the first to...

Huh? "

As if he suddenly discovered something, the pink bear pinched the scarred man's shoulder and felt something carefully.

After a moment, he said with some surprise:

"You're not contaminated by the evil god?"

"Huh? Evil God pollution? What do you mean?"

"Aren't you a believer in that disgusting God of Love?"


The scarred man scratched his head in confusion. After a moment, he seemed to suddenly remember something and suddenly realized:

"You mean the one that the high priest keeps talking about and lets us worship him every day? Why should I believe in him? He doesn't give me money."

"But since you are not a believer in Cupid, why do you hang out with those guys?"

"Oh, well, when I was wandering on the road, I saw them handing out flyers, saying they could help me find true love, so I went."

Speaking of this, the scarred man showed a trace of anger on his face:

"It's only now that I realized that they are a bunch of liars. After entering, they asked me to memorize some scriptures and held some kind of trial conference. Now they asked me to do such a dangerous thing as invading the academy, but they didn't find me at all. true love!”

Pink Bear was even more shocked: "You have already entered the evil god's lair. Believe it or not, it's still up to you?"

"Wait, do you mean..."

Pink Bear suddenly remembered something, touched his chin and looked at the scarred man carefully and said:

"You don't have any twisted love at all? So the evil god's bewitchment doesn't work on you?"

"What twisted love!"

The scarred man was furious, "Even a boss can't tarnish my pure feelings like this. It's my true love!"


Pink Bear was silent for a moment and suddenly asked: "I remember that the so-called True Love Cult is the famous gay sect in Belland."

"Yes, they are gay, otherwise why would I join them?"

"I'll take the liberty to ask, your true love..."

"it's him!"

The scarred man suddenly took out a portrait from behind his butt and stretched it out in front of the pink bear, with a happy blush on his face.

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