The Young Lion

Chapter 495: death penalty

Millwall’s triumph from Bernabeu has undoubtedly become the most sensational news in Europe.

But in addition to the report during the game, the two Millwall players have also become hot topics in the media.

The first is Henry. This season has reached the final stage. Henry has been recognized as a world-class striker through all-season performance, although this is only his first complete season at Millwall. In the case of the domestic competitor Larson, he still played a perfect number, coupled with the performance of the French national team has become stable and excellent, the outside world is convinced that he will become one of the iconic forward strikers.

The second is Ronaldinho.

The youth team, the reserve team, the first team, Ronaldinho’s third season at the Millwall first team changed from expectation to reality. They scored twice in the Bernabeu. The cheerful samba dance reversed all living beings. He dispelled the doubts and let Those who criticized his mental quality for being so hard that he missed a penalty kick last year closed their mouths. In 2000, the number one star in world football was no longer Ronaldinho.

Moreover, he has a completely different name from the young Junyan who often appears together. He is already a real star.

A large number of green stars of hope defined by people as "the protagonists of the future" will appear in every era, like Barry, Woodgate, Chivu, Apia, Lise, Dona, who are still playing at the center. Ti, Maresca, Pinardi, Leal, Smith, Santa Cruz... some of this large group of young people are hailed as geniuses, and some are wearing prodigy auras, and they can no longer compete with small ones Luo's name was juxtaposed and discussed by people.

Xavi, Casillas, Eto'o, Saviola, Aimar, Cassano and others also have a reputation gap with Ronaldinho.

For those who eat professional football, as long as they kick the ball well, fame and fortune will come naturally.

When Ronaldinho became a star and was inevitably touted by the outside world, it caused internal conflicts in Millwall.

Someone in the Millwall team was dissatisfied with the status quo and directly expressed their views on the media.

On the afternoon of the third day back in London, Aldridge rushed to the road against Xie on Wednesday to prepare for the game. Then he was pulled into the office by Evin, and the other party handed him a news manuscript.

Aldridge took the manuscript in his hand and looked at it, with the "Star" logo. The manuscript of this news manuscript was accompanied by a picture. The protagonist in the picture was Dutchman VanderMead.

"The relationship between Ronaldinho and the boss, I think no one does not know, the boss likes him, values ​​him, and treats him completely beyond the normal standard, I don’t know, I don’t perform better than Ronaldinho Poor, but I just can’t get the trust I deserve. If the boss asked me to play the main role after the Ukrainians and the French left since last season, I will definitely not be worse than the Brazilians. It’s okay, I don’t think I’m getting the respect I deserve in Millwall, I don’t want to continue wasting time here..."

Aldrich raised his eyelids and asked solemnly, "Is the news true?"

Yiwen nodded and said: "The interview ended at noon, there is a recording, and my work team unanimously confirmed that it was VanderMead."

At this moment, Aldridge's cell phone rang, and he picked it up, and Andrew called.

He gave Yiwen a glance, and the other person would turn around and leave the office.

When VanderMead was signed, Andrew also took the advantage of becoming the other's agent.

After Aldridge answered the phone, Andrew's low voice passed from the other end of the phone.

"Did you hear about Van der Mede?"


"This matter is left to me to resolve. I promise to shut him up."

"No, you made a mistake. You will see the news tomorrow. Are you going to solve it? Me? Do nothing? Wrong, I will solve it!"


"You find him a house."

Aldridge hung up the phone when he finished speaking.

He leaned on the desk, turned around and pressed the hands-free button on the desk phone, dialed Adam's phone, and gave instructions directly.

"Notify the sales department that Van der Med's jersey was removed from the club and the club publicly listed him."


"Do I need to repeat it?"


After hanging up the phone, Aldridge picked up the phone again and dialed VanderMead's private phone.

After communicating, he did not wait for VanderMead to speak, calmly said: "Tomorrow, if you want to come to the club to train, go to the reserve team, or you can go directly on vacation."

Van der Mede was eating in the restaurant. He was a little nervous about what he said in the interview at noon. He saw Aldridge calling and thought that the boss would persuade him to give him some peace of mind in the club. committed to.

However, with a cell phone in his ear, he was dumb as a chicken, and the fork in his hand fell into the pan, making a clear sound.


He was abandoned like garbage.

Aldrich didn't ask or stay, he directly sentenced him to "death penalty" in Millwall.

The following day, VanderMead's report in an interview with The Star was published, prompting major media to follow up.

Millwall went out on Wednesday in the relegated quagmire vortex. In addition to Henry continued to start, all positions were replaced by substitutes. Van der Med should have entered the roster and the starting debut, but he disappeared and was replaced by Hua Jin. .

Xie had a relegation goal on Wednesday. 1 point and 0 points are not very different for them, so they dare to fight at home, Millwall is targeted to fight back and train the young lineup.

The process was quite thrilling. Millwall finally defeated Xie Wednesday 3:2 away. Since the Chinese Premier League will drive fast next week, Aldridge let Henry resist the pressure of primary resistance. Anyway, this is what Henry himself hopes, he must work hard Refresh the league goals.

In the post-match press conference, no reporter cared about the outcome of the match, because Manchester United won Southampton the day before, and Millwall could not win the championship in advance regardless of the result of this game, but they won, with four rounds left in the league, leading Manchester United scored 12 points. There is no suspense in winning the championship. Even if Millwall loses in the next four rounds and Manchester United wins, Manchester United will win the runner-up because of the huge goal difference. Of course, the theoretical possibility still exists, but as long as the next In the first round, Millwall was undefeated, and they will definitely declare the defending success.

There was only one concern for the reporters present: the storm caused by VanderMead.

"Mr. Hall, have you seen today's interview with Millwall player VanderMead?"

Aldridge looked as usual and smiled, "Look."

"What is your opinion?"

"Views? There are countless people in this world who have countless views, but they have no effect on reality. Therefore, views are never important. Yesterday I already informed the player and his agent that VanderMead can go to find a new club. Today, Millwall also officially listed VanderMead in the transfer market. I don’t want to waste his time any more. I wish him good luck. This matter is perfectly resolved. So far."

There was silence at the scene and many reporters looked at each other.

Damn this!

Everyone wants to watch a good show, and wants to see Aldridge’s scorched side, and hopes that Millwall will become a pot of porridge, and a few more players will come out to express their dissatisfaction, it would be better!

Aldridge had no new problems, he nodded to the reporters and got up and left.

The reporters who have followed Millwall all the year round are not surprised. Even Giancarlo, the reporter of the Milan Sports News in the Premier League, takes it for granted.

The following day, the Times made a key report on the Van der Mede incident.

No way, there is no news in the Premier League.

champion? Millwall.

And Millwall has been very hot recently, just defeated Real Madrid on the road, and seeing that one foot has reached the finals. At this time, even if Millwall puts a fart, someone is coming to support!

David Miller wrote that Van der Mede's end was due to self-reliance.

First of all, Van der Mead committed a taboo, this taboo has a lesson, that is, his fellow predecessor Stam.

The point in time when Stam transferred to Manchester United was in trouble was when Millwall hit the first league title and the European Cup Winners' Cup also entered the sprint. The situation is about the same as it is now.

At this time, Millwall needs absolute internal stability. The general is dedicated. Players’ personal interests must not override the team. Van der Mede commits crimes. When Millwall is the focus of all Europe, his speech is paid attention. Straight up.

Aldrich, like dealing with Stam at the time, was resolutely popular, and he would never delay the time for the event to heat up and ferment, causing a greater impact to disturb the military.

Secondly, Millwall is no longer Millwall, and Aldridge is not the same as Aldridge. His current authority is even more tolerant of the slightest violation.

Van der Mead has dissatisfaction in his heart and hopes to be taken seriously. This is human nature. Seeing the other players in the team is very popular and wants to be one of them. What is wrong with this?

But he used the wrong way. The Millwall team has strict discipline. The first is that the team's internal affairs are insulated from the outside world. No one can take the locker room things out.

He can talk to Aldridge in private, but he opened his mouth directly to the media. This choice is no different from "suicide".

In the end, VanderMead's remarks were the catalyst for Aldridge's expulsion as soon as possible.

If VanderMead just complained, Aldridge will definitely give him a chance, or, everyone will find a solution in a friendly and proper way.

However, he named Ronaldinho directly in the interview. It sounded like a competition, but some of the words hidden in his heart were a situation. After he said it, the situation completely changed.

Ronaldinho has proved himself and has contributed greatly to the team's brilliant record this season, and Van der Meide has also performed well as a substitute, with 4 goals and 9 assists, playing in limited games. Zhong can be called a super bench, but what he said can easily be understood as a provocation, which forced him to definitely not get the support of most people in the Millwall locker room, seniority, time spent, contribution, all aspects He can't compare to Ronaldinho, can he stay?

Aldrich must let him go, at least in the two options of leaving and leaving, Van der Mede leaves, Aldrich can not only establish authority, but also stabilize the interior, leaving him, but will bury hidden dangers, and now this At a critical stage, we begin to solve the derived problems.

David Miller made some thoughts at the end of the article.

He believes that Aldridge's role has changed completely.

Six years ago, Aldridge, the owner and coach, was the boss and the coach. He had authority, but it was a huge question whether he could serve the crowd. Thuram, Solskjaer, Stam, Pires and other players Leaving, maybe the heart questioned the young master's ability to play a role.

But six years later, Aldridge, who has become one of the most watched coaches in European football today, has thoroughly established the prestige and authority of the head coach, Nedved, Southgate, Larsen, Schneider Germany and other players who will suffer huge temptations during each transfer period. They follow Aldridge with heartbreak. The key factor is that they are sincerely convinced by this young handsome, follow him, and play under his hand, you can get glory, pull The golden **** and countless medals that Helson and Nedved put in the honor collection room at home are the best proof.

The era of Millwall has changed. Van der Med should feel sorry for himself. He should not only see Ronaldinho's skyrocketing. He should also see that there are many, many players who want to play for Millwall. And get no chance.

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