"The results of it?"

"There are a few supply channels that are weird..."

Mu En narrowed his eyes: "Oh, there are actually several nobles involved, and among them is the famous Mr. Robin."

"show me."

Celcia reached out.

Mu En did not hesitate at all and handed the letter, which could expose part of the Campbell family's intelligence system, to Celicia.

Celecia's eyes quickly scanned the words on the letter.

"It's unlikely. There's a high probability that these people are members of the council, but the possibility of Robin is very low. He should be hiding in a safer place and won't be exposed so easily."

"I know that too, but after all, there are clues, right? As long as you find the thread, everything will be much easier."

"Yes...but I think it's not just this Robin that you need to pay attention to. Judging from the information currently available, his role is to coordinate the resources of all parties in the meeting and handle some practical events. , that is, the hands and feet of the Council, but behind him, there is someone hiding deeper." Celecia frowned slightly, and even her expression became a little solemn when she mentioned this matter.

"White Tiger..."

Mu En murmured in a low voice.

Although the meeting here is indeed said to have great magical powers, it is impossible not to leave any traces. Therefore, after such a long investigation, some previously unknown information has gradually surfaced.

This includes the founder of the Council and the current Speaker of the Council, code-named White Tiger.

The fog surrounding the robin is being dispelled bit by bit, but only for the white tiger, Mu En is still clueless.

The unknown means real danger.

"Forget it, it's useless to talk about this kind of thing now."

Celecia shook the letter in her hand and looked at Mu En's hand again:

"What's the second letter?"

"Ah, this..."

Mu En quickly recovered and opened the second letter.

But as soon as he saw the content of the letter, his expression suddenly became complicated.

"What, a love letter?"

Celcia raised her eyebrows slightly.

"It's not a love letter, it's a letter from home."

Mu En rarely picked up what Celecia said, but carefully read every word on the letter. He read a few short sentences over and over again:

"My father's letter, he told me not to worry about anything and just go ahead and do it."

Mu En took a deep breath and smiled in a weird tone:

"Now, I can truly mobilize all the resources of the Duke's Palace and Belland."

129. Duke

The atmosphere in the military formation was desolate.

In the distance, a shadow like a hill could be seen looming over them. The rich blood was pungent and made it difficult to breathe.

"Your Majesty, is this really okay?"

A middle-aged man wearing blood-stained armor and a solemn face turned to look at Duke Campbell at the top of the military tent after finishing assigning tasks to his subordinates.

"What did you say?"

Duke Campbell opened his eyes. After a year of fighting against the demons, his eyes were still full of energy. His thick beard was like a lion's mane, calm and intimidating.

"It's a matter of delegating authority to the young master."

The man hesitated for a moment, then admonished:

"The young master is still young after all. Although the storm is gathering over Belland at this time, is it too risky for you to hand over all the resources left by the Duke's Palace to him?"

"Haha, I still treat you as a kid. What are you going to say?"

Duke Campbell smiled and continued to rest with his eyes closed:

"It's time for that boy to practice. Sooner or later he will have to assume the position of Duke. It's better to get used to it as soon as possible. Don't worry, the Duke's family has a great cause. Even if he really fails, how can he fail? Woolen cloth?"


The middle-aged man glanced at the document in his hand, which was sent by Belland not long ago:

"But Master Campbell seems to have even sold your manor."

"It's just a manor, just sell it."

Duke Campbell waved his hand casually: "I'm not so stingy as to be obsessed with one or two manors. The boy who was forced to sell the manor must be in urgent need of money. Let him go."


The middle-aged man looked at the numbers on the document, hesitated, and then said:

"The young master has sold all nine of your estates around Belland. Is that okay?"

"What's the problem? Isn't it just...wait, how much?!"

Duke Campbell stood up suddenly, widened his eyes, slapped the table and shouted:

"Nine seats?! All of them?!"

"No...that's right, but there are still three of them on the market for sale. After all, with so many manors being released at once, Belland doesn't have that many buyers who need both financial resources."

"In other words, he has sold six full seats?!"

Duke Campbell's cheek twitched, and he lost all his majesty in an instant, and beat his chest:

"What a sin! Some of those manors are older than his grandfather's grandfather. They are rare antique buildings and are very valuable. The Campbell family has worked hard to accumulate such a small fortune for generations. That boy was defeated in just one year. It’s so clean. He’s so capable, why didn’t he sell my Campbell family’s ancestral grave as well? What a sin!”


The middle-aged man who was worried just now suddenly felt at a loss and walked forward to comfort him:

"Sir, please calm down. It's just a few manors. Compared to Belland at present, it's not that important. Maybe Master Campbell has some important purpose? Don't be angry. It won't be good if you get angry."

"Then what does he want to do by selling the manor? His black card has at least 100 million Emiles. Isn't this enough for him to squander?"

Duke Campbell suddenly calmed down and asked.

"Here... let me take a look."

The middle-aged man quickly flipped through the information he received and said:

"What we can know so far is...purchasing counterfeit weapons to rationally eliminate the inventory, hiring the vice president of the Adventurer Association, distributing disaster relief funds, purchasing magical props, purchasing jewelry and gems...that seems to be it."


Duke Campbell was dumbfounded: "I sold six manors, and three more have been put up for sale. Is that all you have done?"

"This... these things seem quite expensive..."

"Fart! Don't think I'm stupid. Even if that kid sells all the manors at 50% off, the money he gets won't be so small. Can you find out all his usage channels?"

"This... is the young master after all. It is difficult for us to check, and many personal uses cannot be checked at all. We only know that a large amount of money seems to have entered the Holy City's account."

"Holy City?"

Duke Campbell frowned, "What does this kid want to do?"

"I don't know, it's a holy city after all."

The middle-aged man smiled bitterly: "We can't even reach in."

"This kid... his wings are hard."

Duke Campbell suddenly let out a long sigh and sat down on the chair again, looking up at the top of the military tent that had been darkened by the bonfire.

After a moment of silence, he suddenly said:

"Forget it, let him go."

"Just...let's forget it?"

The middle-aged man was surprised.

"Otherwise? Are you going to go back and beat that kid up now?"

Duke Campbell glanced at him, no longer as sad and angry as before, and said:

"Anyway, these things will belong to him in the future. If that kid uses his own things in advance, that's his own business. It's beyond my reach and I can't control it."

"Then...the matter of delegating power..."

"Heh, do you think that kid is so brave that he dares to secretly... No, I'm selling my manor openly. Will he not have the courage to ask for those things in the future? Here, here, let him go through the trouble. He passed the magic exam before He scored an unprecedented 80 points in my Campbell family. I haven’t given him any rewards yet. Let’s just take these as rewards.”


The middle-aged man's eyes twitched.


To give such an expensive thing to the young master as a reward for an exam, there are adults in this world who always dote on the young master, you can do it.


The middle-aged man secretly looked at Duke Campbell's hand pulling his beloved beard hard, and knew that he was not as open-minded as he appeared.

In fact, he still cares about his manor very much.

"I understand, I'll make arrangements right away."

The middle-aged man took the order and prepared to leave.

But Duke Campbell suddenly stopped him:

"By the way, Bellland's information must be sent in time in the future. I think what is about to happen to Bellland this time will not be so simple."


The middle-aged man smiled bitterly: "The matter of the two princes breaking away from the throne cannot be called simple."

"That was not what I meant."

Duke Campbell tapped on the table. On his desk, he laid out in detail all the major events that had happened in Belland over the past month.

"I always feel that all this... is not just because of the throne. I always feel that there is something hidden behind the scenes that cannot be seen clearly for the time being."

"Something you can't see clearly?"

The middle-aged man said doubtfully:

"The Duke knows the two princes very well. Do you think some of them are hatching some conspiracy?"

"No, I don't know the two princes, but I... know that Your Majesty."

Duke Campbell's eyes swept over these events over and over again, and frowned:

"Our Majesty will not give in just because of a serious illness... But until now, he has been silent and allowed the whole situation to reach an irreversible point. What on earth does he want to do?"

130. Plan

"Charity gala...charity gala...haha...He is openly going against me. This is a declaration of war! A declaration of war!"

Andrew swept away all the official documents on his desk, including those precious antiques, his eyes red like a furious beast.

"I haven't done anything yet, but he is better, damn it!"

"Your Highness, calm down."

Orlando pushed his wheelchair to the table and dug out the small business card among the scraps that were worth a lot just now but were now worthless.

It could be said to be a business card, or an invitation. It came from the famous Marquis of Angus, inviting nobles who had leisure time, or rather benevolence, to go to the Lower City to attend a charity gala held by him in a week's time.

He will use the money raised at the party, plus some of his own savings, to build five schools, three orphanages, and a hospital in Xiacheng District.

Judging from the scale, this is also a grand event. As long as a noble is pursuing his own reputation, he will not give up this opportunity. At this critical moment, Andrew should be the same.


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