The Young Lion

Chapter 800: The fourth crown in sight

On May 15, 2002, Glasgow, Scotland, Hampton Court Stadium, home of the Scottish national team, is also home to Queens Park (non-QPR).

The national conflict between England and Scotland is no secret. The football field is naturally England’s contempt for Scotland. What is ironic today is that Scotland has won the right to host the UEFA Champions League final this season. In the end, it opened the door to welcome England’s two balls. The team came here to perform.

When Aldridge came to the stage of the Champions League final for the fourth time, he was very calm, relaxed, and even had an arrogance to conquer. Of course, this is his inner psychological activity, he will not proclaim it, he will not compete. When he started playing, he laughed as if the game had won.

He was sitting in the dressing room, there was no one else around him, all preparations had been completed, he now has time to think about other things.

After the Champions League final, he needs to have a formal dialogue with Klinsmann.

After the game was over, Millwall ended the 01-02 season, which means that the club’s one-season cycle ended. Aldridge intends to let Klinsman take over his position next season, while he leads the national team to finish the World Cup. He will also fulfill his contract with the FA. Then, he feels relieved to be a club owner, allowing time to become more ample and can do a lot of things that he is happy to do but did not have time to do before. Long-term development and construction in the future, or traveling with the family around the world, go to those tourist destinations that Earl and Bert have seen the photos and are interested in immersion.

Millwall's players returned to the locker room after the warm-up before the game. Southgate in suits also walked in. He would cheer the team up.

Aldridge first looked at Nedved, and his eyes were asking him. Nedved nodded firmly, without any hesitation.

Ronaldinho and Henry were healed before the final battle of the league. There was no problem with the team training. They themselves were minor injuries, and Nedved did not return seriously two days ago. At the training ground, Aldrich fulfilled his promise to let him debut in this game and give him a starter.

Looking around the players for a lap, Aldridge calmly said: "After playing this game, we will end this season. Of course, many of you still have to go to Asia to participate in the World Cup. There are beginnings and ends, before the start of the season, our goal It’s the championship. In the end, we won the league, league cup, FA Cup three championships, and have swept all the trophies in England. The last game left is today, the Champions League final. I don’t need to say more, you know this season. I’m not satisfied with you anymore. You deserve the championship. You should take the championship trophy, but Manchester United will not raise your hand and surrender. Manchester United will not sit back and watch us take away the honor they have a chance to win, so, My only requirement for you is to draw a perfect ending for this season. In the future, people will remember that one team won 33 wins and 5 draws in the league and won an undefeated record, and one team won 17 in the Champions League. Winning the championship, there was a team that stepped on the foot of the German class bully and the La Liga duo. One team harvested seven championship trophies in 300 days. Let us write the name of this team into history!"

The players stared at Aldridge fiercely and nodded fiercely. They couldn't demand more how perfect this season was. Not only was the league undefeated, they were more than 80 undefeated on all fronts!

And the Champions League won 16 games!

Today, as long as they win the game within the regular time, they will also create a Champions League myth, winning 17 games in the Champions League all season!

Aldridge walked out of the locker room after speaking, and the rest of the time, the team will mobilize itself.

After he walked out of the player channel and came to the stadium, the lens locked him. Millwall was shining and Aldridge had a natural contribution. How many honors the team won, he had a share. He came to the Champions League final for three consecutive years. This is not What can happen at any time, the last time, is more than 25 years ago, and it is the same coach. In addition to the past four years, Aldridge has won three Champions League, and the young coach has become a totem at this time. , A symbol of victory, a unique football circle alternative.

Aldridge walked to shake hands with Ferguson, Ferguson's face was very heavy, this game, Manchester United's disadvantage is very obvious, even the strongest Manchester United, it may not have done Millwall, and today, Ferguson suffered similar to 1999 Happening.

There are two main players in the team who are unable to play.

Beckham is one of them, Neville is another, and Manchester United's entire right attack is completely abolished.

The atmosphere was hot, and Millwall and Manchester United fans waved flags and waved flags for their teams.

Players from both sides began to enter.

"The UEFA Champions League final for the 2001-2001 season is about to start. This season, it broke into the final stage. The two teams that fought against Glasgow Hampton Temple Stadium are all from England. One is the Champions League champion Millwall in the past two seasons. One is the Red Devils Manchester United. Judging from the performance of the Champions League in recent years, this is the confrontation between the two strongest teams in the Champions League in recent years. In 1998, 2000 and 2001, Millwall won the championship and the middle In 1999, Manchester United won the championship. No matter who wins the game today, England will be proud of it, because the team from the Premier League has ruled Europe for five years!

Unfortunately, neither side can send the strongest lineup in today’s peak matchup, and Manchester United is more affected. Let’s first take a look at Millwall’s starting list, except for captain Southgate. The game could not be played outside, all other main players came on stage, and Ronaldinho, Henry, and Nedved were all injured in time.

Millwall started 433.

Goalkeeper: Bute.

Guards: Schneider, Materazzi, Neil, Zambrotta.

Midfielders: Gattuso, Pirlo, Nedved.

Forwards: Larson, Henry, Ronaldinho.

Neil replaced Southgate as a starter. The player with the longest experience in the team will not lack overall understanding. I believe he can offset the impact of Southgate's absence.

On Manchester United, Beckham is still recovering from injury. He sat in the stands with his family to watch the game today. There is his friend Gary Neville next to him. He can’t play because of injury. What’s more regrettable He, Neville may miss the World Cup.

Manchester United starting 442:

Goalkeeper: Bartz.

Guards: Phil Neville, Brown, Blank, Sylvester.

Midfielders: Bart, Keane, Belon, Giggs.

Forwards: Scholes, Van Nistelrooy.

From the perspective of the strength of the lineup, Manchester United has almost attacked with a residual lineup. The back line of the league has been a mess this season. This is the reason why Ferguson discharged Bart and Keane’s double midfielder in this game. I don’t know whether Manchester United can resist Mill. Wall's powerful offensive firepower, the game starts immediately, let's enjoy the final football feast of the European Champions Cup this season! "

Why did Ferguson look so heavy?

Looking at this line of defense, it is clear that it is a combination of central defenders. Brown has been injured and stopped. The state cannot be guaranteed at all. Most of the time, Gary Neville came to the central defender, and Blanc has belonged since the beginning of the season. Firefighters, at the end of the season, Blank's age is one year older, and the 37-year-old veteran in half a year is really unbelievable.

Can Kean protect it alone? Obviously not enough, plus Bart’s multiple insurance.

Manchester United still has to attack after all. Ferguson hopes to have Scholes in the front and Keane Gabbart in the end, so that he can share pressure with Belon, and then attack two directions, Giggs on the left and middle and right. ? How can Manchester United capital fully spread the offensive? It's good to be able to defend well on the right.

After the opening, Millwall pushed all over, offering their maturity and playing the extreme high-pressure **** this season. The oppressive attack was very targeted, and he played on the left with Ronaldinho as the core and Zambrotta defending. The pressure is not great, so he unscrupulously assists up. Nedvide intentionally presses over here to assist. If Manchester United’s heavy soldiers are transferred to this side, then the ball will be transferred back and Pirlo will make an overall high-level offensive transfer. Millwall Immediately obtained the advantage of the scene from the opening, forcing Manchester United to exhausted on the defense line.

Manchester United due to hidden dangers in the defender line, defensive players such as Keane, Bart, and today are nominally forwards, in fact Scholes, who is still a center-back, dare not step forward and rush to grab, fearing that it will be too late to make up, which makes Millwall became easier in organization and scheduling. Pirlo frequently carried out offensive transfers. The master pass was accurate and insightful, and the situation on the field was very good.

In the 7th minute, Pirlo dispatched, attacking the right, Larsson retreated to receive Pirlo's pass, waiting for Giggs and Silvester to grab him and quickly pass the ball to Henry. Henry felt There was no room to play, Keane closed very close, he then made the ball back to Pirlo.

Pirlo, who was smart, didn't wait for Scholes to turn around and set a position, then kicked the ball to Ronaldinho. Ronaldinho also kicked the ball and knocked it to Nedved, Ned. Vader also made the ball with a single foot, and the left side of the **** was free.

This consecutive kick was really dazzling, so that the Manchester United defender could hardly find the North, Nedvide passed the ball and found a gap between Bart and Phil Neville, Zambrotta set the bottom, Before Phil Neville approached, Zambrotta directly took the ball to the bottom and vigorously crossed the ball in front of the bottom line to the front of the goal.

Brown before the blockade felt someone behind him, yes, Henry!

Zambrotta’s goal was almost the same as a shot. It’s very powerful. Brown didn’t have extra time to think about it. He would unconsciously break the ball out of the bottom line. The ball touched, then, Brown, and Manchester United goalkeeper Bartz stared dumbly as the ball refracted from the near corner of the goal!

Own goals!

"Wow! Own goal! Millwall scored the lead. Manchester United made a mistake under Millwall's suffocating pressure. Zambrotta made a cross and Brown actually bumped the ball into his door! Brown tried to The referee protested. He signaled that Henry had a small action behind his back. We found through slow-motion playback that Henry did not have any incidental action. He was heading towards the ball. Brown’s mistake was entirely caused by himself. An own goal was scored, poor Brown, hoping he would not be affected by this mistake, but Manchester United is going to change its strategy and is now behind."

Millwall’s players surrounded Zambrotta to celebrate the lead. They roared wildly towards the sidelines and their fists were proclaiming their strength!

Aldrich smiled with arms on his chest. He could see that Ferguson actually had an idea about the game situation, not the result of the game. The result of the game is definitely to want to win, but that the attitude of the game, Ferguson still hopes that Manchester United can dominate the offense Otherwise, he will not go to Belon, but now it is not Man Lenovo attack or want to play anti-reverse, they simply cannot control the game and are completely passive!

The fourth championship, the Champions League three consecutive championships, seems not far away, Aldridge thought so beautifully.

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