"Look through the catalog and find the chapter on the general introduction to multi-stage continuous chanting."

Hmm, I found it...

Wait? Why does it feel wrong?

"Today's class content is the basic knowledge of multi-stage continuous chanting. If you have any questions, you can raise your hands to ask questions."

"Teacher, I have questions."

"Um... Mu... Mu En Campbell, right? Please go ahead."

"That... why do we have to start with such profound knowledge as multi-stage continuous chanting?"

Mu En opened his innocent eyes and asked curiously.

"Why can't we start with something more simple?"


Teacher Fulan tilted her head in confusion: "But this is already the simplest."


Mu En patted the thick textbook and said angrily:

"What about the front? What about the thick content in the front? The multi-stage continuous chanting method is more than a hundred pages."

"In the front?"

Teacher Fulan was even more puzzled: "In the front, didn't we learn it in the first grade?"


Mu En was stunned.

Then he woke up.

Then he felt mixed emotions.

How could he forget such an important thing?

He is now... in the second grade!

The second graders will not teach the first grade things again!

Even if he wants to follow the teacher's footsteps seriously, it is impossible, because there is already a pathetic thick barrier between them.

That is the chasm from the first grade to the second grade...

What should I do... Should I just repeat the grade?


Looking at Mu En's gloomy face, Teacher Fran thought about it and decided not to ask what happened.

Class, continue with the class.

"Okay, let's start learning this chapter. If you don't understand something, be sure to tell the teacher."

"Regarding the multi-stage continuous chanting method, we have to start with the origin-level great magician Meladomir a thousand years ago. She created..."

"Wait, Teacher Fran!"

Mu En raised his hand again: "I don't understand."


Teacher Fran was stunned: "But I just started talking."

"That's right."

Mu En pounded the table in tears: "I just don't understand a word. What the hell is the multi-stage continuous chanting method?"


This person, is he really not here to make trouble on purpose?


Teacher Fran forced a smile:

"Student Mu En, what do you want?"

"Teacher, why don't you start from the beginning."

Mu En turned the textbook to the first page and said seriously.

"Start from here, it doesn't matter if you go slowly,

"Huh? Why?"

"Because I want to listen! "

Mu En leaned forward, grabbed Teacher Fran's hand, and said seriously:

"I want to listen to Teacher Fran tell me the whole book from beginning to end."

"Huh, huh, huh?"

The male breath was overwhelming, and her hands were wrapped by the man's big hands. Teacher Fran, who didn't even have a boyfriend, suddenly panicked.

"Why... why do you have to tell me everything?"

Teacher Fran asked tremblingly:

"This will take a long time."

"Because I want to understand, I want to understand everything. It doesn't matter if it takes a little longer. I just want to listen to Teacher Fran finish the whole textbook! "Moon shouted sincerely.

"This, this, this..."

As Muon approached, Teacher Fran's cheeks were hot, steam was coming out of her head, and there seemed to be a mess of yarn spinning in her eyes.

Calm down, Fran Fuduo, you are a teacher, how can you panic at this time?

Calm down and figure out what the student in front of you wants to do?

→First of all, we must be clear about one thing, Muon Campbell is a real poor student. The previous teacher of the Basics of Magic mentioned that Muon Campbell scored an unprecedented three points in this course last semester!

Three points! In the words of Professor Plan, that is a score that can be filled with more than one answer with one foot on it.

And as a The biggest characteristic of the ultimate poor student is that he doesn't like to study.

So Muen Campbell definitely didn't do this for the sake of studying.

→ Secondly, he seemed to have mentioned just now that he sat in this position to be closer.

Closer, closer to whom, is there anyone else in front of him?

→ Then, when the whole class was indifferent to me, the newcomer, only he was very enthusiastic. This abnormal behavior obviously has something fishy.

→ Finally, he asked me to read him a whole textbook, and it doesn't matter how long it takes.

In other words... he wants me to be with him all the time.

In summary, combined with the premise that he is a scumbag who has his feet on thirteen boats.


Muen Campbell! He wants to seduce me!

"No, no!"

Teacher Fran's cheeks became even redder, she shook off Muen's hand and shouted:

"This is not okay!"


Muen was stunned:

"What's not okay."

"You want to pursue me, it's not okay! "

Teacher Fran closed her eyes and shouted with all her strength:

"Although the position of the Duchess is very tempting, teacher-student love is not allowed, although the position of the Duchess is very tempting. "

"Huh? "

Mu En felt like he was struck by lightning, and he had no idea what the teacher in front of him was saying.

However, before he could say anything, the door of the classroom was suddenly knocked and then opened.

"Excuse me, the first class, the student union will check attendance."

Cecilia walked in with her secretary Wei'er.

ps: This is my last ripple.

pps: For my hard work, don't you have any votes or anything?

ppps: Good night.

8. Choice (10,000 words, including extra chapters)

Cecilia walked into the classroom, and what caught her eye was Mu En with his hands stretched out as if he wanted to grab something, and Teacher Fran, who was in front of Mu En, huddled under the blackboard, saying something like "Although the Duchess is very attractive, teacher-student love is not allowed."

This scene...

Celysia raised her eyebrows slightly, looked at Mu En, and said, "Am I here at the wrong time?"


No, you came at the right time...

Although Mu En wanted to say that...how could that be possible? If he said that, he would probably be chopped into pieces by Celysia.


Mu En forced a smile from his stiff face and said to Celysia:

"I said this is a misunderstanding, do you believe it?"


Celysia looked at the other people in the classroom.

The classroom at this moment was completely in chaos.

The male students were stunned, looking shocked that this boy was simply a role model for our generation and must learn more.

And the female students...had already taken out the photo stone to record the magic, and while recording, they were excitedly chirping "Fourteen ships, the fourteenth ship appeared" and so on.

"So that's it, it's really easy to be a misunderstanding."

Celysia's voice was slightly cold.

"You are really amazing, Moon Campbell, to be misunderstood by the whole class."

"Although it sounds unbelievable, this is the truth!"

Moon explained with tears in his eyes:

"It's just a misunderstanding!"

Who knew that this teacher Fran had such a big brain hole? He just wanted her to teach him a lesson from the beginning, but she thought he wanted to seduce her?

How are the two connected?

"...Forget it, Moon Campbell."

Cecilia lowered her eyelids and said:

"Anyway, whether it is a misunderstanding or not, whether you really insist on confessing to someone, it has nothing to do with me, right?"

Cecilia ignored Moon, walked up to the podium, and scanned the entire classroom.

"Magic Basics Class... One hundred and three people should be present, one hundred and three people actually present, um, all."

"Let's go, Wei'er, go to the next classroom."

"Wait, Cecilia, you are not angry, listen to my explanation!" Moon still wanted to save it.

"Why should I be angry?"

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