The Young Lion

Chapter 909: Resign

At the beginning of the Chinese lantern, Aldridge drove under the night to a hotel near the Lion's Cave Stadium.

There was also Millwall's industry. When he took over the team, he rented, bought, and rebuilt the hotel. It was originally a Millwall indoor training place, and later became a place similar to the club's leisure club.

He once insisted on regular indoor swimming here for two years, and once held beer nights with coaches for a long time here.

In the past two years, it has been relatively rare, because I have time to stay at home with my family.

He parked the car in the parking lot outside the hotel, walked into the hotel alone, and took the elevator to the fifth floor. This floor is a small bar, and the staff has been off work. At this time, there is a person sitting in the bar drinking a dull drink.

When Aldridge sat down next to him, he pushed a glass of wine and an envelope together in front of Aldridge.

Klinsmann, who was already half drunk, seemed disappointed, and found that Aldridge did not go to pick up his glass. He said in amusement: "The resignation letter is in the envelope."

Aldrich stretched his hand on his wrist, stopped him and continued to drink.

Klinsmann suddenly laughed nervously.

With a smile, he lowered his head and pressed his forehead against his other arm.

"Aldrich, sorry, I failed to meet your expectations, I..."

"Juergen, it's not over yet. Even if all four of this season are empty, you still have one season. At least in the past three months, your coaching achievements are obvious to all, and they are developing in a good direction."

In fact, it is true, only looking at the efficiency of grabbing points in the past three months, Millwall is the first in the league, but fell off the chain in December.

There are still five rounds in the league. Even if the defending fails, the gap from the champion will not be obvious.

Klinsmann lowered his head and grinned: "Aldrich, no, I have no time, I feel that in the locker room, many players are reluctant to talk to me again, even face to face, just a kind of respect for the past feelings of working together What do I say, no one wants to listen, and I would also like to thank them and change another team, I am afraid that I would have turned my face long ago, and no one stabs in the back, which gives me the greatest respect. Audrey Strange, this job, I can’t do it, I can’t really do it, I’m not you, not many people in the Millwall locker room really convinced me, no, I am asking myself now, what can I do to convince these incomparably glorious players? ?still none."

Klinsmann's tone was rather sad.

Aldridge closed his eyes and suddenly remembered a mocking report from the Fleet Street Tabloid two months ago.

After Klinsmann abandoned Larson, Larson remained silent, conscientiously trained, and did not make any external remarks. Within the team, it was more like isolating himself and rarely communicating with his teammates.

Over time, the outside reporters will understand the situation.

Larson apparently had a cold war with Klinsmann, the core is actually: the coach does not need me, I will ignore the coach.

But Larson didn't make any mistakes, not once. He was like a transparent man who didn't play and only trained at Millwall.

In order to exaggerate the contradictions in the Millwall team, Fleet Street will use the tabloids to play.

Roughly speaking, it virtualizes the dialogue between Larson and Klinsmann.

Klinsmann: Obey me!

Larson: Why?

Klinsmann: I am the World Cup champion! European Championship!

Larson: We are a club and cannot participate in the World Cup and the European Cup. I have 5 league champions and 4 Champions League champions. Why?

Klinsmann: I also have a league champion! I still have a League Cup! In addition, I conquered the Premier League as a German!

Larson: I conquered Europe as a Swede!

The intention of the unscrupulous tabloid is definitely to stir up the flames, because Larson itself is not resistant to Klinsmann. If Klinsmann reused him, Larson would immediately put himself on the battlefield without saying anything, and show his fighting spirit in the battlefield.

This idea is crooked, but this virtual dialogue has some practical significance.

There are many honorable players on the Millwall team. To convince them, the head coach must have very high capital.

This is also the biggest problem for Aldridge's departure last summer. Please invite outsiders to ask, in today's football, which coach has the honor of these players? Once the outsiders lead the team in a record decline, they can't balance the intricate relationship network in the locker room. I am afraid that there will be countless swordsman shadows. As Klinsman said, players will stab them in the back! A **** picture will immediately appear.

It was to use Klinsmann's past work at Millwall to ease it.

So Millwall was calm, but the silence was overdone and turned into silence.

If it does not erupt in silence, it will die in silence.

The Millwall locker room did not break out, but now went to death in silence.

Klinsmann has become difficult to communicate with the players normally.

What's the use of listening to him?

Speaking of speaking, can communication make the team win?

Moreover, Klinsmann insisted on trusting Klose alone and abandoned Larson's approach, which really hurt many people's hearts.

This kind of continuation of victory, reshaping the glory of confidence, the locker room could not be seen on Klinsmann, and he also reached a fork in the same way.

And among these big-name players, Klinsmann has an unbearable fear.

Aldrich stretched his hand on Klinsmann’s shoulder and comforted softly: “To be honest, now I think that I didn’t think about it last year. What you are carrying is heavier than I expected.”

On the surface, last summer was almost the same as the summer of 1998. In the summer of 98, he left half of the team's main force. In the summer of 02, he left four regular heroes.

But the actual situation is still very different.

In 1998, there were not many big-name stars left in the Millwall team.

In 1998, the foundation of the rise of the second generation of crazy lions, Nedved, Larson, and Southgate were still between 25-28 years old. It was the golden age and they could definitely carry the team forward. Coupled with Pirlo, Ronaldinho and other up-and-coming ambitions, the dynasty created by the second-generation mad lion is not accidental, and it has certain inevitability.

Last summer, not to mention Southgate 32, Larson was over 30 years old, and even Nedved was still seriously injured. At this age, the player’s own state has become a major energy input point. Not to mention more dedication, even if it can take into account the overall situation of the team, it is very limited.

Aldrich wrongly estimated the team's construction background last summer. It should not be a simple replacement. It is by no means normal, but a new king must be supported!

There are no rules in the circle, the same is true within the team!

In this period of time when Southgate, Larson, and Nedved began to call the curtain, the invisible competition within Millwall has already quietly opened.

Just like the front line, it should become the iconic figure that no one can shake, no one can question, carry the banner of the king, of course, should be Henry!

But Klinsmann asked Henry to make some sacrifices to support Klose.

The competition in the midfield is also very cruel. Alonso, Lampard, Nedved, and Kaka, even if it is impossible to straighten up a new king, but at least have a clear attitude, in two years When Aldridge was still in the position of head coach, the new king after Nedved was none other than Kaka. Of course, now Kaka is not eligible for a stable starter and main force, but you must give him a signal. Let him understand that to stand in Nedved's position and succeed Millwall's iconic midfielder, he must pay more, work hard, and fight hard!

However, Millwall's midfield competition is extremely chaotic. Even in the post-Gattuso era, defensive midfielders were directly kicked out of the competition. This is also Klinsman's goal in balancing midfield big players Too many changes have to be made out of the place, and this has also laid the groundwork for his betrayal.

The back line is almost the same, Nesta is very strong, but Nesta is not an icon of Millwall. If he stays in Millwall for ten years, with his ability, he will become difficult in Millwall history. The forgotten character, but Nesta is now 27, and the king of the next line of defenders has not surfaced.

There needs to be a clear order within a team, and this kind of control is even more demanding on the head coach. Before last summer, Aldridge did not take this aspect into consideration until Klinsmann led the team close to a season. Here, he only figured out the reason in the problem that broke out through Millwall little by little. This is what a bystander sees the problem, and then reflects on it.

The inside of Millwall, which is invisible to the outside world, is actually the reason for the disorderly internal consumption and open fights, which is the reason for the team’s apparent decline in combat power. Team, no matter how the formation changes, there can be no difference between the world.

"Aldrich, I also love Millwall and love everything here, so, when I resigned, I couldn't accept the fact that I destroyed Millwall little by little by myself."

Klinsmann raised his head and turned his head to look at Aldridge for the first time. There were two obvious tears on his face.

Aldridge suddenly felt guilty. He always acted boldly. This made it easy to ignore many objective facts. Klinsmann's words made him feel like a knife.

It can't be blamed that Klinsmann did not dare to take over the handsome position of Millwall, the kind of temptation, that Aldridge threw to Klinsmann.

Aldridge shook his head slightly, his eyes dropped, and his gaze fell on the glass of wine, astringently said: "Your resignation, I do not accept, tomorrow, Millwall officially announced the firing of you."

Klinsmann stood up and spoke softly and walked out.

"Thank you."

Thank you?

Will Millwall fire him and will he be compensated for his contract?

of course not.

It is Aldridge who maintains his dignity.

If Klinsmann resigned as a blame, it proved that he was afraid, withdrawn, and did not have the confidence to continue, which is a coward or even denying himself in the eyes of the outside world.

Like, Keegan, who led the resignation of England after losing to Germany, admitted that he was not capable enough.

Being a head coach is not an indisputable job. The first point is to ask others to serve you!

You are not confident anymore, and who do you expect to persuade?

Replacing Millwall to dismiss Klinsmann would more or less cover up Klinsmann’s failure to coach this time.

He looked up and drank the glass of wine, Aldridge took out a lighter and lit a cigarette, then burned the letter.

Five minutes later, Aldridge took out his phone and called Jensen, saying only one sentence.

"Return to the mad lion tomorrow with me."

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