An sighed softly, and then turned his attention to other places.

This room seems to have been a master bedroom before. There are still traces of the bed that has been placed here for many years on the floor. It has been slightly remodeled. The big bed has been removed, leaving only the dresser and wardrobe, which looks extremely empty.

"This is……"

Ann gently picked up the photo frame on the dresser.

In the frame is a painting.

The painting shows a family of three.

In this world, it is difficult for ordinary people to afford expensive "magic photos", so in order to retain some pictures, most people will hire cheap street painters, and finally frame them like photos. stand up.

That kind of painting wouldn't be very delicate, but An could still tell at a glance that the cute girl being held by a middle-aged man and a woman in the painting was Aluka in her childhood.

"Are these Eluka's parents? They look so much like her."

"Speaking of which, the portraits hanging on the wall in the living room are also her parents. So this house should also belong to her parents, but where are her parents?"

"Strange, why would I think about such a thing."

If you are not at home, you must have gone out for something. There is nothing suspicious about it.

It seemed that after chasing the young master for two days, he was mentally exhausted.

An laughed to herself, put the photo frame back in place, and glanced at the photo frame next to it.

There is a small statue that seems to be an ornament. The image above is of a young girl hugging a heart, as if she is about to rub it into her arms.

Ann didn't pay much attention.

Then... he opened the dresser drawer.

The slightly outlined corners of his mouth suddenly froze.

"This...this is..."

An opened her mouth slightly and looked at the various "toys" in the drawer. She had only seen them in some books, but had never actually used them.

Rich woman’s happy ball…

Rich woman’s happy whip…

Rich Woman Happy... In short, it is the Rich Woman Happy series of products, which are all kinds of products.

"Is it true that this...these things won't cause any problems when used on the human body?"

Even An, who had studied the structure of the human body specifically to avoid accidentally stabbing Mu En to death, couldn't help but feel a little frightened at this moment.

It feels like some things, although they are called "toys", are more like "torture instruments".

If these things are used on the young master...

No, I'm getting excited.

Ann pushed the drawer back violently.

He rubbed his face, trying to suppress the trace of blush that had accidentally leaked out.

As a maid, this is too rude.

At least I won't be excited until I actually catch the young master.

After wandering around, I finally wandered back to the man.


An squatted down and looked at the man, wanting to ask something.

But before she could say anything, she froze.

The man in front of him had a clean beard and his face had obviously been carefully groomed.


His eyes were dull and his expression was numb.

His eyes seemed to be looking somewhere, but there was nothing where he looked, and even the pupils seemed not to reflect An's shadow.

When An put her hand on his chin, he raised his head reflexively.



There was only despair and pain in Mingming's eyes that seemed to be able to drown everything.

The cry was extremely joyful.

Like an automaton.

Press the switch and it will move.

He danced the set dance with a smile on his face, but the soul inside was already dead.

"You, are you okay?"

An's tone suddenly trembled.

It occurred to her suddenly.

If his beloved Master Mu En became like this, would he still be happy?

Obviously I have made up my mind that it doesn't matter if I only get the young master's body, but will I really be happy?

can you?


A trace of confusion flashed in the man's eyes.

He seemed to have just noticed now that what was in front of him at this moment was not the demon that had been tormenting him all along.


He suddenly grabbed An's arm and made a strange sound of unknown meaning in his throat. He seemed to want to say something, but it was difficult to say it. It was like a savage who had been living on an island for twenty years and couldn't speak human language in a short time.

But calculating the time, he was only trained for "two days" at most.

Finally, after spending a lot of effort, An finally heard clearly what the man was trying to say.

"Don't...don't go near that room..."


An followed the man's gaze and found that he was pointing to a room with a closed door at the end of the corridor.

"Why can't you get closer? Is there anything inside?"

The man didn't answer.

But suddenly his whole body began to tremble, as if he was facing huge fear, and his wide palms would feel painful when he held them.

An knew that the man in front of him was originally a strong man who could face the overlord-level monsters, but at this moment he was as fragile as a newborn baby.

"Don't...don't go near there, wuwuwuwu...there..."

"What's there and why are you crying?"

An was a little confused. She wanted to comfort the man and get more accurate information, but the man suddenly shook off her hand and curled back into his nest again.


He lowered his head and transformed into a dog again.

I love you.

PS: Don’t call me stupid, the next chapter will be high energy.

61. Whispers of Cupid (Part 1)

An finally walked to the door.

Although the man was so afraid of this place, there must be something bad inside.

But just like the button with a note saying "not to press" is easier to press, human's innate curiosity and rebellious psychology drove her to stand here.

No, it's not just these reasons.

There are also some small, hard-to-explain reasons.

For example...

Her intuition.

Since she stepped into this village, An has always felt something is wrong.

In the shadows, I always feel that there is something, but when I look over, there is nothing.

After meeting Eluka, this feeling of something wrong has become stronger.

It's as if there is something hidden under Eluka's lively and cute smiling face.

What is hidden is something far more terrifying than what she shows.

But that kind of thing will make people unable to help but go and spy.

Just like the poisonous snake that tempted the Son of the Beginning to eat the apple.

"I'll just... take a look."

An held her hand on the door handle.

The cold touch made her calm down a lot.

After holding her breath and listening for a while, she was sure that Eluka was still busy in the kitchen.


use force.

With a slight friction sound,

the door opened.

An cast her eyes into the room.


her pupils shrank suddenly.

From the moment she entered the room, the air was filled with a faint floral scent.

An smelled that it was the scent of some kind of perfume, because she would occasionally use it.

And after opening the door, the floral scent became even stronger.

No, it should be said to be pungent.

It was like several perfume bottles were smashed in the room at the same time, and the strong floral scent almost made people breathless.

But even so, An could not help but smell the smell hidden behind the floral scent.

The smell of blood.

The strong smell of blood that could not be dissolved.

An saw it.

In the not-so-spacious room, the dim light flickered, and several moths flew around the light, ready to pounce on the flame at any time, but were blocked by the cold lampshade.

Under the light, on the iron bed, a young girl lay quietly.

She was naked.

On her body, from her round chest down to a private part, there was a hideous and huge wound, with messy internal organs scattered from the wound, and the blood seemed to have drained out long ago, and even the black fascia on the internal organs could be seen.

The girl was disemboweled.


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