The Young Lion

Chapter 1061: Governing others with their own way

Summer is coming, and the war in the Premier League is also heating up.

After Chelsea lost to Millwall 1:3 at Stamford Bridge, they were immediately tied by Birmingham in the league away!

When everyone thought that the suspense of the Premier League might not support the Stamford Bridge Premier League final day at the end of the month, Millwall burst into shock in the same round of the league!

Manchester City, which has performed exceptionally well in the league this season, has become a giant killer!

The game against Chelsea is a win and a draw.

The match against Millwall is a win and a loss is a tie between two confrontations!

The situation in Manchester City is paradoxical!

Mourinho lost to Kevin Keegan.

But Aldridge lost to his former colleague of the England national team, the Pierce who coached England U21!

Manchester City just experienced a coaching change last month, Keegan and the top management of Manchester City have fallen, and it is also related to the inconsistency between him and the team's locker room since last season. However, in terms of the stadium record, Manchester City is under Keegan's leadership this season. The rankings were still in the middle of the Premier League in March, much better than the situation of relegation last season.

Pierce had just been in office for less than a month and led the team at home to turn over Millwall who sent a large number of substitutes.

Aldridge has no choice. In addition to the intensive schedule of the Premier League this month, the two rounds of the Champions League are separated by a week. At the same time, after finishing the second round of the quarter-finals of the Champions League, they also have to lead the team to play in the FA Cup semi-finals. The opponent is Manchester United, at the end of the month, before playing Chelsea away, they will play the first leg of the Champions League semi-finals!

Playing Manchester City away, Chelsea away, there will be three league games.

Those three league games are the biggest obstacle to test Millwall's final sprint!

Devil schedule.

Liverpool at home, playing Arsenal away, Manchester United at home!

Fleet Street has speculated that Millwall may have lost points in the Devil schedule, which is the three Premier League games.

Unexpectedly, Millwall first planted here in Manchester City!

The 3 points that should have come into hand were turned into 0 points.

The gap between Millwall and Chelsea in the standings has changed from 4 points to 3 points.


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