After Liya left.

Ariel knocked her head on the table and sighed:

"Learning magic is expensive."

Although she became the heir to the earl, she still had no access to the financial power of the Bugard family, and her monthly income alone was simply not enough.

After all, she is not following an ordinary magic path.

Although that different path is more powerful, it is also more expensive.

It's so embarrassing.

"Who let magic be called a toy of the nobility? There are so many reckless people at the bottom. To a large extent, this is not a sarcastic statement, but a statement that truly exposes the cruelty of class in this world."

Candlelight flickers.

From a simple ring worn by Ariel, misty green smoke rises, gradually forming a graceful figure.

"Master, is there any way to get money?"

Seeing that figure, Ariel suddenly cried even more miserably: "Your beloved apprentice is about to starve to death."

"Of course."

The graceful hazy figure, who was Ariel's master, said: "You are now a gold-level magician, and there are as many ways to make money as you want."

After all, although magicians spend money quickly, they can also make money quickly. Just selling a few magic scrolls can make a lot of money.


Ariel’s master continued:

“It’s not that you don’t know the situation, it’s not that we can’t make money, it’s that we have no place to make money.

Due to the impact of that incident, most of Belland's underground black markets were temporarily closed, and there was nothing I could do about it. "

"'s not because the ancient magic taught by Master is too easy to arouse jealousy. If the scrolls can be sold through normal channels, I won't be so troubled."

"Then you can also learn ordinary magic. It's not too late now." The hazy beauty smiled half-heartedly.

"I don't want it."

Ancient magic is so powerful, why don’t I learn it?

"Speaking of which, this matter has something to do with me."

Ariel stared at the candlelight with a hint of regret in her eyes.

When she was at the Duke's Mansion, she clearly noticed something was wrong.

In the end, out of her trust in the Duke and the attraction of Pakchi's cake, she did not choose to explore further.

And then, that happened.

Princess Celcia is assassinated.

Moon Campbell was implicated and seriously injured.

Duke Campbell and His Majesty the Emperor were furious and launched a thunderous attack on Belland's dark side.

Now the whole dark side of Belland is like a rat in the gutter, hiding and not daring to show its face.

Not to mention the underground black market, now whenever there is a hooded person on the street, a group of powerful men will suddenly appear and invite him to drink tea.

The whole of Belland was so peaceful that there were not even a few thieves.

"I wish I could have taken a step forward."

Ariel sighed.

Saving Celecia at a critical moment was such a good opportunity to increase her favorability, but in the end, this opportunity slipped away from her eyes.

what a pity!

However, there is still one thing that can make Ariel a little happy.

Celcia was assassinated, but it was Moon Campbell who was seriously injured.

Celcia must be completely disappointed with this useless man!

(Note: The Duke's Palace blocked the news of the princess's assassination. Ariel's information came from special channels and was incomplete.)

"Speaking of which, I thought of a good way to make money." The hazy beauty suddenly said.

“It’s simple, fast, and extremely trouble-free.”


Ariel's eyes lit up, "Master, please speak."

"Didn't Moon Campbell say today that he would make up for the apology gift in the future?"

The hazy beauty smiled and said:

"You tell Moon Campbell that you will forgive him as long as he gives you one million, and maybe he will be happy to give you one million."


Ariel slapped the table and flatly refused:

"Am I the kind of frivolous woman who would give up her bottom line just for a mere million?

If Moon Campbell wants to be forgiven by me, unless he really changes his ways and his character is recognized by me, it is absolutely impossible! "


"Of course it's true, truer than pearls!" Ariel said firmly.

"Really, it's a pity."

The hazy beauty touched her face and sighed:

"I think that Moon Campbell looks quite sincere today."

early morning.

The mist is hazy and everything is quiet.

But at this moment, Professor Plann had already gotten up and started his usual daily walk.

Walking is not about exercising, but about fulfilling the duties of a good educator.

"The early bird catches the worm, but the students in this class are not good enough and don't even know this truth!"

Professor Plann stood on the avenue full of sycamore trees, looking at a quiet dormitory area, and couldn't help but shake his head.

"I think back when I was teaching the golden generation, those talented students got up before dawn to study and exercise. Unlike this class, the opening ceremony was only two hours away, and no one got up.

Alas, it's too bad, it's too bad, I don't have any sense of being a student of St. Mary's. "

Professor Plan couldn't help sighing at the decadence of this class of students. At the same time, he had begun to think about whether to suggest to the dean that these future pillars of the empire should be more closely guarded, so as not to let them be as free and barbaric as they are now. grow.

After thinking about it, the disappointed Professor Plan was ready to go home.

But at this moment, he heard rapid and regular footsteps, which were particularly clear under the silent sycamore forest.

"This is……"

Professor Plan's eyes lit up.

Is it possible that there are still outstanding students who do not waste the most important morning time of the day?

Professor Plann turned around with joy. He decided to praise this student and even show it to other lazy students as an outstanding example in a ceremony later.

Look, look, what does it mean to be a role model for students? You lazy idiots should learn from it.

"Good morning, Professor."

"Well, good morning, Mu... Muen Kan-Bell!"


Mu En was startled by the old man who suddenly yelled, and subconsciously screamed for PDST and almost kicked him.

Fortunately, I realized that this was in an academy and there was no chance of any evil god appearing suddenly, so I held back.

"Please...what can I do?"

Mu En asked cautiously.

He couldn't help but accidentally recognized the old man with eyes as wide as bells in front of him.

Prang Ronninger, head of the magic department.

The oldest magic professor in the college.

He is also the professor that the original owner fears the most.

The reason for fear...probably because he only learned a lighting technique after one year under him, and he was afraid that one day he would be eaten alive by the angry Professor Plan.

"Moon Campbell, what are you doing?"

Realizing his situation, Professor Plan came to his senses, coughed twice, and asked.

"Me? I'm running in the morning."

Mu En was wearing smart shorts and shorts. Even when she was talking to Professor Prang, she still didn't stop and kept walking in place.

"Morning run!"

Professor Plann's eyes widened.

Shock, confusion, and confusion flashed in his eyes.

It's like suddenly seeing a dying patient jump out of bed and run an entire marathon while slapping the person behind him.

Professor Plann stared into Mu En's eyes and asked seriously:

"Are you sure you didn't just peek out of the girls' dormitory and escape?"

"Why would the professor have such an idea?"

Mu En was shocked, "The girls' dormitory is not here at all."

"Or are you going to the girls' dormitory?" Professor Pu Lang made a serious guess.

"I won't go!"

"That's weird."

Professor Plank stroked his beard, his eyes serious, as if he had encountered a magical problem of the century.

"You, Moon Campbell, got up so early and were still wearing scantily clad clothes. If you didn't do something bad, you wouldn't be able to justify it."

"I won't do bad things. Am I this kind of person in your eyes, professor?" Mu En continued to be shocked. "Besides, this is just a sports shirt, so my clothes are revealing."

"if not?"

Professor Pu Lang was also shocked: "Did you do too few bad things last semester?"


Are you talking about last semester?

You actually talked to me about last semester?

If you talk about last semester...then there's nothing I can do.

After all, who makes it true?

Moon Campbell, you did a lot of bad things last semester!

"Anyway...anyway, I'm really just jogging in the morning." Mu En said helplessly.

"Professor, don't think too much."

"However, a morning run of this level should not be of any exercise effect." Professor Pu Lang himself also has a strong foundation as a warrior, so he knows that, let alone a second-level warrior, even a first-level warrior reaches the late stage. Pure sports can no longer provide any exercise.

"I know." Mu En said, "I just do this to cheer up my spirit."

"Stick up your spirits?"

"Yes, if you exercise early in the morning and then go back and take a cold shower, you will be very energetic throughout the day."

Mu En smiled: "At least you won't fall asleep in class, right?"

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