
Mu En wiped a cold sweat and hurriedly got up to prepare.


Celecia suddenly stopped him, a trace of suspicion flashed in her cold eyes:

"Are you going to prepare it yourself?"

"Well, what's the problem?"


Celecia shook her head: "I'm just surprised that Master Mu En would do something that a servant would do."

Oops, she's getting suspicious!

Mu En's heart skipped a beat, but her expression remained normal and she smiled:

"I can't help it. The maids in the Duke's Palace are very busy tonight. Even my personal maid can't get away at the moment, so I can only do such small things myself."

"That's true."

Celecia nodded slightly, seeming to agree.

"Then I'm looking forward to it. Master Mu En made the tea himself."

"As expected of Celia, we can't underestimate her."

Outside the room, Mu En faced the black tea that he had brewed blindly, wiping cold sweat with lingering fear.

If his mental quality had been any worse just now, I'm afraid he would have really exposed himself.

"Who said this step is easy? The most difficult part is clearly not described in the book!"

Mu En couldn't help but gnashed his teeth. He didn't know whether the so-called world line correction would be of any use to him, a supporting character. He even almost ruined the whole thing because of a setting that Celcia suddenly showed up!

"But now that things have come to an end, we have no choice but to do it!"

Mu En took out the two medicine bottles from his arms.

"Black tea is also red, so it shouldn't be discovered. As for this so-called little gift..."

Mu En opened the bottle of "gift" given to him by the unscrupulous shop owner. It contained white powder, which should be soluble in water.

"I don't know what it is used for, but since the shop owner said that using it together will have miraculous effects, I guess it is the kind that can increase the potency."

"I can't worry about that much anymore, let's put it in together!"

"I can only hope that Celiac can actually drink it before she realizes something is wrong."

"Jiejie, Your Highness, you are so smart, don't blame me for being cruel!"

Holding up the black tea with good medicine, Mu En showed an evil smile that was exclusive to villains that she didn't even notice.

"Your Highness, your tea."

Mu En was like a professional waiter, elegantly serving the black tea she carefully brewed to Celcia.


Celia took the black tea politely, but she didn't drink it in a hurry, but looked at the tea carefully.

"Master Mu En, your black tea... is so red."

"Isn't black tea just red?" Mu En said with a smile.

"Really, but the black tea I usually drink is light red."

"That may be because the tea leaves are produced in different places. Just like the oranges from the Beidun'er area are smaller but sweeter than the oranges from the Nancy Territory area. The colors of black tea from different areas may also be slightly different. ”

"That makes sense."

Celecia still didn't drink, but raised her ice-blue eyes and stared directly at Mu En.

"Then - how about you drink first, Master Mu En?"

11. When it comes to being despicable, I am even better.

"Does Your Highness think I am the kind of person who adds strange things to tea?"

Hearing Celiac's words, Mu En was stunned for a moment, and then immediately seemed to have been hit hard by something. He looked depressed, and almost beat his chest and stamped his feet and looked up to the sky and cried. Then the sky started to snow, to show the injustice.

"Since His Highness distrusts me so much, I can only prove it with practical actions!

I'll do it first out of respect! "

Mu En grabbed her own cup of tea and prepared to drink it in one gulp.

"Wait a minute."

Celiacia suddenly called out to Mu En.

"Master Mu En, why are you so angry? I was just making a joke."


Your face, which never changes expression from beginning to end, doesn't look like you're joking!

"As Master Mu En's fiancée, I naturally believe in Master Mu En from beginning to end."

The corners of Celecia's mouth curved, and to her, this seemed to be a smile.

"I was just teasing Master Mu En, please don't take it seriously."


Mu En put down the teacup and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Please, Your Highness, please don't make such jokes in the future that can easily damage the trust between you and me."

"That's natural. I've realized my mistake."

Celia still didn't drink tea.

She lowered her head, fiddled with the teacup, and seemed to be staring into her own eyes through the rich red tea.

"Actually, there is a reason why I make such a joke."


"Young Master Mu En should know. In fact, I am a few months younger than you."

"...I naturally know this."

You know what a ghost is.

I was scared okay!

Celia, the student council president of St. Marika College, who is two grades ahead of Moon, is actually younger than herself?

It’s not mentioned at all in the original book!


Wait, that is to say, although the Celcia in front of me appears to be his senior sister, secretly she is her sister? After all, there is always some blood relationship between the royal family and the nobles, so calling them sister is not too much.

Is this another extension of the legendary cute and royal character?

Not good.

Mu En felt very bad when she thought about the scene where Celiacia, a cold senior sister, wanted to call her brother in private.

This kind of contrasting attribute is a real punch in the heart, right?

"After all, I'm a genius who jumped two levels in a row, so it's not surprising that this happens."

"But precisely because of this, I often feel very tired, because no one around me is of the same age, but I must become as mature as them, or even more mature."

"So, once I am in private and in an environment where I feel at ease, I will always show some childishness."

"Childish?" Mu En was stunned. He really didn't expect that these three words, childish, would come out of Celiasia's mouth.

"Yes, just like that."

Celecia's silver eyelashes fluttered and she asked softly:

"Master Mu En won't be angry."

"of course not."

Mu En couldn't help but smile and replied without thinking:

"If it's Your Highness, I can accept it no matter how childish it is. Rather, it's better to say that His Highness can be more approachable."

"Really? That would be great."

Celcia suddenly raised her head.

"It just so happens that I have another extremely childish request that I need to ask Master Mu En to satisfy."


"Master Mu En, your tea seems to taste better. So... can we exchange it?"


The corners of Mu En's mouth suddenly froze.

He looked at Celcia, his hands and feet were cold.

Her eyes were still cold and cold, but through the ice condensed on the surface, Mu En seemed to see the cunning... and sarcasm hidden deep behind.

Damn it, I accidentally got caught by this woman!

The so-called childishness is all a lie. She really suspected that there was something wrong with her tea!

But she probably didn't expect that she would be so bold as to directly administer the medicine, otherwise she would have been greeted by biting ice.

"This...isn't good."

"What's wrong? Didn't you say that you can accept all my childishness? Or -"

Celecia tilted her head and asked word by word:

"What are you afraid of, Mu, En, Master."

"How...how is it possible? I didn't do anything wrong, so why would I be afraid?"

Mu En tried hard to hide the flaws in her smile.

"Then why..."

"Because... I have already drank this cup of tea!"

Mu En clenched the tea cup and said in a loud voice:

"Your Highness, if you drink it, it will be... but it will be an indirect kiss!"

"Oh, is that so?" Celecia continued to ask without wavering.

"Yes, that's it."

Mu En opened her eyes slightly and stared at Celiasia.

How about it, Princess?

As a cold goddess and ice and snow princess, can you resist the invincible words "indirect kiss"?

I'm afraid you are so pure that when you hear these words, you will be so shy that your cheeks will turn red.

"It's okay, I don't care."

But Celcia was not shy at all.

"After all, she is your fiancée. To this extent, I can still accept it."

It seemed that she had really accepted the identity of her fiancée, and Celcia even took the initiative to touch her catkin to Mu En's big hand.

But Mu En didn't feel any wonderful feeling, only the coldness of falling into an ice cellar.

Because Celecia was opening his fingers one by one and taking away the teacup in his hand.

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