"So, Ann."

Mu En turned around, his standard smile matched with his handsome face inherited from his mother, which was as dazzling as the rising sun outside the window.

"If you have someone you like, just tell me and I will let you go."

"Be brave and pursue your happiness. This is what I want you to be like, and it is also my gratitude to you for helping me so much."


Staring at Mu En's back, an intense, shuddering darkness suddenly surged in An's eyes.

"How can you say such a thing, Master Mu En?"

"We can't be separated."

"Can't, can't, can't, can't, can't, can't, can't..."


An bit her nails, and a frightening smile suddenly appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"We will... be together forever, Master Mu En."

30. It’s already over before it starts.

"Father, are you looking for me?"

Walking through the vast courtyard of the Duke's Mansion, Mu En finally came to the gate of the mansion, where she met Duke Ron Campbell, and...

"Huh? Mother is here too."

"Xiao Mu'en, how is your health?"

Mu En's cheap mother, Noyasi Campbell, was also in front of the gate at this moment. When she saw Mu En, she hugged her with a look of distress:

"The previous healing spells didn't have any side effects. Alas, I told you not to get too close to that princess. She is just a scumbag. Look, she has caused such harm to our little Mu En."

"Well... Mother, don't worry, my health is fine."

Bearing the killing of her son in her mother's arms, Mu En said with a wry smile:

"If mother doesn't let go, I will be suffocated to death."

"Hmph, what's wrong with me hugging my good son?"

Noyasi pursed her lips like a young girl and reluctantly let go of Mu En.

"You are just too doting on Mu En."

Ron Campbell on the side also came over and pretended to be serious:

"As a man, you should endure more hardships, otherwise how can you grow?"

"Trouble, tribulation, do you know that your son almost lost his life because of the so-called tribulation!"

When she thought of that incident, Noyasi couldn't help but feel a little frightened, so her eyes suddenly turned red again, she hugged Mu En's hand and said:

"Xiao Mu'en, promise me to stay away from that woman in the future, okay?"

"……I will."

The corner of Mu En's mouth twitched.

Of course, he also wanted to stay away from Celcia for the time being, after all, he didn't know how to face her yet.

But wasn't that engagement made by you two? There is an engagement, where can I hide?

"Humph, it's all your fault for that good-for-nothing dad."

Seemingly seeing through Mu En's thoughts, Noyasi couldn't help but roll her eyes at Long En next to her.

"I can't even break the engagement."

"Ah hahaha, after all, Celcia is His Majesty's beloved princess. If I tell Your Majesty about this, I'm afraid His Majesty will directly give me poisonous wine."

Ron scratched his head and said haha.


Mu En laughed dryly, then changed the subject:

"Speaking of which, father called me here for something?"

Mu En looked behind the two of them and found that a gorgeous carriage was parked there, and the carriage was not pulled by an ordinary horse, but by a majestic griffin.

"Are you going out? And you've even brought out the gryphon. Are you going on a long trip?"

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm telling you."

Long En sighed and said:

"Your mother and I are going on a long trip, and we may not be able to come back for the time being."

"Temporarily? How long is it temporarily?"

Hearing his father's words, Mu En's head suddenly buzzed.

I have just made a series of plans based on you, Father. What will I do if you leave?

"This...I'm not sure, because there are too many influencing factors, but it shouldn't be possible to come back in a short time."

It seems that he also knew that he was sorry for Mu En for leaving in such a hurry. Long En said with an apologetic smile:

"After all, it happened suddenly, and there was nothing I could do about it."

"What happened suddenly means..."

"In the abyss on the west front, those damn demons are making moves again."


Mu En was dumbfounded.

The so-called abyss refers to a special space filled with chaos, death, and unspeakable things occupied by the demons, the mortal enemies of humans in this world.

At the moment when the demon god is sealed, the demons in the abyss still use the abyss as a stronghold and continue to launch attacks on the human continent, intending to counterattack and rescue the sealed demon god.

The Leopold Empire is the country with the largest area bordering the abyss among the human countries. Of course, this is inseparable from the strength of the empire itself and the vastness of its territory, but it also means that the empire is responsible for Extreme pressure from the demon clan.

Therefore, once there is any big movement in the abyss, the empire must be prepared. Otherwise, if the front line is lost, no one knows how many people of the empire will be involved in the catastrophe.

On the contrary, once the movement in the abyss forces the huge empire to be on guard, it will definitely not be solved in a short time.

"Yeah, I remembered."

A flash of lightning flashed in Mu En's mind.

"The original book seems to have mentioned this section, the invasion of the demons, but in fact it was just a feint, the purpose was just to confuse the human world and pave the way for a plan of the demons three years later."

"And the node three years later is the beginning of the protagonist's official entry into the salvation chapter."

"Wait, three years?"

Mu En's face turned pale.

In other words, father will stay on the front line for at least three years?

Then what about my plan?

My teacher?

My safety?

I will stay at home forever, and shock the world when I come out again.

As father went to the front line...

Pah, gone?

Before it could be implemented, it was officially ruined?

"Kekeke... must father go?"

Mu En shivered and said, "No one else can?"

"I know you are worried about me."

Long En, who thought Mu En was worried about his safety, patted Mu En's shoulder with relief and said:

"But this time, I have to go."


"Because of this."

Long En showed Mu En the badge on his chest.

That is the family emblem of the Campbell family.

A sharp sword that slays dragons.

The Campbell family, the sword of the empire, has always represented the sharpest weapon of the empire since the birth of the empire!

So when the war begins, he, Ron Campbell, must stand at the forefront!

"Is that so..."

Mu En knew that it was useless for him to say anything.

"What about mother?"

Mu En looked at his mother, who was obviously going to go with him, with a puzzled look.

"Is mother going to the front line with him?"

"Of course not." Noyas shook her head, "Your father just sent me on the way."

"On the way? Where are you going?"

"Back to our fiefdom, Campbell Territory."

"Huh? Why? Mother, why do you want to go alone..."


Noyas suddenly looked a little shy.

"There is something we haven't had time to tell you, little Mu En."

"What is it?"


Noyas touched her belly and said happily:

"You have a younger brother."

"It may also be a younger sister."

Long En, who was standing by, grabbed Noyas' hand and said gently:

"How is it, are you happy?"


Mu En didn't know whether he was happy or not at the moment, he only knew that he must be shocked.

(⊙o⊙) What?

Brother and sister?

You two are not kidding?

Hasn't the Campbell family always been a single-line family?

"Alas, I didn't expect that the curse of the Campbell family's single-line family would be broken in my generation."

The Duke of Campbell, who has always been a tough guy, couldn't help but shed tender tears at the corners of his eyes at this moment:

"God is really good, I believe that our ancestors will be very happy if they know."


Noyas continued:

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