So pure, so holy, people can't help but think of the first morning light on the cathedral.

"Yes, money can't buy everything, such as true love..."

In the holy light barrier from [Saint's Special Offering], Mu En affectionately rubbed the goddess statue in her hand:

"But it's a pity that love... I have it too."

Senior: "..."

"People from the church?"

Senior's cheeks twitched as he felt humiliated twice in one night.

That golden light undoubtedly comes from the Holy Light of the Church, but since the Holy Light all comes from that noble goddess and all emit the same aura, it is impossible for Senior to tell which church figure this Holy Light comes from. of gifts.

Or rather, it is...

"Is the church also involved in Belland's matter?"

Senior whispered to himself, stroking the already hot bone flute, already thinking of retreating.

Damn robin, actually deceived him, is this the downtown gangster he said?

Can a gangster in the lower city easily take out a disposable magic weapon worth millions?

Can the gangsters in the lower city casually find sacred objects blessed by the holy light of the goddess of life?

Go to hell you little bastard!

It was you who deceived people first, but don’t blame me for breaking the agreement!

The long notes beat again, but this time the sound of the flute seemed particularly ethereal.

As the thin mist drifted silently, Senior's figure gradually became ethereal and dim, and gradually disappeared from here...

"Do you think...after I showed that kind of speed, you can escape from here unscathed? You are looking down on me."

Cold murderous intent followed him like a shadow. Senior shuddered, and the blurred figure became clear again.

A familiar, leisurely voice sounded.

But this time, it wasn't a block away, but... close at hand.

Right behind him, even the sharp and cold object was pressed against his waist, threatening to penetrate his body at any time.

Cold sweat oozed from Senior's forehead, but he didn't make any more unnecessary resistance. Mu En, who was behind him, didn't even have time to say the next harsh word, so he quickly raised his hands.

"Don't kill me, I surrender!"


"Huh... As expected of that person, the quality of the magic scroll is so high."

Under the wall of the alley, the Rat King carefully tasted the last drop of wine and stretched out with satisfaction.

Under the effect of the powerful healing magic, his injuries have almost recovered. Although there may still be some hidden injuries that need to be adjusted later, they will no longer affect his normal actions.

He stood up, straightened his clothes, and rolled his eyes a few times.

"Now that I have recovered, I have to show up and help, otherwise how can I show my loyalty..."

"I've seen your loyalty, Sam."

Before he could even take the first step, the familiar majestic voice came from not far away.

The Rat King looked solemn and quickly lowered his head.

"Congratulations on your return victorious. Dear Mr. Bruce, your speed is much faster than I thought."

"It's not without reason that you, the guy, are able to live so freely in the Lower City."

Mu En chuckled and casually threw the figure tied into a rice dumpling next to the Rat King.

Being discarded like rags, Sydney groaned in pain, with an angry expression on his face.

But when he thought of the situation at this moment, he forced down the trace of unhappiness.

This is not cowardice.

This is forbearance.

As an excellent royal magician, as long as he can survive, he will definitely have the possibility of revenge!

"Is this the guy who attacked me just now?"

The Rat King's eyes widened and he looked at Senior on the ground with a hint of shock.

"To be able to capture such a powerful magician in such a short period of time, Mr. Bruce, you are really..."

"Time is of the essence, please leave your compliments later."

Mu En sat down on the chair that the Rat King dragged from nowhere, looking down at Senior on the ground.

"Tell me, Mr. Magician, your name, identity, and who do you obey?"

"...The name is Searney."

Senior hesitated for a long time before humming a few words through his nose with difficulty.

"The identity belongs to the Tower of Origin..."


Before he finished speaking, a sharp arrow struck the side of Senior's face and was nailed to the wall nearby.

"I don't have time to listen to your nonsense here, Mr. Magician. If you are unwilling to tell the truth, I will have to use another way to get you to speak."

Mu En still had a seemingly non-threatening smile on her deep face at this moment, but what flowed in her eyes was a terrifying darkness that made the soul tremble.

Senior trembled, and the last trace of persistence disappeared in fear. He gritted his teeth and said:

"Senior, Senior Zegun. Identity is the new magician of the Royal Magician Corps."

"Royal Order of Magicians?"

Mu En's eyes narrowed.

"As a magician of the Royal Magician Corps, His Majesty's sharpest sword, you should only obey His Majesty's orders. Don't tell me that His Majesty specially asked you to come here in the middle of the night to kill Sam, who is out of reach of you. "

"Tell me, who sent you here?"

"I...I don't know."

Mu En aimed the arrow at Senior's forehead.

", no, no, what I mean by I don't know is that I don't know the other party's true identity!"

Senior huddled up and said quickly:

"The other party manipulates a puppet bird and calls himself a robin. I only help him as an individual because I owe him money and receive benefits from him! Therefore, I don't know his true identity, but I vaguely feel that he may be related to someone in Belrand... No, some great nobles!"


Mu En put down the crossbow in his hand and knocked his knee.

This guy should not have the courage to lie now, so...

Mu En closed his eyes and sank into the depths of consciousness.

The black book floated in the dark space of consciousness. At the top, a black sun with a pure white crown slowly turned.

"I want to read the record of the guy who played with insects before. I swallowed his soul with black flames. It should be possible."

Mu En asked.

The black book did not answer.

Only the pages turned.

Dense fonts appeared on the originally blank pages, and countless information instantly flooded into Mu En's mind.

The chaotic picture, countless figures swaying.

The huge amount of information suddenly made Mu En's consciousness feel violently torn.

"Wait, wait, it's too fast, I can't stand it... Keyword search, robin!"

Mu En shouted.

The pages turned quickly again.

Soon, the meaningless and disgusting life of the insect controller disappeared, and the information stayed on a picture.

It was a robin with a white crown and a red belly, standing on a high branch.

It was polite and leaned over and said:

"Mr. Insect Controller, who is being hunted by the Silence Agency and is almost desperate... Do you need to make a deal with the Council?"


Mu En suddenly opened his eyes and his consciousness returned to reality.

"It seems that it's connected."

The person who led away the Silence Agency.

The person who wanted to control the lower city again through the old ghost.


The person who was brewing something through the emperor's serious illness this time.

A big net that was gradually built seemed to be covering the whole of Belrand.

"The inner council... huh? It sounds like a noble ball, not a pleasant thing."

After a little thought, Mu En looked at Senior again.

"I... I have told you everything I know!"

Senior quickly shrank his body, but stiffened his neck and said

"Even if you want to torture him, you won't get anything out of him, and torture is illegal!"


The Rat King on the side almost laughed out loud.

"Forget it."

Knowing that he could not squeeze any useful information out of Senior, Mu En waved his hand and untied Senior:

"You are still somewhat useful. I won't do anything to you, but you have to go back to the Royal Magician Corps and lie in wait to monitor the movements of the Magician Corps. By the way, secretly check to see to what extent the Royal Magician Corps has been infiltrated by forces other than His Majesty."

"Lie in wait?"

Senior's eyes widened:

"You want me to be your running dog?"

"What else?"

Mu En glanced at him and looked at him with a smile:

"As a magician of the Royal Magician Corps, it is a serious crime to act privately without His Majesty's order. Don't tell me that it is in your personal capacity. This is a self-deceiving statement. You are betraying His Majesty."

"Dear Mr. Senior, you said, with such a big handle in my hand, why don't you be my lackey?"

"...That won't work!"

Senior blushed and scolded:

"I, Senior, learned magic, not to be a lackey for a guy like you who has unknown origins, even if you hold my handle..."

"There is a salary, an annual salary of one million."

"...Shut up, you think it's just one million..."

"Five insurances and one housing fund, reasonable work, appropriate overtime, and year-end bonus."

"...That's also..."

"By the way, all the materials you need for future promotions will be provided, and a valuable magic device will be given to you for free."

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