
Mu En thought for a while:

"If you encounter this kind of situation in the future, leave me alone and run away as soon as possible."


"By the way, are you going to attend the meeting next?"


"Then I..."

"You go too."


Mu En was stunned:

"Me? I'm not from the Silence Agency... isn't this bad?"

"Then you are now."

Anna raised the corners of her mouth playfully, leaned close to Mu En and bit her ear:

"Mr. Moon Campbell, I am now specially appointing you as the special evil god-related consultant of the Silent Agency. Are you willing?"


Mu En seemed a little shy:

"It's not good to use power for personal gain."

"How can it be considered as using power for personal gain? I remember that you have had many contacts with evil gods, and you have a lot of relevant experience. You are qualified to serve as this consultant."

"Then...what about the reward?" Mu En blinked:

"Hiring me as a consultant will pay a lot of money."

"Oh, how greedy."

Anna held Mu En's neck, stood on tiptoes, their noses touched, and the distance between their lips and teeth was only a thin line, and they had begun to exchange familiar breaths.

She looked at Mu En and showed a naughty smile:

"Then... Is it enough to give it to you as a reward?"

"...Of course, but I have to advance a little in advance."

Her heart was aroused once again, and when there was no one around, Mu En couldn't help it anymore, lowered her head and kissed those soft and sweet lips.

50. Acting for the sword holder and her...

"I heard that this meeting is very serious?"

"It's very serious, after all, it has something to do with the evil god."

"I heard that this meeting is very important?"

"It's very important, after all, it's related to the evil god."

"I heard... forget it, I'll just say it straight away. Since this meeting is so important, I'd better leave first."

Although he agreed to attend the meeting with senior Anna, when Mu En walked into this gorgeously decorated conference room, she felt regret instantly.


Anna's ancient spirit blinked, as if she didn't understand Mu En's words. .


Mu En looked around the entire conference room and said with a grimace, "Isn't this obvious?"

Not to mention that Huo Gu and Mr. Dodge were sitting across from the long table after solemnly saying goodbye just now, nor were they sorting out some documents that seemed to be distributed in the room, looking at everything with Anna and Mu En in shock. Lin came in.

Take the long conference table in front of Mu En as an example...

There are less than ten chairs in total, and there are obviously not many places. But the key is that there is a bright red sign on the table corresponding to each chair, with the name of "Silent Mechanism" clearly written on it.

In other words, this is the kind of high-level meeting where there are not many people, but one chair represents a representative of a force participating in the meeting.

So the question is, even if Mu En, the special consultant to the Acting Sword Holder, is indeed qualified to participate in this kind of high-level meeting, but...where will he sit?

It can't be the same as usual when eating at a table. If you can't find a seat, you can still huff and puff and squeeze into the children's table with a small pony.

Mu En looked at Senior Anna innocently and said that it was not that I didn't want to, but that there was really no other way.

But... Mu En seemed to have overlooked that Anna, as the original participant, naturally knew the meeting mode.

So when La Muen came in, she already had a solution.

"You sit here."

Ana frowned and patted the seat that originally belonged to her.


Mu En was stunned and didn't understand Anna's intention.

"I'm sitting here, where are you sitting?"

"You sit down first."


"Why, you don't obey the orders of my superior?"

Anna showed a cruel evil smile:

"Be careful, I will deduct your salary, Mr. Mu En, sit down quickly."

"...Okay, okay."

Under the forced order of her "new boss", Mu En had no choice but to sit on the chair obediently.


Just across the table, Mr. Huogu asked, "Young people can still play like this?", and Mr. Dodge said, "Young people only play with flowers." With such surprised expressions, Anna twisted her beautiful buttocks and sat elegantly and comfortably. On Mu En's lap.

"Yeah~ I'll sit here."

The atmosphere was noticeably silent for a few seconds.

Then there was a clatter, and the documents that had just been sorted fell from Lin's hands onto the table.

She stared blankly at the scene of Anna and Mu En being intimate in front of her, her mouth wide open enough to fit an egg into it.

The thoughts that I had just sorted out in the morning turned into a mess again.

what happened? What's going on with the scene in front of me? Isn't that young lady named Anna the same as Her Royal Highness the Saint?

Could it be that while Her Highness the Saint was in awe of Moon Campbell, Moon Campbell was also in awe of Her Highness the Saint?

No, judging from the initiative just now, it should be the young lady named Anna who has impressed Her Highness the Saint... But Moon Campbell often does that kind of thing with Her Highness the Saint, which means that he also has an impression on Miss Anna?

? ? Who is better than whom?

Lin couldn't understand it for a moment, her mind was in a mess, and she felt deeply that the knowledge in the book alone could no longer make her understand the current situation.

Mu En didn't know that Lin's brain had entered overload mode at this moment, because his brain was also a little confused.

Although Senior Sister Anna sat in his arms like this, with soft buttocks and slender waist, it would indeed give him a wonderful touch, but this scene...

"No... not so good, Senior Sister."

As Anna moved, Mu En's hand took her waist:

"This is in broad daylight..."

"What's wrong with it? We just like it, do we need others to think about it?"

Anna twisted her waist imperceptibly, turned back and smiled:

"Or... you don't like it?"


"Oh oh oh, it doesn't look like you don't like it, you suddenly become so energetic."


The beloved beauty sat on his thighs, her soft fragrance and soft jade welcomed him, and at the same time showed him a charming smile. I'm afraid that even a cold person with a heart as hard as ice would not be able to say anything to refuse at this moment.

Mu En sighed and closed his eyes helplessly. It's not his fault that his heart is not strong, it's really that this fairy is too tempting.

Anna and Mu En seemed to have arrived earlier. Before them, there were only Huo Gu and Dodge in the conference room, as well as Lin who helped to sort and distribute documents.

But not long after, the next representative appeared with full momentum.

First, the door of the conference room opened with a bang, and then a sharp breath rushed in like a raging storm. The light outside the door was blocked by the figure, casting a huge shadow in the room.

It was a tall man in military uniform, with a cold expression and sharp eyes. There was a huge scar on his side face, but he did not cover it up, as if this scar was his honor.

And on his chest, there were indeed many exquisite medals symbolizing honor.

General Barol, representative of the Zeroth Organization of the Kingdom of San Pedro.

Although his realm was slightly inferior and not at the peak, even Huo Gu and Dodge, the most experienced people in this meeting, would look at him squarely.

Madman, wild dog, demon wolf, there are many legends about this General Barol. Some say that he likes to drink the blood of virgins the most, and some say that he often boils babies alive for dinner.

But no matter why these legends spread, some of them are already recognized facts.

For example, there is a huge feud between the Zero Organization and the Silent Organization of the Leopold Empire, and for example, this General Barol was once defeated by the old man...

So when he entered the scene so high-profile, everyone had no doubt that he wanted to intimidate this new enemy when he heard that the heir of the Silent Organization was just a delicate little girl.

General Barrol did think so, so his eyes were like lightning and his voice was like thunder. As soon as he entered the conference room, his ferocious eyes were already searching for his prey like a hungry wolf pack...

"Hate you, junior brother, move back a little, you are hitting me."

"It's obviously the senior sister who is moving around, hiss - don't move anymore..."


General Barrol stayed where he was, looking at the scene in front of him in shock.

Before entering the conference room, he had anticipated many reactions from the other party, either trembling under his momentum, or as the next sword holder, he did have some ability to fight against him a little.

But no matter how he thought about it, he didn't expect that the first thing he saw when he entered the door would be such a weird picture that should never appear here.

A woman who looked really delicate, sitting on another man who looked white and thin, but good-looking, the two looked... like they were flirting?

So if this picture had to be named, it would probably be - "The Great Silent Agency Acting Sword Holder and Her Beloved Little White Face".

It even reached the point where it was as if no one else was around. When he walked in with such a grand momentum, they seemed to be completely immersed in their own world and paid no attention. They just mercilessly sent sour and smelly dog ​​food to the surroundings for free.

The long-accumulated momentum collapsed in an instant, and the hungry wolves became confused huskies. Because he really couldn't figure out the opponent's tricks, General Barol could only silently put away his idea of ​​showing off his power and walked to his own seat.


But at this time, Anna suddenly turned her head and looked at him with a smile:

"First meeting, General Barol."


Barol was about to respond, but suddenly felt a chill all over his body.

The girl's smile was so gentle, but he felt that from the depths of those gem-like eyes, there was endless silence and darkness flowing out, suddenly enveloping him.

The ground under his feet was no longer solid, but a dark sea. The bright moon was hanging high above the sea, but under the moonlight, there seemed to be countless crazy and twisted shadows under the sea, roaring silently, scratching madly, whispering harshly and murmured, ignoring the laws of physics, pouring directly into his mind, and constantly telling in the depths of his soul that they wanted to break through the cage and taste his fresh flesh and blood...


Suddenly, the bright moon and the dark sea had disappeared, and Barol's consciousness returned to the warm and bright conference room again. The deputy sword holder not far away still smiled gently.

But Barol's expression was solemn. At the same time of horror, he had already taken in all the arrogance and arrogance just now into the depths of his eyes.

Sure enough... the person chosen by that old thing would never be so simple? Flirting with the pretty boy was just her disguise.

"Nice to meet you, Anna Kaberlin."

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