The Young Lion

Chapter 475: Firepower full open competition

The data that Aldridge holds in his hand is related to Drogba, and is the performance statistics loaned by Warcraft.

22 goals, in addition to 21 goals in the league, there is one in the cup, the number of assists: 0!

Putting it in other coaches, such data is close to full score. The striker is to score a goal and solve the problem. It is a crime to demand that the striker does not have an assist.

Judging by Aldrich’s standards here, Drogba is a pass at best, scoring 21 goals in the first 30 rounds of the Premier League, which can only be said to be slightly better than the 17-year-old Trezeguet.

This is far from the standard he requires of the forward. If Henry will not assist, Larson will not assist, and Millwall's attack group will definitely not be able to play gorgeous data.

Next, Aldridge discussed professional issues with Drogba and put forward further requirements for Warcraft, hoping that Warcraft will work hard in this direction in the future.

Drogba was happily taught, but his whereabouts in the next few months became a problem.

Aldridge let him stay in the team to play in the reserve league. Drogba himself was in trouble. The consequences are always to be borne by himself. In the past few months without professional league play, he can only blame his impulse.

Before Drogba left, he sincerely apologized to Aldridge. Aldridge nodded and accepted that there was no word to actively teach the other side.

This is one of his habits of managing players, and he has rarely warned players what to do and what not to do, but directly pointed out the consequences and let the players think for themselves.

A week of double games, and even a week of three games, Aldridge's work is heavier than in previous years, he also put all his energy into the club.

However, when it arrived in mid-March, Millwall's recent record was not satisfactory.

The league won one game and tied a game. The Champions League second round group match suffered two consecutive draws.

With three rounds left in the Champions League, Millwall only has 5 points.

This situation is almost invisible in the past. Millwall was able to score at least 7 points in the first three rounds of the group stage to gain the initiative to qualify. After the peak period of the record, they seemed to become mediocre at once. .

In fact, Aldridge is not only adjusting the team status, but also because the opponents he encountered during this period are not strong. He used actual combat to train troops, and it is a bit exaggerated to use the old and new descriptions.

In addition, the Premier League team encountered Millwall is a gesture of death, either vigorously die, or win gloriously.

In the Premier League, the opponents frantically attacked Millwall's young defense line by frame, often playing big score results and ups and downs during the game.

For example, Everton 3:3 Millwall, Coventry 2:2 Millwall.

It feels like Millwall's super strong attack group can enter a few, and the back line dares to give back a few to the opponent.

At the same time, the gap between Manchester United and Millwall in the league is narrowing, but it has not crossed the warning line.

The Champions League had two consecutive draws, and Millwall did not meet the outside expectations. This has nothing to do with Millwall training, but at this stage, even though the opponents are not well-known, anyway, they are fighting from the first round of the group stage, so they face Millwall was also very cautious at home, tying Lazio and Bordeaux. Audridge didn't think there was a big problem, because after going away, Millwall's posture was mainly defensive.

There are six rounds in the group stage. The best start is naturally to win at least two of the first three games, but what is the worst start? The scores in the three games must be below 3 points, which is too far away from the 12 points that the highest score was eliminated in the theory, and Millwall scored 5 points, and there are three games. At least from the overall perspective, it is an absolute possibility In the accepted situation, if you want to start, you must think of defeating the opponent, and the opponent is playing a defensive counterattack. In case of a loss, the situation will be extremely bad. Audric does not want to become AC Milan. One point, in the next three games, there was only one way to Huashan, and the tactical arrangement suffered great limitations.

From the beginning of January to mid-March, in more than two months, Aldridge completed training and adjustments and other goals set in the middle of the two seasons. February began as a warm-up for the end of the season. Now, it’s time for the real When the fire is fully on!

On Wednesday night, the home team's locker room at Wembley Stadium.

Aldrich stands among the players. Now his work is easy to compare. Due to the maturity of the team's technical and tactical system, he only needs to focus on analyzing the opponents to make targeted deployments before the game, without having to change the general direction of technical and tactical.

This is a necessary process for professional football clubs to accumulate, and no club can be successful overnight.

Tonight, the fourth round of the Champions League second round group match will be launched. Millwall faced Bordeaux. In the last round, Millwall played a 1:1 draw with the opponent on the road.

The team lineup is complete, Makelele recovered from injury a month ago, and has recovered his status in recent games.

Aldridge said softly: "What did we work hard for a season? Not to set a certain record, not to score how many goals, or to have a carnival at the end of the season, so that we can get a trophy In return, now that we are getting closer to these goals, I need you to put all your energy into the game. Every game, in the next two months, you will hit all the trophies you can get. This is our tradition. , Is the tradition of Millwall, let us meet the harvest season in the best state!"

The players got up and gave each other high fives to encourage.

When Aldridge walked out of the player's tunnel, he looked up at the gloomy sky.

It's raining.

There was no rain when we arrived in Wembley. The weather forecast also informed that there might be light rain tonight. Millwall was ready to prepare the players for the rain.

With the cheers of the fans in the stands, Aldridge went to the coach of the home team to stand still.

Bordeaux’s coach is Ellie Boop, who is called young and handsome by the French media. It sounds exaggerated. The opponent is already 45 years old, but in the football industry, if the 45-year-old coach is a newcomer, he will indeed be called In order to be less handsome, the opponent led Bordeaux to beat Marseille to win the league title last season. At the same time, he led the team to the top 16 this season. It is not too much to be praised by the French media.

Only today, there is only one young coach on the field, that is Aldridge.

"Millwall is in a bad situation, with only 5 points now. If you can't take all three points in Bordeaux today, the last two games will be dangerous. By this time, the goals of the teams have become very clear. Feyenoord scored 0 points in three games, almost declared out, Millwall 5 points, Lazio 7 points, Bordeaux 4 points, today's game will be a watershed for the group's qualifying situation, it is no exaggeration to say that it is a life and death battle, Will set the tone for the next two games."

The situation looks grim, but Aldridge is not nervous.

Or that he will think about his heart, Bordeaux, Lazio, these two opponents, is not the situation tough? With the points situation so tight, it is possible to lose a goal and fall into a passive situation. However, Bordeaux does not win and still ranks third.

In the long drizzle, the game kicked off.

Millwall took the initiative, the rhythm played slowly and slowly, and he controlled the overall situation moderately. Because of the rain, deliberately playing fast will not be too good.

Bordeaux, like the last game, defended and counterattacked.

Just when they are away, they must not have played so well at home.

Pope stood dignified on the sidelines.

If Millwall’s undefeated probability reaches 80%, and Bordeaux has only a 20% chance of winning, then, to convert to the number of opportunities on the field, Bordeaux will have to seize those few opportunities.

In the 17th minute of the game, Bordeaux counterattacked into the frontcourt, and it was about to kill the penalty area, but was intercepted and resolved by Materazzi. Immediately, Millwall also played a fast break. The ball passed through the midfield quickly. In the frontcourt, it became a balanced attack and defense contest.

Henry took the ball on his back and turned to start. He unexpectedly did not pass the ball and then ran out of position. He directly took the ball over the opponent's defender and entered the penalty area. A low shot broke the Bordeaux city gate.

After 18 minutes, Millwall continued to exert pressure to catch the second fighter. Pirlo passed the ball and cut the ball to Ronaldinho. The latter swept the door and swept the door before plugging in Nedvi. De Pai shot through.

In the first half, Millwall led by two goals, giving all fans of the Lions who followed this game a peace of mind.


Aldridge walked into the locker room with an uneasy look.

What is a strong team?

As long as you don’t fall behind, the team that won’t make trouble at the critical moment is the strong team.

Millwall has cultivated this temperament. This intangible temperament has been honed in the league in the past few years, especially the experience of winning the championship to the last moment. There are ups and downs, both in failure and victory. A valuable experience learned in a completely different taste.

Bordeaux launched a Jedi counterattack in the second half, but their away game was significantly lower than the previous play. After being scored by Millwall in the fourth goal at 70 minutes, Bordeaux players fell into despair.

Can't win!

Pope sat down, and he didn't change.

He knew in his heart that no matter what adjustments he made at this time, he would be criticized for nothing after the game.

Change the striker to strengthen the offense?

Unsurprisingly, the ball will be lost in the remaining 20 minutes.

Then such a substitution is a failure.

Change the backcourt players to strengthen defense?

0:4 Behind, but also prevent a fart!

Will it be criticized for lack of courage after the game?

So, Pope did nothing at all.

The strength is not as good as the other, the skill is not as good as the person, the persuasion of losing is oral.

Like the results of other French teams fighting against Millwall, Pope's psychology is quite peaceful.

Now that the Paris Saint-Germain is in hot water, when it was glorious, wasn't Millwall double-killed? Monaco was blocked by Millwall from the Champions League final.

Not to mention France, Serie A, known as the world's first league, and the top three in the North haven't asked for anything cheaper at Millwall.


I feel ashamed!

At the end of the game, the result on the scoreboard was 5:0 and Millwall scored three points.

Aldridge shook hands with Bob after the game and left the court.

The Millwall team simply left the court after thanking the fans.

At the weekend Derby, Millwall and Arsenal fought for 90 minutes. At Highbury, Wenger and Audridge shook hands and the score was 1:1. On the standings, the gap between the two teams has exceeded 20 points... …

When the fifth round of the Champions League second round of the group stage was about to kick off, there was a calm press conference for a while, and Audridge was embroiled in a war of words.

This time, the person who provoked proactively was a Swede. The team he coached was named Lazio, and his name was Eriksson.

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