The Young Lion

Chapter 1025: History gives reference

Portugal is definitely not a football powerhouse in the world.

They will always produce a handful of talented players at different times, but they are not enough to support a very luxurious and competitive national team.

Take the World Cup results as an example. In 70% of World Cup competitions, they either did not participate or were eliminated directly in the qualifiers. The best result is the semi-finals in 66 years. After that, the second best result is the stop group game.

For a country with a population of only about 10 million, the number of football population also determines its stable strength grade. As for those smaller countries that have suddenly achieved good results, it is an accidental outbreak and does not have the meaning of overall strength positioning.

The competition in the European Cup is smaller than in the World Cup. Even so, before the golden generation represented by Figo turned out, Portugal also performed poorly in the European Cup. Most of the time, the qualifiers did not qualify until the golden generation After the start of the beam, the record stabilized. Eight years ago, the quarter-finals were blocked. The dark horse Czech team was blocked by the semi-finals. The semi-finals were stopped four years ago. They were beaten by the final champion French team in overtime. 4 years Later, Portugal also created the history of its national football national team. They reached the finals. Whether they succeed or fail, this will be the new ranking record of the Portuguese national team in the European Cup.

After three weeks of fighting, the European Cup finally came to the final battle of the event, which is also the pinnacle.

Fans from England and Portugal flocked to Lisbon’s Bright Stadium.

Numerous fans gathered in front of bars, squares, and televisions across the land of Portugal and England, and many people looked forward to the war.

The Stadium of Lights in Lisbon is in the process of ending the event. The entertainment program before the finals is uninterested. This does not allow the fans of both sides to decompress. They are waiting for their team to make history.

Aldrich appeared early on the court, sitting on the coach seat waiting for the game to begin.

In the stands behind him, countless England fans cheered his name.

In the VIP box of the stadium, his family was watching him.

At the moment, Aldrich said it was deceiving not to be nervous. At least, a very honourable championship trophy can be tentacled in time, and no one will be upset.

Perhaps it is for this reason that he did not go to the locker room to communicate with the team, such as nervousness, and he was afraid that he could not help nagging the arrangements before the game repeatedly, so that it would not be of any benefit to the team.

When Scolari walked into the stadium, Aldridge got up and shook hands with each other.

Two years ago, when the two met in the semi-finals of the World Cup, Scolari lost his breath, and resentment!

And he always thinks that the Brazil team is just lacking luck, not how strong England is, it is God who is not on the side of the Brazil team.

Two years later, the old man reunited and was in the final of the European Cup. This scene is more attractive than what Aldridge and Mourinho met in the UEFA Champions League final after the UEFA Cup final. Focusing on the meeting between the two head coaches, shaking hands, taking photos and flashing lights have never stopped.

There was nothing to greet the two of them. The court etiquette shook hands and patted each other's arms before turning their heads away, looking as usual.

But secretly the mood swings are not known.

Scolari has led Portugal to create a new history, but to let this history be remembered and appear extremely brilliant, obviously only one step away, the European Cup won the championship!

At the same time, there is indeed the idea of ​​"a shame before snow" in his heart.

History will only remember the winner.

After two years of rushing, people will mention the 3R combination that is prestigious in the 2002 World Cup, but most of the time will be used to set off the waves of England’s last minute golden ball lore. When the neutrals sigh, they will not say Brazil. Poor performance, the team's strength is there, it will naturally rise to the fight between the head coach, Brazil's defeat, Scolari lost to Aldridge.

The old men reunited in the European Cup, and the two armies faced each other again. England is in full swing. Scolari is no longer headed by the Brazil team, but the fight two years ago was mentioned again in the last two days, as if Scolari had unveiled Scars, painful memories came to mind, and the pain that should have been forgotten was faintly increased.

Aldridge's mentality is relatively peaceful, he will be a strong man, but he rarely falls down after the victory. Therefore, he acts as a strong man and acts in the style of a strong man: forgetting his opponent.

There are countless people who lose to him, he will not always be on his mind, and even when he fights again, he will dilute the past victory, because in the football game, each game is independent and does not have the continuity of advantages and disadvantages. , Indulging in the glory of the past has no benefit to the present and the future.

In the full stadium of Lisbon, more than 60,000 pairs of eyes were watching the lineup of England and Portugal. Under the leadership of German referee Merck, the players of the two teams walked into the field with their heads up and launched the final toward the highest honor in Europe. Impact.

"The European Cup in 2004 has finally come to the final finale battle! Today will be a day remembered in the history of football, not only will the championship of this competition be born, but also a championship that has never been in the history of the European Cup! Portugal and England have never won the championship in the European Cup, this is the first time the two teams reached the finals! The two teams have the same record, in the previous 5 games, 4 wins and 1 loss, the two teams in this competition There are unforgettable performances in Portugal. Portugal defeated Spain, a strong team like the Netherlands, England defeated the defending champion France, and a strong enemy like the Czech team. So these two teams reached the finals. Destiny!"

Ten years later, if people mention the Czech Republic and the Netherlands, they must think that the Netherlands is stronger, but in 2004, most fans will not think that the Netherlands is stronger than the Czech Republic. The Czech team qualifiers against the Netherlands are a win and a draw, and the group stage is divided with the Netherlands. Together, a shocking reversal became the classic battle of this competition, Portugal's road to promotion is to open low and go high, the England team played a few gold-rich games, squeezed the French team out of the knockout, and perfectly defeated the Greek team. In the end, the Czech team, the England team's rich and varied style and tactics, also became their highlights.

"Let's take a look at the double-starter list.

Portuguese team 4231.

Goalkeeper: Ricardo.

Guards: Miguel, Carvalho, Andrade, Valente.

Midfielders: Maniche, Costinha, Deco, Figo, C Ronaldo.

Forward: Pauletta.

England 442.

Goalkeeper: Robinson.

Defenders: Gary Neville, Campbell, Terry, Ashley Cole.

Midfielders: Beckham, Hargreaves, Scholes, Lampard.

Forwards: Gerald, Rooney.

What is more surprising is that England's starting striker, the main Irving was placed on the bench, 18-year-old talented teenager Wayne Rooney debuted in the final, perhaps he was the last substitute to kill the Czech team, Sir Hall looked at him differently, so he was listed as a positive choice as a reward.

Two super bright stars in this competition are on the court, Cristiano Ronaldo of Portugal and Wayne Rooney of England. Interestingly, both are players of the Premier League giant Millwall. After the selection of the best lineup, the fans circulated the saying of "the best half-team out of the crazy lion". Now that Millwall's supernova is shining on the top stage of the European Cup, it is not surprising. "

After seeing Portugal's starting lineup, Aldridge calmed down, and his tension was gone.

The most critical point he focused on was Deco.

The word unity is easy to say, but it is actually too difficult. Every family has a hard-to-read experience. The more powerful the team, the more so.

The fame and fortune of the small team is not important. It is easier for a group of cockroaches to join forces to unite the world. Everyone does not have the capital to think about it, but the strong team is different. When the leaves are green, the awareness required is too high.

Portugal has a similar problem to England. Rooney wants to play the main role, there must be pimples in his heart, but what can Aldridge do? He couldn't figure it out himself, and Aldridge couldn't change anything by fraying his lips.

The Portuguese problem stems from Deco.

He is a Brazilian, and he chose to play for Portugal after acquiring Portuguese citizenship. So, a familiar master figure gradually disappeared from our vision.

Rui Costa.

Regardless of Figo’s ever expressed disapproval of Deco, or Rui Costa and Deco’s eyebrows, Scolari still insisted on using the Brazilian fellow, depriving Rui Costa of the main position, Deco’s performance is obvious to all, It's not very good, but at least people can't fault it.

Figo, Cristiano Ronaldo and Pauletta are all foreseeable absolute starters of Portugal.

But Deco is still Rui Costa, Audric will be afraid of Scolari suddenly starting cold Rui Rui to start.

The reason is that Deco's passing creativity is not as good as Rui Costa, although other aspects, such as defense, physical fitness, and motivation, are worse than Rui Costa.

But Decobiru Costa is excellent and may not necessarily have an absolute advantage in front of the English players.

On the contrary, Rui Costa's magical pass and the ability to scalpel the ball to tear the opponent's defense line are absolutely taboo for the England team!

How did he fight Portugal, Aldridge did not think too much complicated things.

History gave him reference.

The Greek team told him how to play Portugal.


The Greek team defeated Portugal with anti-reverse, twice!

England's counterattack strength will be stronger than Greece, and they will not be unfamiliar with this technical and tactical play, the World Cup is obtained by anti-anti.

So aside from the style, the characteristics of personal coaching, and the complicated thoughts, Aldridge does not need to think hard, think about what tactics to use to deal with Portugal, why not go far?

Moreover, he no longer needs to prove anything.

He just came to rob the trophy, the way it is used is no longer important.

After the group photo of the finals of the two teams ended, the game officially began.

When Scolari watched the game for 5 minutes, his face instantly became very ugly.

Male Gobi.


Why the **** are you fighting back?

At the beginning of the game, the rhythm was not fast. When Portugal controlled the ball and attacked, the English team retracted to the half.

Although the narrator said that the England team played 442, they actually returned to their 433.

Beckham and Lampard dragged their positions and split into two sides of Hargreaves. Scholes was in the center-forward position, with Gerard and Rooney in front of the right.

Compared with the same tactics two years ago, the England team's defense is stronger, because Gerrard is stronger than McManaman's defense, and Rooney is also more harassing and defensive than Owen on the defensive.

Portugal's strength is the wing.

Cristiano Ronaldo and Figo have no distinction, and they can change places at any time.

But what if they have a strong wing?

It's not about returning to the original question. Offensive, the wing is only auxiliary. It is the middle road that decides the game, either in the restricted area or outside the restricted area. The threat of the middle road is much higher than the side road.

It just happens that Scolari has a tactical failure, which is the deadliest factor in Portugal's most fearful defense.

Pauletta played a single forward.

The best striker in Ligue 1 is the second forward and the shadow forward.

Single center, he is difficult to have room to play.

It is not that he is not strong, it is that he is not playing the most powerful role.

Therefore, Portugal's persistent illness is "weak front".

This is not a player's personal ability, just like Gerald can play a second forward, but if you put Gerald in the center position, the effect will be greatly reduced, and you can only make limited responses and score against the goal? It's simply impossible to have high efficiency, because he is the opponent's first marking target, and it is difficult to achieve under the tight package defense.

This is the case of Pauletta. Someone on the front line is involved in him to attract defense. He can release a huge threat, but it is very difficult to rely on him alone.

Originally, Figo and Ronaldo tended to be on the sidelines. Ronalce’s threat was higher than that of Figo, but this was not enough. England contracted backwards. Portugal needs to activate more offensive points. Candidates.

Deco's speed is relatively stable, and the explosive power is insufficient. The first threat after his plug is not fatal. He still prefers to play in a large range in the midfield instead of rushing to the front line.

Therefore, Aldridge is even more afraid of Rui Costa’s starting. Since they are all passing, the characters who pass the deadly threat are naturally more effective. At least Pauletta’s cover for Cristiano Ronaldo, the delivery of the deadly threat ball will make England Afraid.

After the opening, the focus of Portugal was Figo, who seemed somewhat "independent".

Frequent breakthroughs on the wing, most of the time sticking the ball, this is understandable. Today in Portugal, the absolute big brother is him, everyone else should be his green leaf, even Ronaldo is no exception.

His breakthrough is not bad, but the England team compresses the space in the danger zone. As long as he is not alone to cross the two defense lines, he basically only passes outside, and there is not much threat.

Instead, the England team formed a golden opportunity to score in the 7th minute after the opening!

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