The Young Lion

Chapter 944: My Chelsea will be king!

The score was changed to 4:2 and Aldridge made the last substitution.

Ram goes up, Schneider goes down.

Germans for Germans.

"Hero Schneider, who equalized the game for Millwall, was replaced. It is interesting that the player who replaced him was his compatriot, 19-year-old Ram, from the Bayern Munich Youth Training Camp. Bayern Munich After receiving German main striker Klose and sending Ram and 12.5 million pounds of cash to the Millwall club, the German youngster got the chance to play in the first game of the new season, much earlier than we expected. "

Aldridge is still a substitution, but the impact on the team is still there. Schneider is on the court, no matter how many scores, Schneider will attack, and after Ram is on the court, he will be the first one. A standard full-back is a defender. This is a defender, or his job is a necessary process for a defensive player. At the beginning, regardless of other abilities, the defense is the first, the defense is the first, the defense is not close, and the offense is not good. Or else, just go and play the winger.

At this time, even if Chelsea found the correct routine in the counterattack, Millwall will no longer give the opponent a sideline. The chain reaction caused by this is that Millwall’s double-back defense area can be reduced, and the attention is not focused. Will be pinned by other local airs, defensive quality has improved a lot than before.

Millwall's offense began to turn to the center frequently, returning to their previous set with the center as the propulsion point, three directions from left to center and right to create the chance of the last pass or fatal blow.

Cristiano Ronaldo wasted two good chances. On the right, his speed can explode Bridge. Cristiano Ronaldo, who had many opportunities last season, has made rapid progress, especially in the consciousness of the winger, but, probably Allowing him to play on the right and not as good as cutting right foot in the left, his shot was confiscated by Kudicini once and he flew to the stands once, which was an almost half-single shot opportunity.

Aldridge certainly knows that Ronaldo’s threat on the left wing is much higher than that on the right wing. Modern wingers play with the left foot on the right and the right foot on the left. The goal is to cut in and shoot, but Ronaldo can be very versatile. Almighty refers to the category of "forward", so he placed him on the right in the early stage to sharpen his team consciousness. After two seasons, he was moved to the left. Eventually, he may become a free man on the front line, everywhere.

Another factor is because Ronaldo is not strong enough. He cannot coexist with Ronaldinho. Ronaldinho can tolerate Ronaldo, but Ronaldo certainly cannot keep up with Ronaldinho’s rhythm, and once Ronaldo reaches At a certain level, Millwall's 433 will be transferred to a new technical and tactical system.

In the last 5 minutes, Chelsea sprinted repeatedly, and the wing players didn't have the energy. The pace of the game slowed down completely. Millwall was still playing an offensive and Aldridge shook his head straight on the sidelines.

A weird scene appeared on the field.

Alonso tirelessly tried to attack, looking for all the free time in the frontcourt, waiting for the teammate's ball-free running to make a threatening pass, and Ronaldinho would return the ball to Alonso after receiving the ball.

Invisible contradictions appeared in the team's technical and tactical.

Although the contradiction is small, the problem that can be reflected is very clear: Alonso's grasp of rhythm is not enough.

When is it fast, when is it slow, when does it numb the opponent, when does it deliberately control the rhythm to relax the opponent, and when does it pull the rhythm of the game to a rate that is so fast that the opponent collapses.

These are things that the team can't specifically train players and get immediate results. It needs a lot of games to hone, so that the person who masters the rhythm can understand, experience and be powerful.

Pirlo was in a good era. At that time, he slowly grew and became stronger. Now Alonso is in a tense and stressful environment.

During his limited playing time, Ram was well behaved and contributed to a successful interception of Duff. No other challenges were encountered.

"The first round of the Premier League in the new season, Chelsea 2:4 Millwall at home, the game is over, congratulations to Millwall for winning the first season of the new season, and Chelsea, which has been discussed for more than a month, can learn from this game. Lessons, and a clear understanding of reality. Rome was not built in a day. Former club owner Bates didn’t succeed in 21 years. Now that he has a new owner, I am afraid it will not be a short-term success for this team. , Chelsea has become stronger, which is obvious to all, but they are not yet strong to the highest level!"

After the game, Aldridge did not shake hands with Eriksson. He purposely waited for 3 seconds outside the player channel. He did not see Eriksson get up from the coach seat and went straight away.

Millwall players, except Bout, today's game and the players who were replaced are standing in a row on the court. They took off the jersey they wore during the game and smiled at each other, probably before they played. After negotiating, the right hand grabbed the jersey together and sprinted 15 meters towards the visiting team's stand. The action uniformly threw the jersey onto the visiting team's stand, causing the Lions fans to explode after the fight. Cheers.

This scene has become the classic picture of the first round of the Premier League this season.

Fleet Street interpreted the meaning of the Millwall players' behavior after the game: mocking Chelsea!

I vaguely remembered that Chelsea, who was undisclosed last season, banned the exchange of jerseys after the game in order to save costs.

Millwall's players, at Stamford Bridge, collectively threw the jersey into the stands and gave them to their fans for collection.

In the stands, Chelsea's new boss, Abu, has turned into a pale face.

Chelsea’s hostile sentiment with Millwall, or the relationship between the dead and the enemy, where does an outsider care?

However, the team he spent painstakingly building lost the ball at home, not only was he defeated by his opponents with gorgeous and beautiful football, but also here to anti-guest carnival, is it like a slap in the face of his face?

What makes him ridiculous is that the rhetoric is a joke, and the careful selection of players to form a team becomes futile.

When he got up and walked into the stadium passage, an assistant beside him said comfortingly: "Today is just an accident, we are a brand new team."

"Don't tell me an accident! This is absolutely unacceptable! Unacceptable! I came here, not to be the background to others' success, not to be a clown! If I bought Tottenham, Tottenham must become this country The strongest team! Now, I have bought Chelsea. My Chelsea must also be the strongest team in this country! Can you hear it clearly? Can you hear it clearly? Manchester United is better than us? Arsenal is better than us? Millwall is better than us? Then dismember them! Beat them! Step them underfoot! In this land of declining empire, the most popular sport or entertainment of the people, my Chelsea, will be king! Know what is king Are all people crawling and kneeling at the king's feet trembling!"

Abu's rare thunder was furious, but no one else could see it in this passage.

His assistant was obviously stunned. As Abu walked away, he frowned and whispered: "But your personal relationship with the Hall family..."

In fact, in the view of Abu's team, England football, Manchester United, Arsenal, have not reached a transcendent height, the only thing that blocks Chelsea, or after carefully constructed Chelsea, to become the ruler, the goal to surpass There is only one: Millwall.

What is the history of the past, not what they care about, just like Liverpool has 18 top league titles and 4 Champions League titles, so what? Before Abu came, Chelsea ranked above Liverpool last season. Is Liverpool still an opponent?

Manchester United and Arsenal seem to be better than Chelsea, but as long as Chelsea continues to invest, it is not difficult to surpass them. After all, the two teams have not made particularly shocking achievements in recent years.

Only Millwall, this is the European enemy!

Not only is Chelsea struggling to surpass Millwall, other European giants are all on the goal of team building, with the standard of defeating Millwall, why? Breaking Millwall, is it far from the top of Europe?

But Chelsea boss Abu, everyone around him knows that he has a good personal relationship with the Hall family man who pioneered the wealth myth in the United States, and both camps run clubs and are in a competitive environment. They are afraid if the "hostility" in the club will affect the personal relationship between Abu and Barnett Hall.

Abu, aware of his gaffe, quickly sorted out his emotions, calmed down, and when he heard the assistant's words, he stopped and turned to look disapproved: "Will you and your friend cause conflicts because of the success or failure of playing the game? That's the childish behavior that only spoiled children do."

Either Abu or Barnett, neither of them will have the feeling of "live for football, die for football".

And with the wealth they have, they don’t treat football clubs with the vision of past team owners investing in commodities. Manchester United bosses regard Manchester United as commodities. Arsenal’s shareholders also use rational management as their team building policy. What they care about is The financial statement is concerned about the balance of payments and profitability, but Abu is not. His mentality is the original intention that he deliberately emphasized after buying Chelsea: entertainment.

Ordinary fans may find it difficult to have such a mentality, just as some people go to the casino to get rich overnight, while some people go to the casino just for pleasure.

Aldridge and his friends sat at the gaming table and played all night, losing only tens of thousands of pounds. It was just a smile. If someone turned their faces or made conflicts because of the winning and losing of the gaming table, they could only say that everyone was not the same person. The gambling mentality is different.

Entertainment will also have competition, playing games, who wants to lose all the time? Who doesn't want to win when playing gambling? Mindset just determines the reaction when faced with the result, and does not change the goal of entertainment.

As long as you don't break the law, what can't you do?

In Abu's view, suppressing Millwall is either a "war" or a game.

We are competing, you become weaker, relatively, I become stronger.

His relationship with the Hall family, as Andrew said, he and Barnett have the best relationship, followed by Andrew, Aldridge finally, as to whether it will cause a relationship breakdown, Abu thinks this is simply impossible Rationally, playing a game, playing to turn your face Are you still a kid?

Like in his eyes, Real Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Manchester United, Arsenal, Milan duo, etc. teams can try to hollow Millwall, causing Millwall one after another trouble, why not Chelsea? You didn't turn your face with those passers-by, do you want to turn your face with your friends?

Really turning around, Abu only thinks that Aldridge is a child, and he also believes that Barnett will not care, just like they race together, have wins and losses, entertainment and pastimes, what does it mean to be angry? Can't afford it?

Abu’s assistant probably figured out what the boss meant, and originally had some scruples about Millwall, but now, he has to start re-planning, causing them trouble, and weakening the blow to Millwall as much as possible. Let Chelsea get on the right track and become stronger day by day, and one day, Chelsea will replace Millwall's position in UEFA!

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