The Young Lion

Chapter 958: Today is a good day

Aldridge's December was extremely fulfilling and happy. First, there was the celebration of baby daughter Bonnie's first birthday, and there were some annual awards in UEFA. At the end of the month, it was Christmas.

Aldridge did not have the concept of a holiday in his last life, because he was an orphan, and he really searched for "self" in China in his life, and found that it seems that there is no longer a "him" in the world.

Christmas has become his customary holiday, not paying attention to its meaning. It is regarded as a fixed day for family reunion, which makes him feel satisfied and happy.

The Premier League half-way came to an end, Millwall summarized the team's performance in the first half, compared with previous years, the team progressed steadily, but no surprises.

The Champions League successfully advanced to the top 16, and the league temporarily occupied the second place, not to pursue the performance of specific games. On the staged results alone, the defending champion was behind them, and Chelsea, who spent a lot of money in the summer, was also behind them.

Aldridge is satisfied with the team's performance in the first half. In the past, the mature Millwall will accumulate advantages from the beginning of the league and create a relaxed environment for the second half as much as possible, so that he can distract from multi-line combat.

This season, we must run in the team and train newcomers. Both of these have achieved certain results, but they have not yet reached the peak.

Alonso's cooperation with De Rossi is getting better and better, but the two players have taken apart and partnered with other teammates are not effective. This is a limitation of their current stage, and still needs experience to improve.

C Ronaldo, Kaka, Robben, Villa, four young people in the first half, some outstanding performance, some still have problems, especially Robben, the dedicated Dutch Peter Pan, always let Austria Derridge's goal on the sidelines was either fierce, his defensive attitude was not firm enough, and his contribution to the defense was low, or he was outside the team system and always wanted to perform a personal heroic performance at a critical moment.

If Millwall is a mid-stream team, not all opponents’ eyes are on, Robben does not have much problem. But Millwall’s current height is doomed to rely on the personal ability of the star. Such a problem, Real Madrid of Spain is using Actual action warns the world.

Millwall is becoming more stable day by day and stronger day by day. In addition to the positive effects brought by the steady growth of young players, there is also the credit of the old players. They successfully helped the team quickly adapt to the new tactical system, complement, sacrifice, Contribution, their existence, is Millwall's most valuable asset.

Larson set a record, the player who was replaced the most in the first half of the league, but in his starting game, he was replaced in 60-70 minutes, almost became the law, and he did not have any complaints. Qi put him on the bench and let him play in the last 20 minutes, this veteran always brings unexpected contributions to the team.

Nedved's data for the same period has dropped a bit over the past few years. He has been the most scoring midfielder in Europe in the past few years. His assist data is also very good, but this season, as time goes by, His position is constantly retreating, and he frequently participates in defense. It is also to make up for the weakness of the team's weak defense in the middle of the team. This is his sacrifice. He also did not complain about a word, but took everything for granted.

Aldridge is full of confidence in the second half of the season. He is ambitious in the Champions League and the league.

Another point is Ronaldinho. Ronaldinho's condition was good in the first half, but Aldrich believes that Ronaldinho still has not reached the best state.

In addition to minor injuries, Ronaldinho was distracted by life trivia in the second half of the year, because he wanted to take his mother to settle in the United Kingdom, and bought a manor for a large price.

When he immigrated to the United Kingdom, his mother accompanied him and his sister, but the living conditions of their family were very ordinary, and they were not used to living here. After Ronaldinho lived independently, his family Back to Brazil.

Now, Ronaldinho has brought his family to London again, not just for reunion, but because his mother has repeatedly suffered death threats in Brazil.

Mo said that in South America and in remote places in Europe, the kidnapping of star family members has already become common practice. Isn't Karaze's brother being torn?

Ronaldinho brought his mother to London for security reasons.

And his brother has completely retired from playing football and became a "party prince" in the Andrew brokerage company, which is to represent Andrew in South America and the partners there to jointly operate South American business.

Ronaldinho's sister also works in Andrew's company, but does not participate in jobs such as player transfers, but as a life assistant in the agent team. A star like Ronaldinho, behind the scenes, will be a financial manager for him The team, who arranges his daily life, will also be a team. His sister personally controls Ronaldinho's daily life arrangements, and is the first gatekeeper of Ronaldinho's pick-up girl, rejecting some girls who are deliberately suspicious. Background checks, even appointment schedules, etc.

Before Christmas, when Aldridge was invited to dinner by Ronaldinho's family, Ronaldinho's mother's words repeatedly told Ronaldinho to listen to Aldridge's words, feeling that Aldridge was an elderly elder. Crying and laughing.

In Aldrich's view, everything in Millwall is on the right track. What he has for the future and what he has now also makes his pattern and vision even higher.

Only on the last day of the year, at night, Millwall CEO Adam met secretly in a hotel in London.


There is no winter break in the Premier League. Aldridge puts a holiday to players who are not used to this working rhythm. By the second week of the new year, the team will gather again, but their League Cup is out.

In the 8 into 4 game, Millwall did not crush Middlesbrough by relying on the young lineup, and was eventually eliminated by the opponent's penalty.

Moutinho did not show a blockbuster potential, but Aldridge still has confidence in him. After all, from the long-term team building plan, Moutinho is just Alonso's substitute.

Coming to the training ground in a warm coat, Aldridge looked at the player wearing warm sportswear standing in front of him and suddenly asked, "Do you know what day it is today?"

The players looked at each other and found Aldridge smiling, expecting this to be a light topic, they asked each other.

But many people have no idea.

What day will it be in the middle of this month?

Certainly not the player's birthday as an answer.

De Rossi slammed Alonso with his elbow and whispered: "You read a lot of books, what festivals are there recently?"

Alonso frowned, suddenly whispering to De Rossi: "Last Sunday, it was Black Day."

De Rossi was about to answer Aldridge's question aloud, and suddenly closed his mouth again, turning his head to Aron Ropeway: "Boss will definitely not care about such a day."

Alonso pondered for a moment and said, "In another two weeks, it will be the International Leprosy Festival..."

De Rossi rolled his eyes.

Seeing all the players in the clouds, Aldridge smiled and opened his arms and shouted: "Today is a stronger day for Millwall!"

The players in the team felt like they were being fooled, and boos broke out collectively!

They thought Aldridge expected to give an inspirational speech to encourage them to overcome the cold and actively train.

Aldridge ignored the boos and laughed: "Listen to me slowly, and then you boo after listening."

The players closed their mouths and focused on Aldridge, wanting to see what he said.

Aldridge said inscrutablely: "Why would I say such a remark today? How can Millwall become stronger? Football bluntly is two aspects, offensive and defensive, what I want to say today is, Our offense will become stronger. The origin is in September last year."

The players looked at each other again.

Last September?

As if nothing terrifying happened inside the team.

Aldridge paced his hand and slightly curled his mouth slightly: "FIFA revised the offside rule in September last year. Passive offside was officially included in the rule. After a period of implementation, I think that it is us. It’s time to use this rule. When we can make better use of the rule, we can become stronger. Thanks to FIFA, they are right to encourage offense."

Of course, if Aldridge plays anti-defense, he will scold FIFA.

Since it is to encourage offense, Millwall is also a representative of offensive football, so this offside rule modification will naturally benefit Millwall.

As for why it was not mentioned before, it is because Millwall needs to stabilize his new tactical system first. Only by stabilizing himself can he derive more changes.

No player booed Aldridge, but most people showed a thoughtful expression.

The modification of the offside rule has caused a lot of controversial penalties throughout the European football, because the definition of passive offside is ambiguous.

There are two types of benefits for Millwall.

One is passive and beneficial.

In an unintentional state, a favorable result was formed for Millwall.

The other is to take the initiative to profit.

In the case of intentions, Millwall used the rules to profit.

As a top striker who often survives offside, Henry asked aloud: "Boss, how do we use this rule? I think it just reduces some misjudgments than before."

Many teammates nodded in agreement with Henry's statement.

In the past, offside mainly depends on the number and offense participation.

For example, Henry and Larsson counterattacked at the same time, and Nedvide passed a straight ball that both could receive.

However, Henry ran a step ahead and he was offside, but Larson was not offside.

In this state, the referee can directly raise the flag to signal Millwall offside, the offense ends, and the opponent gets a free kick.

Directly stifling the anti-offside successful Larson's subsequent single-handed shot opportunity against the goalkeeper.

And now, as long as Henry does not touch the ball, does not block, does not interfere with the opponent's goalkeeper during the run, which is the newly defined "involved" game of FIFA, then Larson has the opportunity to continue this attack.

Of course, whether it is the new rules or the old rules, Henry is definitely offside.

However, after passive offside is included in the rules, as long as the player who is offside is not "involved" in the game, the game will not be terminated.

This offside modification is between the two revisions in 1994 and 2005. In 1994, it did not participate in the offense at all, and it may not be considered offside. For example, the offside player stands still or walks back, ignoring the ball The direction of development can be regarded as not participating in the offense at all, but if you have the intention of rushing to the ball and are in the offside position, you will definitely be penalized for offside.

The offside after 2005 is "offside offside." Simply speaking, it is not offside if you don't touch the ball, but you can't say it completely because if you obviously interfere with the goalkeeper in the offside position, you will definitely be offside. However, in small details, for example, you will often see offside players chasing the ball, giving up halfway, giving up to the teammates who are not offside to obtain the ball, and continue to attack. This is typical, and according to the past Penalty, as long as you go to chase the ball, you will be punished instead of waiting for the moment you touch the ball, which also caused many offensive players to express their dissatisfaction, some obvious offside, the referee did not raise the flag, You have to wait until the player is exhausted to catch the ball before raising the flag to indicate offside.

This offside revision in 2003 was very ambiguous, which made the "passive offside" cause widespread controversy. Only then did Blatter come across the "offside without touching the ball" offside blow change.

Aldridge can't wait for the change in 2005 to reform the team's offense in a targeted way.

For this offside rule modification, he also has to follow the trend and make the team as profitable as possible!

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