"Shh, keep your voice down, don't let those people hear you."

The crowd gradually piled up.

Most of them were ordinary people who didn't care about Ariel's illegitimate status, so most of them had a sympathetic mentality, and many people even secretly cheered Ariel.

"Come on, Ariel, I believe you can do it."

Of course, some people also raised objections:

"Alas, this time Ariel is in trouble. That Emon is also a leader in the fourth grade. He is called the Campbell Wolf. He is superb at summoning blood wolves. Even many professors admire him. He is the most brutal fighter under Moon Campbell.

Even if Ariel defeated Gru in the third grade last time, it seems that she is still not good enough to face the more powerful Emon."


Listening to these rational analyses, Ariel's mouth twitched slightly.

She felt like she had heard the same words many times before. The medicine was the same, except for the name. Even the sentence structure seemed to be the same. .

But I was slapped in the face by her the last few times.

This time... it will be the same.

A hint of fighting spirit gradually ignited in Ariel's eyes.

Her blood was boiling.

The Wolf of Campbell? That's good. I can test the results of my training during the two-month vacation.

At the same time, I was able to defeat the fourth grade just after entering the second grade. With such an amazing result, I believe Cecilia will pay more attention to me.

Ariel's mouth twisted, "Okay, I answer--"

But just as she was about to agree, the crowd suddenly became agitated, and someone whispered:

"It's Muen Campbell!"

2. Excellent lackey

"It's Muen Campbell!"

I don't know who shouted in a low voice.

Then the crowd suddenly separated into a passage in an instant, as if they had been specially trained.

Revealing Muen who was hiding at the end of the crowd and was about to sneak into the academy.


Muen, who was still holding a half-eaten skewer in his hand, looked confused, like a bandit caught in the spotlight.

Who yelled, you're so sharp!

Can't you let me be low-key?

Do you know that it would be very embarrassing if I showed up in the current scene?

Looking at Amon and Ariel confronting each other, Mu En felt that his head was about to explode.

It happened to be Ariel, the protagonist he least wanted to meet.

And it happened to be the classic scene in the original book where his subordinates gave Ariel a head, making the protagonist show off and get slapped in the face.

In this situation, it would be bad for me, a yellow-haired villain, to show up.

It would make the protagonist think that I came here to laugh at her on purpose, thereby increasing hatred!


In fact, Mu En had arrived a long time ago, and he came earlier than Ariel.

But he didn't rush to enter the college, but strolled around the streets around the college, bought some snacks and a few skewers, and then took advantage of the fact that there were not many people at the gate to prepare to enter the college.

As a result, Ariel just got out of the carriage at this time.

Those idiots of Amon just happened to stand in front of Ariel.

Then within a few minutes, hundreds of people who happened to pass by the gate of the academy appeared.

In a short time, the entire gate of the academy was surrounded by people.

By the way, where did you come from? The gate of the academy was empty just now!

Is this the so-called field that I, the protagonist, must have an audience to show off?

Mu En couldn't help but complain.

Complaining is complaining, being watched by everyone in an instant still stimulated the muscle memory of Mu En's body.

He immediately put away the awkward expressions on his face, showed a standard kind smile, and nodded to everyone.

But even if he thought he was extremely handsome, his smile did not carry any malice...

At least 80% of the girls present still looked away.

"No, I'll get pregnant if I make eye contact with Moon Campbell."

"Ah, I forgot to put soot on my face, what should I do? I heard that if he takes a fancy to you, you will be knocked unconscious at night and sent to the Duke's Mansion, and then he will do this and that to you."

"Want to be a duchess? What a joke, I'm engaged, I'm just playing with you, it's said that the girls he's played with can already form a class!"

"Do you know the famous suicide building in the college? It's said that half of the people who jump from there are poor people abandoned by Moon Campbell."


Listening to the increasingly outrageous whispers between the girls, Moon couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

What is the Ultimate Sea King? Why does it sound like he is hated by heaven and man, and he will be killed by angry honest people driving a mud truck when he goes out?

Although his predecessor Moon Campbell is indeed a scumbag, he is definitely not so outrageous. At most, he just flirts with little girls.

If he was really such a scumbag that caused a student to commit suicide, even if he was the son of a duke, the school would not sit idly by.

"Is it true that three people can make a tiger? Rumors are still too scary."

Mu En sighed, knowing that he had a long way to go to change the impression of others...

However, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and it must be done.

Since he has made up his mind to change, let's start now.

Thinking of this, Mu En took a step and walked towards the center of the storm.


"Hey, Mu En Campbell, you are here as expected."

Ariel was not surprised to see Muen. It was expected.

After all, he ordered it, so he had to watch his enemy being insulted.

Just like he did before.

However, he would not let such a thing happen.

"Why, are you still like before, you don't have the ability to fight, and you dare to let your wild dogs bite people? You are still as useless as before." Ariel sneered.

"This is really hurtful."

"Isn't it just right for you?"

"... That's right."

Muen calmly accepted Ariel's ridicule and walked in front of Ariel.

Then he put one hand on his chest and smiled very gentlemanly:

"Good morning, Miss Ariel."


Ariel was stunned.

Opened her eyes wide, as if she had seen a ghost.

What did she see?

What did she hear?

That Muen Campbell was actually saluting her and saying hello to her.

The first thing he said was "You lowly, dirty bastard, why don't you get out of here!"

Am I dreaming?

Shh, it hurts, this is not a dream!

Moon Campbell actually spoke human language!

"You seem surprised to say hello to me."

Moon tried to control the twitching corners of his mouth and said:

"I greeted you like this at the banquet before, didn't I?"

Ah, yes, he did the same at the banquet.

...That's even more wrong!

What kind of prank could make a person pretend to be true for so long?

He must have a bigger plan!

"What do you want to do, Moon Campbell!" Ariel asked seriously.

"...I don't want to do anything, just a simple greeting."

"Don't try to deceive me, I have seen through too many of your schemes!

Oh, by the way, the way you looked at Liya at that time was very wrong. You must have wanted to pretend to be good and let me relax my vigilance, and then attack the naive and big-breasted Liya, right?

I tell you, I will never let your trick succeed! Liya's big breasts belong to me alone!"

Ariel tried to stare at Mu En, like an old hen protecting her cubs.

"I said, I just said hello, you think too much."

Mu En shook his head with a wry smile, and then temporarily ignored Ariel, whose brain circuit was too complicated, and turned to look behind him.

"Master Mu En."

Seeing Mu En turn around, Amon and the few people behind him immediately straightened their backs and showed a flattering smile.

"What are you doing?" Mu En asked.

"We are challenging Ariel Bugard."

Eamon said loudly with great spirit:

"To wash away the shame left last semester!"

So you are a fourth grader, challenging the second graders, isn't it shameful?

Moon smiled bitterly.

I really don't know whether these guys passed on stupidity to their predecessors, or their predecessors passed on stupidity to these guys. No wonder in the original book, with the family background of Moon Campbell, he couldn't even last for twenty chapters.

"Did anyone instruct you to do these things?" Moon asked.

"No, we volunteered!"

Eamon raised his head and chest, and replied proudly.

Eamon is just the second son of a viscount, and he knows that if he wants to make a name for himself in this life, he can only cling to the thigh of Moon, the son of the Duke.

So he had already made up his mind to be an excellent lackey.

What is an excellent lackey? Does the master need to issue tasks in person?

No, an excellent lackey must figure out the master's intentions and learn to find things to do by himself.

3. Apology

A good lackey cannot just follow his master's orders, but must learn to take the initiative.

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