The Young Lion

Chapter 443: Whose hell?

Istanbul, Turkey.

Once the capital of Constantinople, the Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire, the Latin Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and now the capital of Turkey, this political center that once ruled Europe was full of complexity and conflict, economy, culture, religion, It is conceivable that a city located on the dividing line between Europe and Asia will not simply be like a clear sky.

As the sky turns, the curtain of daylight is replaced by dark light and shadow. On the way to the Ali Samian Stadium, home of the Galatasaray Club, the closer the Millwall bus approaches the stadium, the “welcomers” on both sides of the road more.

Aldrich didn't have time to enjoy the alternative scenery of the city, but he evoked the memories of many years in the banging sound.

On the street outside the Galatasaray club, fans wearing red and yellow jerseys bravely held up banners, and some even held torches, set off fireworks, and were barely carried by the crowd, screaming wildly at Millwall's bus Tao: "Welcome to hell!"

Henry glanced at the car window to see the outside scene, just didn't know which fan flew a small stone towards him, slammed it against the car window in front of him, terrified that he lowered his head like a reflex, attracting Fans outside laughed rashly.

Not only did the fans laugh outside, Larson, who was sitting next to Henry, saw Henry's head shrink and laughed.

Henry felt terrified. Although he knew that there was a window obstruction and wasn't worried about being hit, he suddenly saw a UFO flying from far to near. Who is not afraid?

He turned his head to find Larson laughing at himself, then said in fear: "The people outside are like a group of devil, the stadium security will not be a problem?"

After playing in the United Kingdom for more than a year, Henry also learned about the Turkish football atmosphere from the British media reports.

It's nice to say that it is fanatic, but in the British media, it is the chaos of criticism.

The crows in the world are generally black, and the British media are also short-sighted. A few years ago, Manchester United visited Turkey. At that time, both inside and outside the court caused a large-scale riot. Denying this, the British media investigation found that in fact, the Turkish government’s mismanagement made the situation worse, but when the British fans walked out of the UK, they were treated as football hooligans, killing a group of people, so these years, ordinary There are Premier League teams visiting Turkey. From the media to the club, they will focus on security. Everyone does not want to see the riots. It will be the sadness of football.

Larson closed the books he was reading along the way and turned his head to smile at Henry: "If you came to the team earlier, you would not be touched by the current situation, see, Pavel, Gareth, Bernd, They are as calm as me."

Henry asked curiously: "Earlier? Millwall hadn't been to Turkey before?"

"Well, for the first time, but we used to have an opponent. Their fans are not like the Turkish fans outside. They really hate us. You haven’t experienced the East London Derby. I think it’s your regret. Let’s see if we have a chance in the future, and I don’t know if West Ham have relegated in the Premier League."

West Ham United?

Henry thought about it. Speaking of which, when he joined Millwall, he really had a detailed understanding of Millwall's history at the stage of rehabilitation.

In Millwall’s official diplomatic relations, only Manchester United is a competitor to leave London. In London, Arsenal is a competitor. Tottenham all belong to a role that is safe and not in a level contest. The most important thing is that the team’s rivals, As a Millwall player, you must understand who the club’s worst enemy is. West Ham United bears the brunt, followed by Crystal Palace. Now, the second-ranked player should become Chelsea.

Coincidentally, Aldridge was thinking about West Ham United in the front row.

To get to the competition venue, a police car is needed to escort, a policeman escort, and the bus is besieged by fans like monsters.

"Babu, does your head still hurt?"

Aldridge suddenly raised his head and asked loudly, the whole car was stunned.

Babu sat in the seat behind him and asked inexplicably, "Why does it hurt?"

"West Ham United, East London Derby."

"Grass! Sure enough it started to hurt again!"

Babu involuntarily touched the back of the head, knowing that the players and coaches in this segment were all laughing.

In the popular East London Derby, Babu was hit by a hostile fan with a metal lighter in the back of the head, and was escorted to the hospital on the spot. The fan was not only sentenced to be banned from entering the stadium for life, he even sat for half a year because of intentional injury. Jail, that's not a joke, an accident could kill someone!

"Oh, how is West Ham United?"

Aldridge turned to look at Jenson.

Jenson looked weird and said: "In the first season after relegation, they sold a lot of people and reduced the salary pressure of the team. Lao Lei failed to lead the team to the Premier League in the first season of the League One and was fired by the club. Then, the team was in a mess last season and almost fell to the second division. This season, it seems that Glen Rodell of the youth team took over the team and stabilized the situation again. Why? Do you miss them?"

Aldridge chuckled and said: "I don't feel much, but recently when I visited the club's official website forum, I found an interesting picture, 13% of the fans actually hope to see West Ham return to the Premier League next season, hehehe ."

"Haha, there was actually such a sign last year. They hope that we will meet West Ham United in the draw and let the East London Derby reignite the battle again."

Aldrich spread his palms and shook his head and smiled. He had to say that the fan's psychology is actually very easy to understand. The enemy, no matter how good the opponent is, trying to step the opponent into the abyss is the most wanted scene. West Ham United Fans must also hope to meet Millwall in the cup match. This mentality is the same as when Millwall was in the lower league and West Ham was in the top league. Millwall also hoped to be able to compete with West Ham in the cup. The touch is the same.

Millwall's bus drove safely into the Ali Samian Stadium, and when the car stopped, the noise of the outside world became smaller, and Millwall players felt that they had come from one world to another.

The game was played in the evening, the team warmed up before the game started, and there were already many fans in the stadium waiting for the game to start.

After the players returned to the locker room, Aldridge stood in the center of the locker room and wrote lightly: "This is a stadium called hell, which will exert a great psychological impact on you. In itself, the fanatic home atmosphere will not Let your technical abilities decline, you won’t deform your football, you won’t let mines appear on the court out of thin air, but don’t laugh!”

Before Aldridge's words were finished, Ronaldinho burst into laughter and immediately suffocated when Aldridge glared.

"However, this will distract your attention, so that you should be 100% focused on the game and football. Attention is attracted to other things. This is the key point that will affect your performance. I have only one request for you. : Ignore the fans in the stands and play our style of football in 90 minutes, which is enough."

After all, Aldridge turned and left the locker room.

When he walked out of the player's tunnel, he frowned, his feet didn't step on the turf of the court, he smelled a pungent smell, and turned his head at the exit, good guy, some fans set fireworks on the backstage At first glance, his mother thought the stand was on fire!

Galatasaray’s fans stand in the stands with their "supernatural powers", the mainstream are singing, singing their team songs, repeating the words like crazy, passion, championship, etc. Aldridge is curious What does Garem mean.

The huge variety of banners on the stands came into view. The most shocking one was the huge banner of "Welcome to Hell".

Crazy fans greeted Millwall with exaggerated body movements, looking around the stadium, Aldridge couldn't help but bowed his head and smiled.

The crowd of demons dancing in the stands is a bit hell.

But whose **** is this?

Aldridge was booed by the home fans when he appeared. He calmly walked to the coach seat and sat down. Sometimes the head coach had to learn how to judge the situation.

If he remembered correctly, an English coach coached Turkish giants in history, and then won the decisive battle between the two rival clubs, and then made an exaggerated provocative behavior, which directly brought him a death threat. Almost all flesh and soul stayed in Turkey forever.

Afterwards, the coach explained his behavior and believed that his provocative behavior was commonplace in England. He did not expect Turkish fans to react so much.

This has nothing to do with the quality of the fans, but the legal system of the social environment and the difference in management efficiency in the field of football. The same provocative behavior will cause fan dissatisfaction in England, and fan conflict may erupt outside the court, but the personal safety of the coach It is guaranteed, but in Turkey, especially among the deadly enemies, any excessive provocation can cause its own tragedy.

Aldrich couldn't make it come to "Hell" to show his arrogant attitude. He came to lead the team to play the game, not to invade.

"The second day of the Champions League Group H match is about to start. Galatasaray is at home against Millwall from the Premier League. Currently Galatasaray is going to qualify from this group. The situation is fairly optimistic. They leveled AC. Milan, now welcoming Millwall, as long as they can score points from Millwall, they still have the hope of advancing to the top 16. Millwall easily defeated Hertha Berlin 4:1 on the first match day in London and ranked in the group. First, their powerful offensive firepower is the guarantee of victory, and it is not known whether they can play normally in front of Galatasaray, which Turkey claims to have **** at home."

When the game started, the fanatical atmosphere continued, Millwall first entered the game through ball control, and got a corner kick 3 minutes later.

Ronaldinho ran to take the corner kick. As a result, he encountered a "coin rain" in the corner flag position. He held his head and complained to the referee, but that was obviously useless.

Nedved ran over to stop Ronaldinho's entanglement with the referee. After pulling away Ronaldinho, he whispered to him: "Don't be disturbed by factors outside the court."

Ronaldinho picked up a coin on the ground and asked, "Is this also an off-site factor?"

Nedved nodded with a serious expression and said to him: "If you continue to complain to the referee and your attention is distracted by the fans' behavior, isn't this Galatasaray's most desired situation?"

Ronaldinho reacted and listened to Nedved's advice. After a hundred battles, Nedved accumulated a wealth of experience in the experienced East London Derby. This coin rain is nothing to fuss about. Sometimes the players are We must endure the attacks of hostile fans, abuse, humiliation, and even threats, come forward, resist the pressure, and be undisturbed, in order to temper a big heart, a psychological defense line that cannot be broken.

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