The Young Lion

Chapter 840: Fired, closed for one year

It was dawn, and people woke up, and Lu Xiaofan should go home.

Aldridge was woken up by the phone at 4:30 in the morning. During the World Cup, his private phone was turned on 24 hours, also to keep in touch with his family, whether it was Yiwen, who was far away in London, or his parents who came to Asia. Two sons.

It was Ewen who called him, which surprised Aldridge. He thought that something happened to Ewen in London, but after answering the phone, he realized that Ewen was also disturbed in the middle of the night.

Rooney’s actions last night were followed by reporters from beginning to end, and those reporters were superb, and even the hotel where Rooney ran was also mixed in. They were secretly photographed along the way, and after Rooney left, he spent a lot of money to buy news with the two Toyo girls. Story, during this period, news materials have been continuously sent to the newspaper or the company's headquarters.

Fleet Street will do everything it can to find out about news. There will be a complicated network of interpersonal relationships. When Yiwen used to work, there were many friends on Fleet Street. Although everyone’s cooperation is not open, it will be revealed at a critical moment. Come on.

The news of the newspaper on Fleet Street has not yet been announced, but the news content has been heard in the ears of Yiwen. Just like the scandal of the Christmas **** party, people notified you in advance that in addition to selling personal feelings, it is also a peach. When you need it, you also give the other party an exclusive report or a big headline.

However, the news can't be blocked. The world is so multi-media. The news has long been leaked. Notifying Millwall here, especially Audridge's pillow people, it is nothing more than borrowing a microphone to prepare Audridge to be psychologically prepared to avoid scandals. It was also kept in the dark when it broke out.

Aldrich didn't draw conclusions when he first got the news. He would not listen to the media and ask the players.

Over the years, there have always been many unscrupulous media making up news, and the principle of Aldrich’s management of players is trust.

Trust is not a word of mouth.

For example, since 1998, there have been constant media outbursts on Millwall who and who will leave the team. If Adrich read the news and ran to ask the players, when exporting, wouldn't the trust between each other disappear?

Aldridge is waiting, the matter is true or false, and there is no possibility of remedy at this time. When Chen Xi shot into the room, many media today’s newspapers were also placed on his desk. After reading the contents of the newspaper, the evidence Indeed, moreover, this scandal was not reported by a media.

People who stand on the cusp of the storm are naturally unlikely to be liked by the whole world. Some people will use malicious attacks to win the spot and earn the attention of the outside world. But Rooney is obviously not worth the reputation of more than ten prestigious media. The danger came to persecute him collectively.

No need to confront Rooney, Aldridge knows that everything reported in the news is true.

Although the scandal of the players is nothing more than a bit of a problem, the public is accustomed to it, but the same person, when representing different identities, has different influence and different public obligations.

Rooney, as a player of the England national team, created such a scandal in the context of the World Cup. Too large, the reputation of the UK will be damaged, and for the England national team, it has a very bad influence, making the England team stand. In the moral court, people will issue various questions and criticisms, as well as irresponsible accusations and difficulties.

When dawn dawned, Aldridge roared at Rooney's room, making all the English players and coaches on the floor heard clearly.

Fired from the team!

Aldridge took the England national team coach for a year and a half, basically never fired at the player, and he was irritated and irreparable!

People used to say that Aldridge kept short and used his power for personal gains. Half of the players in the England national team had a relationship with Millwall. But when the players were wrong, Aldridge could not recognize the six relatives. Hesitate.

Aldrich left, let the coaching staff preside over the morning training before he left. He was going to meet with the officials of the FA to discuss the scandal, which is the aftermath of the public relations crisis.

The English players were chilling in their hearts, and Aldridge was not angry. There was always some luck in their hearts, but in the end no one dared to try to challenge. Rooney, a player who only officially began his career in a day, may not have the consciousness and never experienced it. The cruelty of his career, he crossed Lei Chi, and then, it seemed, walked into the abyss of irreversible disaster.

Rooney's eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, because he didn't get enough rest, and he slept for less than 3 hours. He looked at a newspaper with a sneak shot of his whereabouts, walked into the hotel, left the hotel, and even published the two Last night, a picture of his cheerful and cheerful Toyo girl, very dazzling.

"Wayne, the boss may be too angry. After an hour, you go to admit his mistake..."

Joe Cole gave Rooney an idea. Although it's a bit of a fox-and-hub buddy to mix together outside the court, at this time, at least, can't you run away without a cigarette?

Joe Cole thinks things have a better turn, because Rooney is from Millwall.

Such an idea is too naive.

Rooney raised his head, at this time he was already afraid, trembling in his heart, unable to speak a word, feeling no strength in his body.

Not only Aldridge’s anger, but also, how should he face his family?

Young, not sensible, and doing nothing regardless of consequences, Rooney is really a negative example.

He heard Joe Cole's words, just about to nod, he also felt that he begged Aldridge, maybe he could still stay in the national team, as if staying here, to get asylum.

However, he saw the two men walking outside and suddenly turned pale.

The two men who walked in, Joe Cole also knew that one was his agent, Andrew, and the other was an employee of the Andrew's brokerage team. He usually helped them get things done.

Andrew wears formal suits and leather shoes. Of course he also came to Asia. At the World Cup, there are many players of his company. As a feast for the world's attention in the football world, naturally it will also affect the strong eyes of the transfer market. Updating the fluctuations in the player's value is on the one hand expanding the business to see if there are good seedlings outside Europe willing to join him, and the business is also under negotiation at the same time.

After Andrew closed the door, he nodded at Joe Cole, then walked to Rooney and saw Rooney's frightened and hesitant eyes, he said calmly: "Wayne, sorry, this is my job failure, I should Send someone to follow you, otherwise such a thing will not happen."

Yes, Andrew has failed.

Other players, like Beckham, McManaman, Owen, Lampard, etc., they came to the World Cup. During this period, their agents will continue to tell them to pay attention to the public image, not to go wrong, or even When you go shopping outside, there may be a public relations staff design, why? This is all money!

And Rooney, although Andrew's player, but he came to the World Cup, completely unremarkable, at his worth, the salary received in the Millwall youth team, Andrew sent him to follow him, specifically to give him a small team? Isn’t this a loss-making transaction?

Who would have thought that Rooney made a name for himself, and Andrew wanted to send Rooney two assistants yesterday. It was impossible for him to follow suit. At least there was a brief exchange to let Rooney understand his current value, his reputation, etc. The benefits brought, then is to behave according to the rules.

But Andrew was disturbed by phone calls one after another. Millwall's young genius was a blockbuster. Who would the agent be? The outside world does not need to check, just call Andrew directly, absolutely right.

With this one-night delay, Rooney ran into a catastrophe.

There is no doubt that no one will be interested in him for the time being, and his public image is also at stake.

Rooney didn't expect Andrew to apologize instead, and put the blame on the other party. In any case, Rooney felt better. He asked awkwardly, "I'm going to find the boss and admit it, can't the boss change his mind?"

Andrew shook his head calmly, and at the same time, the person he had brought in had asked Joe Cole to start packing for Rooney.

"Stay here. I have booked the plane ticket for the return trip. I will pick you up later."

Andrew finished speaking to the assistant, and then left the room.

At the same time, Aldridge met in the hotel conference room with the officials of the FA's World Cup counterparts, video conferences, and the FA's senior executives in the UK.

Oudric is naturally responsible for the trouble caused by Rooney. He is the coach of the national team.

It's just that the FA is not good for Aldridge. After all, Aldridge belongs to the fire rescue, and England is prosperous. Both sports and commercial income are significantly improved than before. If it is placed in the non-contest, the FA will find the most How do people use a meeting when they say something?

It's just the World Cup, but fans in countless countries around the world are staring here, watching the news here, the scandal of the England team, without thinking, has spread all over the world.

"Dismissal from the team? Well, this is okay, but if the national team is not hired for a year, is this a bit too serious?"

This sentence was said by Thompson, the chairman of the Chinese Football Association in the video call.

The object of his speech is Aldridge.

Someone beside him also said: "Let him leave at this time, it is the best choice for the national team. However, there are not many good forwards in England. After the World Cup, he is almost 17 years old and can play for the national team. The door of the national team will be closed to him within the year, which may not be a good thing for the development of the national team? Aldridge, or consider again, the penalty of not being called this year, exempt it."

Aldridge, who was sitting on the main seat in the conference room, looked cold and said with no room for maneuver: "No, although I will leave after the World Cup, but I firmly believe my penalty, Wayne Rooney, was expelled from the team, and In the next year, the national team will no longer call him."

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