The Young Lion

Chapter 1051: Go to war

Chelsea and Millwall players lined up in the player channel to get ready to play.

The players on both sides looked ahead and did not greet people they knew, whether they were former Millwall teammates or national teammates like Ronaldo and Carvalho.

In the Lion King stadium, Mourinho screamed and shouted behind him. Of course, home fans did not welcome him, and the coach of the dead enemy has always been extremely ridiculous and humiliating.

Aldrich did not shake hands with Mourinho before the game, he came to the home team coach seat, standing still, mentality.

Chelsea's start today with an accident. The haze created by Mutu's drug addiction shrouded the Blues like a dark cloud, which would make them distracted. Millwall prepared for the game wholeheartedly, plus the benefits of home, Aldridge was naturally confident.

"In the tenth round of the 2004-2005 Premier League, a focus battle was first played at the Lion King Stadium. This was a derby match between the rivals in London. Millwall, who played at home, played against Chelsea, and after 9 rounds, Millwall Starting with an excellent 9-game winning streak, Chelsea 6 wins, 2 draws and 1 loss, this is a very ideal start, but looking at the standings, they are behind by 7 points to the leader, a not small gap. In the game, the London Blues directly confronted each other, which is a 6-point battle. Let's take a look at the starting lineup of both sides.

Millwall started 433.

Goalkeeper: Bute.

Guards: Schneider, Nesta, Silva, Ram.

Midfielders: De Rossi, Alonso, Nedved.

Forwards: C Ronaldo, Villa, Ronaldinho.

Chelsea started 433.

Goalkeeper: Cech.

Guards: Ferreira, Carvalho, Terry, Ashley Cole.

Midfielders: Essien, Makelele, Lampard.

Forwards: Robben, Drogba, Duff.

The confrontation will start soon. Chelsea coach Mourinho said when he took office that Chelsea's goal was to subvert Millwall's rule. His mouth said a grand goal, but it fell into place. Today's game It will be the first test! "

At the beginning of the game, Chelsea's posture was very clear: anti-reverse.

Chelsea’s defense in this period was actually very monotonous. The four backs didn’t assist. The double backs strangled. When they were transferred from defense to offense, they basically relied on four people. .

After the opening, they played in this way.

Millwall oppressed to attack after the opening.

In the first minute of the game, Makelele cut off Ronaldinho's straight pass to Villa and immediately urged a counterattack. Lampard sent a direct pass to Drogba on the striker in the midfield. De Rossi blocked the pass. Inadvertently slipping on the line failed to intercept the ball, this accident made the fans of the crazy lions in the stands stand tight.

Drogba got the ball successfully and turned to hit the penalty area, but his ball just took a step. Someone quickly cut the ball from him and Chelsea's counterattack dissipated!

Drogba immediately counter-robbed, but hit the man but didn't break away. The man gave the ball to Ram and then turned to look at Drogba, his eyes indifferent.

As if silently saying: This is my place, don't you want to sack wild!

"The best center defender in the world, 28-year-old Nesta successfully defended Drogba. Drogba's combination of man and ball is not particularly outstanding, but Nesta is a master of steals and grasps the timing of intercepting the foot. It can be called a textbook. If Chelsea wants to pass through the ground or personally break through the middle defense of Millwall's back line, he may encounter great resistance."

Golden age, healthy Nesta, the best in the world, without any controversy!

After Southgate disappeared into the first team of Millwall, Nesta was the leader of the defense line, and the former Roman king automatically entered the role and quickly shouldered more responsibilities. On the last link of the defense line, Nesta calmly makes people outrageous, and it is an important guarantee for Millwall to defend the offensive football.

If Chelsea's offense is rich and changeable, maybe Audridge will still worry, but if he only depends on the anti-anti, Aldridge does not think Chelsea's poor offensive firepower will be ashamed.

Chelsea relied on counter-attacks, then stabilized the situation, avoided opponents' offense, and strengthened defense.

Their offensive firepower is therefore not so outstanding.

Before asking his teammates, De Rossi made an apologetic gesture to his teammates. He did not expect Chelsea to counterattack so fast. There was a little panic before slipping. Now it’s okay, it is a wave of counterattacks by Chelsea. Alerted.

In the first 20 minutes of the game, the situation on the court looked indistinguishable.

Although Millwall has the advantage of controlling the ball in the midfield, he did not do too well in the infiltration link, or did not have too many offensive offenses.

The key lies in the front middle zone of the penalty area. The coverage area of ​​Essien, Makelele and Lampard is very effective in sweeping the sidewalk support.

But Chelsea's counterattack did not make too many threats.

Tiago Silva had no man-marking task today, and Drogba gave it to Nesta. He was mainly responsible for the defense of the wing, that is, if Robben broke through the lateral inward line after Ram, back It is not possible to make up for the waist and parallel, because Lampard's back plug will be empty. This work must be done by Silva. After all, it is a frontal interception, which is more than a parallel movement or a backtrack. confident.

At the same time, Drossi squeezed Drogba behind, marking Lampard in front of him, and Alonso would also undertake such a task.

As for Duff on the other side, Schneider alone is enough to cope.

In the 23rd minute of the game, something changed on the court.

Robben dribbled inwards after turning the ball on the right. Silva rushed up and fought bravely for the first time. He used a sliding shovel to shovel Robben's slightly bigger ball and then flew up. Accelerate, unable to stumble and stumble in front of Silva.

Mourinho protested on the sidelines and complained angrily to the fourth official that it was a foul.

But the head referee did not say anything, beckoning the game to continue.

"From the playback of other camera lenses, Silva's tackle is very clean, Robben himself is too fast, more like he can't hold his foot on Silva's foot, and then he falls Well, huh? Robben hasn't gotten up yet. He is lying on the court and patting the turf. It looks very painful. It looks like he should be injured."

Mourinho and other protesters found Robben did not get up, and his face was a little ugly.

When the game was interrupted, the Chelsea medical team entered the field and initially diagnosed Robben's injury and made a substitution gesture to Mourinho.

"Oops, only halfway through the first half of the game, Chelsea are going to make a passive substitution, Robben leaves due to injury!"

Mourinho asked Joe Cole to warm up, and then he went to find the fourth official theory.

Aldrich also walked over and said to Mourinho: "What are you talking about? My player's defensive movement is very clean, it is your player's own physical fitness, don't be wordy, take a step back, Chelsea A group of defensive players are gentlemen?"

The fourth officer turned to look at Mourinho, then turned to look at Odrić, Mourinho turned away without arguing with Odrić.

Aldridge looks at the game time and it's almost 30 minutes!

He gestured towards the players on the court.

Chelsea had already learned their defense of Millwall's offense, but soon they felt great pressure!

Ronaldinho and Nedved are close to the front waistline, Ronaldo ran to the left, and Villa was free to move in the center area.

In the back row, with Alonso, assisting Ram, Schneider as the foundation for controlling the field, Millwall's offense is extremely left!

Ronaldinho, Nedved, and Ronaldo took turns to make a breakthrough to Chelsea's right-back Ferreira!

They don't seem to attack on the right and focus on the left!

In the 31st minute, Ronaldinho was blocked by Lampard and Essien at the same time after cutting in the wing. He immediately passed the ball back to Ram on the same wing. Ram kept the ball straight ahead and Ronaldo went offside. After Ferreira came back, Ferreira used the rhythm difference to kick back the ball, and Ronaldo broke out and went inside to the penalty area!

Essien and Carvalho rushed to Ronaldo at the same time. Before meeting, Ronaldo passed the ball out in a small area and handed it to Ronaldinho less than 4 meters away. The latter kept the ball a concealed straight plug Passing the ball between Carvalho and Terry, Nedvide formed a single-handed opportunity in the second half of the front, and a shot was blocked by Cech at the corner of the goal!

"Chelsea escaped! Millwall obviously changed his style of play. They concentrated all their firepower on the offensive center and left!"

Ashley Cole was at a loss.

He didn't know whether it was because he was too strong, so Millwall dared not come to fight him, or because Millwall underestimated him, and he was not afraid of assisting him forward!

Millwall concentrated on the left. The hidden danger is that if Ashley Cole boldly assists the frontline area, or he will play according to the role of "change forward" he used to be used by Aldridge when he was in Millwall and the England national team. Then, Millwall's defense on Schneider's side may be easily exploded.

However, Mourinho is not Aldridge, he asked the defender not to attack, the defender dedicated defense.

So now some fans laugh at Ashley Cole: I went to Chelsea for 2 months, and my worth fell by 20 million!

He now looks like a defensive first-line defender, but that's all. On the offensive side, he can't see the stunning and even the shadow of the past.

This offensive adjustment is a test of Mourinho by Audric to see Mourinho's desire and ambition for the game.

If you are extremely eager for victory and the goal is to take three points to the Lion King Stadium, then Mourinho will definitely use this change to let Ashley Cole boldly assist!

If that is the case, Millwall is not waiting to be blasted by the opponent. The defender is in the restricted area. Alonso and De Rossi protect the backline, as long as Chelsea does not exclude more followers than Lampard. After Millwall delays the opponent's offensive time, it can also ensure that no absolute defense is exposed.

Ashley Cole had no opponent on the frontal defense. Two minutes later, Audridge saw him take the initiative to shrink into the penalty area and compress the space in the penalty area.

Aldridge sneered at the sidelines.

It seems that Mourinho is just daring to fight back at this stage, not daring to play real fights with him!

Well, Millwall has established a complete advantage locally.

On the field, Ronaldinho expressed his dissatisfaction with Ronaldo for the first time, thinking that Ronaldo was a little careful.

After a Chelsea counterattack with Lampard's long shot deviated from the goal and ended, Ronaldinho pointed to the direction of Ferreira in front of Ronaldo, and said in a straightforward way: "Fuck him! Blast him! Don't hide him! Today It is necessary to fight him first!"

Ronaldo nodded his head, and his expression was ruthless. In the next 5 minutes, Ronaldo broke through Ferreira twice. In the 39th minute of the game, Ronaldinho hit this side, Ronaldo ran out of position, Ferreira missed each other. Unbalanced state of mind, when Ronaldinho got rid of the ball laterally, Ronaldinho was pulled down by hand.

The referee whistled to signal Ferreira foul and came over and gave Ferreira a yellow card!

Ronaldinho got up from the ground and waited for the referee to draw the card. Then he suddenly made a cross and the ball with a big arc was passed.

And it was an unexpected arc on the outside of the foot, he was on the left, the arc on the outside of the right foot, the ball, didn't the ball fly outward?

The Chelsea crowds turned their heads towards the ball and suddenly looked shocked.

Ashley Corne's collection of the penalty area did strengthen the defense in the penalty area, but on his side for a long time without being threatened, Schneider ran quietly to make Chelsea startled.

Ronaldinho's free kick is to kick the ball out of a big arc. The first time Chelsea will think Ronaldinho is shooting, the second reaction is to pass the header to the teammates in the penalty area, and finally realized that this The ball was passed to Schneider from the other side!

The overall vision of the Brazilian magician and the concealment of the pass are most vividly displayed!

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