The Young Lion

Chapter 463: Plan ahead

Outside London, in the evening, Aldridge leaned against the fence of the river embankment to smoke. Andrew bought some fast food and returned. Two young billionaires with a net worth of over 100 million passed the dinner with cheap fast food.

Andrew packed up the trash and lit a cigarette. He turned and leaned back against the fence, smiling: "Why are you suddenly interested in the national team?"

Aldridge turned his head and stared at Andrew indifferently, and said softly: "I am now the Premier League champion coach and the Champions League champion coach. If I lead the national team, I can also get good results in the competition. Do you think that I am a football Will the coach's achievements and personal influence be greatly improved?"

Andrew stared at him for ten seconds, and suddenly pointed at Aldridge's nose with a smile and scolded: "I thought you were thinking for the England national team and want to save the national team by turning the tide. It turns out that you are a completely selfish ghost! "

Aldridge raised his lips slightly and smiled lightly: "Yes."

He did not have the consciousness of worrying about the country and the people. The England national team is alive or dead, and has nothing to do with him.

The idea of ​​becoming a coach is entirely out of selfishness. It is related to the height of his personal coaching career and the creation of a stronger football influence, which makes his "famous coach" aura more dazzling. Millwall is also more beneficial. The more famous he is, the higher his achievements, the easier it is to attract players to take effect, and the more he can convince players.

Andrew recalled after a while and said: "I seem to remember what you said, you can't be the national team coach."

"Yes, I said a long time ago, because my coaching of Millwall is a constraint on me. Even the second-class national team cannot allow me to serve as the national team coach. The third-class national team may allow it. , But I am definitely not interested. But at that time, there was a factor that I ignored."

Andrew blinked and asked, "What?"

"I am a citizen of England."

"Nonsense! But will the England national team allow you to work part-time?"

"Under normal circumstances, it will not be allowed, but now you look at the reaction of the outside world, I am not saying that the people call me to be the national team's voice, but instead, Fleet Street to the present, it seems that except me, I can not find the second The head coach of the national team is selected!"

Andrew thought about it carefully.

Yes, it is strange.

After the speculation of Fleet Street ended, Aldridge had no results, and no one could stir a strong response next.

Hodgson? Redknapp? Wilkinson? Keegan? ...

Aldrich also noticed this phenomenon after paying attention to today's news.

He believes that Fleet Street has made a fatal hype.

They shouldn’t put Aldridge first in the first place, because Aldridge shines!

After Aldridge publicly expressed his position, other names listed will be automatically brought into the comparison with Aldridge by the audience.

Other homegrown coaches in England are either at home and their coaching experience is not convincing, or they are not coaching top teams at all. Don't be amused, there is not even a champion who can make it, what are the results!

That is to say, because of the existence of Aldridge in the shortlist of local coaches, others have opened a huge gap due to the recognition of coaching ability, which has led to a strong drop in external reactions.

Andrew spread his hands and asked, "So what? You don't resign from the position of club manager to coach the national team. The FA must choose someone else."

"You're right, at least it seems right now. First of all, because I can't give up the position of club coach, so I have only one choice, that is to serve as the national team coach, and because of the conditions, there are only left England national team. Secondly, who will decide the England national team coach? The FA, from the stand of the FA, face this problem. They are selected from the list of local coach candidates, and now I have been excluded, What's next? If they choose the one they think is the best, but if they can't achieve satisfactory results when they choose the best person, what should the FA do? Another one is worse than their predecessor. Does your coach take office?"

Andrew pondered for a moment and then shook his head: "No, Aldridge, you think this is too simple. It's not like that, it's not that simple! Thompson won't risk being slammed by the hostile forces within the FA. The risk to let you serve as the national team coach, the Premier League will not agree! The FA will not agree within the uniform! Thompson he wants to balance the interests, let you, the Millwall club coach to serve as the national team coach, you too Crazy, you want the entire English football to incidentally make an international publicity for Millwall!"

Aldridge’s expression was serious and he said in a deep voice: “Of course it will be difficult, and it will be very difficult, but I also have an advantage. As I said before, I am an English national. The record of public satisfaction, Thompson and the entire FA, are in a crisis of trust. They are in a dilemma. Either they choose a worse local coach to take office, or they choose an excellent foreign coach. It will break the 100-year-old tradition of England! From then on, it will be more difficult for England, Brazil, Germany, and Italy to raise their heads in front of a football powerhouse that will never use foreign coaches!"

No matter how the outside world evaluates the England national team, at least the English people and the media have always expected the England national team to exceed the common sense, as well as the consciousness of the football power.

It is not difficult to understand that England has won the World Cup, England’s clubs have ruled Europe, and have made great contributions to the tactical change in the history of football. There are many invisible factors that have contributed to the formation of this kind of psychology and have developed for a long time in the past. Go on.

Although England can't do a good job like Italy to export overseas, but at least it still adheres to the tradition of "power football": do not use foreign coaches.

In countries like France and Spain, either because of national openness, or the last foreign teacher has a long history and the coaching period is very short. In the modern era, all countries with developed football basically use local coaches. The reason is the popular support.

In the original history, England ushered in the first foreign coach Eriksson in history after 2000. More than 40% of English fans strongly protested, and the support rate did not exceed 35%. The neutrals had no way. England really arrived at that time. "There is no general in Shu".

Andrew thought about it carefully and said, "You have some reason to say. If the next England national team coach still ends in failure, the FA has little choice, whether it is hiring a foreign coach or hiring a current candidate. The third and fourth places are not satisfactory to the public. Especially when hiring foreign coaches, it is simply unimaginable. In England, there are obviously such excellent coaches in your country, but foreign coaches are invited. If it still fails, it is simply The FA's disaster."


Aldridge snapped his fingers and said: "Yes, please me, please a worse local coach, and a foreign coach. These three options are very difficult for the FA, and there are certain self-harms, but in this situation. What is the smartest way to do this? Weighing the gains and losses, choosing the option that hurts the least, and let me also serve as the England national team coach, just because I can bring positive influences that others can’t bring, such as the smallest public protests, The image of the national team has improved, and there may be more sponsors to knock on the FA's door."

At this point, Aldridge is very confident. Mo said that local coaches, and few coaches in Europe can overwhelm him in these years, and his personal influence, his reputation is in the sky, one championship after another. Not everyone has the popularity.

Andrew still frowned, saying: "Your hypothesis has a premise that the next England national team coach will definitely fail, and it is a failure that the public cannot accept."

Aldridge shrugged and suddenly smiled: "Christmas is coming, my Christmas wishes have been well thought out, I hope the England national team will be defeated in the European Cup next year!"

Andrew was stunned, pointing at Aldridge for a long time and unable to say a word, it was really irritating and laughing!

In the end, he could only bow his head and smile bitterly.

Yes, only if the England national team suffered a defeat in the European Cup, then it can prove the succession of the successor, otherwise, even if the England national team failed to reach the final or semi-final, as long as the results are not shameful, the successor has an excuse, the English football There is always an excuse: there is not enough time to take over the team hurriedly!

Then, the successor will definitely lead the team to the next major competition cycle, the World Cup in 2002!

The longer the time, the greater the variable.

Success or failure depends on the performance of the England national team in the European Cup next year.

Andrew understands Aldrich's thoughts, and without Aldrich's confession, he himself is conscious.

Aldridge didn’t specifically call him to talk, let Andrew understand his overall idea, Andrew will help him next, and use the established relationship network in the FA to start the activity. The foundation is not a bad thing. Aldrich likes to prepare early. Even if he does not get the opportunity in the future, he will not be disappointed. If the opportunity arises, he misses because he is not prepared for it. It is the biggest regret!

After being separated from Andrew, Aldridge hid this matter deeply in his heart and put all his thoughts in the club.

Due to the follow-up Premier League 17th round Millwall will face Manchester United at home, so the fifth round of the Champions League group stage went to Germany to visit the Hertha Berlin game, Aldridge simply played with a full substitute.

This time, he offended the Italian media, at least the "Gazzetta dello Sport", and incurred a storm-like attack.

AC Milan was shameless and brave, defeating Galatasaray in this round, and improving the possibility of theoretical promotion.

However, Millwall came off the bench for Hertha Berlin, the opponent ranked second in the standings, and Galatasaray lost, but they all came together and eventually made a draw at home, expanding the second place and leading the first. The advantages of the three Galatasaray also completely wiped out the theoretical possibility of AC Milan's promotion!

The Italian media slammed Millwall for his lack of respect for the Champions League and being too utilitarian. He made a full substitute in advance, which is a contempt for opponents in the same group.

The English media murmured, thinking that it was AC Milan's own disappointment that led to the elimination. Millwall played off the bench to get a draw, which reflects Millwall's strength from the side. If AC Milan came out early, three days later There is also a game of Milan Derby or Juventus, I do not know if AC Milan will be the main force at the meeting!

Aldrich has no intention of fighting for words. In his view, this may also be a blessing for AC Milan and can focus on the league.

Since the new season, Aldridge has been quiet, and few people outside the court will actively initiate a war with him.

This kind of silence has become more and more strange.

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