The Young Lion

Chapter 435: Little prince dyed red in half an hour

Early in the morning, Aldridge woke up from his sleep. He was confused for a while. After 5 minutes, he woke up completely and walked into the gym wearing a pair of boxer briefs.

Opening the curtains, the bright sunlight shot into the room, he put on headphones to listen to the morning broadcast, and then jogged on the treadmill, the whole person was energetic, as if there was something happy to be with him all the time, his face kept smiling unconsciously .

After getting up and finishing his fitness, he walked into the bathroom, took a shower, looked at a photo next to the mirror while brushing his teeth, and said to himself with a smile: "Bert, Earl, good morning."

After having breakfast at home, Aldridge drove to the club alone. On the way, he bought two cups of coffee at a street fast food restaurant. When entering the training base, he handed one of the coffees to the young doorman.

"Hi, Aldridge."

"Good morning, Robert, please."

Robert took the coffee and shook his head slightly with a smile.

Since returning to work in the club in the summer, Aldridge feels different than before, he is relaxed, happy, full of enthusiasm every day, and can infect everyone around him.

He also thought that maybe after having a child, he will settle down and his passion will decline, but in fact, every day now, he is more energetic, it seems that every day is bright and brand new.

Because he had to lead the team to play the home league today, he did not go to Liverpool yesterday. When he came to the training ground to prepare for the start of training, Klinsmann told him bad news.

"Ronaldinho accidentally knocked his leg while swimming last night. I'm afraid I can't race today."

Hearing this news, Aldridge did not feel any worries in his heart, but felt that it was nothing but a laugh.

"What is he doing?"

"I don’t know. After yesterday’s pre-match preparations, he and Villa and several other players were swimming in the club’s indoor pool. It seemed that the legs knocked against the wall when they turned back and forth. The injuries were not serious. Will be fine."

Aldrich scratched his head and sighed: "Then let him take care of his injuries, training depends on the situation, and heed the advice of the team doctor. Find a player to start for him today, uh, let Joe Cole take his place. Right."

Player injuries are sometimes weird. Of course, Gascoin’s kind of standing on the ball with his feet and being injured by his teammates for a few months is a special and funny negative example, but accidental injuries in life are very common.

Before the training started, Klinsmann threw the shirt of the main player to Joe Cole. Everyone could not see Ronaldinho appearing on the training ground. They were all suspicious. Klinsmann then announced that Ronaldinho would have a wound. This week, the league is expected to be absent today and four days later.

Villa and Joe Cole actually knew that Ronaldinho would be absent from the game last night. They swam together and were by Ronaldinho's side when the incident happened, but neither of them took it seriously. The bench lineup only.

But Van der Mede and Glenn Charles were not scheduled to start. Aldrich wanted to see it again in the next game. Ronaldinho could not go on and sent Van der Mede to play.

Joe Cole ecstatically took over the main jersey, immediately put it on himself, then turned his head and grinned at Villa Vicente and others, and Villa and others bowed their heads and scolded: What dog did Joe go? Shit!

There are two Cole in the team, one of them is Ashley, one is Joe, Villa and other teammates, including Ronaldinho, are all called Joe Cole Xiaoqiao...

To play in the afternoon, there is no intensity in the morning training. Basically, it is a multi-touch skill. After a reasonable meal and rest arranged by the club, we must step on the court to welcome the game.

In the fifth round of the Premier League, Millwall continued to sit at home and ushered in an opponent who had nothing to do with the power: Saint Southampton.

This team has two of the last three seasons and the final ranking is the penultimate. In other words, they are relegated by only one step.

The comment on Fleet Street said: Southampton did not relegate last season, it is unreasonable!

They are the second-lowest goal-scoring team in the league and the second-highest number of goals conceded in the Premier League.

In other words, their defense is sparse, their offense is weak, and the audience wants to see goals, is a wonderful defense, they obviously can not please the public.

However, last season they announced the success of relegation two rounds in advance, and finally ranked fourth from the bottom.

In the face of such an opponent, even though Millwall lacked Ronaldinho, Joe Cole entered the starting line instead. As long as Joe Cole did not help on the court, winning the opponent was no problem.

Under the circumstances of the big brothers' pressure, Joe Cole was not attracting attention and was not the focus of the opponent's defense. Therefore, when he was covered by the team stars, he played well and could not talk about the surprise of being famous. Feeling, at least it can make people shine, hold the ball on the field, dare to make moves, not afraid of losing the ball, even if the ball is lost, it will be the first time to fight back.

Aldridge only gave Joe Cole 65 minutes, he did not score or assist, but Millwall has achieved a 3-0 lead, two of which he has participated in the offensive response, in the end Won the applause of the audience.

Aldridge also applauded him when he came down, hoping that such a game would improve his self-confidence.

This was Millwall's fifth league game, and it was also the fifth consecutive game that Aldridge had replaced two players in less than 70 minutes. The team's posture also slowed down from the offense, allowing Pirlo to master the rhythm.

"It's not good, it's really bad! We watch Millwall's game, we want to see their wonderful performance in 90 minutes, but now we can only enjoy the wonderful football they played in 70 minutes, even 60 minutes."

Narrator Martin Taylor sees Millwall substitutions and can basically guess what the next game will look like.

"Martin, this can't blame Hall, his team is too strong, he needs to give the bench some time, and needs to save the team's physical fitness. If you want to find someone who should be responsible, I think it is the FA, they In the scheduled schedule, Millwall will not encounter a strong enemy in the first nine rounds. Until the tenth round of the league, Millwall will meet the challenge of Arsenal. Once, Millwall is in the new season UEFA Champions League group stage group Entering a group surrounded by strong enemies, Millwall has entered a difficult schedule since the tenth round of the Premier League. On average, there are tough battles every week. It depends on their luck in the Champions League draw."

"Although Manchester United quickly adjusted after averaging Everton in the first round, they won a four-game winning streak in a 2-1 victory over Coventry in the match that ended yesterday, but it can absolutely kill the game in 60 minutes compared to Millwall. It’s really impossible to imagine which team in the Premier League can stop Millwall, you know, they haven’t even lost a ball! Even the number of absolute opportunities given to opponents is zero!"

"So the fans of the crazy lion are also looking forward to the start of the new season Champions League in the interview. They can't wait to play against the strong teams in Europe."

In the end, Millwall won again with 4:0. Even if Millwall started to recover in 60 minutes, the opponent who had been nearly destroyed has no resistance, especially when Millwall took the initiative to slow down. The opponent will be confused, thinking that Millwall will put the game into garbage time and close it when he sees it.

But Pirlo suddenly speeded up to play a wave of fast break, the effect is to see the blood seal the throat!

Larsson scored twice, Henry and Nedved scored one goal each. In the Premier League standings, Millwall not only won five games, scored 18 goals, but also scored three Millwall players in the scorer list. , Assisting Pirlo's ride.

Four days later, Manchester United swept Newcastle United 5:1 at home, and Millwall defeated the newly promoted Marl Bratford with a 2-0 away game to declare the league temporarily ended.

FIFA match day is coming, which has nothing to do with Aldridge's work, but before that, he will lead his team to play a League Cup at home.

The opponent drawn by Millwall is unknown: Mole Camby.

For such opponents, Aldridge is very happy, can be used to train troops, Moore Camby also spent flowers to celebrate, they have drawn the strong team Millwall that is concerned throughout Europe!

Because of their home battle, the income of tickets plus broadcast fees will make their club seniors have a happy mouth. Perhaps the prospect of promotion is very optimistic, but it does not matter. For the League Cup and the FA Cup, many games are not necessarily profitable. It's best to play at home, but it is a big prize to be able to meet a hot team that won the championship at home.

In Mole Camby, Aldridge didn't have a main force and played all the substitutes. This season, Millwall has a large number of backup lineups. He intends to come in a big rotation, which is also to stimulate competition between substitute players.

Mole Camby’s management welcomed Millwall, but their fans did not.

In a smaller and simpler stadium than the Lion's Cave Stadium, every time Millwall's players touched the ball, boos sounded in the stands.

Aldridge is more involved in directing this kind of game than leading the main force, and behind him, Villa, Joe Cole, Vicente and others sitting on the bench are all nervous, they are all looking forward to the Olympics. Derich can give them some opportunities.

After the first half, Klose scored twice, Lampard made a long-range shot, Millwall led 3:0 away, and in the second half, Aldridge sent Villa, Vicente, Hua Jinsan People, directly reorganized the attack line.

However, less than 5 minutes into the game, Villa defensively chased the opponent player in the penalty area and gave the opponent a penalty.

After being pulled back by a penalty kick, Villa seemed to be out of balance. He wanted to make up for his mistakes through meritorious service. Not only did he waste his chances frequently, he also got a second yellow card in the 75th minute of the game and was sent off. .

When he was off the court, Aldridge ignored him and let him go back to the locker room to calm down.

Molcambi was dominant in numbers, and launched a fierce attack at the last moment. However, Vicente and Joaquin scored a goal each with a speed counterattack. Millwall played a 5:1 substitute lineup to win Molcambian and advance to the next round.

After the game, Aldridge said in an interview in the player channel mixing area: "I know that there will be a lot of criticism from the outside world pointing to Villa tomorrow, but I just want to say that those are shit, he just commits I don’t care. He is growing and improving. Isn’t it possible to make mistakes? I am confident in him. He will learn from the lessons learned, and he will become better step by step in the future."

When we returned to the locker room, everyone had simply changed their clothes after taking a shower, and got on the bus to return to London.

Next, some players will go to the national team, and some young players will also be recruited by the lower echelon.

The team won the ball, even if the red card came off, Villa's mistakes will not be amplified, especially will not have a negative impact on the team.

However, he was in a low mood and sat in the corner of the last row of the bus, looking out the window alone.

Aldridge suddenly sat down beside him.

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