The Young Lion

Chapter 1082: little monkey

The league champion started. The opponents in the last two rounds of the final round are all relegation teams. They also announced that the relegation was successful. It is conceivable that the league will be a routine game, and the players will not be too real. Of course, the home battle should naturally be defended. Home honors, in case the chain is really lost, I am afraid the fans will be very unhappy.

Newcastle United did not cause trouble to Millwall at Lion King Stadium, and Aldridge was also free to relax, as if relieved of his shoulders, sitting on the coach seat, quietly, watching young players with enjoyment and expectation Their performance.

Messi, who will be 18 years old next month, is very optimistic at this time. Although he is not like Rooney of the same period, he is full of fighting spirit inside and outside the small beast field, as if he has the energy to vent. Not concealing his sharp edge, but Messi's low-key and restrained posture that broke out in calmness, Audridge appreciated it because he was disgusted by impatient players.

Sweating sweat on the court, every time he touched the ball, he hoped that Messi, who threatened to create threats, was full of spirits, without losing the team's tactical discipline. This made the coaching staff quite satisfied with his performance this season, but only during the reserve league. There was one minor injury in which caused the coaching staff to be vigilant, thinking that it is still necessary to strengthen Messi's physical strengthening and improve his protection awareness in the future.

In the future of the original history, there is an argument among fans that Messi's small body is unable to stand on the fierce confrontation of the Premier League.

This question is debatable.

Because in the same period, Wright Jr., who was born in 81, has already established a foothold in the Premier League. Although he has not entered the giants, Leeds United star Lennon, who is the same year as Messi, is a newcomer to the Premier League.

In the future, Aguero, who is not much higher than Messi, will be a big fan in the Premier League.

And like physical strength against the weak David Silva, Mata, Di Maria, Özil, all came to the Premier League and joined the giants.

Body is not equal to strength. In terms of game data settings, Messi’s physical strength will be higher than many technical players in the future. What he lacks is weight, but for technical players, weight, and It must be controlled within a range.

Taking the training goal of the future Brazilian king Neymar as an example, his training will strengthen physical confrontation, but will strictly control weight gain, why? Because weight gain will affect his flexibility and speed explosiveness.

Aldridge didn’t worry about Messi’s foothold in the Premier League, which was unfounded.

Fighting fierce and malicious killing are two essentially different concepts. Like Serie A, for a while, many teams have adopted killing tactics against genius forwards. This has led many serie A to try to prove that their genius forwards have been destroyed by injuries. It doesn’t matter if it’s physical fitness, it depends on whether the opponent’s approach is in line with the spirit of competitive sports.

The Premier League has the characteristics of the Premier League, but the Premier League is not a place where Longtan Tiger Cave is detached from the world. It is a superstar who can win the Golden Globe Award for many years in the future and be full of honor. It is unreasonable to be unable to gain a foothold in the Premier League.

Strong, just strong, there is nothing to argue, just like if there is no history of Aldrich now, what would happen if someone asks him to play Barcelona in the Premier League led by Dream Guardiola? Aldrich’s answer is only one: the champion.

Messi is very active on the field. In addition to his opponent's unwillingness to fight, Larson's attraction of firepower to make him a wedding dress is also a key factor.

"The two wingers Millwall, Glenn Carre and young teenager Messi, their dribbling breakthrough was too sharp, Newcastle United couldn't resist it at all, and in the 74th minute of the second half, Messi cut the ball on the right After entering the penalty area, he unselfishly divided the ball to the point behind the goal. His pass was very calm, and he managed to grasp it just right. Glenchard sprinted to grab the point and easily pushed the ball to get started! 2:0, Millwall won After this game, the points will reach 99 points!"

After the goal, Glenn Charles ran to find Messi. Messi after the assist showed a hearty smile, but he now has a slightly longer hair. To be honest, Aldridge feels that Messi with long hair does not It looks so good.

Because he is short and has long hair, it does not give people a particularly elegant feeling, but instead looks abrupt.

After applauding the players for goals, Aldridge made up his mind and suggested Messi to have a short haircut after the game, which made him look energetic and energetic.

This is a personal hobby and varies from person to person, like Nedved's hair is not short, but the blonde is very handsome.

"Sir Hall appeared relaxed on the coach seat, and now his mind must be thinking about the second leg of the Champions League semi-finals. Now the public opinion on Fleet Street is preaching a historic glory, that is, Millwall players, very It may tie the record of Real Madrid’s Gento Gento’s six Champions League wins. If Millwall can successfully defend the Champions League this season, then there is no doubt that Nedved, Larsen, Bout and so on. In their honor book, there will be six Champions League titles, which will be recorded in history!"

At the end of the game, Messi stood on the court with a smile, his eyes sparkling, as if the meaning was still unfinished. Larson came over to praise his status as the elder brother of the previous generation, and there was a little envy in his eyes.

Messi is very young, but Larson is 34 years old.

After seeing Messi’s performance on the field, Larson had to lament that the years are stimulating, and his lingering years are past, and with the attachment and loyalty to Millwall, defending the sense of responsibility, He also believes that the future Messi is enough to provoke the beam and become the top beam of Millwall.

Players with outstanding skills will definitely have fans faster. Messi has had many peer fans since the youth team, and some adults who have spent time watching low-level team games. They are amazing at Messi on the court. The performance, when Messi came to the first team and truly stepped into the professional arena, he will naturally support him.

When Messi retired, there were many fans on the sidelines who wanted his signature. Of course, if Messiken took off his jersey and gave it to the fans, it would definitely make the fans even happier.

Aldrich and Sansones shook hands in a courteous manner and then left the Lion King Stadium with applause.

It was a day without much stress, and he had a great time.

Because it was at home, he continued to stay in the club after the game, handled some paperwork, followed up with some club management matters, and then almost at five thirty, he left the office and went to the training base there.

The Leo training base has been carefully divided, and a piece of football school has been opened in the east. Here, there are three echelons below U12.

In layman's terms, there are many students in the football school who are day students. Some parents send their children in the morning and pick them up at night. Others live in the dorms of the school because they are far away.

Aldrich came to pick Burt. He waited for Burt at the school entrance just like many ordinary parents. Many parents would come up and talk to him.

While waiting, Aldridge found that not far away, that is, the Leo Training Base youth team, there were many spectators on the periphery. He was curious. He just planned to walk over to look at it, but found that the crowd there had dispersed. , So dismissed the idea.

"Sir Hall, hello."

Aldridge heard someone calling him and looked back, suddenly stunned.

Because he saw a teenager holding the ball in his arms looking at himself with a fanatical look.

And this teenager looks exactly like, uh, a monkey...

"Gares, Bell?"

Aldridge blurted out subconsciously, in a questioning tone.

The teenager wearing Aldridge who didn't know the jersey was also stunned, and his expression was ecstatic, and asked, "Sir Hall, do you know me?"


Aldridge feels a little strange, probably this is the celebrity effect.

Most ordinary people only know celebrities, and celebrities do not know him.

Now the other way around, Aldridge suddenly called out his name, which flattered him.

Aldrich formally reached out to him and smiled, "Why are you here?"

This little monkey, Gareth Bale’s hand holding Aldridge didn’t let go, as if he wanted to finish what he wanted to say in one breath, as if afraid of Aldridge flying away, the speed was fast and fast anxious.

"I came here on behalf of the school team to play a friendly match with the Millwall youth team. The game was just over. I wanted to come over to visit the Millwall training base. Coach Najib agreed with my request, so I came over and did not expect I will meet you here. I love Millwall. Look, my football, with Nedved’s signature on it, was obtained at a Millwall Club community event when I came to London three years ago."

There are always community activities in the club, and they are relatively regular. They are held regularly every month. The first team stars are obliged to participate in the off-site activities organized by the club. Most of them are of a public interest nature. Similar to the image project, but it is done well, Baili is harmless, not to mention reputation.

Aldridge glanced at the football he put up with his other hand. Sure enough, there was an Nedved signature on it, but the signature has faded and blurred, and the football has also been repaired. It seems that he did not take it for collection. Is always used in training or playing football.

Bell realized the embarrassment of holding the other hand without letting go, and scratched his head embarrassedly, looking quite shy.

Aldridge smiled and asked: "How about the result of the game?"

Bell sighed and said: "We lost, Millwall is really strong, there is a striker who can't resist it. I heard that he is an Argentine, and he has strong shooting and strong..."

Aldridge thought about it. At this time, he can still represent the youth team. Only 16-year-old Aguero.

Somehow, Aldridge was very happy for Bell at the moment.

Because he came a year late, if it was a friendly match last year, er, Messi and Aguero are on the youth team, it is estimated that he is not lamenting the loss at the moment, but may be a collapse...

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