The Young Lion

Chapter 486: Another way to beat your opponent

Ronaldinho has been waiting for Aldridge to appear in front of him since he was replaced in the game. He started this conversation. He has a lot to say to Aldridge.

When Aldridge sat down next to him, he immediately took off his headphones and started talking.

"Boss, I feel great today, it's really great, you should let me play the whole game... I think the opponent's defender can't defend me at all, then they become two central defenders, and the defense is empty. It’s getting bigger, if I’m on the court, I can... I don’t understand, I think we can score more goals, definitely...”

Ronaldinho has been saying that he sometimes has resentment in his words, like the feeling of a child's temper.

When he kept saying that he couldn't really talk, he closed his mouth and stared at Aldridge, waiting for an explanation.

Aldridge spread his palms and said lightly: "Look, this is your problem."

"What's wrong with me?"

"Your problem is that you start to become what you want to play on the court."

"What do you mean?"

Aldridge sighed and said: "If you play according to your ideas, Pavel also plays according to his ideas. Thierry, Henrik, Andrea, etc., 11 players on the field , All play according to your own ideas, are you sure that this will be a team? Can you cooperate together? You can finally win the game? You will not be conflicted because of conflicting personal ideas?"

Ronaldinho frowned, saying nothing.

Aldridge patiently said: "As far as the game is concerned, I let the team stabilize the rhythm. This is my tactical purpose, but you are on the court to attack, and other teammates can't just watch you take the ball. Rush forward, so you have driven other players and violated my tactical requirements. Me and you will not discuss whether my tactical arrangements are correct or not, and I will not explain this to you because this is not what you should What you care about is what you need to think about. There is only one thing you need to do. I let you do what you do on the court, and you do what you want. Obey my tactical arrangement. My purpose is only one, to lead the team to victory, and your What is your purpose? If your purpose is the same as mine, for the victory of the team, for the team to create brilliance, then you must cooperate with me. Now, you tell me personally that what you are after is wearing a Millwall jersey What is it? What is it?"

Aldridge's tone was light and his expression was serious, which brought Ronaldinho's unprecedented pressure. Under Aldrich's undoubted words and questions, Ronaldinho swallowed and said in a deep voice: "I also hope to help the team win. "

"Very well, we have reached a consensus. I hope you can prove this with action, don't let me down."

Aldridge pressed lightly on his shoulder with one hand. He stood up again and said with a sigh of relief, he smiled and said, "I did a good job today and scared the Germans."

Ronaldinho was relieved when he suddenly heard Aldridge's praise and raised his head to smile. After Aldridge walked away, he shook his head.

At first, he was bitter in the stomach, but in the end he became self-blameful and frightened.

Especially when he was questioned just now, and Aldridge's commanding tone made his heart hang up all at once. He was really not afraid of Aldridge's anger, he was afraid that the other party would exude a light and majestic gesture.

For Brazilian players, freedom is a natural thing. Occasionally, there can be one or two stricter players, especially those who can integrate into the European team system. They are regarded as role models. They have technical advantages over European players, but they often lack teams. Centripetal force.

Aldridge did not want Ronaldinho to become a player outside of the free tactical system because of his talent.

There are three options in front of him.

First, Ronaldinho left.

Second, taking Ronaldinho as the absolute core, betting all the team's honor and shame on him, giving him absolute privileges, he played well, the team will win in battle, his state has fallen, and the team is in a collective downturn.

Third, try his best to train Ronaldinho into a team player, restrain his freedom, and let him do what he can to serve the team.

The first option, Aldridge never thought, whether from the team building or personal emotions, his personal relationship with Ronaldinho also prompted him to never think that Ronaldinho will be sold someday.

The second option will become the mainstream of many high-end teams in the future. Superstars’ team-building model is commonplace, but the accompanying worry is that superstars will often dominate the team’s trend by one or two people. On the court, there will be a stark contrast to the team's record. Aldridge has started to train a lot of stars, but he will never give the prestige star a privilege on the field. This is the concept of team building and the purpose of team development. If a star has to have certain privileges, such as not participating in the defense, but only attacking, or arranging goals by himself, other players must serve him around him, then Aldridge’s answer is only one: roll.

What he is doing now is the third option to restrain Ronaldinho’s freedom. This is not only for the consideration of the team, but also for Ronaldinho’s career. Some talented players must be set up for him. Shackles, giving him a fixed rule to follow, there are many such counterexamples, there is no need to enumerate as many stars as South American players, England’s most talented genius in the past decade, Gascoigne, he has regretted now, why He didn't go to Manchester United at the beginning. If he was under Ferguson's discipline, his career should be a different scene, and the impact on his entire life may become very different.

Millwall triumphantly returned home, and a large number of fans outside the airport greeted their return.

During this crazy lion's expedition to Munich, there must be a lot of worries among the fans. After all, they lost last year. Now the result of the first round match came out. Millwall defeated the opponent 3-1. This result made the fans overjoyed. It seems that the team has reached the semi-finals of the Champions League for three consecutive years.

The following day, Fleet Street sang praises for Millwall.

"1:0 to 1:3, what happened in one year? 》The Times first republished all the speeches when Aldridge encouraged the morale of the team for the first time after the game when the Mill Wall soldiers defeated Munich a year ago. This is the news that was hyped last year. Let the team raise their heads and re-enter the road, and said that the failure was a new starting point, which received a lot of applause from the outside world at that time.

A team is inevitably unable to avoid failure, or even a period of downturn or sinking, but whether it can be revived, this is one of the important factors to measure the team's temperament and strength.

In this year, Millwall was not just talking big words, but was actually showing his promises made at that time.

A year later, Bayern Munich is still one of Europe’s top strong teams. Millwall is also one of the protagonists on the Champions League stage from a popular perspective, but the difference in strength between the two seems to be much larger than the outside world imagines. Millwall’s huge lead in the Premier League is only considered to be the gap between Millwall and the Premier League. However, when Manchester United, the defending champion in the league who can only mourn in despair, also broke into the quarterfinals of the Champions League At that time, the entire Europe must admit that Millwall is not riding the dust in the Premier League, but is widening the strength gap with the entire European giants.

There were no leagues on the weekend, and the FA Cup quarter-finals came as scheduled.

Millwall will face Arsenal at home.

The day before the game, Aldridge beat the nerves of the bench players as if the generals were reviewing the troops.

"Recently, the outside world has been extolling Millwall, thinking that we are only as strong as the words "overlord" written on our faces. From the expression of your recent training, I can see that this also makes you feel very proud. However, I think those are all shit, you guys, are too happy to go home and look at the photos to see which one has won in the championship lineup, walk into your honor room and count the number of medals, then you ask yourself : Can you laugh? If you can laugh, would you be an idiot?"

A cold wind blew through, and these bench players who will play in the FA Cup tomorrow have some goose bumps.

Summer is coming, but they feel a little cold.

Think about it carefully, yeah, a smug pride!

Aldrich recently discovered that the media is a bit weird.

It is still early in the summer transfer period, but many giants or first-line strong teams have started to gossip with Millwall.

Especially the Italian team.

No way, Italy's traditional traditional top three only AC Milan played in the Champions League this season, and was eliminated in the first stage of the group stage.

And the other three teams, Palma qualifiers were planted, Florence was out in the second group stage, the only Lazio who reached the quarterfinals was just slaughtered by Valencia 5:2 two days ago.

The world's first league?

Small World Cup?

In the new millennium, the dominance of Serie A began to waver, which can be seen directly from the results of the European War, which dropped by one gear a year.

The year before, Juventus' final tickets were robbed by Millwall.

Last year, Juventus fell at the foot of Manchester United.

This year, there is only one of the top 8 Serie A teams, and it will stop the top 8 without accident.

The decline in the competitiveness of the European War may be related to the serious internal friction in the league, but if the European war stage can not achieve results, the reputation of the world’s first league is really not good enough to rest on its own head. Fortunately, the Serie A team has money now. All are willing to burn money, so digging people is imperative.

In the football world, Luyin can't play a club on the field, it can completely defeat this opponent in another way: Dig your people!

Millwall has become a target, rich, famous, and shameless. Anyway, recently, almost all teams of Millwall have spread scandals with strong teams in the media of different European countries.

Aldridge is not too worried about the main players. After all, he should be given, but this bench is also taken by others. He is afraid that these fledgling players are really fooled by sugar-coated shells, thinking that they really have the ability Be alone.

Therefore, he is going to beat these players and wind them up.

Looking at the benches with their heads in front, Aldridge walked in front of Klose and said softly: "Do you know what I saw?"

Klose stared left and right, kind of asking for help from others.

They are already used to Aldridge's jumping thinking, but they don't want to be stumped by the problem.

"Conspiracy. All this is an outside conspiracy. Now, there must be a lot of people waiting to watch a good show. Isn't Millwall a bull? Isn't Millwall crazy? Then what if you lose, what will happen? Can I trample you unscrupulously?"

Aldridge walked past Klose, and the little carpenter finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"If you become arrogant because of pride, and underestimate your opponents, resulting in defeat, then the outside world, including me, will make fun of you as an idiot, and you will be taken seriously if you say two beautiful words. You are better than a three-year-old kid. Ah! If you don’t want to be a joke, just close my ears and ignore the rumors from the outside world, take every day of training seriously, take out all your fighting spirit to face the next game, and be ready to become a team at any time The main force!"

As soon as Aldridge's voice fell, a roar burst from these bench players responded to his instructions.

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