Looking at those stern-looking macho brothers, after a brief silence, Mu En took out a fruit knife from behind and shouted fiercely:

"Don't come over, I'm very strong..."

He didn't finish his words.

There was a sound of clicking.

The muscular macho men silently took out their two-meter-long swords.

The blades were cold.

Aim at Mu En.


Mu En looked at their two-meter-long swords, and then looked at his own 20-centimeter-long dagger.

He forced out a smile.

"Don't come over, I'm very weak, believe it or not, I'll commit suicide in a minute?"


The muscular macho men remained silent and seemed not good at speaking, but only when Mu En saw the shyness in their eyes did he know that these innocent macho men had never talked to girls.

But no matter how innocent they were, they would never let Mu En go.

The muscular macho men pressed forward step by step, and Mu En had no choice but to retreat step by step.

It's not that Mu En didn't want to use Shadow Step to escape directly, but Shadow Step is not a real flash after all, and it can't really ignore obstacles, so it's really hard to get out of this surrounded situation.

Moreover, Mu En's Shadow Step was used in the previous martial arts class. If he used it now and was recognized by Ariel and guessed his identity...

Combined with the flirtatious words Ariel just said to him, Mu En didn't want to guess how many slices Ariel would cut him into after the humiliation.

Anyway, it won't be too few.

"What should I do... What should I do... If I get caught, all my efforts will be in vain." Mu En's forehead was sweating coldly. Unknowingly, he had already leaned against the cold wall, to the point where there was no way to retreat.

With so many muscular men running upstairs, the defense below will only be more empty.

In other words, the heroes will rush over faster.

At that time...

Don't do that kind of thing of dying in front of the whole school.

"Junior Mu En~"

At this moment, a familiar voice sounded.

Mu En was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes widened.

His chest was filled with ecstasy as if he had been saved from a desperate situation.

"Senior sister?"

Mu En turned his head and looked around,

"Where are you?"

"Don't move."

The gentle voice echoed in his ears.

Just as the muscular man was puzzled by Mu En's sudden muttering, a snake-like shadow suddenly emerged from the shadow formed by the wall and the ground.

A long whip.

The long whip swayed flexibly, as if it had its own thoughts, and suddenly attacked the muscular man closest to Mu En.

The muscular man reacted quickly and raised his knife horizontally, but the seemingly soft long whip seemed to suddenly burst out with a thousand pounds of force when it touched the blade, and the big knife in the muscular man's hand was visibly bent.

Under the attack of this huge force, the muscular man screamed and was knocked out without any surprise.

There was a loophole in the encirclement, and the long whip turned quickly, wrapped around Mu En's waist and dragged him away quickly along the gap.

Mu En, who lost his balance and was dragged by the whip, subconsciously panicked, but before he could struggle, he felt a warm embrace.

The familiar light fragrance filled his nose, and the rich touch from behind made him feel excited.

In the dark corner, Mu En felt a pair of soft hands around his waist, and the slightly pointed chin gently knocked on his shoulder. The warm breath blew on his ears, and he felt numb and itchy.

"Junior, you are so beautiful."

Mu En heard the devil-like voice of the senior sister echoing in his ears, and his heart couldn't help but drift.

"Isn't it all because of the senior sister?" Mu En smiled bitterly.

"I don't want to be like this."

"Really? But I see you are quite happy, standing so conspicuously in everyone's sight. Do you want to gain some popularity first, and then debut as a college idol?"

Senior Anna smiled gently: "I think it's very likely. Look at your current popularity. Those junior boys are like chicken blood. If you debut now, maybe in a short time, your popularity will even surpass that of the student council president."

"I won't be an idol!"

Mu En covered his face and shouted:

"I am a 100% pure macho man!"

"But if you wear a little skirt now, you will look better than me."

"..."I feel numb and don't want to talk.

"Hehe, okay, I won't tease you anymore."

Anna touched Mu En's head and said with a smile:

"Let's go while that big guy is attracted."

"Okay, okay, let's go."

Mu En nodded repeatedly, and even couldn't help but burst into tears.

After being tortured for so long, I can finally...


Before I even had time to shed my first tear.

A familiar figure was thrown over and hit the wall beside Mu En at high speed.


Amid the smoke and dust, Ariel struggled to sit up by grabbing the rubble, and then spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Damn, even if there are forbidden techniques that can temporarily increase combat power, it is still a bit too much to jump two levels to fight the enemy?"

In Mu En's dull eyes, Ariel turned her head and saw him. She was happy at first, and then she saw the senior sister holding him. She was stunned for a moment and became furious:

"Who are you? How can you be faster than me!"


The corners of Mu En's mouth twitched, and he didn't know what to say. The senior sister behind him suddenly let go of his hand, turned into a misty shadow, and walked forward.

The high priest has arrived.

"Oh, another woman?"

The high priest held a bloody big knife in his hand, looked at Anna who came, and his expression was ferocious.

There was a huge wound on his chest that seemed to be burned by fire, but he didn't feel it at all, as if it was just as insignificant as losing hair to him.

Although he had no hair at all.

"Sure enough, women are not good creatures at all!"

The high priest was angry and ferocious, and raised the big knife in his hand again, chopping!

The blade flashed with cold light, and set off a sharp wind. The high priest had no thought of sympathizing with women, just like he was going to cut the fish on the chopping board into two neat pieces.

Under this terrifying knife light, Anna was as fragile as paper.

But Anna suddenly twisted her waist, as if her whole body had no bones. Her body bent in an instant into a posture that even professional dancers would be ashamed of, and she nimbly dodged the blade of the high priest.

The next moment, before the high priest could swing the second knife, Anna stepped lightly on the big knife that paused briefly after slashing the air, and jumped up like a black cat, her figure drew a beautiful curve in the air, turned upside down, and pointed her finger at the head of the high priest.

A rare coldness appeared on her charming face.


She opened her red lips slightly.

The magic that omitted the chanting was instantly constructed at the fingertips.

The blazing light burst out in an instant, along with the terrifying high temperature containing the breath of destruction, and rushed towards the high priest who had no time to defend.

Even if the power was greatly reduced due to the omission of the chant, the explosion magic known for its power could not be blocked by flesh and blood at such a close distance.


Blood and flesh splattered.

Even though the high priest twisted his head hard at the last moment to avoid the fatal blow, the high temperature and flames still devoured a large piece of his flesh and blood in an instant, and his shoulder was completely blown apart. The right hand holding the knife drooped like a branch broken by a naughty child, with only a little flesh and blood sticking to it.

14. Unexpected

"Senior sister... is so strong?"

Looking at the graceful and moving figure in the air, like a dancer, Mu En couldn't help but look at it a little fascinated.

Although I knew that senior sister Anna was also a leader in the fifth grade, I didn't expect that she, who seemed weak, was so strong that she could easily suppress and even defeat the powerful high priest.

"Huh, if I hadn't eaten too poorly recently and couldn't exert my full strength, I could do this kind of thing."

Looking at Mu En staring at senior sister Anna in a daze, Ariel pursed her lips and said with a little dissatisfaction.


Mu En's mouth twitched fiercely when he heard this. No, no, no, you are already very scary, okay? You should know that you are only in the second grade!

The other second graders are still hiding behind the crowd below and trembling. They are brave enough to come out and cast two magics from time to time. They are not like you who rush up to fight the BOSS directly. Please give them some face!

"Speaking of it..."

Ariel suddenly came over, and the kingly aura of the protagonist on her face dissipated, revealing a rare little girl's shyness.

"This beautiful lady, can you please give me the frequency of the sound transmission stone?"


Mu En was stunned.

The frequency of the sound transmission stone, is that something that can be given to you? If you give it to me, won't it be...

Ariel waved the sword and beat a muscular man who was sneaking close and seemed to be trying to sneak attack into a half-paralysis, and asked with a smile:

"Can you?"

"Yes, yes, of course."

Mu En nodded like pounding garlic and quickly took out his sound transmission stone.

As the sound transmission stones collided gently and the frequency was connected, Ariel couldn't help but smile happily.

"Keep in touch in the future, beautiful girl."


Mu En felt a chill, forced a smile, and then quickly turned around to greet the senior.

"Senior, let's go first."

Ariel was too scary. I always felt that if I stayed with her for too long, I would lose something important sooner or later.


Anna responded.

"Wait for me to finish off the knife first."

She held a peculiar dagger in her hand and quickly approached the seriously injured high priest.

It was the Holy Prayer Dagger blessed by the Church of Life, which could cause fatal damage even to the guys corrupted by the evil god.

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