The Young Lion

Chapter 954: Only 27 years old

In a European Super Cup, the Champions League and the UEFA Champions League match, Millwall and AC Milan evolved this game into a classic classic battle that has been rare in recent years.

In 105 minutes, there were 12 goals that broke apart, a total score of 6:6, the silver ball system failed to kill Millwall, and the second half of extra time.

It's a pity that both sides have no energy.

Interestingly, Millwall's physical advantage is offensive, Cristiano Ronaldo, Kaka, and Ram can help up the wing.

And AC Milan's physical strength is in defense, Ambrosini, Broki.

So in the last 15 minutes, the overall confrontation between the two teams disappeared and evolved into a tug-of-war of local teams. Millwall was the main attacker and AC Milan was the main defender. No one could afford more variables.

When the 120-minute game ended, the score was still 6:6.

It will be a penalty shootout waiting for both teams.

Ancelotti must be unhappy.

He won't lose to Millwall for 120 minutes.

Came to Monaco with the prestige of the Champions League. In terms of attitude and goal, Ancelotti wants to overwhelm Audridge.

This is an active competition.

Draw, be willing to fart!

Moreover, AC Milan is the leader most of the time.

Suddenly he had to hand his destiny to God, standing on the stage of roulette, Ancelotti was even more disgusted.

Aldrich’s mentality is much easier, reducing the pressure on the players so that they don’t bear psychological pressure. During the regular time, they have gained valuable experience. The content of this war excludes the tactics between the head coaches. Confrontation, baptism of the players themselves is particularly meaningful.

Butt stood there in a daze. Aldrich saw him and asked him if he had any questions. Butt recovered his head and shook his head.

Glancing at AC Milan's players on the field, Aldridge suddenly laughed.

Players who are still on the court should say that Millwall has a ball advantage.

This is a theoretical comparison of technical capabilities and cannot be used as a practical reference.

Soon, the penalty shootout began.

Millwall was fined first.

Perhaps, except for the fans of the two teams, other fans or spectators don't care whoever wins the two teams. In a 6:6 battle, they are all satisfied with the visual sense.

Ronaldinho was the first to stand on the penalty spot.

He is facing fellow Dida.

Ronaldinho, who had been unable to run, did not pull away from the long run distance and appeared relaxed, standing just over a meter in front of the ball.

After the referee blew his whistle, Ronaldinho stepped with his left foot, supported his body, and shot with his right foot. The action was completed in the blink of an eye, without the slightest sense of sight.

Dida flew in the right direction, but he seemed to be too fierce. Ronaldinho's ball was like a spoon, but it was definitely not a spoon. It was a very ordinary rubbing shot. It was not strong enough to feel light and flirty. It was better than the angle. The small arc Hanged into the upper left corner of the goal.

"Millwall made a good start in the penalty shootout."

Ronaldinho, who walked back with a smile, did not think too much. The goalkeeper was replaced. Butt stood in front of the goal line, and his opponent was Shevchenko.

He was in a daze just now, but he was thinking about his past.

AC Milan has old acquaintances, Shevchenko is one of them.

Probably thinking about Shevchenko's habit of penalizing in the past training, which is not accurate anyway, and Bout should be lucky.

When Shevchenko shot the ball to the left, Bout flew out and felt very safe to reject the ball!

"Shevchenko missed the penalty kick! He missed the penalty kick! The AC Milan penalty kick fell behind in the first round."

Henry, Thomason.

Kaka, Broki.

Nedved, Cafu.

In the middle three rounds, both sides will shoot a penalty into the opponent's goal.

In the final round, as long as Millwall makes a penalty, they will win the game.

The last one to appear is C Ronaldo!

"Surprisingly, Nedvide actually played in the fourth round. It was young Cristiano Ronaldo who beat Millwall. Will the genius who saved Millwall in the game become a final hero? "

Ancelotti was depressed.

Defamation in my heart: Audridge, you also used to train for the penalty shootout, you!

Obviously, putting Cristiano Ronaldo in the last appearance will naturally give him the opportunity to hone his psychological qualities.

To be bold is also a bit exaggerated. If it is bold, Aldridge ranks Alonso and Ram in the penalties of the previous four rounds.

Cristiano Ronaldo is like a warrior preparing for a duel on the battlefield. This kid likes to be cool, so he has a special aura. The annoying people will think that he is pretentious.

The tension had dropped a lot, but Ronaldo came up, as if this was a historic moment in his eyes!

Perhaps, as long as he scored a penalty, he could rush to celebrate the victory, and then headed up to receive the award.

So, after taking a deep breath, with undisguised ambition, Ronaldo kicked the ball and flew!

"Ah! Ha! C Ronaldo missed a penalty! He was fully prepared to actually shoot the ball! Actually, there is not much distance above the beam. It can be said that he missed the beam. Unfortunately, he missed the shot. Penalty! 4:3, Millwall penalties still lead 4:3, but AC Milan still has a chance, as long as the last penalty is taken, the next penalty will be added."

Ronaldo was like a man who lost everything after a failed duel. His expression was a bit miserable and distorted in an instant, and he slowly turned back with his head annoyed by his mistakes. Nedvide greeted him and patted his shoulder for the first time. As a comfort, his little partner Kaka Alonso also used words and deeds to make him feel better.

AC Milan played in the fifth round with Seedorf.

Bute stood in front of the goal line, frowning all the time.

When Seedorf's penalty kick flew to the upper right of the goal, he was surprised to see that Bout seemed to predict the correctness in advance, not only moved to that side, but also blocked consciously above!

"Wow, Bout magically saved two goals from AC Milan. Seedorf missed! Millwall won the game! Millwall is the European Super Cup champion!"

After saving Seedorf's penalty, Bout lay on the grass and shrugged his shoulders between his arms.

During the period of his daze, he not only tried hard to recall Shevchenko's penalties, but also deliberately recalled a period of history that he would never forget.

Because, that was his very high light moment in Millwall.

98 Champions League final!

In the penalty shootout between Millwall and Real Madrid, Bout did not pounce on the direction of the penalty kick to Seedorf, but that ball, Seedorf himself did not hit the goal range. If he hits the goal, he will definitely enter. .

Of course Bout remembered the direction of Seedorf’s shooting at that time, so he rushed to the side. Unexpectedly, he actually rushed out!

In this game, the sports game lost six goals, whether it is Bout or Dida, certainly will not get a high score, but in the penalty shootout, Bout saved two penalties, destined to save him the entire game The performance of the game.

Bute turned over and lay on his back on the court. The 29-year-old man's clean and gentle face showed a simple smile that he hadn't shown on the field this year. Perhaps, his inner joy is beyond others' insight. Even Aldridge, who should know him better, is probably confused.

The teammates ran around Bout, and everyone was more excited to celebrate this victory than in previous years, because it was too difficult, so **** exciting!

The AC Milan team was full of resentment and were very depressed.

To say how much it is lost, it is impossible to talk about it. A European Super Cup is just a simple defeat, which makes them very unwilling!

Ancelotti's face was so dark and scary that it had solidified for a long time like a wax figure.

Suddenly felt someone hit his arm, Ancelotti turned his head and looked at Aldridge with his arm standing beside him, a little bit like a child, and grinned and whispered: "Karlo, ask You have a question. Compared to being reversed by Manchester United in 1999, is your mood a little worse today than it was then?"

Ancelotti gritted his teeth innocently: "Audrich, do you believe me or I will beat you?"

Aldridge shrugged and chuckled, "Don't you know? Since you want to compete with me, you should be familiar with my means, and if you don't provoke your anger, how can you make you sick? Maybe see you next time, You will lose your sanity directly!"

Ancelotti exhaled slowly, believing that Aldridge's statement.

This kid is sometimes mean.

"Huh, simply talking about football anyway, there is something you can never compare with me."

"What? Come here, let me feel your superiority, say it, and let me hear it."

Ancelotti turned to stare at Aldridge's eyes and whispered: "I have three Champions League titles."

"Hahaha, I have four! Hum?"

Aldridge thought the other person was telling a joke, but he closed his mouth suddenly and saw Ancelotti's expression turned into obvious taunt. Aldridge immediately understood it and gritted his teeth: "It's more interesting than that."

"Why is it boring? You are only 27 years old. Millwall lost 6 goals today and changed the goal for you. Maybe it's the same performance. After two seasons, shit, you can tie me."

Ancelotti turned around and left.

Aldridge scratched his head and suddenly his eyes lit up, shouting to his back: "Carlo, if I really go to goal, is it that Milan will definitely not win the Champions League in the next two seasons? Hahahaha! You learn It’s pretty fast, it’s really annoying me, next time I meet you, I will put you on the bus, do you believe it?"

Ancelotti didn't look back at Aldridge, anyway, he was grinning.

Aldridge turned and walked into the court to celebrate the championship with the team.


The next day, the new season's Champions League draw group was announced.

Millwall's grouping situation is very good this year, and there is almost no suspense in the promotion to the knockout, because they are divided into a strong and weak group, and even the first group of opponents have no opponents.

Millwall, Royal Society, Galatasaray, Olympiacos.

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