The Young Lion

Chapter 492: Noble

At halftime, Aldridge's request to the players was only a countermeasure.

But in the second half, Millwall's seemingly blind big-footed clearance, but produced a strange effect.

This kind of miracle is not a big foot for the defender, Henry became a single-handed as soon as he got the ball in the frontcourt. In that case, Real Madrid could not reach the semi-finals.

After scoring the ball three times in a row and reorganizing the offensive after being controlled by Real Madrid, Aldridge observed the whole process on the sidelines and then found a message that surprised him.

After Real Madrid reorganized the attack from the backcourt, it suddenly became difficult, and the attack could not be smooth!

Aldridge instantly understood the mystery inside.

During the positional offensive, Real Madrid players, double forwards Anelka, Morientes, false forwards Raul, McManaman, these four are forward, they are often in the restricted area of ​​the dangerous zone activities, Carlos and Salgado also assisted. Redondo organized or responded in the middle. In a wave of forward positional offensives, due to the large number of Real Madrid offenses, they have many response points and can Let the offensive move forward smoothly.

The key link is the final blow, which was destroyed by Millwall's offensive in the penalty area. Then, Millwall's defensive player made a big clearance and the ball flew to Real Madrid's backcourt.

Elgra is a midfielder when Real Madrid attacks, generally he can grab the landing point, control the ball and reorganize the attack forward.

At this time, Real Madrid's problem appeared!

Those players who have already run to the forefront, if they can't be withdrawn together to serve as a connection point and play a series of offenses, then Real Madrid's offense will be out of touch.

The reason for this phenomenon is also very important, that is, Millwall players' ability to run without the ball, defensive tactical awareness and discipline, they immediately re-armed after the defensive player cleared the ball, and the player quickly returned to the position Go to the area where you are responsible, form a joint defense with your teammates, layer by layer, cut Real Madrid's offensive formation, and then completely stare Real Madrid players who have not withdrawn to respond.

This is the problem that Aldridge tirelessly instills in his players on the concealment of offensive points, and an important manifestation of his awareness of running without the ball and receiving the ball during training.

The first offensive threat of Real Madrid's frontal attack is the unpredictability of the player's running position when he advances from the middle and backcourt to the frontcourt. In a static defense, completely freeze an opponent whose full-speed sprint may change direction on the running route.

But after the first wave of offensive was contained, the Real Madrid offensive players did not immediately withdraw and re-completed the "back to front" offensive offensive, they fell into the chain defense network woven by Millwall and attacked I fell into the mire.

In the 58th minute, Real Madrid once again reorganized the offensive from the backcourt, Redondo returned to the midfield to respond, Ronaldinho was harassing him, so he chose to pass to Raul, but this shot has been completely eliminated by Millwall players Predicted that Pirlo halfway out to stop the ball, Millwall then launched a quick counterattack on the spot.

Pirlo, Nedved, Lampard, Ronaldinho, after four passes, the ball came to Ronaldinho's feet, at this time he had already reached Real Madrid's penalty zone, he then did with Nedved After a two-on-one match, the ball was brought to the bottom, and the ball was pushed down to the penalty spot in the triangle penalty area before the bottom line.

Henry pressed back and forth and pulled back suddenly, waiting for Ronaldinho's foot pass. In front of Campo, Henry took the ball and calmly smashed the ball to shake the other side. Campo lost his center of gravity. Henry and the first half Ronaldinho's first goal shooting position is almost the same, but he is more decisive than Ronaldinho, did not shake the goalkeeper, directly kicked.

Casillas only heard a cry in his ear, and the ball rushed into the goal from the side of his head.

"2:3, Henry scored a goal, and the shooter opened the gap with Raul again in the Champions League. He scored one more goal than Raul! Real Madrid's goal drop came from Redondo. Passing mistakes, and we also saw the tacit understanding of Millwall's offensive players in counterattacks. Only such tacit understanding can play such a smooth, fast and efficient team cooperation! What should Real Madrid do? Bernabeu has fallen into silence, no Young fans shook their heads in the stands and couldn’t understand the team’s performance. Why did they fail to score in the second half and instead conceded a goal!”

When Henry and his teammates celebrated on the sidelines, the live footage captured Aldridge grabbing a Millwall substitute and raised his ears on the player.

"Strange, Hall's team has just led Real Madrid again, but he is preparing to change to a striker. Isn't he still thinking that the 3:2 advantage is not enough?"

Kroze was the one who was pulled by Aldrich and arranged for the next task.

When Aldridge discovered Real Madrid's weakness in organizing the attack from back to front, he immediately asked Klose to warm up.

This has nothing to do with whether Henry scored or not. It can only be said that Henry's goal time coincides with the time when Aldridge prepares to replace him, about 60 minutes.

Real Madrid fans in the Bernabeu watched Aldridge incredulously walk to the sidelines to watch substitute Klose play.

Last striker, remove a midfielder!

Real Madrid fans have not seen opponents substitute, but came to Bernabeu to lead the score, but continued to strengthen the offensive and weaken the defense, it is very rare.

Henry's goal pushed Real Madrid into desperation. At the same time, Aldridge's substitution also pushed Bosque to the edge of the cliff.

Check it out.

Millwall added a forward and withdrew a midfielder.

What about Real Madrid?

In the event of a goal, Bosque dared not move.

At least in theory, Millwall is missing a midfielder, so Real Madrid's defensive pressure on offense will be reduced.

If Bosque wants to move, then he can only maintain enough offensive pressure on substitutions.

The player replaced by Klose was Lampard. Aldridge severely clapped his hands with Lampard on the sidelines and was very satisfied with the teenager's performance today.

Lampard himself blamed himself a little bit. He felt that he was still not stable enough on the court. He was full of energy. Sometimes he ran around blindly. He didn’t use his strength in the right place. The team’s first goal was conceded. Lose had long-range interference, and did not assist Makelele to block Raul, which made him realize that he still had many shortcomings.

Klose came on the field, Aldridge made a few gestures on the sidelines, Real Madrid has not yet kicked off, the players can calm down to understand Aldridge's adjustment.

The mad lion changes.

From 4321 to 4231, or 433.

Makelele and Pirlo had a pair of midfielders, one interception and one postponement.

Nedved is a midfielder, but because he is a perpetual midfielder, he can't run dead, B2B is completely okay, so he actually has no specific position. The key is where he appears when the offense and defense need him.

Ronaldinho left, Klose center, Henry right.

At this moment in the game, Real Madrid must break through!

However, due to problems with their formation and player's personal activity area, even if Millwall withdrew a midfielder, at least the defense in the middle was not a problem, and from this moment on, Aldridge was going to take the game from Real Madrid. Dominating, he wants to let Millwall take control of the situation and take the lead in the Bernabeu!

Now the situation is very different from the opening scene, especially the mentality of Real Madrid players has undergone tremendous changes, the numbers on the scoreboard are like nightmares lingering in their minds.

Real Madrid launched an attack immediately after kick-off. The wing is their world. After all, their wing players are capable. This is a fact, but the hidden concern of the relatively empty center is the biggest flaw in their defense.

Then Real Madrid's attack showed a regular picture.

They can push the offensive to the two wings of Millwall's penalty area. Then, whether it is through penetration, personal breakthrough, or passing the ball, the threat they can play is very limited. Millwall compresses the defensive area and does not give the opponent space. .

After Millwall successfully defended, he immediately formed a huge oppression advantage in the midfield.

The key figure at this time became Makelele.

When Real Madrid turns from attack to defense, the offensive players in the frontcourt will immediately limit Pirlo and stifle the most offensive creativity in Millwall's midfield.

But Makelele’s technical ability is not a pure defensive player. He just because he did his job well, and because his opponents despised Pirlo at the stage of Pirlo’s rise, Pirlo has a lot of freedom to play. Makelele naturally The light of Pirlo's offensive talent was obscured.

When Real Madrid players surrounded Pirlo like a pack of wolves, Makelele stood out. Pirlo wisely made cover for Makelele through the running position, making Makelele a key link in the front and back.

When the ball came from the backcourt to the frontcourt, Millwall's offensive advantage was at a glance.

Klose is also playing with tactical instructions and tasks. In the center position, what he needs to do is to respond!

He gave Henry a cover to remove the winger. This is not a conventional tactic and requirement, but Klose must do so under today's special circumstances.

Because Henry's advantage is too large, when Carlos assists up and down, Henry is completely free on the right.

In the 76th minute, Millwall's offensive twists and turns, Ronaldinho replicated the process of scoring in the first half. After cutting in the middle, he cut the wall in front of Klose and then entered the penalty area, but this time his shot was stuck. Silas turned away.

Keeping up with Nedved, another long shot was blocked by Kalanka with his body.

At this time, Real Madrid's offensive player had withdrawn from the frontcourt and found that the team's defense was successful. Elgra passed the ball forward, so everyone started running forward and interspersed. As a result, the ball was put on the mark by McManaman. Leila broke off, and the latter went straight to Nedved.

Nedvide got the ball and turned, glanced at the situation in the frontcourt, and passed directly to the pass from the right side of the penalty area.

Carlos ran up again, and Henry was three meters away from him, but Carlos had to stop and return to chase, which was obviously impossible to catch Henry without the ball to start the sprint before him.

Henry cut the ball from the right and took a low shot at the far corner of the goal. Casillas fell a step slower, looking at the ball flying from the right hand to the goal.

The audience on the spot saw it clearly. This ball cannot be scored!

Henry's angle is not tricky enough.

However, when the ball slipped behind the goal, someone happened to rush to the ball and put the ball into the empty goal.

"Ronaldinho scored twice! He scored twice at Bernabéu! 2:4, Real Madrid fell behind Millwall by two goals, Millwall played more tactically targeted in the second half, which allowed them to shoot The number of times and the number of threatening offenses have far surpassed Real Madrid in the past 15 minutes, and Ronaldinho has turned their advantage into a victory! If the match is finished with this score, Millwall will step in with one foot The Champions League final!"

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