The Young Lion

Chapter 877: England Golden Boy

Coming to the second half with anticipation, Waller watched the game for three minutes, and his blood was suddenly full of blood, like, there was an urge to vomit blood!

He turned his head to look at Aldridge. The young commander changed his posture on the sidelines in the second half, his hands folded in front of him.

Not so shameless!

Waller’s second move was nothing more than to look at the timing of the overall posture, from passive defense to counterattack, to active attack. In fact, it was similar to the attack that England sent Brazil home, but he Certainly will not let Germany leave a person in the second half. This kind of pressure is actually an active attack, which is different from fighting.

But when the second half came up, England didn't wait for Germany to rush to attack, first withdrew by itself, and displayed an anti-anti-posture.

Is it the enemy's first chance?

Not counting, Aldridge is just seeking stability, come back in the second half to enter the game rhythm first, the team is stable, don't rush to attack.

Waller cast a mouse, thinking that Aldridge guessed the German team’s killer, and immediately gestured to players on the field, don’t press it!

He really preferred to be killed by the English positional war, and did not want to repeat the same mistakes and destroyed by counterattack.

Isn't this a face-slap?

In Munich, he was struck by a counterattack and could not take care of himself. In the World Cup finals, he still had to tell the world that he did not remember long. A pit fell twice, which is simply the loss of the British name.

The overall mega-trend of a game is nothing more than a few times. It is impossible to switch frequently between the main attack and the anti-anti. Like Aldridge's last game, he commanded the England team against Brazil on the sidelines. Switching two or three times in 45 minutes is already the limit. , Because this kind of switching is not what you want to be able to become successful, in case of failure in the middle, being scored by the opponent, nothing will happen!

The German team did have a chance to take the initiative at the beginning of the second half, but unfortunately, Waller was afraid of being counterattacked by the England team, he could not bear it. This tolerance, in fact, the general trend has gone!

The German team has no advantage on the left. Bodard can’t keep up in the second half. There are also two kinds of physical fitness. The 33-year-old veteran has a day more rest than Beckham. Is the 33-year-old more energy than the 27-year-old? abundant?

On the right side, Schneider fought fiercely in the first half, and even if there was still strength in the second half, there is still something to do on the left side of England. When the real move is made, the German team’s right side will also be suppressed. Then paralyzed.

The midfield is England's advantage. In the most intuitive comparison, the confrontation between Scholes Garampard and Jeremy Gargaman. Between offense and defense, the England attack is 55 open, 10 strong attacks, may be able to Played 5 times, and the German team attacked, maybe only 28 open, 10 times can only be scored twice, not to mention there is a Hargreaves in the English midfielder, and the German team’s Jeremys is really not in a competitive state. Dare to compliment, the offensive investment has declined, so that England has no suspense to occupy the midfield advantage.

Beckham restores the golden right color on the right, McManaman is flat in the frontcourt, Owen gallops like a wind, Scholes and Lampard construct a powerful midfielder, England was criticized before sweeping today The passive posture of the offense hits the wind and water, but the threats are frequently separated from the goal.

Kahn played bravely, still frequently grabbing the mirror in the second half.

After Beckham's accidental inward shot in the 61st minute was saved by Kahn, Aldridge raised his hand and pointed at Ashley Cole. This competition was regarded by Fleet Street as a gem excavated by England, Ash Li Colmore had long been impatient with his fist, and was instructed by the head coach to immediately vigorously fight for the opportunity to kill him.


Whether it can be used well is the key. When Schneider has begun to show a reduction in running range, Aldridge plays the last card decisively, and the ace is on the field. The previous card is not issued, and it is to be used at the most appropriate time.

In the battle of ending, Aldridge can get the sign that he can do, it is nothing more than a change, but he is content, not greedy, and not inferior.

There are not many secrets on the football field itself. If you want to have great creativity, you also have to see whether there is that capital. England has these families. It is really rare to be able to improve some of the most basic things. It is more cohesive than a piece of sand. It was chaotic and orderly, with more impact than the old stereotypes, and finally, with an Ashley Cole able to transform into an attack, Aldridge was satisfied. In his mind, this set of England's limits is also in This height.

At the club, the outside world said that he was a bit of a magic stone. In fact, he just dug the jade in advance and carefully sculpted it. At this point, he knew that he still had it. He knew that he could not do it. It was not called bravery, called stupidity.

In the 64th minute, Ashley Cole accidentally killed from the backcourt to the frontcourt. Scholes crossed the ball in front of Harman and crossed into the left rib of the penalty area. Ashley Cole rushed past Lin By the side of Ke, the ball that was falling was shot with a foot pad. The force was very fierce, and Kahn was immobile. Unfortunately, when he hit the plane, he was only less than half a meter higher than the beam.

At this time of the game, the German team's offense was already weak. In addition to the orderly offensive offensive in the frontcourt, the Ashley Cole, which was full of variables, had an inherently weak defense. Crisis of fear.

The German team sometimes makes mistakes in point-to-point man-to-man marking. The focus on the right side to limit McManaman has made them a bit exhausted. At this time, with a haunted Ashley Cole, it suddenly seems to be parrying, Schneider It was more embarrassing. He went back too deep, and the German team attacked the right altogether. There was no one at all, and he went back to defend. How to defend, he was a little dizzy.

Since Ashley Cole is no longer a traditional full-back, an assist-type full-back is to play the role of a forward, so his position and role must not be in accordance with the rules.

In the 69th minute, Ashley Cole ran forward and came behind McManaman. The German defense thought that Ashley Cole would hit the penalty zone again. McManaman was just a guise, but, Ashley Cole changed his route again, ran behind Flins, and returned to the line of assisting full-back running position. Beckham cut in front of the right side of the penalty area and directly passed the diagonal long pass to pass the ball. In front of Ashley Cole.

This horizontal wide pass can best tear the opponent's defense, Ashley Cole stopped the ball, Link originally withdrew and blocked Ashley Cole's front rib, but Ashley Cole ran Going to the side, he took another step up. It was this step that was a poor rhythm. McManaman rushed into the penalty area from before him. Ashley Cole put the ball before Frings blocked. Crossing, the poodle received the ball steadily in the penalty area.

Link back to defense, McManaman controlled the ball and pulled back, another rhythm change, Link was shaken by McManaman who was in possession of the ball!

Jeremias flew over, and Harman also stayed in the penalty area to guard the middle road, guarding against McManaman's return to the top of the penalty area to set up a turret for Scholes.

However, McManaman came with a pass-like shot. The ball rolled towards the goal against the turf. It was the far end. Kahn did not save enough distance and could only move quickly to the far post because the ball seemed to be Rolling in the direction of the goal will actually miss the far post.

However, as Kahn moved, he tried his best to fly out!

At the back of the goal, Irving, who got rid of Metzelder and Ramello, would never be offside. The start sprint was less than 15 yards. His forward rush made the German defender who turned around and chased again.

Under the eyes of many people, Kahn rushed to someone, yes, he rushed to someone!

He pressed Owen under him, and Owen's right foot had already crossed the goal line and the ball was also inside the goal!

Irving gritted his teeth and sweated all over his body. At this moment, he didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

The ball scored, the ball scored, the ball scored!

However, a fainting pain came from his left leg!


But let him have the ecstasy of no regret!

Once again, ten times, one hundred times, he will still choose to rush up, even if he breaks his leg, he must also kick the ball into the goal!

"England scored! Michael Owen, England’s golden boy shot the ball, England led Germany 1-0! World Cup final, England’s first record! Great England, 20 minutes away from World Cup champion! 20 minutes away Minutes, we will return to the top of the world in 36 years!"

"Oops, horrible! Irving can't stand up, he should be injured, was it caused by Kahn's crush after the shot?"

England players rushed to Irving's side for the first time. All the passionate celebrations came to an abrupt end. Beckham nervously beckoned to the sidelines to signal the team's doctor to enter the field, while Kahn sat down in front of the goal line.

The battle-hardened goalkeeper could not see the weakness of the German team's offensive. Now that the city gate is broken, it is even more difficult to reverse the situation.

Owen lay on the ground, his eyes closed, Beckham and other teammates took his hand, touched his cheek, and found that it was all cold, Owen got a cold sweat, because it hurt too much.

The joint of his left leg was bruised and swollen. Although not as severe as the broken leg, the slightest result was a severe sprain.

The England fans applauded collectively at the scene, and the applause continued for a long time. Many Owen fans held his posters high, and Audridge on the sidelines must continue his work. He kept slamming Alan Smith and arranging him after the game. task.

When Owen was lying on the stretcher and sucked oxygen and was lifted off the court, Smith was replaced.

After easing the initial pain, Owen barely stood up on the sidelines, no matter how the team doctor persuaded him or even banned, but he was determined to stand up.

Aldridge also walked over to persuade him, his mouth just opened, and a word had not yet been spoken. Owen hugged him, and his body was obviously not as tall as Aldridge, so Aldridge bowed slightly.

"Coach, shall we win?"

Aldridge nodded.

"please tell me."

"Yes, we will win the **** Cup of Hercules."

"Then we can win! I believe in you!"

"No, Michael, you made all this happen, thank you."

Irving let go of his hand, Aldridge touched his head like an elder. Irving sat on the bench first accompanied by the team doctor. He asked the team doctor to do emergency treatment. No matter what, he would stay here until the game End.

At this time, the two men in suits and leather boots sitting in the stands, and the newly standing Andrew brought Lu Xiaofa to Japan again today. They sat in the stands and Andrew said softly to him: "He is the golden boy of England , You are the new golden boy."

Rooney murmured with red eyes: "But I'm afraid I can't do what he did..."

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