The Young Lion

Chapter 917: Who is strong?

Although the return of Aldridge was a bit unpleasant with Fleet Street first, the media is still quite welcome in the whole environment of UEFA.

Before leaving Glasgow, at the UEFA pre-match press conference, Audridge smiled and was asked by reporters about the idea of ​​Millwall leaving the group as the defending champion of the Champions League this season. Answered a sentence.

"This is not necessarily a bad thing, because now we have the hope to make the club honor a grand slam."

At this time, the UEFA media circle realized that: in the honor of Millwall Club, swept across England, three European Cups have already won two, the European Winners Cup, the European Champions Cup, if you count it tasteless The European Super Cup, the Toyota Cup, the only honor that has not been received, only one UEFA Cup!

Due to the development of European football, the European Cup Winners’ Cup has been closed. This represents a team that has never been involved in this honor before, and it is unlikely that it will receive this honor in the future.

Of course, it can't be said how glorious the European Cup of Winners is, it can only be said that in the history of the club, it is a bragging capital to win three big cups, and it is better than nothing.

No strong team will deliberately go to the UEFA Cup for the Grand Slam, but since it has reached this point, Aldridge's relaxed and optimistic attitude still admires the outside world.

At least he did not show a kind of contempt, or high above, as if Millwall should belong to the Champions League stage, the reality is so, accept the reality, and then face optimistically and positively, it is an alternative kind of hard work, always hanging his face Disdain to be stronger.

It’s just that the “achievement of a grand slam” in the mouth of the less handsome makes European media feel more or less fooled.

Because Millwall's roster for Glasgow's big list, most of the main force is excluded, obviously with a group of baby soldiers rushed to Scotland.

The song "You Never Walk Alone" echoes in the Celtic Park Stadium, and the Scottish giants Celtic sit at home and wait for Millwall to come.

Aldrich now finds that he can see acquaintances wherever he goes, at least no stranger.

Celtics coach Martin O'Neill took the initiative to greet his arrival on the sidelines. The two shook hands lovingly and gave each other joy.

O'Neill said to Aldridge in the past that he left Leicester City to coach the Celtics. Maybe he will meet with Aldridge again in the future. It must be on the stage of the Champions League.

It's just that the Celtics did not dare to compliment the competitiveness of the Champions League. He did not expect that it was not the Celtics who entered the Champions League and met Millwall, but that Millwall fell from the Champions League and made the two old friends again. Field contest.

"What kind of UEFA Cup do you want? The Glasgow Rangers have a tendency to turn over this year. Let's be honest in the league to defend."

Before coming, Aldridge just glanced at the Celtics in a hurry.

O'Neal led the Celtics to suppress the Glasgow Rangers in the league for two years. Last season, Millwall won the championship undefeated. The Celtics also won the championship unbeaten by one step. O'Neill's team is in the league. He lost one game in the game and got 103 points that made Glasgow Rangers desperate.

This season, the Celtics are distracted by the European War. The Glasgow Rangers have gone further than last year. The two teams are now on par. It is hard to say who will win the championship.

Listening to Audridge's unwilling words, O'Neill also sneered: "Millwall doesn't even need the League Cup. What is the Grand Slam, maybe the last three rounds of the Premier League can be reversed, and stay in the league to fight for the title. Ah, in that case, Aldridge, your legend, will add a new page of glory."

Aldrich spread his hands innocently: "Did you not see that I was indeed staying power? Otherwise, what kind of Millwall would you think would kill Glasgow?"


Martin Onenton was speechless and his expression depressed.

Looking at the list of players Millwall came to visit this time, it is clear that Millwall really did not come up with all the strength.

Seeing O'Neill's bickering, Odrich turned away with a chuckle.

"Leave a drink after the game."

O'Neill yelled, O'Dridge did not turn around and raised his hand to make an OK gesture.

Going to the coach of the visiting team to stand, Aldridge in suit and leather and Martin O'Neill in sportswear next door went into working condition.

Players from both teams played.

Millwall's lineup today was booed by Celtics home fans!

His mother, all in the semi-finals!

Crazy Lion actually sent a second team!

I don’t know if I look down on the League Cup or the Scottish giants!

"Guest Millwall sent a lot of young players today, let's take a look at the starting lineup.

Goalkeeper: Palyuka.

Defenders: Johnson, Neil, Thiago Silva, Baines.

Midfielders: De Rossi, Lampard, Kaka.

Forwards: C Ronaldo, Villa, Ramor.

There are only a few people who are familiar to us in the European War in the past. Players like Johnson, Silva and De Rossi are very foreign to them, but Sir Hall is always known for his bold appointment of young players. Maybe they will grow rapidly under pressure, and they will become the stars of European football in the future. "

The Celtics also have Millwall's old man, forward Luca Tony.

The Italian big man who was brought to Leicester City by O'Neal followed O'Neal to Scotland, and has been mixed in the past three years. He is a hero in the hearts of Celtic fans. In less than three seasons, A hundred goals!

This season has also performed well in the Europa League. Although the top scorer in the Europa League has basically no weight, his scoring goal has attracted the attention of many strong European teams.

The Scottish team takes short-pass team cooperation as the technical and tactical tradition. In this respect, England should be ashamed. The English style tends to be wide open and wide open, and Scotland is known for its delicate ground transmission. The Celtics are also good at this aspect. They play well, especially when Tony is on the front line, but they don’t play high shots frequently, and they go to the ground to pass. Tony has a strong ability to control the ball on the front line, especially in the restricted area. The ball then got rid of the defender and shot, more smoothly than in the past when in England.

Aldridge looked a little helpless on the sidelines. Millwall's game rhythm did not change, stemming from people who did not control the rhythm.

From the beginning of Pirlo's stabilization of the main team, he experimented with letting Lampard play an organizational midfielder to play for Pirlo's bench, but the effect has always been bad, so from then on, he also broke off. Pad's idea of ​​being a midfielder.

But today, knowing clearly that the results are not good, but still let Lampard hit the midfielder, without his delay, as long as he undertakes the organizational task, it is all right.

Lampard's midfield organization ability is definitely there, but it is too formulaic, and basically can be foreseen, and he likes to advance, only the area in front of the penalty area is his most threatening zone.

Coming to a team at Millwall level requires not only the creative talent of the midfield organizer, which is also a cliché "magic pass", but also the ability of the midfield organizer to control the rhythm. When is it fast and when Slow, this is very important for the overall rule of the game.

If it is mainly counterattacks, the requirements for organizational talent will not be particularly high, because of the counterattack conditions, one of them must be weakened by the opponent’s defense, and the other is that the offensive space is broader. Therefore, in the English national team, Lampard The performance is excellent, and the actual positional battle to create is either a long pass from Beckham’s pen, or Scholes’s wonderful straight pass. Lampard always bears the formula of excessive response, not The main offensive organizer.

When the rhythm could not be changed, Millwall's offense seemed too easy to be foreseen.

Aldridge walked back to the coach seat and sat down. He turned to Jenson and said: "Next season will require a midfielder replacement. Alonso's replacement is only one of him. It is not enough. It does not matter if you are younger."

In the internal information database of Millwall Club, the information that scouts observe around the world is updated every quarter at the same time, so that Millwall can select talents.

Most of the time, they can replenish blood internally, but there are also times when it comes to role players.

Jenson thought about it, probably realizing what a major change.

Stramaggioni raised her ears and listened, asking in surprise: "We have Lampard and Alonso, isn't that enough?"

Aldrich shook his head and said: "Lampard is not an organization midfielder, at least, not the organization midfielder I need."

Jenson sighed and said to Stella Maggioni: "Millwall used to run smoothly in the past. The outside world said that the dual-core, the center and backcourt is mainly Pirlo, Ronaldinho in the frontcourt. Nedved has organizational skills, but no one will praise his organizational ability, because in the front waist position, what he needs is his assault ability, tandem ability, organizational work, not what he is doing. Lampard's problem That is, when he went to take Pirlo’s position, he was not creative enough, and he likes to insert forwards, which squeezed the space of the players in front and also conflicted with the role of Ronaldinho. If you put him on the front waist In terms of position, he can't compare with Nedved for the time being, but Alonso can take Pirlo's position. Although he can't match Pirlo in talent, his defensive ability will bring other advantages."

Stramagioni realized, and asked Aldridge: "In your eyes, Alonso is better than Lampard?"

Aldridge glanced at him and said with a smile: "Look at you, thinking you understand, you still don't understand. This is not a question of who is strong and who is weak. What I want is a good organization in the midfield and backcourt. Players, or, I want an organizational midfielder, not a vigorous B2B all-around midfielder. Almighty is not necessarily the best. England has many players who claim to be all-around, but all players are sent on the field. Do you think it will be strong? If you still don’t understand, I ask you, who do you think Villa and Baines, Johnson, are strong?"

Stramaggioni replied subconsciously: "Of course it's Villa, no, no, no, no, you can't ask that, they are not the same type of player, Villa is a striker, Baines and Johnson are How can a defender compare?"

Aldridge asked again: "What is the difference between your previous question? B2B all-round midfielder and organizational midfielder are comparable?"

Although the all-round midfield is the trend of football development, it does not mean that all-round is really invincible.

In the team's technical and tactical system, there must still be a clear plan for various roles, otherwise, the system will be chaotic, just like, England is not compatible with double Germany, and the same situation.

The all-round development is reflected in the player's technical characteristics and responsibility, just like Millwall's midfield. In the past, Gattuso, Pirlo, Nedved, and offense. All three actually took on the task, but the responsibilities were clearly distributed. , Gattuso focused on defense, to respond when attacking, Pirlo's main task is to organize offense, when defending, even if the technical ability is weak, but also have to take responsibility, not to mention Nedved, not to mention when attacking, when defending Never stop running and intercept.

The new generation of mad lions still have to strengthen the versatility of the midfield.

However, on the basis of omnipotence, there must be a clear division of roles.

De Rossi, Alonso, Nedved.

The main responsibility allocation is consistent with the second-generation mad lion architecture.

However, the comprehensiveness of offense and defense, that is, omnipotence, the third generation will be stronger than the second generation, that is to say, there will be no particularly bad people in the offense, and there will not be a glance like Pirlo when defending Seeing through the weaknesses, this is the trend of all-round development.

In the three roles, Lampard is the first defensive midfielder, he can’t take it, and the second kind he can’t compete with Alonso. In line with his, it should be the third kind, which is Nedvi De's position, at least in the Millwall system, if he wants to be in position, he can only pass Nedved, so Stella Magioni's problem is wrong, Lampard and Alonso , Who is strong? Ten thousand people may have an answer of 55, or 64 or 73, but is that important? In Aldrich's eyes, it is not important, because Lampard's opponent is not Alonso, but Nedved, and Kaka at the same time.

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