Mu En scratched his head in embarrassment. If Eluka hadn't helped him, he might have been carried back by the scarred man to be the wife of the village.

"As for going to your house and sitting..."

Mu En thought for a while.

Normally it would be no problem.

But now that the couple has just gotten married and is about to enjoy the world of two people, it seems a little bad to rashly become a light bulb.

"Forget it, I'll just..."


Just as Mu En was about to refuse, his words were suddenly interrupted by a low roar.

"Hey, is it thundering?"

Eluka was startled and looked up at the sky.

But I found that it was cloudless today and the weather was perfect.

When he was confused, he suddenly noticed that Mu En's cheeks were red, as if someone had discovered the little yellow book secretly hidden under the bed.


"Ha ha……"

Mu En smiled awkwardly.

Gan, I have forgotten that I haven’t eaten anything all day and night.

Coupled with the long period of strenuous exercise, I was already hungry and my chest was pressed against my back.

"I see."

Ai Luka had a bad smile on her lips, touched her cheek, and said with pretense of pity:

"Since Mr. Mu En is not willing, there is nothing I can do about it. After all, I can't force it. It's a pity that I'm going to cook a big dinner tonight, so it can only be enjoyed by me and an outsider."


"That's right, roast the whole lamb."

"Gudong, roast the whole lamb."

"Well, it's still a little difficult for two people to eat a whole roasted lamb, but there's no other way, after all..."

"I'm so sorry Miss Eluka, oh no, Mrs. Eluka."

Under the temptation of roasting the whole lamb, Mu En clasped her hands together without restraint and begged:

"Please let me have some dinner without being shameless!"

"Oh, aren't you coming?"

"Who said that, Mrs. Eluka's craftsmanship, even if I turn into a one-thousand-watt light bulb that lights up at any time today, I still have to try it!"

"very eloquent."

Aluka, who had no intention of teasing Mu En, couldn't help but smile:

"Then let's go."

"Thank you, Mrs. Eluka!"

Mu En was overjoyed, and with a stick he found at random, he followed Eluka towards the lake at the end of the river.

I love you.


Mu En suddenly frowned and looked around.

Strangely, he seemed to hear someone talking just now.

"That... Eluka?"

"Huh? Is something wrong?"

"Did you say anything?"

"say what?"

Eluka turned her head and said strangely:

"I didn't say anything."

"It's really weird. Could it be that I've been hungry for too long and am hallucinating?"

Mu En scratched his head and didn't pay too much attention.

So the breeze blew and the leaves rustled, covering up all the discordant sounds.

"This is my village."

Mu En followed Eluka all the way to a small fishing village by the lake.

"Huh? It's pretty good."

Mu En raised his head and looked from the entrance of the village, only to see the clear lake and pleasant scenery.

And he also recognized that this was Lake Bebor, which he had visited with his family last year.

“It’s really enviable to be able to live in a scenic spot and see such beautiful scenery at any time.”

"It's not that exaggerated."

Eluka smiled shyly and said: "No matter how beautiful the scenery is, it will feel ordinary after looking at it for a long time. Moreover, living by the lake still has many inconveniences."

"But I feel in a good mood anyway."

Mu En, who had recovered some strength, threw away the wooden stick, held his head, felt the breeze blowing from the lake, and enjoyed the hard-won quiet time.

Thinking about it carefully, since I traveled to this world, I have been chased by all kinds of things, and it seems that I have never really relaxed.

It is precisely because of this that he will feel this beauty more carefully.

"let's go."

Feeling that time was almost up, Eluka led Mu En all the way to the depths of the village.

"It's so quiet."

Mu En looked around and found that all the houses had their doors closed, and not even a single human being was seen.

"Because we are very busy now."

Eluka explained:

"Autumn fish are getting richer, and the autumn harvest is about to begin, so almost all the villagers are busy outside. It is normal to live directly on the boat or stay out in the fields at night."

"That was really hard work."

"Yes, everything is so crowded that even children can't have time to spare. But this is what is called a bumper harvest. When this period of time passes, only joy will remain."

Eluka suddenly stopped in front of a small courtyard and said with a hint of joy:

"Here we are."

56. Entertainment

"I'm back."

The airflow from opening the door blew the wind chime at the door, making a crisp tinkling sound. Eluka walked into the entrance hall and hung the bag in her hand on the wall.

"No need to change your shoes, just come in."

"Hey, is it really okay?"

"You're not wearing any shoes anyway, are you?"

"Hehe, too."

Mu En scratched her head and walked directly into the love nest of newlyweds without any pretense.

There was a faint floral fragrance in the air, and the surrounding decorations did not give Mu En a particularly festive or wedding feeling, but all the furniture and items were placed very naturally, making people feel warm unconsciously.

"We are newly married, but the atmosphere of life is already so strong?"

Mu En stroked the spotless bookshelf with his hand, and his eyes unconsciously stayed on the white wall.

There was a painting hanging on the wall, which showed a middle-aged man who was tanned but laughing and showing his white face, and a reserved middle-aged woman.


Looking at the painting, Mu En touched his chin and asked:

"Eluka, the person in this painting is not you."

"Of course it's not me."

Eluka walked over and glanced at the painting on the wall.

"This is what I drew when my parents got married."



Eluka scratched her cheek a little embarrassedly:

"It's a bit embarrassing to say that although I have been an adventurer for several years and my grades are pretty good, due to various reasons, neither I nor others have saved much money, let alone buying a house in Belland where the housing prices have skyrocketed.

So I am currently living with my parents."

"I see, I understand it a little bit." Mu En nodded seriously.

It seems that no matter which world you are in, not being able to afford a house is a big problem.

"Will you understand it too? I thought you were a rich man."

"Haha, are there rich people in this world who can't even afford clothes and wander around naked outside?" Mu En laughed, not intending to expose his noble identity


It's hard to tell whether Eluka believes Mu En's words. She chatted with Mu En in a random manner while walking into the bedroom.

When she came out again, she had changed into casual clothes and a cute pink apron.

"It may take some time to cook. Do you want to drink something first?"

"... Let's make some coffee to refresh myself."

"Okay... Wait a minute."

Eluka, who was about to make coffee, suddenly stopped and said embarrassedly:

"It seems that there is no coffee at home..."


Mu En was stunned, and then said with a strange look:

"Your coffee was also stolen by mice?"

"What mice?"

Eluka said annoyedly: "I just suddenly remembered that my parents never drink coffee because they will suffer from insomnia, so I guess they don't prepare this kind of thing at home."

"I see, then there is no need to bother, make me something if you have anything."

"There is black tea..."

"Forget about black tea! Plain water, just give me plain water!"

"Really? Well..."

Looking at Mu En, who looked terrified, Eluka wrinkled her nose in confusion, and then walked into the kitchen.

Not long after, she came out with a glass of boiled water.

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