The Young Lion

Chapter 989: Pandora's box

Millwall's set of offensive tactics was conducted after the New Year, that is, five months ago. It was not the focus of the training. Only one or two training sessions were deliberately emphasized each week.

Those who haven’t visited Millwall for a big period of training can’t understand how Aldridge is inspiring talented players and strengthening the team’s defense.

He will let the defensive players put on a variety of unimaginable solid defensive systems. The number of defensive players can be more than the number of offenses. The defensive players can put on the bus. The defensive players can even become free men when the physical strength is dominant. A key offensive player.

His training is disordered. This disorder refers to routines. No matter if offensive or defensive, he will not draw a line for players to copy and practice. Such rigid training is not only useless, but also outdated.

So even if his disciples, especially talented and offensive players, they will feel that training under Audridge is tested by hell, but they will never feel boring, there will always be new problems waiting, testing, tempering And inspire them!

In the same way, hone defensive players can also do the opposite.

Using "passive offside", Millwall already had this offensive ability. Unlike the emergence of this rule, many controversial penalties occurred accidentally, not by the attacking party. Millwall could turn it into a means of attacking himself. .

It's just that in the Premier League, before the Champions League, they rarely encountered such occasions to use. To put it bluntly, there is no team that can completely limit their goals!

It was only when he was forced to lose patience by his opponent today that Ronaldinho had a whimsy and just tried his luck.

Because Ronaldinho found a key point.

It is possible that Aldrich has not taken the initiative to take advantage of this in his eyes, but Mourinho did not consider the factors when deploying before the game.

That's Porto's defender line. Most of the time it is adjusted based on defensive pressure, and the magnitude of this pressure is not large.

Strictly speaking, Mourinho is not a representative coach of "swinging a bus". He is a pragmatist and a utilitarian, but this does not mean a bus!

Now Porto, utilitarian, practical, and defensive, has not yet reached the realm of a bus.

His defensive philosophy is actually very similar to Millwall.

The Italian chain defense is the core, but the defense zone is not fixed in the 35 yard area in front of the door.

And to put the bus, his offensive players must be further reduced!

The reason is very simple, not every attack, you can definitely make it!

Not every attack, your attacking player can go back to defend faster than the opponent's counterattack advancement!

If you kill 4 players in an attack, and the opponent counterattacks, there are only 6 players in the backcourt, how to put the bus?

In Porto today, it is Deco, Delle, Maniche, and Alenichev who must move forward in the counterattack. They will not rely on one player or two players to try to knock on the city of Millwall. door.

So Mourinho’s team is not a bus. In Chelsea, Inter Milan, Real Madrid, there may be so many games that use extreme defense, it seems to be a bus, but, you can not use a few games to determine the coach Fixed style, that is out of context, too one-sided.

Or in contrast, when Di Matteo coached Chelsea and led Chelsea to win the Champions League, it was a complete swing, because there was only one forward in front, and almost all of the backcourt defenses shrank into the penalty area. When there was an offensive opportunity, almost There are no Chelsea players rushing up to the frontcourt, but when Mourinho coaches Chelsea or Inter Milan, at least 3-4 players, 4231 or 433 formations can be seen when attacking. The players in front must rush up Not to mention that it would make Maicon a world-class full-back at the time. With a real swing, the full-back is not assisting.

The irony is that the "swing bus" in football has become a buzzword, it comes from Mourinho's own mouth.

What is more ironic is that in the next ten years, Mourinho's team is extremely miserable when it is suppressed by opponents, and fans will use a bus to mock him.

Just like Porto today.

It's not that they want to put the bus, it's Mourinho who instilled in the team the idea of ​​defense.

They can't control the midfield. Do midfield players continue to be played like monkeys, wasting their physical fitness and rushing back and forth?

It's not that they don't want to grab, the defender line is afraid of being exposed on the back, and the midfielders can't grab the ball, then they can only back up!

Everything is forced!

It is hard to say what caused this phenomenon. The first is Mourinho’s own football concept. His style does not pursue transmission and control, so no matter which giant he coaches, the team he builds is in the midfield. The most important point is that in the combination of players, you will see a clear style match, but you will not find any combination that completely uses the control to drive the entire team to oppress. He wants efficiency, not scenes. The second is the continual European style of football concept. In the sublimation and progress of the sublimation, the importance of transmission and control is abrupt, and the self-contained school is moving towards the peak. When the power of this successful football style erupts, the scene suppression is extremely effective. Mourinho It’s not a god. The team he built is not an absolute king. After the phenomenon of suppression, the suppressing party has little luck and can’t break the door, and the suppressed party cannot attack successfully. The scene seems to naturally become a certain party. Swing the bus.

Now Porto is not a bus, so they will not statically have at least 7 people shrink to defend in the 35-yard danger zone in front of the door, relying on one or two people to sneak forward.

And their defense is to adjust the movement according to the strength of the threat. When an opponent oppresses them, they retreat, and the opponent withdraws, and they push outward to ensure that the opponent's frontal impact space is locked tightly in the restricted area.

This feature is what Ronaldinho believes is absolutely usable.

Henry retreated, attracting the opponent's backline slightly, creating enough depth behind them.

Then Henry rushed forward and the opposing defender line also retreated, but Henry was faster, but Henry was offside, the opposing defender line would immediately stop, and to ensure that there was no problem to create an offside trap, move forward again, this is it. The poor rhythm is the best environment for Millwall to use "passive offside"!

Millwall used "passive offside" to rewrite the score on the field, like opening a Pandora's box, which brought disaster to Porto.

Their guard line started to be chaotic, which originated from suspicious.

God knows that the next time Henry runs offside, will he copy the same goal?

Henry's movement is more threatening. This threat is very intuitive. In order to ensure that the opponent will no longer penetrate the defense line in the same way, Porto's defender line begins to retreat deeper!

Don't dare to create offside!

Invisiblely, Millwall's offensive space in front of the penalty area is expanded!

When Mourinho thought about how to equalize the score, the bad news came!

In the 43rd minute, Henry rushed to the offside position again without even looking back. It seemed that he didn't care where his teammates were behind him, where the ball was, and how Millwall's offense was developing.

Carvalho and Costa retreat to block Henry's lateral translation of the space in front of the goal. Valent and Ferreira also retreat. At the same time, Nedved ran to the right and forward from the front waistline and took away Costinha.

Alonso crossed the ball to the right in front of Deco, Schneider came up and then passed back diagonally to the front of the middle.

If it was two seconds ago, there should be Nedved, but now, Nedved and Costinha have run away.

Mendes guarded here.

Ronaldinho flew Alenichev from the left and headed towards the middle of the road. Ferreira looked anxious. Ronaldinho was farther and farther away from him. He could only collect in the penalty area, but it seemed impossible. Block Ronaldinho, unless he shifts to the left back.

Ronaldinho touched the ball in front of Mendes, paused, and turned to accelerate. Mendes was wiped out directly. Mendes pulled Ronaldinho's arm by Ronaldinho without hesitation. As for Mendes, he fell The ground signaled Ronaldinho hit his face, the referee said nothing.

The hot-eyed head referee happened to be very close to the place where the incident occurred. If a penalty is to be imposed, Mendes should also be fined.

Since Mendes already has a yellow card, the second yellow card must be more cautious.

Now Millwall continued to attack without being affected, Mendes fell to the ground, the referee treated as a two-phase offset, and waited for the offense to warn Mendes again.

Costinha gave up Nedved and defended Ronaldinho, but his body's center of gravity was slow. Ronaldinho turned away again and drew him away. Costinia flew behind and Ronaldinho was tripped. After a while, Ronaldinho staggered after three steps to stabilize his body's center of gravity and continue to take the ball forward!

He had already rushed at full speed, was pulled by Mendes, was tackled by Costinia's side and rear, and Ronaldinho's speed dropped again, but he could dribble the ball more smoothly.

At this time, Nedved continued to rush to the restricted area, and it was the middle of the road!

Henry moved left to impact the left rib.

Larson inwardly impacted the right rib from the other side!

Send in three lines!

The four defenders of Porto have their hearts broken, and they all have Millwall offensive players around them, all famous, and that is three Mr. Golden Ball!

They seemed to have a sudden brain crash, and no one dared to rush out to stop Ronaldinho!

Ronaldinho slowly brought the ball into the penalty area, no one was around.

He got up!

At the moment when he kicked his feet, he could see how well his teammates cooperated with him!

Henry retreated one step in front of Costa.

Nedved retreated in front of Carvalho.

Larson shook away in front of Valent!

This not only blocked the opponent's interference with Ronaldinho, but also expanded Ronaldinho's shooting angle!

Ronaldinho made a heavy shot and the ball flew from between Carvalho and Valent. The ball trajectory bottomed up and went straight to the top right corner of the goal!

At a distance of about 15 yards, no one interfered, Ronaldinho shot fully, and the angle selection was also safe. This ball slammed into Porto's goal without suspense!

"Ronaldinho! Ronaldinho! An unparalleled Brazilian! He drove the ball through the opponent's midfielder. Mendes and Costinia did their best to stop him, but neither succeeded. Finally, he sent the ball into Porto’s door with an amazing shot! Millwall leads Porto 2:0! 2:0! Porto has almost no chance! Want to reverse Millwall, is it possible? Haven’t been in the passive Porto since the start of the game, people can’t see any hope! They are so pitiful, last year and this year, they encountered a strong Millwall in the Intercontinental Cup finals for two consecutive years. Porto is stronger than last year, but , Millwall is a hundred times stronger than last year!"

The goal was like a heavy punch on Mourinho's heart. He looked at Ronaldinho, who was held by the stars on the other side of the stadium, his lips flicked and didn't know what to say, and then hit a punch on the top of the coach seat.

Champions League final!

European Championship Cup!


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