The Young Lion

Chapter 924: One of the challengers

There was not much suspense in this UEFA Cup final.

There is no ups and downs development process.

The reason is that the strength gap between the two teams is too big!

Even though there are many, many underestimated masters in Porto, they don’t have much reputation, but they have great strength.

However, compared with Millwall, as long as Millwall does not relax and does not appear to relax, then Porto wants to turn over, and their comprehensive strength is not enough.

No Millwall player is willing to accept the end of all four seasons in a season, the community shield, the Toyota Cup, the Super Cup, which can be ignored, but there is only one League Cup left, no matter how small the mosquito is meat, moreover, just like Aldridge incentive What the players said: With the UEFA Cup, you will help the club achieve the honor slam!

In this way, Millwall's fighting intentions are beyond doubt.

Porto wants to be upright against Millwall for a top-level contest, but unfortunately, it is an unacceptable and disastrous defeat.

When Ronaldinho started the dribble from the midfielder's sideline in the 37th minute and walked the middle of the road, he first got rid of Deco and Alenichev and then faced with Kostinia to make a two-way pass with Nedved With the cooperation, finally in front of the defense line, Henry and Larson moved at the same time involved, he forced the middle road, the two changed back to the small penalty area line and easily pushed the goal!

All the fans, except the Porto fans, stood up and applauded and cheered. Many people felt incredible and unbelievable.

Fans of Millwall know: The omnipotent elven king on the court is back!

Ronaldinho jumped Samba on the sidelines, Aldridge smiled, and Millwall would celebrate wildly.

Mourinho was expressionless on the sidelines. He seemed to be divorced from reality. He was silent, staring at a pale and dark world on the court.

Bright and upright, upright, confrontational.

This is what he has always believed before the game. He believes that his hard work, the whole team is handsome, can make this team to the peak, the UEFA Cup is not a big stage, but with Millwall as the opponent, defeating Millwall Winning the championship, this may be more significant than winning the UEFA Cup!

But the team didn't finish the half game, and the team has fallen behind by two goals.

The team he has worked hard to create, after a year and a half of hard work, carefully crafted technical and tactical systems, seems to be vulnerable to the wild lion in Millwall.

In a blink of an eye, the dust will disappear!

Where did you lose?

In other words, what is particularly good about Porto that can gain an advantage in comparison with Millwall?

Players' personal abilities, not to mention that the front line is difficult to contend with, the third line duel, Porto has no advantage at all.

And player characteristics, Millwall players have more unpredictable magic.

Ronaldinho, Henry, Nedved, Larson, this magic is most vividly reflected in them. Although the power is different, such a change effect, that is, unpredictability, is on the court, in offensive football The biggest charm lies.

What are the advantages of Porto in terms of team skills and tactics?

Offense on the wing?

Is it comparable to Millwall?

Even the full-back assists, Millwall's Schneider and Ashley Cole, every time they stepped forward brought a threat of terror.

Midway offense?

Does Porto have Deco?

Millwall had Nedved in front and Alonso later.

Team understanding?


What is the quality of the team that is often talked about in some textbooks? Porto can surpass Millwall?

Of course, football is not the winner, but the winner after the contest!

However, the kind of counterattacks of the weak are ultimately a minority, which is called upset.

Today, Millwall apparently refused to be upset by Porto!

Mourinho was still standing still on the sidelines, but in that vast black and white world, he had curled up in a dark corner and thought about it painfully.

As a coach, he could not have the same talent resources as Aldridge. Moreover, Millwall used to be a dark horse and has created many miracles. Because Millwall has created too many miracles, they, from no name, leave In the world of giants, then in the world of giants like the strong, standing on top of the peak!

Mourinho certainly has valuable courage in his mouth, but what is the price for it? Is this how to become a stepping stone for opponents? Become the opponent's success road? Then, what will he get?

Tragic loser?

Respectable courage?

What's the point?

Apart from the champion, who will remember the loser at this moment ten years later? Who will continue to respect the ridiculous courage?

It is better to live and die than to die!

This is a rule of football survival, or, in the eyes of many people, this is a philosophy.

If Aldridge does not have an innate advantage, and he enters this line again, he will put into practice the lessons he has taught to many young coaches, which is more deeply reflected in the most basic survival.

Mourinho replaced a striker before the end of the first half and put a double back to strengthen the defense.

However, another problem arises. In a hasty change, Porto does not switch well itself. There is one less person in the attacking system they are familiar with. The attack that was originally unsatisfactory becomes more chaotic and powerless.

Porto can't continue defending. Are players willing to lose the game?

In the second half, they stepped up their attack on the wing and couldn't get through the middle!

Although Deco's speed is not particularly conspicuously slow, he is obviously not at the top level or even at the top level in terms of explosiveness, so the Porto offense can't improve the speed. If Deco takes the ball, Nedved is abrupt Catch up from behind, this scene will make people feel that Deco is a bit exaggerated.

Porto simply played on the wing, and will quickly be separated by a pair of Millwall double-backs and a full-back to defend. However, their wing players do not have a particularly strong single-attack ability.

In other words, Ronaldinho, Henry, Larson, can blow off the opponent's side defense on the wing alone, not only can throw away the opponent's back defender, but also can break through the opponent's front defender's front defense, but Porto The full-backs turned around to fight Schneider and Ashley Cole of Millwall, but it was difficult to do so.

Coupled with the slow follow-up of Deco Central, their forwards are weak, and the combination of the side and the middle can't play a good effect at all.

And torn back and forth in defense and offense, they themselves appeared chaotic, stemming from the out of control of the rhythm, the whole team is not at the same rhythm point, and naturally there are flaws in part.

In the 58th minute of the second half, Henry Rabian swapped with Larson. Schneider made a direct pass in the backcourt. Henry changed the position with Larson in the process of driving the ball forward. Larson completed two over one, although the old demon's Larson's ability to end is somewhat reduced, because of the reduction in impact, but he has a better insight into the situation on the field, he can watch the fire, and the ability to do the ball is also accumulated by rich experience. Ascension, he cleverly gave Henry a pick pass. When he entered the penalty area, Henry threw away Kost and Carvalho directly. After the ball bounced to the ground, he directly volleyed and cleanly landed before the second fall. Throw the ball into Porto's goal.

Mourinho held his head in his hands, seeming to be unbelievable.

Strong, stronger!

In his memory of Millwall, although he has the ability to cut off, but tacitly changing back and forth like Henry and Larson, the guards are directly panicked. The coordination is very subtle. Based on personal ability, the team cooperates. Deduced to a height that an ordinary team simply cannot pursue, it is admirable, obsessed...

Lost, defeated!

This will be Mourinho's coaching career to this day, the most memorable loss.

Because of him, there is no way out, the situation on the field is out of control, and how to adjust it seems pale and weak.

If we say that before going through the European war, we will encounter all kinds of bulls and snakes, so today, in the UEFA Cup final, what he saw and the team faced was the wild beast! Only exists in the legends they have heard, and never faced it in person!

Aldridge will not be proud of defeating Mourinho.

Millwall must have been surprised.

As far as the Millwall team is concerned, Porto is just one of the countless opponents they beheaded. In a few days, they will forget. They will only remember that on this day, they won a championship trophy and remember today's beauty.

opponent? Is it important?

In their eyes, Porto is neither the top European team nor the historical glory or legend of European overlords like Real Madrid, Liverpool and Bayern Munich.

Why remember them?

If Aldrich was proud, he felt a little shameless.

He is neither afraid of Mourinho nor particularly excited by defeating each other.

For him, UEFA has no coach to challenge him.

Now, he is defending Jiangshan.

It was someone who challenged him!

Therefore, Mourinho may only be one of the strongest challengers in the future, but he has not reached a special position, because Aldridge is confident to defeat all challengers!

My five league titles and four UEFA Champions League trophies are not for nothing.

Aldridge has never published any autobiography, but his past, coaching career is naturally well known to the outside world. The earliest stories of traveling in Europe as a teenager and visiting all corners of European football are also familiar to the fans of the Lions. People who are interested in Aldrich also know this, and this is part of the legend of this young handsome.

Mourinho was originally just an outsider, understanding Aldrich with a learned mentality, but today's game, specifically, before the game, when Aldridge repeated the sentence in his ears Mourinho's heart shook like never before.

At that time, as a translator, he was determined to have some achievements in football.

Combining the stories surrounding Aldrich, he can guess that at that time, Aldridge must have traveled in Portugal. Although Portugal is a small country, Portuguese football has a certain weight in the European territory, derived from Portuguese football style.

At that time, Aldridge, who was almost a tourist posture, has become a world-renowned legendary coach today. Will Mourinho be reconciled?

He remembers everything today, before the game, during the game, and after the game, every detail, but he can remember everything he can see with his naked eyes, and then digest all this and think deeply, even if he will lose today At 10:0, he will not forget, he firmly believes that any setback is the best motivation for himself!

Aldridge let the substitutes warm up when Henry scored the third goal. This game is ten in a row. As the coach, let some players feel the atmosphere or enjoy the game.

For many Millwall players and all fans, today is undoubtedly happy. In the final, the opponent was 3:0 ahead of the opponent. The opponent Porto was beaten to no avail. The opponent was obviously unable to perform a miracle. The fans were singing and dancing in the stands. Just wait for the game to end and then revel.

The most important thing is that everything is back to the rhythm they are familiar with, even if Aldridge does not grab the spotlight in this game, but his presence can make all fans of the Lions feel at ease and think that everything is under control.

However, for Millwall, some people are not particularly happy.

For example, Lampard and Klose are warming up.

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