The Young Lion

Chapter 454: A fart

Leeds United 0:8 Millwall!

The 13th round of the Premier League finale drama, the team ranked third in the standings against the league leader. This was originally the most concerned game for Premier League fans on this day. The media naturally focused on Elland Road. However, when the game ended, the Olympics Derridge walked into the post-match press conference, but the scene was quiet.

In silence, all the reporters present stared at Aldridge with a complex look.

No one congratulated him on his victory, and no one sympathized with Leeds United.

On the contrary, after the extreme shock, the reporters who had stayed out of the game and had nothing to do with the result of the match score, but inadvertently gave birth to a chill in their hearts, there is a thought: terror!

Before the game, public opinion believed that Leeds had a lot of fierce attacks, but considering the unbeaten record against Millwall last season, that is to facilitate the loss of the ZI League, it should not be so ugly, so embarrassed, so unbearable, in this way……

Leeds United, ranked third in the Premier League, was beaten to no avail and was slaughtered at home!

Arsenal, who ranked third in the Premier League last season, has been bloodbathed by 5 goals at the Lions Stadium!

Every day, people are asking: Can anyone **** stand up to stop Millwall?

Have you ever expected Arsenal and Leeds United? Even when AC Milan came to Wembley, the outside world thought that Millwall was likely to encounter the first draw of the new season, losing? It is unlikely that Millwall has only one defeat in the history of European wars, and is still away, expecting Millwall to lose in Europe in London? It's too unrealistic.

This game of 0:8 is not only that Leeds United failed to fulfill the brazen words before the game, to see the lively and unsuspecting masses' expectations, but also directly made the media have a tremendous change to Millwall.

They are strong, this is a fact.

But at this level, no one wants to believe, but now he has to admit it.

Who can we count on?

Manchester United?

Before today, maybe people really look forward to Manchester United, but now, most people think that the Premier League is over!

Yes, this season the Premier League is over, there will be no suspense for the champion, there is only one suspense in Millwall: can they set a new historical record?

Aldrich didn’t see a reporter asking a question after sitting down, and said lightly: "If you have no questions, then I will say goodbye first."

As soon as his voice fell, the news conference suddenly changed dramatically.

A second before, there was silence.

At this moment, all the reporters present raised their hands and their expressions were eager to be crazy, asking questions.

Aldrich spoke quickly and accepted questions, almost without any thinking time.

"Can you think of a score like 0:8 before the game?"

"Of course not. If I said that Millwall would win 8 Leeds United before the game, the people of the earth would think that my brain is in trouble, but I always believe that my players can beat their opponents to win."

"If you didn't replace Ronaldinho and Pirlo at halftime, would the score be even bigger?"

"I don't make assumptions about things that haven't happened and can't happen again."

"Why did you replace these two players in the midfield?"

"I have my considerations. I focus on the entire team. I have to bear the team's past, now, and shoulder the future. Every decision I make will be from a global perspective."

"You said you like Leeds United before the game, but in the game you applauded and ridiculed Leeds United because of Smith's foul. Smith made an insulting move towards you when you end. Will you still like Leeds United?"

When the focus of the question turned to Smith's spitting event, Aldridge didn't reply in the first place, but was silent.

The reporter stared at him without blinking.

Aldridge whispered after being silent for nearly half a minute: "No one is perfect, the team is the same. I like Leeds United’s youth, passion and enthusiasm. However, I hate Leeds United on the court today, especially in the second half. The performance is dirty, ugly, and dare not face the competition like a real man. The football match is not a fist, not a savage, not a brutal, I regret the behavior of Smith, he thought that spitting on me, I Will it become dirty? Will I become dirty? In front of countless Premier League audiences around the world, he is tarnishing his own image."

"Mr. Hall, will you forgive Smith's actions?"

"Forgive? I'm not angry, don't jealous of him, forgive? Very strange question, you see a rogue on the street, would you care about the rogue? My life continues, my work continues, sorry, Smith I will forget him tomorrow, and he will not re-enter my sight until the next time I meet Leeds United."

"No, Mr. Hall, my question is not clear, I just want to ask, will you forgive Smith for malicious fouls on the court?"

Aldridge's expression turned cold and said lightly: "Do I forgive him? It doesn't matter. What matters is that the Premier League can tolerate such behavior? And it directly caused my player Makelele to be injured. Millwall would To file a complaint with the Football Association, please ask the Football Association to investigate the malicious fouls of Leeds United players in the game. I don’t want to hear any more English football is a feature of fierce confrontation, and so on. If the essence of the fierce confrontation is indistinguishable, then English football is a joke, ha ha, tomorrow someone will say that I am playing a big word, not qualified to evaluate English football, but please these people shut their mouths, or you lead the team to defeat I, either, you’d better not provoke me. I don’t care whether you are a famous England national team or a legend of a rich generation. First of all, you should recognize the fact that Millwall is the Premier League champion and represents the pinnacle of English football. Millwall’s record in the European War in the past three years proves that we are the representative of English football. I am not qualified? Now in English football, who else is qualified to attack this ugly evil?!”

Aldridge thundered loudly, and was shocked.

The reporters stared at Aldridge with a serious and irritated expression.

Is this going to kill Smith?

This is the first thought that emerged in the reporters' heads.

However, everyone soon denied this view in their hearts.

If Aldridge is going to die with a player from the other side, it's too small to be arrogant. Contrary to the remarks made by him that ignored Smith, is this not his own mouth?

Things are definitely not so superficial.

Soon, everyone realized that Aldridge actually played on the subject, to put pressure on the FA, increase punishment, and try to avoid the possibility of Millwall players encountering malicious fouls.

There is no way, the technical advantage of the Premier League, the team with the best ball control advantage is Millwall. In other words, if they dominate the game and the opponent can’t resist it with conventional means, then it can only be used by means other than conventional, even if the foul is fouled. It's a normal phenomenon.

In the past, technology flow met the power faction. If the technology flow prevailed, the power faction would be rushing to limit the opponent.

Although the barriers of technology and strength have been completely broken, fusion and sublimation have been carried out, and new types of players have been spawned, but some means have not changed.

The following day, the sensational football news of England was of course that Leeds United was slaughtered by Millwall at home. Not only was Leeds United unprecedentedly washed by blood, but also lost and lost, Elland Road became a "world purgatory", the fleet Street even edited a short film to record the massacre that happened on Elland Road that day.

From the beginning of the Leeds United fans rushed to the stadium with enthusiasm, the enthusiasm of their confidence in the interview before the game was full, and the reaction of the fans in the stands when they lost the ball one by one in the game. The game was not over, the stands were empty, and the pictures of some **** fans tearfully adding to the sad day.

Also making headlines are Alan Smith's malicious fouls and unethical behavior of spitting on Aldridge.

The FA immediately announced an investigation into Smith's malicious foul.

After returning to London, Aldridge asked the club to make two reports, one to submit to the FA, which recorded the frequent fouls of Leeds United in the game, focusing on Smith’s malicious fouls and the fact that Makelele was injured.

The second report secretly gave Fleet Street to keep the media concerned about the incident.

In fact, the second report has nothing to do with that game, but under the advice of Aldridge, the club staff still worked overtime to make a fairly reliable report.

This report is actually sorting out the development of the British over the past few years and the trend with the world's first league Serie A.

There is no doubt that the current Premier League is an upward trend created by overseas names in the future. Millwall is a pioneer in this regard, and Chelsea also made great contributions to the Premier League in the same period.

If no one after another high level of foreign aid came to the Premier League to serve as a pioneer, the British exceeded the obsolete employment mechanism and the lack of local talents. Why should the sky of the Premier League be supported? There is no Gascoyne, Reinkel, Hoddle, Barnes, Keegan, etc. one after another English star enough to support the facade, Beckham? Even the British have not forgiven him, the Golden Globe Awards are coming soon, and the British media's support for him can be seen in their emotional tendencies.

When international football is already developing towards the offensive trend, should the Premier League stand still?

In this way, why should it attract more overseas names to play here in the future?

Come to England to recover?

The newly appointed chief executive of the Premier League Skoda Moore announced in the new season to promote the Premier League to the world.

If the Premier League cannot strictly manage this malicious foul, then who can promote it to the world, who can guarantee the ugly side of English football?

In the same period, the Serie A has already shown signs. Due to excessive utilitarianism, there are many ways to win the game, which are boring and boring. The foul aggressiveness is beyond the normal scope. The entire league’s injury list and a series of big-name stars, this is good today. By the way, tomorrow that one entered the wounded barracks again, the attendance rate of Serie A declined, the audience passed, the sponsor’s enthusiasm turned to hesitation, coupled with the uninterrupted scandal questioning, this is not a glorious and prosperous Serie A grand scene. .

Fleet Street is gaining momentum in public opinion, Millwall exerts pressure on the official, plus other intricate network of relationships play a role, although Aldridge did not achieve the best results, but at least can get psychological comfort.

Smith's ticket was issued. In addition to a certain fine, the suspension was suspended for 10 games. At the same time, the referee committee also issued a voice and would not condone malicious fouls on the court.

It sounds strict, but think about it carefully, as if you just heard a fart.

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