The Young Lion

Chapter 915: Correct name, thanks

Aldridge not only broke up with Fleet Street at the press conference yesterday, but also beat Fleet Street in the first game after the return!

After Millwall and Newcastle United players entered the field, even the commentator felt incredible.

"Uh, uh, uh, Andy, will I be dazzled? This scene on the field made me wonder, am I dreaming? I dreamt that Sir Hall returned to coach Millwall and now sits in Mill The man on Wall's coach seat is actually Klinsmann?"

"Haha, Martin, you are not dreaming. Look at the hot atmosphere of Lion King Stadium. Only Sir Hall can make this a veritable home of the devil in Europe, the home of hell!"

The atmosphere at the scene was still extremely warm, and the fans were still shouting in unison with the rhythm of rock and roll.

"Hoo, hey, ha, ha!"

The on-site master of ceremonies began to introduce the players from both sides. This rhythm was interrupted. When the name of each Millwall player was pronounced, the audience cheered.

"It's weird. Fleet Street's starting prediction for Millwall in this game, the formation style, all expected wrong! No one guesses, really, no one! Everyone thinks that Sir Hall's first show after returning, will definitely There are changes, some people claim that it will be turned upside down, will knock down everything in Klinsmann, some people think that it may only need to fine-tune the formation lineup, but they all guessed wrong, Millwall, and a week ago at Old Trafford Germany's starting line-up against Manchester United is exactly the same! The player's starting position has not changed! Klose is still a center, Henry is still playing as a winger, Nedvide is still hitting the midfielder, Lampard is still the starting midfielder , And Larson, he is still sitting on the bench."

"Maybe this game, Sir Hall is trying to prove something."

"What does he need to prove? Is it better to prove that he is better than Klinsmann? Isn't it funny? Need to prove it?"

"No, no, of course it's not a coaching ability, I guess, maybe this is also a counterattack on Fleet Street. You know, platoons like Klinsmann have been controversial for the past few months."

That's right, Millwall continued the starting lineup of the Klinsmann era in this game.


Goalkeeper: Bute.

Guards: Schneider, Nesta, Southgate, Ashley Cole.

Midfielders: Alonso, Nedved, Lampard.

Forwards: Henry, Klose, Ronaldinho.

With such a formation, Millwall's entire coaching staff may only be confused by the newly added Stella Maggioni.

It is said that changing a coach is like changing a knife. It is counterintuitive for Aldrich to copy what the former coach did.

However, he still focused on observing the game, hoping to figure out what he could not understand.

Aldridge is like a transparent person, sitting on the coach seat, his expression is always flat and water, and his sitting position has not changed.

The game, from the beginning, Millwall took the initiative to bombard Newcastle United.

Presented in front of all the audience is a magnificent picture!

Millwall's team was running like a wind, the offense was as fast as lightning, and the ball was dazzling! It's as if the gaze can't keep up!

The most obvious change in playing Manchester United with the last one is the player's attitude, enthusiasm, unrestrained and wild!

It seems that every player is full of vitality, playing a raging offensive frenzy!

Frequently seen pictures are Nesta, Southgate, and Alonso defending in the midfield and backcourt, and even if the forward attack is blocked, facing the intensive defense of Newcastle United, the attacked Nedved is still Ronaldinho and Henry with two wings will take the initiative to pass the ball back to Alonso, give him a transfer, reorganize the attack, and this transfer ball with Nedved a small pressure, Lampard in The front waistline is too fixed, and the frequency is playing faster and faster, faster and faster!

Smooth and comfortable and dazzling!

"This, this is incredible! The same set of technical and tactical systems, although playing Manchester United is away, playing Newcastle United is home, but such a threat of oppression, and the smoothness of the entire system, the contrast is so huge! What magic does Sir Hall have?"

In the 9th minute, Henry returned Schneider behind him, Schneider then transferred the ball to Ronaldinho.

Ronaldinho just touched the ball, and there were two players next to him.

Why has Ronaldinho's performance declined this season?

In addition to pressure, there are real factors in the arena.

After the World Cup, his fame has reached the apex, and it can be called the top of the world. The fact is that every opponent of Millwall will study Ronaldinho's playing characteristics and then carry out a tighter defense than before!

In the same period when the morale of the team fell and did not stimulate vitality, Ronaldinho did not get enough support, fell into intensive defense, and was continuously felled, his performance will naturally decline, bluntly, in the past opponents used 1-2 Individuals come to mark him, and now it is 2-3 people. It is conceivable to increase the difficulty. On this factor, he himself has no problems.

Even if Millwall runs the game at a very fast rate, Ronaldinho takes the ball, and there are still two opponents around him to press for it. It can be imagined that Robson's deployment to mark Ronaldinho definitely gave the team some death. Commands, such as some players sacrificing area defense, focus more on marking!

Ronaldinho didn't make a forcible breakthrough after stopping the ball, knocking back to Nedved, who ran over to meet, and he ran forward to the right. Nedved kicked the ball and passed the ball back to Ronaldinho. Simple Two to one, although Ronaldinho didn't let the defensive players get rid of completely, Ronaldinho has run out of enough space and has the vision of observing his teammates' running position while running.

He kept the ball and made a diagonal pass over the middle of the foot. The ball crossed the curve from the left side of the front court and flew diagonally to the right side of the penalty area of ​​Newcastle United!

The ball was not high, but soon, the Newcastle United defender jumped to the top in a hurry, and behind him, Henry Nene slashed it, perfectly unloading the ball, and immediately kicked a diagonal shot to the goal!

Newcastle United City Gate declared lost!

The Lion King Stadium cheered, and seemed to shake the mountain.

Henry pointed to Ronaldinho, and then ran around the side of the court with a cold expression to celebrate, a domineering one who wanted to be alone.

Aldridge still didn't change his face.

In the 21st minute, Ronaldinho drew back after getting the ball in the frontcourt. The player defending him was unwittingly seduce by him. Nedvedra ran up and Ronaldinho's heel passed, Nedvi Germany got the ball on the left and dribbling forward and back attracted the central defender to assist. He then passed the ball to Klose at the center position. The latter stopped the ball and did it. Lampard was unmarked outside the penalty area. After preparing well, the long shot Huang Ru shells flew out and blasted the goal of Newcastle United!

In the 39th minute, Nedvide forced the ball forward, Lampard attracted the opponent's defense, Ronaldinho also took the initiative to run to the center, and passed three consecutive passes with Nedved, then returned to Alonso The latter passed the ball to the right from the middle and long distance. The defensive pressure on the side began to decline when Millwall disrupted the middle. At this time, Henry dribbled the ball one-on-one and successfully crossed the middle after entering the penalty area. Klose took the ball in front of the goal and sent the ball into the opponent's gate.

"3:0, the first half is not over, Millwall has already led by three goals! Newcastle United is completely defeated! Their offense can not even pass the half, today's game is Millwall's half-court drill! Nesta, Southgate, and Alonso, although there are few defensive players, Millwall’s defensive players each have a sense of presence. Every time Newcastle United tries to use sneak attacks to make the Mad Lions pay the price, they will be Millwall’s defensive player ended in the half, not to mention Lampard. Nedved made it difficult for them to organize the pass in the middle. Schneider and Ashley Cole aggressively pressed In order to successfully suppress the opponent's wing, Newcastle United wanted to fight back from the wing, but there weren't even a player on the wing, and their offensive players were withdrawn to defend, but they couldn't stop the crush of the crazy lion!"

Robson knew that even with the same lineup, the pressure on the team led by Klinsmann was very different from the team led by Aldridge.

However, he still didn't expect that after almost losing the hope of defending the league, when Millwall's morale was at its lowest, it actually made Newcastle United, who was determined to hit the top four, helpless!

When the game reached 80 minutes in the second half, the score on the field was already 5:0. Newcastle United were dead in the second half and could not stop the Millwall players from playing personally. When Ronaldinho fell for the third time in the penalty area, the referee Finally, the penalty kick was blown, and Schneider's rim and bottom suddenly did not pass but took the ball inward and then vigorously passed the goal in front of the goal, creating a Newcastle United defensive player swinging an own goal.

The court said that the team that put the bus was despising.

In today's game, Millwall compressed Newcastle United into the penalty area!

The oppression of the crazy lion is so horrible!

One goal lead, five goals lead, Aldridge's expression has changed a bit.

Until the end of the game, Aldridge turned his head to look at a camera on the side of the court, and a ridiculous smile was outlined in the corner of his mouth.

He was mocking Fleet Street and the critics who criticized Millwall's flawed technical and tactical system.

Who says football formation, tactics must be composed of fixed roles?

Without a defensive midfielder, you will definitely lose?

A few decades ago, the Dutch created the majestic concept of full-attack and full-defense football. Decades have passed, and are you still entangled in a role?

Millwall is not without problems, nor can it be criticized. Objective and fair criticism is good for the development of the team, but if it is rude accusation, lest the world is not chaotic, then there is no need to give the opponent a good face. .

There is no fixed technique and tactics that can be successfully applied to all teams, and Klinsmann created a technical and tactical system that does not have a full-time defensive midfielder. Is there absolutely a problem?

Not necessarily, because there is no defensive midfielder at all is not the key, the key is the quality of defense.

Alonso Ganedved is not a defensive midfielder, but will they not defend? Will they let Millwall's midfielder keep his opponent on the ground?

On the contrary, this set of techniques and tactics may only be applicable to Millwall, because Millwall's offensive firepower is too powerful, there are many offensive players, and there are many offensive means, which can be further developed by attacking and defending.

This game is a classic. Newcastle United must invest more troops in defense and must draw back deeper. Millwall’s two central defenders in the backcourt are not the kind of players who have a rigid mentality. They must deal with Newcastle United’s limited Counterattacks, sometimes seemingly bold and aggressive pressure, are actually the most correct.

Fleet Street has been criticizing for several months. How Millwall's technical and tactical system is flawed is actually not an idea. The criticism is to defame the criticism.

This is a set of ideal technical and tactical systems, and cannot be labeled as a failure. However, in the eyes of Aldridge, from the perspective of long-term development, such a tactical system, the overall score is not the highest.

Because in an ideal situation, it is based on attack instead of defense. When it is played to the extreme, it does not even need to defend the whole team, because the opponent is defending all the way, not daring to attack, for fear of exposing its own defense line.

However, the ideal is the ideal after all, in case, the attacker you rely on most is injured?

For example, Ronaldinho and Henry were injured at the same time, then the foundation of this system will be shaken.

That's why we need a defensive midfielder to improve fault tolerance, stability, and prepare for possible difficulties!

It is meaningless to criticize in vain.

In this game, Aldridge, in the name of Klinsmann, justified his failed coaching in the Premier League!

Klinsmann was a failure.

But by no means in the technical and tactical field!

Fleet Street, your criticisms are all shit!

Far from the other side of the ocean, in the afternoon of England, Klinsmann sat at home and watched Millwall's game all the way. After turning off the TV, he gently wiped the wetness from the corners of his eyes and murmured in a low voice. Road: "Audrich, thank you."

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