A bolt of lightning that was completely different from before, with a red color, suddenly exploded.

The fluctuations of the explosion shook the shield, and Eluka subconsciously increased the infusion of magic power.

But this situation happened too suddenly. She didn't have much magic power left, and if she used a large amount of magic power like this, she suddenly felt like her head had been hit by a sledgehammer, with stars in her eyes and dizziness and ringing in her ears.

In her blurred vision, she saw a figure flying out.

That is……


Eluka's eyes suddenly widened.

Yes, that was Tia. Due to the shock wave generated by the explosion just now, Tia was directly knocked away.

"Tia, use the levitation technique quickly!"

Eluka shouted at Tia.

But there was no reaction. Dia's eyes were closed tightly, as if she had just been stunned.

"how so……"

Eluka's face turned a little pale.

She didn't expect that the Lake Master would suddenly change his moves. He was caught off guard, and even Rhodes, who was so close at hand, had no room to react.

But now she doesn't have the energy to cast two magics at the same time, so she can't save Tia at all.

No, even if it flies out, it will just fall into the water. There is no life-threatening situation for the time being...

But this innocent idea only flashed in Eluka's mind for a short time, and was severely crushed by reality.

Because she saw the lake owner suddenly stopped attacking.

Then, he pointed the horn at Tia.

The lightning began to flash again.

Charging begins.

"It's over."

At this moment, Eluka's mind went blank.

She couldn't think of any way to save Tia. The lake owner had already planned it and there was no way he would give up this opportunity.

Tia is going to die.


"Now, should I be happy?"



Eluka suddenly heard a shout and looked towards the place where the sound came from unconsciously.

Then, she saw Rhodes abandoning the shield that could protect him and jumping towards Tia.


The heart felt like it had been stabbed with a knife.


"Rhode, do you want to die?"

"Why do you need to save that bitch..."

Eluka wanted to shout these words, but when the words came to her lips, they only turned into weak trembling of her lips.

The amusement in the lake owner's eyes grew stronger, it was waiting.

Wait for Rhodes to successfully hug Tia.

Only here can you kill two birds with one stone.

44. Sacrifice yourself

Rhodes pounced on Tia in the air, like a moth to a flame.

Time seemed to stretch out for a very long time. Eluka could clearly see the figures of the two of them getting closer and closer, and she could also see the lightning brewed by the Lake Master's horn becoming increasingly brighter.

As the god of death gradually approached, Rhodes' behavior seemed so ridiculous and sigh-inducing.

"Rod, do you actually like Tia?"

This thought flashed through Eluka's mind, but was quickly thrown out of her mind.

As his childhood sweetheart, she knew very well what kind of person he was.

Brave, gentle, kind, and always smiles to everyone.

Like the rising sun in the morning.

Such a person can easily attract her attention.

Emotionally, he is as stupid as wood.

So no matter who flies out at this moment, Rhodes will sacrifice his life to save them.

"This gentleness that radiates warmth to everyone will make people crazy with jealousy."

But even so, she still likes him.


Eluka suddenly clenched her wand, ignoring the throbbing pain in her head, and poured the last of her magic power into it.

"I will actually have the day to save my love rival... That's fine, it fits my kind and lovely personality."

"Fortunately, I accidentally learned this kind of magic before."

"It doesn't matter if you use it now."

"Charm magic!"

Eluka pointed her wand at the Lake Master, and along with the loud shout that seemed to be gasping for breath, pink hearts appeared in her clear pupils.

This is Eluka's first magic that does not require chanting, and it is also the magic that she has mastered the fastest. The talent shown in this magic even scares her.

But the target was not a human being after all, so she was still a little nervous, wondering if the lake owner would be tricked.


Under Eluka's expectant gaze, the Lake Master's tense, huge body that was ready to go suddenly relaxed visibly to the naked eye.

The lightning on the horn, which was extremely powerful, began to dissipate.

The lake owner turned back and looked at Eluka.

In the ferocious eyes, two pink hearts also appeared!


Eluka couldn't help but clenched her fists excitedly.

As long as the lake master is attracted to him, Rhodes will be safe. There is no way that he, a third-level warrior, will drown in the lake.



The lake owner let out a hissing roar, and his huge body twisted in the lake, showing agility and speed that was not for this size.

It's coming this way.

regardless of costs.

There are pink hearts in its eyes, but what is reflected behind the pink hearts... seems to be its dead partner!

At this moment, Eluka seemed to see an infatuated woman, desperately rushing towards her husband who she thought was dead long ago, and was about to give him a loving hug.

It's really touching.

If only this infatuated woman wasn't thirty meters long and could smash a boat with her tail.

"God of Ice and Snow, please..."

Eluka gritted her teeth and waved her wand again.

But before she could even finish the chant, she almost fainted because of the tingling pain in her head.

"It's over..."

Eluka's face was pale and despairing.

Her magic power was completely exhausted.

Not even a trace can be squeezed out.

He couldn't even use his own floating technique to avoid the lake owner who was getting closer.

"Is that so, my destiny is over?"

Death was approaching, but Eluka didn't even feel that scared.

She raised her eyes and looked into the distance, trying to find something.

Unfortunately, everything was blocked by the big waves stirred by the lake owner, and nothing could be seen clearly.


"Rhodes should have rescued Tia."

"That way my death will not be meaningless."

Eluka showed a satisfied smile, and then slowly closed her eyes.

"I hope Tia can really successfully attack Rhodes in the future, and then give him happiness."

In that way, I will be very happy if I know something.

That's weird.

Not happy at all.


A cold commanding voice echoed in Eluka's ears.

What followed was countless sharp sounds like metal twisting and rubbing, making teeth ache, and hidden behind those sharp sounds was the roar of the lake owner.

Death did not come as expected.

Eluka opened her eyes in confusion.

She saw a figure shrouded in a windbreaker and hood standing in front of her.

The figure was so slender and she looked like a weak girl. But when she stood in front of Eluka, Eluka felt that the wind in the world had become silent.

The figure turned back, revealing a dignified and beautiful face.

"Are you okay?" An asked.

"I...I'm okay." Eluka nodded gently like a frightened kitten.

"That's good."

An turned his head:

"I'm going to kill it next, you protect yourself."


Eluka looked blankly.

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