The Young Lion

Chapter 853: False and real, flying fire meteor

Two years ago, Phil Neville became a sinner in England, and the kind of bitter outsiders that the trivial people refer to could not experience it. Therefore, this World Cup clearly shows that Phil Neville is finishing his job, which is defensive. Based on the fact that he did not dare to over-perform, this was discovered by Aldridge during the warm-up before the World Cup.

He will not force the players, as the coach, understand the situation of the players, use it properly, and should not demand that the players do what they cannot do, especially the national team coach.

So Aldridge is not very demanding on the right, and besides, Beckham is on the right, and just a long pass can bring enough threats.

The left attack is the focus. Ashley Cole and Lampard’s rotation forward is an important means for the England team to attack the city and create opportunities. It also stems from the fact that the two of them are not well-known and are easily overlooked by their opponents. .

So Ashley Cole showed boldly, only in the battle of the Pampas Eagle, he became famous in one battle!

The England team needs space to play anti-defense. Even if the Turkish defense is cautious, it does not mean that they can absolutely limit the space for the impact of England. Aldrich uses command to create space for the team!

Ashley Cole swiftly moved forward, approaching the Turkish defender line, intimidating, insulting, devastating, and staged step by step!

But he seemed a bit lonely, with Turkic fighters coming to him from all directions, gradually forming a circle of encirclement.

Owen ran diagonally. In the front of the defender, this penetration, for a moment, was a chance to form a pass and run with Ashley Cole to tear the opponent's entire defense line. Unfortunately, Ashley Cole hesitated After a while, maybe he was not confident about his ability to pass the ball at high speed. He didn't pass it. Owen sighed in the sky, and then went back to look for opportunities again.

Ashley Cole wanted a long-range shot, and suddenly he was unsure, so he simply stopped, controlled the ball, and observed.

Turkish soldiers will soon surround him, Ashley Cole saw the teammate closest to him, short pass, and handed the ball to McManaman!

Or McManaman made the ball decisively, stopped, straight, straight and clean!

Scholes ran from between Brent and Alpe, the ball came from behind him as scheduled, and his combination with McManaman's pass was perfect.

Ginger Head has an almost single-handed opportunity to the goal diagonally, no longer hesitating, a heavy shot!

Goalkeeper Rustu made a world-class save!

After bravely blocking the ball from above the near corner of the goal, the Turkish crowd will be calm after a false alarm.

Gunes listened to the huge exclamation in the stadium, he felt his back spine was chilling.

Aldrich turned his head to look at his head with a sorrowful expression, and Gunes even scolded cunningly in his heart, but it was undeniable that he had a great shock.

"WOW, Scholes nearly broke the goal, Turkish goalkeeper Rustu showed bravery, and actually saved Scholes' vigorous volley from the angle! The best chance for England in the first half."

"In this game, both sides played conservatively. There are not many exciting offensive scenes. Good shooting opportunities are rare. It is very rare for England to create such opportunities. Moreover, with this one Dangerously, Turkey will probably pay more attention to defense and will not give England the same chance again."

Gunes did not hesitate to let the team close and strengthen the defense, at least, put the first half through.

He had to think about how to deal with England's routine of concentrated play and then offensive.

There is nothing mysterious about England's offense, but it attracts the opponent's defensive force in part, creating an offensive space for other teammates.

Gunes found that there was a deviation in the actual use of his platoon formations.

In other words, he underestimated England's ability to fight back with poor rhythm.

5 midfield, watching a lot of people, but when the Turkish offense, even if the two wing players are cautious not to over-invest, Basturk and Emre must go up, if not, or only one, think Explode England's defense? If it can be defeated, Argentina is really dead!

So after Basturk and Emre attacked, they were defended by England. England turned around and fought back. No matter whether Turkey was a 5-guard plus a single midfielder, a 3-guard plus a 3-midfielder, it still could not fill the entire midfield and backcourt. Space.

The England team's ability to counterattack is strong, and the strong will be unpredictable at their offensive points, while making full use of the space on the field!

In addition to the two central defenders and midfielder Bart, the full-backs and two full-backs are likely to be the offensive points offensively and are unpredictable.

Gunes has begun to think about whether it is changing?

Change is his habit. When the team is in a disadvantaged position, his first thought is to change. This is his "successful experience".

However, how to change?

Also becomes 4321? He has used it before.

But the single forwards don't seem to be able to defend England's defense. They don't have world-class forwards.

While he was thinking hard, Aldridge gave the second command on the spot.

Very simple gesture.

The players understood at a glance.

The previous tactical adjustments were cancelled and the team returned to regular offensive tactics.

McManaman almost laughed, and Beckham also had a hint of enlightenment, and the corners of his mouth were curved.

With the focus on the left offensive space created by the concentrated fire on the right, and Ashley Cole's killing to create an excellent offensive opportunity, the Turkish defense line must start to be frightened.

England has returned to its normal offensive routine. Previously, the offensive routine was false, and the offensive right was cover and creation, but now it is true, wherever it is played, but in Turkey’s opinion, I am afraid that may not think so, this Between reality and truth, they must be scrupulous and distracted, worrying whether England's offense is playing tricks again.

By the time the game was in progress, Aldridge was already aware of the situation, Gunes made a mistake, a mistake that may be small, but England can definitely use it.

That is, Gunes ideally thinks that Basturk and Emre can have both offense and defense. Half offensive and half of defense make the offensive points increase. At the same time, the defense can accumulate a number of advantages in the midfield.

If the tactical tone of Turkey and England are the same, and they are both late players, this idea is correct, but there are still obvious differences between Turkey and England.

Don’t look at the fact that both sides are conservative and are based on defense. In fact, in the details, Turkey is still the main attacking party, but they are attacking cautiously. It seems that Turkey has mastered the initiative, but every time England really invests its troops to attack, it comes from the opponent's midfield attack. The rhythm of playing the opponent is so poor. In Basturk and Emre, the attack ends. After going to the defense but not running out of position, Gunes' platoon formation, the midfield confrontation advantage no longer exists.

Such details are difficult to understand in the eyes of the audience. However, if you segment the game and observe it frame by frame, you will find that when Turkey attacks, England’s defense in the midfield and backcourt is very tight, and when England really attacks, it is all After the Turkish attack was frustrated, if Turkey also placed the formation very tightly, it means that England does not have a good chance to fight back, then England will rush to end the attack, and will never rush into the offensive force, making the midfield and backcourt The line of defense is flawed.

If the top coach advocating offensive is watching this game, he will certainly curse England for shamelessness, and at the same time feel that England has been matured and cooked by Aldridge.

Turkey may not be aware of this, but will only attribute this phenomenon to England’s better physical fitness, quick offense and defense, or stronger player capabilities, team technical and tactical strength, etc. In fact, it is the offensive posture and offense and defense conversion In terms of grasping the poor rhythm, England is full of discipline and utilitarian. No rabbits, no eagles, no good chances, and no rush into troops.

In the 45th minute of the first half, near stoppage time, Turkey finished an offensive. Hakan Suk failed to pass the Southgate level. Turkey is preparing to retreat to end the first half. The English team suddenly launched Fast attack storm.

There was only 1 minute of stoppage time in the first half, and only 35 seconds left until the end of stoppage time. If the counterattack was delayed for a few seconds, all Turkish players withdrew and set up their defenses, which basically declared the end of the first half.

This was the last stroke in the first half.

Southgate risked a long pass to Beckham. On that side, Ergon had just slowed down, and the position retreated, and he dared not press it up before giving Beckham an easy environment to catch the ball.

Beckham took the ball and handed it to Scholes. The **** headed the ball and strode the meteor forward. Emre was behind him and chased again. Emre could not understand himself. He went back and chased, which is very different from Gunes' midfield defense in the tactical design before the game. However, he couldn't help but attack. Whenever the attack went up and turned around, he had to go back and chase.

Scholes went all the way forward. After coming to the front waist area and meeting with Tugue, the pressure on the Turkish back line increased sharply. The people who returned to the front field have basically returned to the second half, but the defense line is not a layout. Very well, at least, Scholes all took the ball to the front waist area, threatening to show signs.

Scholes guards the ball, turns around, and returns the ball to Beckham who is running up!

After the pass, Scholes moved forward into the penalty area. Beckham glanced at the situation in the penalty area. In a 45-degree pass, a beautiful arc crossed the sky.

Straight to the back point of the penalty area, Turkey's three guards were included in the penalty area before Beckham's pass, and because Owen and Scholes staggered the position, the three defenses are inevitably messy. Who is going to stare at these two? People, there is no perfect coordination between them.

When the ball bypassed the defender line and fell to the back point of the penalty area, the Turkish crowds all turned their heads and looked shocked.

McManaman rushed over towards the ball and hit the goal directly!

Rustu staged a god-level save again, the ball was blocked!

Turkey's restricted area was a mess, and everyone watched the ball flying out of the restricted area, but they saw another white knight killed outside the restricted area, as if rushing out of the darkness, bringing the dawn of dawn.

That is, magic lamp.


Anyway, after this attack, basically the first half of the game will end.

Anyway, Turkey has already retreated.

Even if Beckham attacked, Lampard rushed up, facing the ball that popped out of the penalty area. Lampard stood forward, standing sideways with his left foot, raising his right leg, and his foot was straight, and the force was released after the spring. The ball slowly bounced at a height of half a meter, and then, the great force hit the ball side.


With a long shot, the stone burst into shock, and the flying fire meteor launched a shocking impact on the goal of Turkey!

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