The Young Lion

Chapter 921: Penultimate

At the end of the first half of the game between Millwall and Liverpool, the score became 1:0.

In the fierce battle of sawing back and forth in the audience, Millwall took the first place with a hard power advantage and contributed to the team. It was actually an unexpected figure: De Rossi.

He ran to the frontcourt in an attack, and for the first time, he caught a long-range shot. The ball flew into Liverpool's goal midway through refraction, which was surprising and also allowed the outside world to see why Derich chose to trust De Rossi.

De Rossi Alonso's combination, the defensive hardness will obviously surpass Gattuso and Pirlo, and the mobility, this also has more advantages for the young combination, that is to say, because of Pirlo's defensive weakness, Gatto Suo must **** himself behind Pirlo, and now De Rossi and Alonso have another change, that is, Alonso continues to stay behind, and De Rossi unexpectedly stepped forward to participate in the attack, although it is not common , But this is always a strange move and change in the situation of stalemate.

Don't look at this change is actually very small, but on the basis of Millwall's rich offensive means, adding another one will make the team's offensive system more unpredictable, the opponent is undefeated.

And this will be one of Aldridge's key reform measures next season to strengthen the versatility of the midfield!

Liverpool heard very bad news again during the intermission.

Newcastle United lead West Brom on the road.

Chelsea lead Birmingham at home.

In terms of points, they are three points behind the two competitors, and their fate seems to be no longer in their own hands.

Because even if they achieved a reversal in the Lion King Stadium, if Chelsea wins, Liverpool still can not get the fourth ranking.

Millwall also received the bad news from Goodison Park Stadium during the halftime break: Manchester United led Everton 1-0 away.

Aldridge once again emphasized the meaning of the game in the locker room.

Forget the league title.

Fight for the fans.

Millwall and Liverpool, the same sick, slowed their pace in the second half.

In the 58th minute, when Henry and Larson scored two consecutive one-on-one matches and scored in the penalty area, the Lion King Stadium fell into madness.

Because at the same time, in another game, Everton equalized the score at home!

"Wow! The game between Manchester United and Everton is now 1:1, and Millwall leads Liverpool 2:0! OMG, Millwall is back in the standings! If both games are over now, Millwall will win the league championship trophy!"

Aldridge got up from the coach seat and walked to the sidelines to press his hand to the players on the court.

Stabilize the military mind, don't think about the league champion?

It has to be said that the mentality has always been weak, and it's really no longer that Aldridge has expectations for the league champions this season, and this moment can't be calm.

Everton, Moyes, you **** it!

Swing the bus, felling tactics, lying grass tactics!

In short, if Everton really sniped Manchester United, Aldridge made up his mind to be a good friend with Moyes for a lifetime. In the future, Millwall will be obsolete and sold to him!

The situation at the Goodison Park stadium is abrupt.

Moyes, who had nothing to do with himself, was also stunned by the posture of Manchester United.

Giant game, how can he qualify to participate?

Who wins Manchester United and Millwall, it’s a matter of him. If he really made up his mind to help Millwall defend his title, his coach is too **** damned. Is the label "little brother"?

However, it is true that he does not want to lose to Manchester United.

So after equalizing the score, Moyes became conservative and wanted to steal Manchester United's counterattack.

But Ferguson, the old man, took his own life.

All the offensive cards in your hand were played out in less than 70 minutes!

After all, Moyes was a bit tender, and he has never seen a real big scene. He took over Everton halfway last season. He used to work in the low-level league before. At the top stage of the Premier League, he also encountered the madness of the top European teams. Offense, I was counseled at that time. Manchester United's mad attack, Moyes took a bad move, or in fact, a move that many mediocre coaches will take.

If the opponent is attacking aggressively, then I will die.

When the opponent puts on an offensive player, then I put on a defensive player.

So, Everton's counterattack was completely without threats, and Manchester United was pregnant.

Wealth and wealth, win in danger!

Manchester United's aggressive attack, Everton's defense is inevitable, but the bottom line must be to keep counter-attacks. Moyes's stinky move makes Manchester United even if the backcourt is empty. The bare rod commander Ferdinand is basically sitting alone, just attacking. .

Moyes was terrified by this tragic fight, especially when he saw fellow Ferguson's tears on the side of the field as if he had blown up a wild cat. Uh, he was a tiger.

No one knows that at this moment, for Ferguson, it may not only be a fork in Manchester United's fate this season, but also a fork in his personal coaching career.

For him, if he loses the league title again this season, he may really retire and lose his mind!

Aldridge returned to play 5 games, then snatched the league title in the hands of Manchester United, a 4-point lead, this is simply a very loud slap!

Since the top of the Premier League in the 95-96 season, Manchester United won the second place in the league five times in 1997, 98, 99, 2000, and 01. Among them, Arsenal won once and Millwall won four times. Last season, Manchester United had a fatal defense problem, slipped the league fourth, and the league champion was Millwall.

In the domestic cup, Millwall won more times than Manchester United. Last season's Champions League final met, Manchester United also lost to Millwall.

Over the years, Ferguson has lost to Aldridge.

If the final loss to Aldridge this season is not only not acceptable to Manchester United from top to bottom, but Ferguson himself cannot accept it.

The young coach just came back and led the team to play 5 league games, and then took away the league champion. What other face does Ferguson have to fight against the young coach? The outside world will never regard the two as opponents.

So the final result of this game will determine the league champion and will also determine whether Ferguson's coaching career will continue.

In the 79th minute, Manchester United made a continuous attack to create chaos in Everton's penalty area. When Scholes kicked the ball into the Everton goal, all the violent breath revealed by Ferguson disappeared.

He seemed to have become a naive child, he laughed happily with his fists raised, and jumped twice in the same place...

Moyes was expressionless and indifferent. He probably did not fully understand Ferguson's sidelines, Manchester United's posture on the court, the kind of situation where life and death hang on the line, and that is the essence of the game of giants.

For the middle and lower reaches of the team, relegation is survival. Entering the Champions League, winning an unremarkable championship can be counted as a success, but for the giants, the basis of survival is the white bones at the feet.

Manchester United scored and led Everton again.

Everton, because of the previous substitutions, now wants to counterattack, there is no complete offensive system, most of them can only rely on luck, and Ferguson did not let the team to defend, Moyes and Ferguson naturally have no coaching ability Comparability, Ferguson is very clear that if Manchester United retreats, Everton will be "lucky", because Manchester United lacks a real defensive player, then it is the most common sense to attack and defend. Manchester United controls the situation, not Retreating makes Everton desperate.

The FA is relieved.

Even though the FA is still in the honeymoon period with Aldridge, the Premier League will end. The authentic championship trophy must be at the Goodison Park Stadium, and the main guests for the awards must be here. Even if Millwall wins, Milwaukee The award ceremony there is much shabby.

Thanks to the last round of Arsenal's crash at Highbury to bid farewell to the championship, otherwise, today's situation will make the FA Football team's head burned, first of all, they will prepare three championship trophies...

What you say on your lips and how to do it in reality is completely different.

Aldridge let the team fight for the fans, don't think about the league champion.

But when Manchester United was equalized, he expected it, so when Manchester United led again, he inevitably lost a little.

At Lion King Stadium, Millwall players also lost their morale after regaining their lead from Manchester United. Although it is not obvious, it is an indisputable fact that the players' attention to the game began to decline.

1: 0 is not insurance, 2: 0 will make people feel at ease.

Under such circumstances, Liverpool pulled back a goal in the 85th minute, which originated from Ashley Cole's aggressive defensive progress and Ronaldinho's frequent persecution by the coach from time to time, but he always made mistakes from time to time: No effect on defense.

After Irving scored a goal, Liverpool did not have the determination to fight back and then reverse. Millwall, on the other hand, re-energized after Aldridge returned to the club to direct the game and blamed the team for the first time.

In the time since then, the team has not given Liverpool a chance, nor has the offense created a great opportunity.

At the Lion King Stadium the game ended first, Millwall defeated Liverpool 2-1.

Manchester United's time is longer because of frequent substitutions in the second half.

At the end of the game, all Millwall players saw the Premier League trophy on the sidelines. That is not the real thing, but if they can win the championship, it does not matter whether it is true or not.

They are still waiting, like many crazy Lion fans who are praying in the stands, hoping that Everton will tie Manchester United in the end.

Aldridge walked into the stadium for the first time, applauding to the audience in the stands, as if he didn't care what the outcome was at Manchester United.

The signal to the outside world is: Millwall does not ask others!

This season is not a season that Millwall should be proud of. Perhaps it is a season that many players and fans are unwilling to recall in the future. It must be admitted that they have not produced an absolute championship performance, which is why they failed. The reason for failing to defend, not why Manchester United can lead Everton again.

Aldridge embraced every player on the court and walked to the stands to salute the fans.

Along with his move, more and more crazy lion fans did not care about the situation on the side of Manchester United. They stood up and applauded. The flag of the crazy lion always fluttered in the stands, and the wind was not falling.

"The game at Goodison Park Stadium is over. Manchester United defeated Everton 2-1 away and regained the Premier League title since 1996! The defending champion Millwall failed to perform a miracle at the last moment, but Huo After Sir Earl returned to the club, the five-game winning streak of the league pressed the first team all the way, which made Manchester United and Arsenal feel great pressure. Arsenal collapsed, Manchester United clenched their teeth to the end, withstood the pressure and won the championship in one fell swoop. For Millwall, this may be a failed season. However, they still continue their tradition. Those who were talked about by Millwall fans many years ago. What Millwall young players said: Millwall symbolizes victory and symbolizes the championship. From 1995, Millwall’s top-tier league has the worst results and is the third place! This season, this is not the worst result of the Millwall league , Just the penultimate worst, runner-up. There is also a UEFA Cup final, and all games of Millwall will be completed this season. We have reason to look forward to Millwall next season and look forward to the recapture of the brand-new Millwall led by Sir Hall. Lost ground, in the Premier League, on the peak stage in Europe, the Champions League!"

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