The Young Lion

Chapter 1096: Post-control

Judging by the situation on the battlefield in this pinnacle of the Champions League, Millwall is like a high mountain.

While AC Milan is as fine as flowing water, eroding opponents in silent flow. When conditions are ripe, the streams converge into rivers, and then develop and change, becoming a magnificent sea, setting off stormy waves, impacting this high mountain that will be worn by water droplets!

Pirlo, who interprets elegance in the cold, has come to Millwall's waistline.

Alonso, De Rossi is the enemy!

They felt unprecedented pressure!

Because, in the past two years, they have never encountered opponents whose midfield passes are so stable, making them unable to start, in addition to guarding the most basic defensive essentials, they dare not have other ideas to act rashly.

Two years ago, Millwall played against AC Milan in the European Super Cup.

Two years later, Alonso and De Rossi, they think they are stronger than two years ago, and AC Milan players are old, although Pirlo, Gattuso can not be considered old, but 33 The year-old Rui Costa is clearly at the end of the day, and they assume that the picture of being a little embarrassed by AC Milan two years ago will not appear, but at this moment, they only knew that they were wrong!

Absolutely wrong!

The wrong person is not only the two of them. The players who should have returned to the frontcourt to pursue Pirlo for the first time and the players who made the wrong choice of defense are also awakened at this moment!

The aging AC Milan is shrewd like a demon, and confrontation is the edge that can't stop Millwall, but they chose to use a more wise way to defeat Millwall!

Here we have to mention AC Milan's strike line in addition to the classic number 10 players forming the midfield.

Shevchenko does not need to say much, and his ability is known all over the world. Crespo should have the ability to reach a super first-class striker. Unfortunately, the wrong career plan made him ruined by frequent transfers. This "ruin" is a Lamenting and regretting, the players who were able to reach the transfer value of 55 million euros in the past must be very close to the "world's first". Just like Vieri in a certain period, there is no doubt that it is the world's first in a certain stage. A center!

It can only be said that Crespo stopped at the threshold of "world's first" competition, but he can't say that his strength has dropped significantly. At this stage, he is still in the top class. There is no suspense. The appearance of Serie A is unstable, but There are 10 more goals. In Serie A, where the goal rate is low, the efficiency is pretty good. Especially in the AC Milan league, the goals themselves are only in their early 60s, and he has a stable scoring efficiency in the Champions League.

Shevchenko and Crespo were very calm when cooperating with the midfield attack.

They didn't go directly to the center of the penalty area to wait for the opportunity. The style of the column center's running position has nothing to do with them. If they even have one person directly in the center of the penalty area, then Millwall will face a sudden pressure drop in this defense!

The reason is that AC Milan's Christmas tree formation, or the style of AC Milan who coaches AC Milan today, is also criticized for one thing, that is, the wing looks like a short board.

Taking Seedorf as an example, it is difficult to imagine what a player without absolute acceleration can do on the side, but lacks the tear of the side. The opponent’s back line can naturally concentrate on defending the dangerous zone in the penalty area and compress the space here. .

Crespo and Shevchenko, they are one left and one right, like two sharp knives, standing in the area in front of the penalty area but not pulling the edge, always ready to cut in!

This is where the two strikers of AC Milan are smart!

Millwall's four guards barely dared to move.

The full-back cannot be too tight, and the central defender can't support the backline. Once moved, the few possibilities of the forward running position will seize the vacancy exposed by the change of the Millwall back line.

It can be said that Shevchenko and Crespo are suppressing Millwall's line of defense in a "eye-to-eye" posture, thereby cutting the connection between Millwall's back and the back.

Make Pirlo absolutely destroy Millwall's waistline in a limited time!

When the offensive came and had to make a choice, Pirlo, a ruthless and elegant master, began to use his organizational talents. First, he passed the ball to Rui Costa, who had a front waist that was running to the right.

Rui Costa’s position is bound to attract De Rossi’s attention. Even if De Rossi doesn’t lose the barrier that holds the front center of the penalty area, he still has to move a few steps to Rui Costa’s side, beware of Rui Ruis. The next step after the tower catches the ball.

Rui Costa hits the ball and passes it back to Pirlo.

Alonso is the most embarrassing. He dared not grab it, but he can’t ignore the role of Pirlo in the restricted area. In fact, in the process of training Alonso, there are some actual combat techniques used. Pirlo is one of the templates.

He knew too much about the role of this crazy lion senior in front of the penalty area, and if he was allowed to shoot forward with a long-range angle, it would be disastrous.

Pirlo suddenly accelerated when dealing with Rui Costa's return pass, kicking the ball directly to Crespo in the direction of the rib of the penalty area.

After the pass, Pirlo immediately rushed forward, and between the electro-optical flints, Alonso naturally had to keep up with Pirlo, blocking Pirlo's forward route.

However, he did not notice that the place where Pirlo's corner of the eye cast was on his left front.

And there, Alonso neglected it, or that he couldn't help it, he couldn't beat his opponent with two hands!

Crespo has a chance to catch the ball, and he must have caused Schneider and Nesta to be vigilant, one is to block the outside line, and the other is to block the inside line, as long as Crespo dares to stop the ball and turn around, or the horizontal dribbling adjustment, Will definitely be cut off by the Millwall guard bag!

However, Crespo didn't stop the ball. He shot the ball on one foot. It was more like he stopped the ball and stopped it. It was just right to give the ball to the foot of a person ambushing behind him.


Nesta screamed!

He came to block Crespo, revealing an empty space, which may have both a running position and a shooting angle.

Shevchenko on the other side was indeed incisive. Seedorf could pass a pass, but he did not. At his position almost 25 yards from the goal, Millwall's goal was already exposed in his vision. Out, the positions from Alonso and De Rossi did not block his shooting line, and the two were caught by Rui Costa and Pirlo.

Silva focused on Shevchenko wholeheartedly, and didn't realize that he was far away from Nesta, and the middle gateway opened!

Like a heavenly road!

Seedorf unattended, struck a world wave of four seats!

The ball flew to Millwall's goal very quickly, a straight line, like a sword, struck through the air!

Bute flew to the extreme, but failed to touch the ball with his fingertips. This ball was too tricky, almost hitting the dead end of absolute theory!

"AC Milan equalized the score! The founder was Seedorf, and his long shot outside the penalty area blasted Millwall's city gate! A wonderful goal, a beautiful violent aesthetic! This ball is difficult to interpret and more perfect, There was a problem with Millwall's mark, and no one harassed Seedorf at all. This mistake, if it will cause Millwall to miss the championship, then this will not be forgiven!"

AC Milan team players celebrated passionately, the fans of the Red and Black Legions in the stands recovered their confidence and re-looked forward to the first great glory in history!

Ancelotti didn't smile, but his face was more tense, as if he was overstrained. He opened his suit and pulled the belt with both hands, uh, lifted his pants.

Nestor, the chief defense of Millwall, sighed helplessly.

This ball is not so much a mistake in the back defense, it is better to say that in this attack and defense battle, Millwall's midfielder was defeated!

From the basic formation, there is an unambiguous interpretation.

AC Milan is 442.

Millwall is 433.

In the midfield, Millwall is one less than his opponent!

However, when attacking, AC Milan will not excessively invest in Gattuso's midfielder, so Millwall should be able to compete against each other evenly.

In actual combat, such a comparison cannot be applied to the game, because Millwall's defensive philosophy is not a midfielder or 3 players, but should be at least 5 people! Like their offense, the reason for the strong midfielder is that the full-backs come forward and the striker retreat should play a very important role.

In this defense, if Kaka, Villa and Ronaldinho, whoever can return to the backcourt immediately, instead of going to Pirlo, Millwall will not appear to be suppressed by the opponent. Not afraid to move.

In this season, Millwall's defensive line has established a new leader on at least two lines. The back line is led by Nesta, and the midfield is led by De Rossi. Originally, going forward, the three-line defense has no problems and is closely combined. Precisely because in the midfield position is the iron man Nedved as the defensive leader.

However, with the advent of the new generation, Aldridge’s thinking will also change. He can’t turn Kaka into Nedved, and the concept of team building in the future is also changing. The so-called offense is beautiful, then the backcourt It is necessary to inject more power to provide strong rear protection in the frontcourt.

But the concept of the team's defense should not be a problem. Defensive ability is another matter. Attitude and ability do not affect each other. Like Pirlo, he can't defend. Everyone knows, but he is still contributing to the defense.

Nesta communicated with De Rossi, and before restarting the ball, De Rossi again communicated with Villa and Kaka.

The content is actually very simple. De Rossi can’t direct Ronaldinho and Henry should do, but for Kaka and Villa, he is not a commander, but just a normal communication. The problem is to alert teammates to avoid making the mistakes just made.

At the same time, Ronaldinho and Henry are also communicating.

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