The Young Lion

Chapter 1071: Close as soon as you see it

Lion King Stadium.

A whistle sounded.

Henry kicked the ball to Ronaldo and the game officially started.

Manchester United will always be the one who won't play utilitarian football. That is not the philosophy of Manchester United, it may just be Ferguson's stubborn stubbornness!

Just after a fierce battle in the FA Cup semi-finals.

This time it was a guest game again, and Manchester United have shown that they can't keep up with Millwall's rhythm since the opening.

At the beginning of the opening, Ronaldinho broke through Neville on the left and passed. C Ronaldo jumped up the header at the back point and was blocked by goalkeeper Carroll. Millwall quickly hit the home momentum!

Aldridge showed his majesty on the sidelines, and there is a sense of willingness. Since Manchester United snatched the FA Cup final tickets from Millwall, then, the league champion, Millwall is determined to win!

He will not allow the FA Cup this line to be ended by Manchester United, and then be attacked by Manchester United in the league, never allowed!

The Millwall generals also understood the importance of this battle.

They knew in their hearts that it would be a shame to disappoint them if they could not do Manchester United after a week of rest!

After the opening, Millwall took the lead in using Ronaldinho and Ronaldo's breakthrough on both wings to create the panic of Manchester United's defense, which forced Manchester United to frantically chase in the midfield and backcourt.

In turn, it disrupts the overall formation of Manchester United, making it impossible to calmly face the game!

In the first 15 minutes, Millwall pulled down the worn-out Manchester United through the high rhythm!

Then, instead, they began to slow down and start stable ball control in the midfield and backcourt, shaping the game situation.

One fast, one slow.

Manchester United also had to slow down.

Then, Millwall suddenly accelerated the game rhythm through the powerful control of the midfield and played a crazy offensive. Manchester United was difficult to resist under the situation that this rhythm suddenly changed.

In the 24th minute, Alonso hit the ball in the midfield and passed the ball to Cristiano Ronaldo who ran into the right side. Cristiano Ronaldo took the ball and made a two-on-one match with Nedved to easily break through the old. Keane, then Ronaldo used the explosive acceleration to dribble laterally in front of the penalty area. Manchester United's right defense focused on Ronaldinho. At this moment, Ronaldo was raging in the danger zone. Ferdinand and Neville had to turn their attention to Ronaldo. With a move, Ronaldo immediately passed the ball behind his feet. The ball rolled over behind Ferdinand. Ronaldinho inserted the ball in front of him and reached the rib of the penalty area, which already formed a semi-single-shot trend.

Manchester United goalkeeper Carol abandoned the goal and blocked Ronaldinho's shooting angle. Ronaldinho calmly controlled the ball and flicked out. After swinging the angle, he sent a nanny ball. Henry who met in front of the goal gently put the ball on the pad Shoot, hit the empty door!

"Millwall leads! The Trident in the frontcourt has a subtle cooperation. C Ronaldo has contributed to this attack. He dribble the ball from the right to the center and moved laterally to contain most of Manchester United's defense. A good pass, Ronaldinho, who succeeded in anti-offside, opened the angle of the goalkeeper and unselfishly sent the ball to Henry's feet. Hahaha, Henry can kick the ball with his eyes closed, and there is an empty goal in front of him !"

Henry smiled after scoring a goal, pointing at Ronaldinho, the two ran to the side of the field to celebrate, and the other teammates followed with a roaring run.

The fans of the crazy lions in the stands were very satisfied.

Manchester United fans fell suddenly and became listless.

They didn't understand whether Millwall's main lineup was too strong, or Manchester United's unintentional battle. In two games in four days, the two sides were the same, but the performance of the two teams was huge.

Ferguson lowered his head on the coach seat and sighed softly without irritating his disciples' performance.

He knew very well that the huge field difference in this game originated from two points. First, Millwall’s main lineup was well-repaired and benefited at home, while Manchester United fought a FA Cup. In the semi-finals, it is also a guest. The strength comparison between the two sides has been further opened. The second is the fighting intention!

In the final analysis, sniper opponents won the championship, but their own hopelessness was not strong, and Millwall lost the FA Cup line and went all out to the league. The fighting intention was obviously stronger, which is beyond doubt.

Aldrich's majestic expression gave a smile, applauding the team's goal, but then returned to a solemn posture.

This game is more important than the next one to Stamford Bridge!

It doesn't matter who the opponent is, but Millwall's lead in the standings will have a big impact on the player's psychology.

If, Millwall was tied or lost to Manchester United at home.

So as long as Chelsea defeated Arsenal, the gap with Millwall will be reduced to 1 point or the same goal loss. In that case, the game to Stamford Bridge will be a real battle.

Although the probability is still that Milwall has a weak lead, as long as they do not lose to Chelsea, the leader of the leader is still theirs.

However, it must be taken into account that they have thrown away Chelsea by 10 points. In the past few months, Chelsea have been chasing points and have been shortening the gap between them. If the gap is narrowed to a game to decide who is the champion At the psychological and spiritual level, Chelsea is encouraged and excited. Millwall will inevitably have a little panic. Then, the seemingly leading advantage may not exist at all, or even a disadvantage!

One goal lead is not insurance, Millwall can't relax!

Over the years, Aldridge has rarely made mistakes in key battles. It has a lot to do with his deliberate and emotional restraint. Of course, he will be excited for the team to score and lead the score, but he must exercise restraint. Words and deeds warned the team not to relax.

Manchester United's midfield attack was a mess, because they were scattered in defensive formation, and they were under tremendous pressure when they were driven by Millwall's crazy frontcourt from the defense. Then they lacked time to stabilize the scene. In response, they are distributed in various free areas. They lack time, which is also one of the difficulties of the fast pace of the game to test the team.

Originally Manchester United were able to do better, but they looked tired compared to Millwall, and when they ran less than Millwall, they naturally appeared slower, unable to clean up the complex situation and create a simple Offensive environment.

In the 36th minute, Millwall played a subtle cooperation in the frontcourt. On the left, Ronaldinho and Ram completed two two-by-ones. Ronaldinho suddenly passed the ball back to Alonso, who then will The offensive shifted to the other side. Ronaldo, Henry, and Nedvide made a short pass to each other and passed the Manchester United defense. The Nedvide also passed the ball back to Alonso.

However, at this time, Alonso's position has rushed to the area close to the front waist. With his pressure, Manchester United's defensive system is completely disrupted. Alonso sent a delicate direct pass, the ball from Keane and The crossing between Ferdinand, Ronaldinho missed the ball halfway, Neville was swayed, the empty behind was exposed and failed to fill in time, Ram took the ball inward after receiving the ball at the bottom line, almost the same position as Ronaldinho just assisted, pulled Tom picked the ball behind the goal.

Carol jumped high and failed to touch the ball with his fingertips. He turned his head back desperately and watched the ball fly over him. When he landed, he turned his head to look and saw C Ronaldo gently head the ball down at the back point. With a press, the ball bounces into the goal!

"2:0, C Ronaldo's header broke the score and changed the score to 2:0, Millwall took another step towards victory! This is a classic goal, it is the teamwork of Millwall color team, they are completely Destroy Manchester United's defense! Time and time again'intimidation' and'shock' made Manchester United players completely lose their calmness and seemed extremely panic, so they missed people and Millwall launched another fatal blow to easily rewrite the score !"

Cristiano Ronaldo ran wildly and smiled. The young and exciting guy played beautiful figures this season and played a more important role in this team. He is still growing and not the future goal machine.

Until the end of the first half, Millwall had been indiscriminately bombarding Manchester United. Manchester United was passively defending. Fanny in the front was dizzy. When he defended, he withdrew back. When the teammates in the backfield controlled the ball, he I immediately ran forward, but the ball always couldn't get under his feet. Before he ran a few steps, he turned around and retreated. Almost the entire first half ran forward and backward and forward and back. But rarely can it appear in live footage...

At halftime, Aldridge praised the team's performance, and then let them work harder!

After the midfield adjustment, Manchester United came up a bit in the second half and really wanted to make waves at the Lion King Stadium, but soon, they were beaten by Millwall's fast break to be a new man.

Heinze became the bad luck, Ronaldo failed to catch Ronaldo's goal. In the 53rd minute, the second half had just started less than 10 minutes. Ronaldo's breakthrough in the restricted area made Heinze angry and angry. Slide the shovel, and then Ronaldo fell into the penalty area. The referee not only fingered the penalty, but also showed Heinze a second yellow card. He already had a yellow card in the first half, when he was defending outside the penalty area Ruthlessly knocked down Ronaldo. Now, two yellows turn to one red, and he will be sent off.

Millwall fans sang at Heinze in the stands. They jumped and jumped. They also earned a penalty for the team's two goals and the opponent sent another penalty. This game is absolutely stable.

Ferguson's face was a little helpless, and Aldridge finally reached the ground after Ronaldinho took a penalty.

Less than 60 minutes, Millwall Mingjin withdrew his troops.

Although it is possible to reapply the offensive pressure and rewrite the score, Aldridge chose to close after seeing it.

After all, before visiting Stamford Bridge next week, they still have a first round of the Champions League semi-finals to play, which is an away game.

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