The Rat King did not hesitate and jumped down from the roof. With the help of the magic armor, this height did not pose any threat to him.


Not far away, the monster transformed by Wood had been wandering around. It seemed to be looking for Mu En's weakness, and seemed to be afraid of something and dared not attack. Noticing the fleeing Rat King and his men, the monster immediately roared, and its red eyes locked the direction where the Rat King disappeared.

But, it couldn't even take a step.


The indifferent words sounded like an approachable greeting, but this simple sound made Wood, who had completely lost his mind after the beast transformation, freeze in place and dared not move at will.

The low roar had already echoed in its throat. He turned his head and stared at Mu En, and his two sharp front claws were digging on the floor anxiously.

It wandered back and forth again.

It was like a beast that met another beast and would never dare to act easily before the other party made a move.

"I have to say, it's still a feeling of dealing with monsters like you that makes people get used to it."

After guessing that the Rat King had probably successfully retreated and completely blocked the building, Mu En leisurely drew out his pure white double swords.

As soon as the double swords were unsheathed, they immediately made a rapid buzzing sound, as if expressing dissatisfaction with Mu En's use of other weapons during this period.

Mu En gently comforted Elizabeth, his eyes fell on Wood in front of him, and those monsters who had gradually gathered because they had lost their target and were attracted by the breath of the only living creature.

"Although Mr. Old Ghost's gift is very heavy, he doesn't seem to know... I'm not familiar with beating people, but I'm very familiar with beating monsters, so familiar that it's like returning home."

Mu En suddenly gripped the hilt of the knife, and his imposing aura spread out. On that deep face that didn't belong to him, there actually appeared a grin that hadn't appeared for a long time... a slightly excited grin.

"So, family, be more enthusiastic, okay?"



"President, here's the information you want."

With a creak, the door opened, and Wei'er walked into the room with a stack of documents higher than her head.

After finally successfully placing the documents on the table in front of Cecilia, Wei'er immediately complained with a bitter face:

"Huh, I'm so tired, I didn't expect it to be so heavy."

"You should exercise."

"But I'm a magician, magicians only need to learn magic, and exercise is something only heretics do."

"You are a magician, but this is not an excuse for you to have a little belly."

"Well, the president's poisonous tongue, it hurts..."

Wei'er seemed to be hit, knocked her little head on Cecilia's desk, and rolled her head on the desk out of boredom.

"Come to think of it, President, didn't you already read about these missing persons cases in the downtown area a few months ago? Why do you want me to look them up again?"

"There are still some doubts that need to be confirmed."

Cecilia didn't even raise her head, still working seriously at her desk, flipping through one document after another at a very fast speed. Occasionally, she would take out one or two and put them in another category.

"You've been busy all morning."

"Only one morning, not bad."

Seemingly remembering that she hadn't rested for a while, Cecilia reached out and touched the coffee cup beside her.

But when her hand touched the light cup, she found that the cup was already empty.

"Weier, coffee."

"Okay, okay, alas, it's also my misfortune as a secretary to meet a workaholic president."

Weier sighed and reluctantly supported herself to pour coffee for her president.

"Is it the same as usual?"

"No, double the sugar this time."

"Double again?"

Weier was shocked:

"President, your usual sweetness is enough..."

Cecilia rubbed her temples: "I need sugar, stop talking nonsense, hurry up."


Weier quickly made a cup of double sugar coffee for Cecilia. The coffee had become extremely viscous when stirred at this time. It was hard to imagine how much sugar was added to it.

Cecilia took a sip gently, and a trace of satisfaction immediately appeared on her cold little face. Weier blinked and looked at her, thinking that her own president would always look a little cute at this time.

"Speaking of which, President, you are so hard now, you don't want to help that scumbag, do you?" Weier suddenly remembered something and asked casually.


Cecilia paused while working, she slowly raised her head and stared at Wei'er expressionlessly:

"What do you mean?"

Wei'er was frightened and immediately shrank her neck:

"No...that...didn't you suddenly become like this after Moon Campbell came over..."

"Do you think I work for him?"


"Wei'er, have you been too idle recently, so you have such strange ideas? It seems that I have to find something for you to do...How about reducing your belly within a month? Just run ten kilometers every day, it's very easy..."

"I was wrong, please forgive me, President!"

Wei'er knelt respectfully on the ground, and apologized sincerely.

Just kidding, she is an ultimate otaku who can't wait to use magic to complete her walk, but running ten kilometers every day can be fatal.

"I am the princess of the empire. I will not do anything specifically for anyone, let alone any one side."

Celcia finally withdrew her gaze:

"I'm just here for the empire."

"Yeah, for the empire!"

Wei'er nodded obediently.

Regardless of whether this is the case or not, let’s just assume it is the case.

Celecia stood up suddenly.

"Hey, President, where are you going? Are you not working?"


"At this time, why?"

"I have to go out later."

"Going out?"

Wei'er's eyes widened and she said in surprise:

"But now, aren't you still under... house arrest? If you are discovered when you go out..."

"It really can't be discovered."

Celcia nodded and then said:

"But don't I have a professional magician secretary? Such a simple task should be easy for her."


Weier froze immediately.


"Otherwise who else."

Celcia went straight to the bathroom inside:

"Come on, Miss Magician, if I am discovered, I will at most be scolded by my father, but you..."

Celecia suddenly turned around, still looking cold and emotionless:

"Might lose your head."


Celcia walked into the bathroom.

Close the door.

There was a sound of running water.

After a long time, Wei'er finally reacted, slapped herself directly, and said with a sad face:

"Why do I have to be so mean with my mouth... wu wu..."

87. Eager

"Uncle Ford, please give me a piece of meat."

The sun was setting, and the young boatman who had worked all day also set foot on his way home. But before going home, he went to a butcher shop he knew well, picked and picked, and among the crowd, the price was reduced due to the surplus. Among the meat, I still chose the cheapest piece.

"Oh, you are willing to sell meat. Have you been paid today?"

"Yes, there are two thousand Emiles!"

The tanned young boatman smiled and showed his big white teeth. Two thousand Emiles was already a good salary for him. According to current prices, he could buy a full four hundred pounds of black bread.

Of course, it was impossible to buy only brown bread. His sister's school fees were already two months in arrears, and he had to make up for it as soon as possible. The roof at home was also leaking, and he had to spend money to repair it.

Although there are many places to spend money, he still wants to be extravagant. After all, the family has probably not had any meat smell for more than a month. Since his father was injured while carrying goods at the dock, all the burden of the family has fallen on him. He was alone, and his family was living in dire straits.

"Speaking of which, being able to afford meat is thanks to this year's market!"


The butcher, whose hands and feet were slippery and secretly counted a little more meat, asked casually:

"Are you talking about this year's food prices?"

"Hmm! Last winter, black bread cost a full ten cents. If the price was at that time, I wouldn't have any extra money to sell meat."

When he mentioned this, the young boatman became a little excited. In previous years, the price of food basically doubled every winter. Only this year, there was no change, only a slight increase.

"I heard that this is all the result of the new consul."

"Really? But don't some people say that he took advantage of the grain sales for disaster relief and enriched his own pockets? You see, there don't seem to be a few nobles coming to Xiacheng District to distribute bread for free this year."

"Tch, what's the use of free bread? All the free bread has been taken away by the gangsters on the street, and I can't get a share of it."

The young boatman curled his lips disdainfully:

"The price of bread is the most important thing. I have hands and feet, so how can I live on others' charity."

"Yes, come, there are twenty Emiles in total."

During the chat, the butcher wrapped the cut meat in newspapers and handed it to the young boatman.

"Eh? Uncle Ford, are you injured?"

The young boatman was stunned when he took the meat, because he found that the butcher's right arm was wrapped with a large bandage. He had not seen it because it was hidden in the sleeve.

"Ah, this."

The butcher smiled:

"I was fucked by a disobedient beast in the morning. It's okay. The beast has already obeyed."

"That's it."

The young boatman also laughed:

"Then be careful. I'm going back first. I still have to cook for my family while it's still dark."

In order to save candlelight, families in Xiacheng District often have to finish everything before dark, and when he comes to sell meat, he has already lost some time.

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