The Young Lion

Chapter 457: One pit, two drops

The league against Chelsea gives the outside world a strong contrast. In the past few years, Millwall and Chelsea have always played very fierce games, but in this game, the intensity has declined and the atmosphere of hostility has also subsided. The interpretation of the outside world is: Millwall disdains to place Chelsea on the level of competitors, and Chelsea's more attention is distracted by the locker room problem.

Aldridge was not interested in Chelsea’s chaos, and said lightly after the game that he should leave early for the next game.

Next, Aldridge will lead the team to Milan, he announced the big list before Tuesday.

This time, he is neither dispatching all the main force nor sending all the substitutes. It uses a mashup combination. The front line player is the main lineup, the backcourt lineup is the backup lineup, intending to use the offensive to suppress AC Milan, and also let the young defense line Withstand more violent tests and accelerate their growth.

On the morning of the expedition, Aldridge heard the phone at home as soon as he got up.

"Hello, how are you?"

"Aldrich, can you guess who I am?"

"Jessica, you deliberately lowered your voice and thought I couldn't hear it?"

"Hee hee, Aldridge, my mother and I are also going to Milan, do you have time to play with us?"

Aldrich thought about it, Ms. Rowling has been very busy in the past year, because the "Harry Potter" series is selling well, she wants to continue to create follow-up works to continue this good momentum.

It should be occasional to relax.

"But I don't have much time. There is a maximum of one day after the game. I will return to London on Thursday night.

"Enough is enough. We only play in Milan for two days. We go on Wednesday morning, go shopping during the day and watch your game at night. If you have time on Thursday, we can go shopping in other parts of Italy and then go home at night. "

"Well, there should be no problem. You should be careful on your way to Italy."

"Yes, thank you for your care, goodbye, oh, yes, I wish you a winning game!"

"Thank you and say hello to your mother on my behalf."

Aldridge smiled when he hung up, and his mood suddenly became good.

He took the team to Milan with a very relaxed mood.

However, the Italian media described the AC Milan team's UEFA Champions League group match against San Millo in San Siro as "a decisive battle".

AC Milan want to qualify, must win!

Millwall holds nine points and can definitely qualify as long as he wins again. Their situation is very comfortable.

When Millwall arrived in Milan City, the Italian media followed the whole process, from their ease of preparation to the seriousness of stepping on the field, and they all reported everything about Millwall in detail. It seems that the media of Milan City want to AC Milan's move, looking forward to the Red and Black Corps can stage a Jedi counterattack to defeat this incredible team.

On Wednesday night, Aldridge stepped into San Siro and wore a slim coat. In this fashion capital, he is a football coach who is not behind the clock.

He stood around the court and looked around the court, which was his habit, especially when he first stepped into a court.

In fact, this is his second time here. Last time, last year, there was a lively battle with Inter Milan, and Millwall staged a big reversal.

The last time I visited was called Meazza. Today, the name here is San Siro. The stadium hasn't changed, but the atmosphere has changed, the color has changed, from blue black to red black.

Before coming to Milan, Aldridge called Galiani and asked the other party for two VIP tickets to Rowling’s mother and daughter. During the day, Galliani had already asked for delivery. Now, the mother and daughter are sitting The stadium looked down on the stadium, and the seats had a good view, but they couldn't see the details on the court at all. However, they still saw Aldridge standing still on the sidelines, and the surrounding cameras or reporter cameras were aimed at him.

A man who is bound to be the focus as long as he walks into the football field.

Aldrich put his hands in the pockets of his coat and calmly observed the court before walking to the coach's seat.

The fans of the Red and Black Legion created a huge momentum in the stands, cheering for their beloved team.

"The fourth round of the UEFA Champions League Group H group stage is about to begin. AC Milan, the bottom of the three games, scored against the three-game victory of Millwall. Two weeks ago, the two teams fought a battle in Wembley. Millwall won the match and AC Milan lost. The result of that match led to today’s AC Milan if they could not win, it is likely to be out of the group, and even the theoretical chance to qualify has become slim or directly disappeared. We saw today’s Mill Wall did not send the strongest lineup, the midfield and frontcourt staff composition did not change, Pirlo took the midfield as the commander, Nedved, Larson, Henry, Ronaldinho siege in front, The person who protected him behind Pirlo was Gattuso. Millwall’s midfielder Makelele was absolutely unable to play due to injury. Today, Gattuso’s pressure will be extremely great because he needs to protect a young defender line, Ferre La, Neil, Balzali, Ashley Cole, this is Millwall's four-back, no player is the absolute main force of Millwall, only Neil is over 20 years old, Bout guards City Gate, he has to be careful today, there is no Southgate and Materazzi in his presence that he can trust."

AC Milan is still a strong attack today. After losing to Millwall two weeks ago, they played in three league games and performed well. Two wins and one draw, especially in the Milan derby, beat Inter Milan.

From the morale point of view, in addition to the huge pressure on AC Milan, at least the past three leagues have allowed them to recover their confidence and status.

The Red and Black Legions are back in the water today. Millwall has no pressure for points. Aldridge chose to use an attack to deter opponents.

Zaccheroni's expression was serious, and Aldridge's expression was calm.

When the game started, Zaccheroni’s expression changed several times, regretting the team’s missed opportunity, disappointed or annoyed by the player’s mistake, but Aldridge did not change his expression from beginning to end, calmly observing the situation on the field , Do not easily reveal your inner thoughts.

Galliani was sitting in the stands to watch the game, he was also very nervous. If AC Milan is eliminated in the group stage, the Serie A champion will lose too much. Assuming that it was the qualifying rules last year, it is better to say that this year, as long as the group is second Can firmly enter the 16th round, but Millwall, the fans complained at most, but can be squeezed out of the top 16 by Hertha Berlin, Galatasaray, Milan fans, who can accept? Then Galliani, who is in charge of the transfer operation, will be in a situation of accusation and questioning. Who made him fail to help AC Milan summer to add stronger players.

AC Milan still played as a three-back today. Aldrich didn't understand, really didn't understand. Zaccheroni had no guts to change, or faced with this AC Milan lineup, I didn't know how to change.

Sometimes the change is easy to say, but it is actually very difficult. First of all, there must be suitable players after the change of formation. Second, whether the team can adapt to the tactical system after the change. Finally, the personal situation of the players after the change must also be considered. Some players don’t accept it, some players are sacrificed because of a change, leading to conflicts and other factors.

What Aldridge didn’t understand was that the three-backs clearly couldn’t resist Millwall’s attacking group. Now that it has proved to be a failure, what’s wrong with it? Anyway, if it does not change, then fail again, which is justified.

After a 10-minute trial and adaptation phase at the opening, the two teams pulled apart and made a real move.

In the 16th minute, AC Milan's three-back system was penetrated by Millwall.

Pirlo's scalpel-like straight plug not only penetrated the midfield line, but also sent the ball directly to the left rib of the penalty area. Ronaldinho inserted the ball in front of the air and Sarah ate under Ronaldinho's last game. Losing, today I intentionally kept my distance from the centre-back and contracted inward.

He defended Ronaldinho head-on, near the bottom line of the penalty area. When he thought Ronaldinho would move the ball and pull out a neutral pass or shoot, Ronaldinho did the opposite, less than one meter from the bottom line. Ronaldinho chose a straight line at the bottom of the distance. When passing Sara, Ronaldinho left the ball in the bounds and half of his body was out of the bottom line. That scene made everyone look dumbfounded.

Ronaldinho's left half was out of bounds, and his right foot was in the bounds. After passing Sarah, AC Milan defender was shocked and attracted the defensive players to come over to contain. Ronaldinho kicked the ball back into the restricted area arc. At the top, the forward Nedvide volleyed the ball into the goal.

"This is a goal with almost the same trajectory as the two teams met in the first round. Ronaldinho scored the penalty area on the left to attract the attention of the defensive players, and then passed the top of the triangle penalty area at the right time. Nedvěd inserted and grabbed the ball before AC Milan's midfielder broke. AC Milan didn't seem to learn the lessons of the last round's defeat. This goal was the most disappointing and was used by opponents. Defeat twice in the same way, which also shows that the three-back is the most wrong choice in Millwall!"

Aldridge smiled on the sidelines and then gave thumbs up to Ronaldinho and Nedved.

Since AC Milan still insists on using a three-back, the goal of Millwall is not unexpected.

A more intuitive interpretation is that if Sara is far away from center defender Costa Kuta, Ronaldinho can insert the space between the two. Sara shrinks to approach Costa Kuta, and the sidewalk is free. The full-back could not return to defend Ronaldinho in time. Ronaldinho only had positive defensive pressure after taking the ball. After killing Sara, Milan's defensive system collapsed.

If it is a four-back, the space between the center-back and the full-back will become narrow. Even if the winger advances, the center-back does not have to worry. The short-back is close, so you can quickly defend and form a front-back.

AC Milan has reached the edge of despair, but the loss of the ball to the players is not too heavy, because they knew before the game that if they want to reverse their fate, they must win the ball. One of the basic conditions for winning is to score a goal .

Aldridge watched the game on the sidelines, frowned as he watched it.

Although AC Milan said that the three-back is not good at defending in his eyes, but when attacking, the midfielder does have a great advantage. This advantage comes from the increase of forward points.

Millwall's frontcourt player returned to defend against marking, so that he would not be able to stare. If he can really stare to death, unless he uses the full-court tactics on the basketball court, this tactic is unconventional and cannot be 90 minutes. They all use this kind of defensive strategy. In particular, it is dangerous to mark people. If one-on-one fails, it may be the end of a full-line defense collapse.

AC Milan automatically adjusts the defensive strategy on the field, strengthens the control of the midfield, and never gives Pirlo the opportunity to remotely command and dispatch the defense through the defense line. If Millwall wants to attack smoothly, the frontcourt players must retreat in a wide range. And Millwall’s players do the same, playing very offensively. AC Milan is almost relying on the advantage of defensive numbers and hard work to make up for the weaknesses in technology and tactics. However, their offensive means seems a bit monotonous, and they are sidelined. Road player personal ability to make a fuss.

If it was two weeks ago, Millwall didn’t have such an offensive means, and he just couldn’t wait for the other party to play like this, but today Millwall’s two fullbacks are newcomers to the top arena, and they can’t stop AC Milan’s two sides. The road initiated the shock.

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