The Young Lion

Chapter 849: Threatening? Slap!

Misjudgment is a part of football. It is undeniable that the referee is a person, not a machine that has no omissions and monitoring of the stadium from all angles.

In many contests in the past, there have been controversial penalties, but basically all belong to the judgment in a flash.

In the 66-year-old case in England, even if you look at the video now, it is difficult for you to make the most correct judgment. This is controversial, but it has its reasonableness, because no party has absolute evidence to overturn the referee's penalty.

The hand of God in Maradona in 1986, of course, was very clear to watch the video, but the referee did not see it at the time. There were also reasons for the misjudgment due to his position and angle.

In the 90-year finals, Waller's fall was a misjudgment, but in the same way, players won a favorable penalty for a fall, which has become one of the difficult problems for the referee to decide.

But like in this World Cup, Italy alone had 3 effective goals that were invalidated. Can Italy not say this is a conspiracy?

In addition, Totti was sentenced to a false fall. Even if Moreno did not see Totti’s physical contact with South Korean players, he should consider that the player’s physical fitness is nearly exhausted in overtime. He is more like a premeditated Italian player waiting for a chance. After being sent off, the party Totti said that he expected the latter from the pre-match referee's attitude towards South Korean players and Italian players. Although there was a suspicion of justification, it was not unreasonable.

In the match between the South Korean team and Portugal, the referee has different punishment scales and double standards, which can be seen all over the world.

The South Korean team is stronger than before, has made tremendous progress, while fighting at home, with a terrible home atmosphere, but this does not mean that they must win. Strength is strength. Whether the game is fair and fair is completely different.

Just as if the Chinese team was treated differently and suffered a bloodbath in the match between the Chinese team and the Brazilian team, can it be said that the Brazilian team is strong, so can it ignore the impartiality of the referee's penalty?

Moreover, the South Korean team itself is not a team that absolutely crushes Portugal and Italy.

The World Cup of Korea and Japan reached the top 8, and the controversy caused widespread concern, which is enough to make this World Cup image very disgraceful, because the foundation of football is shaken: fair!

As we go further, there is a spirit of fair competition sports that is universal.

Aldrich reprimanded South Korean reporters at the pre-match press conference and even told the world that he hated South Korea and insulted South Korea shamefully. This undoubtedly caused public anger. In detail, it should be the anger of a country!

But European media are all on Aldrich's side!

The coaches of other national teams all have a bit of meaning in their tails. Even for the Spanish team who is about to encounter the South Korean team, coach Camacho dare not talk about the South Korean team irresponsibly. It seems that he is afraid of anything.

However, Aldridge just said, and from the perspective of the schedule, if the England team will encounter the South Korean team, either, the final, or, the third or fourth finals.

This seems impossible.

Everything that happened at the press conference became emergency news and began to be broadcast around the world.

Fleet Street, of course, sang praises for Aldridge. He thought that the young commander was right and wrong, he dared to act, and seemed smart.

Aldrich said more straightforwardly, then, if the England game suffered a misjudgment, or the referee's tendency to persecute, huh, isn't FIFA lifting a stone and hitting his own foot?

Doesn't it tell the world that they are controlling the game? Whoever dares to be dissatisfied, they will die!

Even if FIFA is brave enough, I am afraid to do so.

It's just that Aldridge stepped up to speak out, and it seemed a bit expensive.

South Korea naturally broadcast this breaking news nationwide.

Aldridge and the England team instantly became public enemies in South Korea.

In the World Cup Organizing Committee, South Korean representative Zheng Mengzhun publicly rebuked Audridge for slandering South Korea and warned him to close his mouth.

Aldridge's reply to the Fleet Street reporter for the first time was: Long mouth, whose mouth can you stop?

Blatter unilaterally warned the FA to allow the FA to restrict Audridge's words and deeds.

The FA has some dilemmas. On the one hand, they feel that Aldridge may really have "great wisdom" to do so. In this way, the game in England must be extremely fair, and no one dares to kill England, because Aldridge uses his football circle. The fame and news of the explosion have spread all over the world. Fans all over the world are paying attention to the next game in England. If England is really persecuted by FIFA, it is estimated that angry fans around the world will go to tear down FIFA, and Bra This particular leadership team will also have no credibility.

On the other hand, the FA also feels that Aldridge’s remarks have caused the relationship between England and South Korea to deteriorate rapidly. The South Korean people have already gathered to protest and demand that all South Korean companies, but whoever invests in English football, must divest!

The English Premier League team involved here, as well as the England national team, the sponsor cooperation is linked to economic interests.

The Football Association was in a dilemma. Instead of talking to Aldridge, Aldridge got the news and said directly: "I am a football coach. I love football and work in this industry. I have a lot of football industry. Friends, but there is a kind of person that I hate. Even conversations and conversations make me sick, that is, brokers in the football circle. These people should not bother me. And Mr. Zheng Mengzhun, I don’t care how high you are in Korea. Don’t use sponsors to threaten me. Korean companies are asking Millwall to sign a contract and begging us to be our sponsors. Now they want to get out of business? Hurry up! Use money to threaten me? This is what I encountered The most idiot's threatening means!"

Aldridge remained angry.

Because Adam told him that among the more than 50 sponsor partners of Milwalla, two representatives from Korean companies gave them an ultimatum and unabashedly said that he would let Aldridge converge his words and deeds in Asia.

Aldridge felt a bunch of idiots.

Those Korean companies who came to be Millwall sponsors nominally sent money to Millwall. In fact, they wanted to use Millwall's brand value to promote their companies to enter the international stage. To take a step back, it was also to explore the European market.

It should be their begging Millwall, not Millwall treating them as guests, this relationship is not clear, thinking that rich is the uncle, if you can be an uncle, if you have money, you can give orders, Aldridge wants to use it Money humiliated them.

In addition to being the vice-chairman of FIFA, Zheng Mengzhun is also a wealthy child of South Korea’s Hyundai Group. He has good contacts in both political and business circles in South Korea. This is his counterattack to Audridge.

Aldrich doesn't mind that Korean companies want to divest, and he is not uncommon.

There will be other sponsors lined up to seek cooperation with Millwall.

In this world, it's not that Korea can't move without it!

As for the chairman of Blatter, such a person as Vice Chairman Zheng Mengzhun, Aldridge disgusted in his heart.

No one is a saint, but after all, there are still some positions and ethics.

Although Blatter’s predecessor, Avilenge, has a bad reputation, and money and hands and feet are not clean, but Avilenge is a person who knows the ball and loves football, so as a Brazilian, he can award Mr. World Football To the enemy of Brazil: Maradona of Argentina, even if Maradona does not appreciate it, is famous for fighting against FIFA, but Avilange's position and ethics on this point are worthy of recognition.

But people like Blatter, Zheng Mengzhun, and full of politicians, even for the sake of economic or political interests, even hesitate to destroy football, which is unbearable for everyone who loves football.

The European media is in the same position as the enemy, and on the side of the young commander, when it comes to the influence of the world, it is naturally that the European influence is better. Moreover, after the Italian game, the media on the American side simply blamed the lack of justice in the game. Sexual foundation.

The media influence of the United States is naturally as strong as that of Europe, and American football is more like entertainment. Therefore, in the news reports of the football circle, the United States appears to be unscrupulous. This unscrupulousness stems from not being interested in football politics, and people treat it as entertainment. However, the European football media still has interest considerations. If this time it was not for the World Cup that angered the Europeans, if Aldridge started a war with South Korea, the European media might not be able to give him a strong reputation.

In the process of the rapid spread of news, Aldridge's reputation naturally soared again. This rise is not linked to the professional field. The handsomeness of the young commander in the past is mostly based on the record of the stadium, but now, his personal image is more specific and love. Hate is clear, and not afraid of breaking through the sky.

Not only angered South Korea, but also slapped Zheng Mengzhun!

Europeans clap their hands and say fast, and in Asia, the Japanese feel the most happy.

Originally, the World Cup was held by Japan alone. It was just Zheng Mengzhun who kicked it in. He also made some demonstrations to Japan. The Japanese were already unhappy with Zheng Mengzhun.

The Japanese team is out, and the England team continues to play in the Japanese division. Next, the England team obviously increased a group of fans, that is, local Japanese fans.

FIFA and South Korea cannot make any substantial retaliation against Aldridge, banned? Why? How many people in the world of football are discussing World Cup controversy. If FIFA punishes Audridge, is it not going to be bloodshed? FIFA dared to move Aldridge. It really broke the European sky. When the sky collapsed, a Blatter and a Zheng Mengzhun were probably not enough to bury.

In the process of this turmoil and escalation, the World Cup quarter-finals opened.

The first to appear are Brazil and Sweden.

Coming to the quarterfinals, the Brazilian team is obviously more stable, but it also changed the momentum of the crazy attack in the group stage. Compared with the ease of defeating Belgium, the Swedish team tried their best to fight the ultimate anti-reverse, and the Brazilian team was also deeply worried. After a few utilitarian signs, he finally won the game 2-1 and took the lead to advance to the semifinals.

After the game, the number one star of the Swedish team, Larson, who was over 30 years old, suddenly announced his withdrawal from the Swedish national team!

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