The Young Lion

Chapter 489: True nobility

When the UEFA Champions League list is released, a scene that has never appeared before in the European Champions Cup is presented to the world!

UEFA Champions League semi-finals:

Millwall, England.

Spain, Real Madrid.

Barcelona, ​​Spain.

Spain, Valencia.

Three of the top four teams are from the same league!

This is a grand occasion for the European football in the new millennium and new era.

This has not been the case before, and because the Champions League has only expanded in the past two years, there have been two or more teams in the same league that have never participated in the Champions League.

This phenomenon made the Spanish media happy.

Fleet Street spurred Millwall to kill the encirclement under the encirclement and suppression of La Liga!

Millwall encountered a powerful blocker in the semifinals: Real Madrid!

This is another opponent who has a grudge against Millwall. In the final two years ago, it was these two teams that staged the peak match in Europe. Millwall defeated Real Madrid by penalty shootout to win the first in club history. Champions League trophy.

In the semi-finals, Millwall is still the first to come after the second, to go to Bernabeu to challenge Real Madrid in the first game.

Aldrich's work is done step by step, at this moment in the sprint of the whole line, calmness is the first priority.

On the weekend, Aldridge led his team to welcome his rival Chelsea at home.

Chelsea have gone high and low this season. The only highlight of the league is Manchester United who has a **** lineup of 5:0 in the first half of the schedule. When they faced Millwall in the first half, they have suffered a three-game losing streak. After giving them a four-game losing streak, until the end of the first half of the match, they won only one game afterwards, which ended in a terrible crash, so Vialli shifted his focus and Chelsea started his best in the cup In the past, the FA Cup entered the semi-finals. The UEFA Cup also advanced to the semi-finals with Arsenal. The London Derby will be played in the semi-finals.

In the league, they slipped from the first half of the season and have been swaying in the middle and upper positions. Now that they have reached the sprint stage at the end of the season, they are ranked sixth in the league and there are two places behind the Champions League next season.

At this stage, no matter how turbulent Chelsea is inside, the entire team has returned to peace, the contradictions will be covered up, the anger will be temporarily extinguished, and everything will be resolved after the end of the season a month later.

Chelsea obviously lacked stamina, especially in the second half of the multi-line battle, and Millwall played almost the same number of games, but by this time, Millwall's physical advantage is clear on the field.

After all, Millwall has a strong lineup and is replaced in the FA Cup. It is also appropriate to give the main players a rest in the league. There is not much pressure on the record. On the contrary, Chelsea is competing in every game. The field should not be lost. When the league ends, As a guest, the gap with Millwall is more obvious.

Viali had nothing to do on the sidelines, Millwall calmly defeated his opponent at the same score over half a season at home.

3: 0!

Henry, Ronaldinho and Pirlo scored one goal each.

At the end of the whole game, Aldridge applauded the fans in the stands. The game at the Lion’s Cave Stadium was a game of one game less. Whenever I thought of it, I might not see those faces that I don’t know but who are familiar, from a familiar angle. There will also be a touch of sadness in his heart.

This is a situation shaped by the traditional history of a club. There are many loyal fans who are not fanatic. Coming to the scene to watch the ball is an essential part of life. They do not participate in passionate celebrations and do not participate in the off-site fans. Season tickets Every season, every home game day, walk into the field, sit in a fixed position to enjoy the game, applaud the team, cheer for the team, but also sad for the team when the team loses.

Where does Chelsea's fate go this season? This is not what Aldridge cares about. He shook hands with Viali after the game and turned away.

Crazy Lions fans are too lazy to ignore Chelsea fans. They hate another team today: Manchester United.

The **** Manchester United also won.

There are five rounds left in the Premier League. Millwall leads Manchester United by 12 points. Manchester United seems to be determined to delay the time for Millwall to win the championship.

Instead, Aldridge is happy about the situation, and winning the title one day later is beneficial to the team.

The major leagues in Europe have entered the final stage. Serie A is a double team between Lazio and Juventus. The situation in La Liga is stuck. There are 4-6 teams that still retain the hope of winning the championship. Super Laco, Barcelona, ​​Valencia, Zaragoza Real Madrid strangled fiercely, but the Premier League was Millwall who had no suspense.

The eyes of UEFA are focused on Spain.

In addition to the increasingly fierce competition in the league here, the two semi-finals of the UEFA Champions League will be the first to start here.

Millwall's preparation work was well organized. Boas came up with a 30-page opponent analysis data, which seemed to theoretically strip Real Madrid clean. Jenson and Klinsmann scored the player's status through training observation. The only bad news is that Larson may miss the first Champions League semi-final.

Although Millwall is claimed to be surrounded by the top three in La Liga, they are still the number one hot spot in terms of winning index.

At the pre-match press conference, Aldridge quietly expressed fear of Real Madrid's offense...

The landscape of Spain is impressive, the Sanctuary of Madrid football: Santiago Bernabéu Stadium.

Located in the bustling financial district, it is a famous landmark in the capital and even Spain.

On the way of Millwall's team to Spain, Aldridge and Boas sat together.

Boas was worried.

From the pre-match preparation meeting, Aldridge did not use his opponent's technical and tactical analysis report.

Aldridge did not despise his work. The 30-page report, Aldridge read it twice, and at a glance.

After reading it, he also praised Boas’s work efficiency. However, when finalizing the team’s first round of tactical play and real lineup with Real Madrid, Boas keenly found that he focused on reminding him in the report A few key points, Aldridge did not adopt, or even ignored.

"Aldrich, is it because we have beaten Real Madrid, so you..."

Boas spoke half, and then hesitated.

After all, the man sitting next to him is still his boss.

Sometimes expressing opinions is one thing, challenging the authority of the boss is the act of smashing the rice bowl.

He was worried that Aldridge had become arrogant and had no one in his eyes, especially because he had won before, and he did not put Real Madrid in the eye.

But now Real Madrid and Real Madrid two years ago have undergone tremendous changes, especially the team's technical and tactical play, formation.

"You think I despised Real Madrid, right?"

Aldridge smiled and said what he had not said.

Boas hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

"Vilas, you have done a good job, and the technical and tactical recommendations in the report I think are great."


"Listen to me, but this report is in an ordinary state. For example, if you visited Valencia or Inter Milan, I think this is a perfect report, but you are looking at Real Madrid. The report was wrong from the starting point and there was a directional error, so I cannot adopt it."

Boaz looked shocked and asked, "What kind of error?"

"You didn't take Real Madrid's history into account, did not add Real Madrid's arrogance to the analysis. Do you know Real Madrid?"

"I don't think few people know Real Madrid?"

Aldridge smiled and shook his head: "In fact, more than 90% of the fans, especially non-Spanish fans, even if they know that Real Madrid is a Spanish giant, they only regard them as Manchester United, Juventus, Barcelona and other clubs. It’s just a giant with the same status, but the fact is that Real Madrid is different, it should be the most special of all the first-class clubs in the world."

Boas is thoughtful. In fact, the situation of Real Madrid is to the world, just like the most ordinary relationship, if you like it, you like it infinitely. If you don't like it, there is nothing special.

No matter how high Real Madrid is in the football world, it is not a Real Madrid fan. If it is objectively evaluated, it will be like that.

As for the Champions League Champions League, the reputation of the Champions League lover, I am sorry, the age is too long, for the entire European football, Real Madrid has not produced much shock in the contemporary era, especially in the last ten years in the league The limelight is not as good as the rising dream team Barcelona.

Boas is a Portuguese, and even though it is the most prestigious Latin American country with Real Madrid's influence, he did not put Real Madrid in a special position when he made his investigation report on Real Madrid.

"Real Madrid are nobles, born and purebred nobles! Even if Millwall, Manchester United, Juventus, AC Milan and other teams have won more honors, they can't be nobles like Real Madrid, Vilas, you Understand?"

Boas seemed to have been slammed into the head, awakening the dreamer with a word. He slapped it on his head with one hand and realized what was the biggest factor he ignored.

Real Madrid is definitely the most alternative team among all the strong teams in European football.

The club was born in the financial district. From the first day of the club’s establishment, their supporters, fans, fans, the Madrid aristocracy, the middle class, scholars, and other social groups in the upper middle class, extend beyond the development of the club In the process, the source of funds and the promoter of the increase in influence, they were crowned with noble titles in their swaddling clothes.

In addition, when Spain was ruled by the dictator, Real Madrid was shaped as an enemy of Catalonia. It was favored by the appearance of the dictator as a target for resolving internal class conflicts, which deepened this image.

This is very different from other clubs. No matter the now-famous giants or the declining old powerhouses, their clubs rely on the bottom class, the working class, and the blue-collar class during the birth and development process. The beliefs of entertainment or catharsis, such as the development of Juventus club and the Fiat Group’s large number of attracted laborers, are inseparable from the support of the team, forming a backbone of the heritage. As for the Premier League team, let alone At the earliest, most supporters were miners.

Therefore, the tradition of Premier League fans is to shout. It requires players to struggle on the field, let them vent, and let them show the man's side. It does not matter whether the game looks good or not. The key is whether the players are soft or **** the field.

And for those businessmen, scholars, celebrities, and nobles in Madrid, what do they need to vent to support Real Madrid? No, it is simply to enjoy the game, to watch the best game, as the most advanced enjoyment!

Over time, Real Madrid has formed a unique tradition and style.

The management of the membership system gives fans members the greatest say, and can dominate the fate of the club, such as supporting who will be the chairman and overthrowing the head coach.

Fans can call the club directly, they want to watch the best game, but the requirements are very high, must have a champion.

Therefore, the utilitarian football philosophy cannot survive in Real Madrid. They flutter in white, both elegant and glorious.

In the Sens era, Real Madrid’s only hero, Capello, who led the team to the league title, still took classes after he won the championship. He left the coach and interpreted this to the extreme.

Real Madrid may not need a championship coach, but it must be elegant and gorgeous.

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