"Then I'll leave these to you for now."


Weier was stunned, with a look of despair.

So many documents...

It's going to kill me!

"Come on, secretary classmate."

Cecilia patted Wei'er's shoulder and gently whispered in her ear:

"By the way, if I come back and find you messing around...you will never see your beloved domineering evil god fall in love with my novel again."

"...Will you throw my novel away?" Wei'er said pitifully.

"No, I will directly ban the publishing house from publishing such books." Cecilia was as cold as iron.

"...That's too much! The president is too much!"



News agency.

"Ming! Go! Te! Senior!"

Ariel slammed a stack of newspapers onto the desk and yelled at the flamboyantly dressed man lying on the recliner:

"Can you explain to me what these things in your newspaper mean?"

"Oh, isn't this the famous Ariel Bugard?"

Minggott, the news agency president with green hair, was concentrating on grinding his nails. He only raised his eyelids slightly when Ariel yelled, but he still looked indifferent.

"What's wrong? You actually have time to come to my news agency today. It really makes my humble home shine."

"Stop playing dumb!"

Ariel grabbed the newspaper, pointed at the red-marked report, and said angrily:

"What does the dreadnought-class battleship mean? What does Moon Campbell's ex-girlfriend mean? And abortion? Stealing men? Are your news agencies so irresponsible when writing reports?"

"You mean that."

Minggot glanced at it and sneered:

"As for gossip, don't ordinary news publishers have it?"

"No matter how gossipy it is, it must be based on facts, right?"

Ariel pounded the table, "But aren't you making it up completely?"


Minggot finally Yu straightened up slightly, picked up the newspaper in front of him, turned to the back, pointed to the last line of small words, and said with a smile:

"Didn't I remind you here?"

Ariel came over, then widened her eyes, and found that it was actually a sentence "The above content is only the subjective speculation of the news agency, for your laughter, and does not represent any real situation."

"Who can see this!"

Ariel was stunned for a moment, and roared even more angrily: "You are obviously doing this on purpose!"

"Oh, so Ariel classmate has a problem with me."

Minggot sneered:

"What do you want to do?"

"Take back all the newspapers, issue an apology statement, and tell everyone the truth!" Ariel said gritting her teeth.

"So that's what Ariel meant."

Minggott nodded seriously, then said:

"But this is impossible."


"Take back the newspaper? Apologize? Isn't this asking for the death of my news agency? How can I agree to it?"

"But you just violated my personal rights?"

"Well, it seems that something is wrong."

Minggott touched his chin and thought carefully for a moment, and suddenly said:

"How about this, I will give you 10% of the income from these newspapers?"


"How about it? To tell you the truth, these newspapers sell very well. Even if it's only 10%, it's a lot of income."

Minggott raised his eyebrows exaggeratedly and chuckled: "You only need to pay a little useless reputation to get a lot of money. Isn't this a bloody business?"

"You guy - what do you think of people's reputation?"

Ariel's ten fingers scratched clear marks on the desk. She stared at Minggot fiercely, leaning forward, like a beast that would pounce at any time.

"I don't want any of your dirty money! But you have to take back all the newspapers and apologize to everyone who has been troubled by the false rumors in your newspaper!"

"Sorry, I can't do it."


"Oh? Ariel, do you want to attack me?"

Minggot looked at Ariel, who seemed to be ready to punch at any time, with a calm expression and even a mocking smile on his face.

"Okay, go ahead. After all, it's good news that a second-year girl challenged a sixth-year girl like me. As long as it's news, I won't refuse anyone.


Ariel, you have to think carefully. Can you really... beat me?"


Ariel's eyes were about to burst, as if she wanted to eat the person in front of her alive.

But she didn't attack in the end.

Because she is not yet the opponent of this guy who deserves a beating.

After all, Minggot is in the sixth grade, and he is also famous among the sixth graders.

Even if Ariel can fight against enemies of higher levels at present, there is a limit.

At present, four years ago is her limit.


However, it is obviously not worth using that power on a scumbag.

"Don't be arrogant..."

Ariel was so angry that she trembled all over. She stared at Mingott and gritted her teeth and said:

"Thirty years in the west, thirty years in the east, don't bully a girl..."

"Knock knock..."

There was a knock on the door, interrupting Ariel's harsh words.

Without a response, a silver-white figure walked into the room.

"What's going on? Didn't I say that you are not allowed to release people without my permission..."

Minggot tilted his head in anger, wanting to scold his men who were guarding the door, but when he saw the silver-white figure, he was stunned.


"Hello, Senior Minggot."

Celysia nodded coldly at Minggot, then looked at Ariel and greeted:

"Good afternoon, Ariel."

"Celysia, why are you here?"

Ariel blinked, then immediately realized that her action of slapping the table was indecent, and immediately stood up, coughed twice, and asked with concern:

"It's just the beginning of the school year, isn't the work of the student union important?"

"It's okay, someone helped me complete those tasks, as for why I'm here..."

Celysia looked at Minggot, with a slightly cold tone:

"Senior Minggot should know."


Minggot's cheek twitched.

Looking at the woman who was as cold as an iceberg, even he found it difficult to keep calm.

Of course he knew what Cecilia was here for.

He also knew that she would come sooner or later.

But he didn't expect her to come so soon!

The beginning of the school year shouldn't be the busiest time for the student union, how could she have time to pay attention to him?

But calm down, don't panic.

I had expected it, so I was ready.

The school rules have been reviewed no less than ten times, and I definitely haven't violated the school rules yet.

The bills of the news agency were also faked, and she couldn't see anything wrong with them.

Even the people under him were in good spirits, and the apology to the teacher was on the way.

I just need to calm her down.

Even if she is the student union president, or even the princess of the empire, she is just a fourth-grade kid in the academy.

As long as I don't violate the rules of the academy, what can she do to me?

Thinking of this, Mingott's slightly nervous heart finally stabilized a little.

Don't panic, the advantage is mine!

Let's see how she attacks first!

"It seems that you already know why I'm here, so I'll just say it straight."

Cecilia found a chair, dragged it to the position opposite Mingott, and sat down.

She crossed her legs, interlaced her fingers on her thighs, and stood straight. Her posture was like a carefully programmed machine, precise and elegant.

In the suffocating short silence, Cecilia stared at Mingott with a cold gaze and said:

"Mingott Raymond,

You--, do you want to die?"


At this moment, even Mingott, who was in the sixth grade, couldn't help but lean back, because the momentum released by Cecilia in an instant was too oppressive, and even more because the words she said were too unexpected.

In an instant, all the moves that Mingott had accumulated for a long time were overturned.

But Mingott was not a weak-minded person. He reacted quickly and said angrily:

"President, are you saying this to me as the student council president, or as Her Royal Highness the Princess?"

"In what capacity? Is there any meaning in asking this question?"

Celica's eyes were still cold and her expression was still calm. It was hard to imagine that she would suddenly utter the word "death" at this moment.

"What about Her Royal Highness the Princess?

What about the student council president?

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