The lake owner roared and struggled violently.

Thunder flashed and rain poured down.

But everyone can see that this feared overlord-level monster is at the end of its strength and is only making a last-ditch effort.

Because Rhodes' sword was inserted right into the lake owner's heart.

I am afraid that starting from tomorrow, after defeating the overlord-level monsters, the reputation of Iron-Blooded Knight Rhodes will rise to a higher level throughout Belland.

But Aluka was not very happy.

She glanced at the female magician named Tia cautiously and muttered:

"I thanked her but didn't say anything to me?"

How unfair.

Just because I'm not good at attacking magic, can't I be of any help in this situation?

But am I not your childhood sweetheart?

"I've obviously liked you for so long..."

Eluka took a deep breath and suppressed something surging deep inside her heart.


Here, Rhodes stirred the sword fiercely, and the Lake Lord finally stopped struggling.

Rhodes pulled out his sword and let the lake owner sink into the water. The bright red blood dyed the lake red, and then the big fish carcass with its white belly floated up from the deep red.

"Finally solved."

Rhodes released the floating technique and landed on the body of the lake owner. While he breathed a sigh of relief, he couldn't help but look happy.

After solving this overlord-level monster, his merit points are enough for him to be promoted to A-level!

After reaching level A, both money and reputation will be greatly improved!

It was not in vain for him to take the risk and take on this mission.

"You two did well."

Rhodes raised his head, smiled boldly at the two of them and said:

"The magic is released very well. It's another day saved by the two of you."

"Where...where is there..."

Eluka looked down at her toes, blushing slightly and said shyly:

"It's Ade, you are very powerful..."

——It seems that he still cares about me.

There was a hint of sweetness in Eluka's heart.

"Ah, you're bleeding."

Before she could fully feel the sweetness, Eluka heard Tia's concerned voice beside her.

Tia flew to Rhodes' side and looked at the wound on Rhodes' arm with a worried expression.

It was the result of being accidentally scratched by a bone spur in the previous battle.

"Haha, it's just a small injury, it doesn't matter."

"It must be dealt with in time, otherwise what will happen if it becomes infected."

Tia said coquettishly, then took out a scented handkerchief, carefully wiped the blood and bandaged Rhodes.

"Even though Rhodes you are always careless, you still need to take care of your body, otherwise you will make the people who care about you sad."

Rhodes couldn't help showing a moved expression: "Tia, you are so gentle. It's great to have a teammate like you..."

Tia's cheeks were slightly red: "No way, I'm just doing what I should do, but having Rhodes around makes people feel at ease at any time."


Looking at the two of you and me, Eluka almost broke the wand in her hand.

In front of me, a healing magician, what kind of comradeship are you doing? Wouldn't it be fine if you let me treat your injuries? Didn't you think of it all at once during the battle?

And Tia, you bandage, but your breast obviously rubbed against Rod's arm. Did you do it on purpose? Are you showing off? ah?

"If only there was something that could punish this bitch."

Eluka couldn't help but thought bitterly in her heart.

But it was just a thought.

After all, her image in front of Rhodes has always been that of a cute and kind-hearted girl.

A good girl cannot have evil thoughts.

Well, it can't be possible.

Yeah? Is it really impossible?

"Huh? There seems to be some strange noise?"

Rhodes, who was enjoying the bandage service of a beautiful girl, suddenly became serious and looked around.

However, the majestic rainstorm combined with the water vapor that had just evaporated from the explosion magic blocked the vision and nothing could be seen.

"Oh, don't move, I'm bandaging it."

Tia said angrily:

"It must be your imagination, Rhodes. Isn't the Lake Master dead? There are no strange sounds.

It's impossible for two overlord-level monsters to appear at the same time. Otherwise, due to territorial awareness, they would start fighting on their own before we could take action first. "

42. Unexpected crisis




Eluka also heard strange sounds.




It turned out that the closer the sound got, the clearer Eluka could hear it.

It was a heartbeat like a war drum.


Eluka's pupils shrank suddenly.

Her hearing is different from ordinary people, even better than that of Rhodes, who is a warrior.

However, this was on a windy and rainy lake.

The heartbeat that she could clearly hear must be so sonorous and powerful.

And how huge must the owner of the heartbeat be?

"not good……"

"Run away!"

Eluka looked at Rhodes and Tia standing on the body of the lake owner and shouted:

"Be careful...!"

The last word "noodle" was drowned by the sound of the waves exploding.

The water vapor covering the lake was torn open in an instant, and a huge black monster jumped out of the water. Its red eyes showed its anger, and dazzling lightning flashed on its ferocious scales and bone spurs.

"Lake Master..."

"Another one..."

"How is it possible..."

Looking at the even larger black fish in front of them, Rhodes and Tia couldn't help but stare at the same time.

But they didn't have time to be stunned.

Rhodes immediately grasped the long sword, and the fighting spirit was entangled. Then, with the martial arts·Lion's Roar, accompanied by the visible shock wave, Rhodes bravely greeted it.

Being in the lake, there is no possibility of escape, so he can only fight head-on!

The shock wave collided with the lightning, and in an instant, a huge wave was raised in the lake!

"Damn... This one is so powerful..."

Rhodes was suppressed by the giant beast and retreated step by step, and bright red blood flowed from the corners of his mouth.

After only a short confrontation, Rhodes was completely at a disadvantage.

After all, he was attacked by surprise, and the target of the surprise attack was a nearly 30-meter-long giant beast!

"I'll help you."

Fortunately, Tia beside him was not a vase, but a genuine third-level magician.

"Burn, red flame magic!"

It was still an instant magic that omitted the chanting process. The huge fire column rushed towards the unprepared lake owner with a scorching high temperature.

If it hits, even if it can't be seriously injured, it will definitely be able to force it back.


In the eyes in the lake that are completely unlike humans, there is a flash of humanized teasing.

In Tia's horrified sight, it suddenly raised its wide fish tail and slapped the lake surface!

The surging waves rose from the ground, like a wall blocking hope, and hit the pillar of fire in an instant.


The high temperature evaporated the lake water, and when the pillar of fire was extinguished, a large amount of water vapor was generated again. Suddenly, the surroundings were filled with thick fog in the morning, and the visibility was pitifully low.

The new lake owner sank into the lake and disappeared again.

"I just wanted to say that in this environment, don't use fire magic!"

Alka, who did not fall on the dead lake owner's body but floated in the air, was temporarily safe. She used wind magic to dispel the steam and couldn't help saying:

"Isn't this causing trouble for ourselves?"

"You... shut up."

Tia retorted:

"You are not in my dangerous position, how do you know what magic I use at that time is the best solution?"

"Using fire magic on the lake is problematic in itself."

"But didn't I rely on my fire magic to kill the previous lake owner just now? Alka didn't do anything, what qualifications does she have to blame me?"

"I just pointed out the mistake..."

"I'm not wrong!"

"Okay, okay, everyone, stop talking."

Rhodes inserted into the quarrel between the two, but his tone was very muddy:

"Save some strength, we are still fighting."


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